Plane Universe

Chapter 1439: Fierce fighting

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"Find someone to try?" Cheng Buyun smiled and couldn't help grinning: "You all turned directly in front of me, and said you want to go find someone to try! Don't you want to beat me up, what are you looking for?" Excuse! "

Seen through by Cheng Buyun, lei did not argue, he looked up and smiled, and said honestly: "Just know it, I have wanted to beat you a long time ago."

"Oh, this is a little crazy!" Cheng Buyun laughed: "Creating a somewhat powerful material attack, you will be crazy, who will give you the courage."

"Hah, don't be arrogant, that didn't waste my efforts in vain?" Lin Lei pretended to laugh, "I spent hundreds of years to realize the law, and finally combined the power mystery with the pulsation of the earth. That's too much counsel. "

Those who don't know, think that lei is a proud and arrogant person who gets his way.

In fact, the above are just two more amusement than anyone else.

"Come here, without teaching you, I won't be able to eat for a while." Cheng Buyun spread his feet on both feet, Zama swung his fists clenched and opened his shoulders flatly, like a hand-to-hand in the street, look It's funny.

"Oh, my god, these two fools." Delia came and saw the two of them posing and patted their foreheads directly. The behavior of the two people at this time was almost spicy.

She didn't even see it!

Elder Garvey looked dumbfounded.

He could n’t even imagine, and he never knew that lei had such a side. He felt like Delia, with very hot eyes!

"Boss, beat him!" Bebe, the kid, shouted and cheered happily.

After hearing the shouting, lei did not feel embarrassed. He also raised a hand towards Babe and gestured. Two of them raised their fingers, and shouted, "Today let him know why the flowers are so red!"

"Come on, I've been in a posture for a long time. I'm tired, okay!" Cheng Buyun shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Anxious." Lin Lei shouted, his feet tightened and stood upright, and then the palms of his hands turned over his chest, and he kept drinking and drinking in his mouth, as if he was exercising.

At first sight, Babe rolled directly to the ground with a smile.

Even Delia couldn't hold her smile and smiled brightly.

These two are so funny.

It's a genius.

Only the elder Garvey next to him was very ignorant. Where was I, who am I, and my face was unknown.

It's not that he didn't want to laugh, but his expression was dumb and he couldn't laugh.

"I'm still messing around, isn't it okay!" Cheng Buyun chuckled and shouted: "Do you know that you want to lose, and then procrastinating, I tell you, in the eyes of my devil, I never fear The enemy delays time, "


Lin Lei deliberately snorted, and like Cheng Buyun, spread his legs, but did not attack, but shouted arrogantly: "Daitian demon? I am still the devil, just like you, I I can fight ten of them one by one, and some come over to see the uncle beating you! "

I haven't seen it.

"Okay, come on!" Cheng Buyun smiled, his expression became serious.

Lin Lei seemed to remember something, and finally said: "You can't use the law of wind system."

"It will never work." Cheng Buyun nodded in agreement.

Law of wind system?

Elder Garvey was stunned, and he had all the doubts in his heart, but no one explained it to him, so he asked Delia: "Is Mr. Cheng Buyun's wind rule stronger?"

"I don't know clearly, I haven't heard Yun Yun mention this." Delia shook her head. She really didn't know about Cheng Buyun's strength, and she had never asked about it in the past few days.

Garvey stole, and then asked Bebe, "Bebe, do you know?"

"Unclear." Babe said without looking back.

When you get here, you can't talk anymore. Both of you ask one question and don't know how, how can you call Elder Gavi.

The two of them were less than ten meters apart, and they did not speak in a gesture, but the fighting in their eyes could burn the whole sky.


The two shouted at the same time, their thighs collapsed on the ground, and they flung their arms with their hands. After they punched, the air was instantly compressed by a huge whimper.

The space is superimposed from static to layers of mirrors, and then the fists of both sides explode and break into space, a burst of roaring, almost making the eardrums cracked.

"It's a strong force, a hard body." Lin Lei was full of surprises when the two fists touched him. He couldn't figure it out. Yunge itself is just a normal human identity. Can physical strength be so strong?

Moreover, the fist that Yun and he banged together did not even show any signs of cracking, which was too unexpected for him.

"Good." Cheng Buyun smiled, "Yes, it's very powerful, and it has broken through my tenth of defense."

Only tenth defense?

Lin Lei was a little shocked in his heart. Although he received a large part of his strength in this punch, he could be blessed with high-level artifacts and median divine power ... can the defense strength be so strong?

But he didn't say such doubts. Now it's not time to ask questions. He immediately smiled and said: "Hah, yes, then I have to put more effort into it, see the trick."

"Come on, try your best, let me see your strength in that step." Cheng Buyun also shouted loudly.

Lei now wants to hurt him with his fist, almost impossible.

Higher bloodline blessings, surpassing the armor defense of the higher artifacts, are already considered to be the top of the defense in the Divine Realm, only the strong equipped with the main artifact of the material defense.

"Come again." Since Brother Yun said he would do his best, lei was not reserved, and he believed in Brother Yun's strength.

At the next moment, the two collided again, their fists and feet intersecting, and you came and went from the ground to the midair. All the hundreds of meters around were covered with powerful energy, and the ground was stirred to the midair, and the sand was crushed. Squeezed into powder, and scattered around with vigour.

Looking at such a scene, Delia was pale for a while, which was too scary. It was estimated that her powerful upper **** had not yet reached the middle of the battlefield. It was estimated that the strength of the two attacked would have caused her to be injured at the edge. Close, that is the result of crushing the crushed body.

"It's so perverted!" Babe swallowed and watched the punches of the two men's sandbags hit each other, each punch and foot was as heavy as a mountain, and he didn't dare to say that he could resist it.

After all, although his physical defense is strong, after all, he has not yet reached the superior **** strength, and his body has not yet reached the peak, the gap is very large.

But you see these two perversions, you come and go, you punch me, I hammer you, they are all hardened, and there is no bleeding from the mouth ...

Mama ~!

A fierce blast and shock were passed from here, causing the entire Grand Canyon to be sensational.

"What's going on, who is fighting?"

The people of the Baruch branch rushed towards this side, looking at the two men fighting in the air, all eyes widened.

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