Plane Universe

Chapter 1398: Finally left

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"Thank you Mao, today I feel very embarrassed to know not! Mom-Mom-Yeah, you have to remember your current identity, the main **** messenger, not the former little bastard, a person with great identity, do n’t keep making this kind of down Waiting for something, this is my own place. If I change it outside, it is estimated that I can make people laugh, not only I am ashamed, but even my mother will be embarrassed. "Lei Sijing looked at Cheng Buyun and was very angry. The look of his face, angrily screamed at him.

"Haha, you also said, this is my own place, what I do, everyone will discuss it in private." Cheng Buyun patted his shoulder and gave a reassuring look, "If you change the outside, you have to have This kind of place will work. Even if there is, it is also a place of life and death.

"Go, you are sophistry, get out of here." Lei Sijing turned his head, although Cheng Buyun said very well, but he did not think too much in his heart.

Picking up amethyst is only a few dollars. As the messenger of the main god, I have never had to worry about money. Just as he said before, a drop of the power of the main **** can be exchanged for 25 trillion.

Ten drops of two hundred and fifty trillion, a hundred drops are more than two thousand trillion.

There are tens of thousands of drops of the main god's power on Chengbu Yunsheng.

He has just received his salary!

Therefore, the messenger of the Lord God never lacks money.

They are the most wealthy group of people in the plane of God except for the heir of the Lord God. Even if the great consummation and the strong are rich in wealth, they cannot compare with them.

"Okay, okay, let's do it as an example!" Cheng Buyun is helpless, the power of the main god, this thing is precious, and it can't be used to waste money for exchange.

And there is a group of people behind him to support, so money is still needed, even in the plane wars not far away, the intensity of the battle is too high, because of the strength, it is possible to use ten or eight drops a day.

Eleven trillion drops of the power of the Lord's God have been seen, and once consumed, it is likely to be insufficient and unknown.

Unless he is determined to increase his strength to the higher god, he can be fearless in the plane war!

"By the way, let's see you picking up the purple ... Bah! Bah! Bahrain!" Lei Sijing said here, she kept her mouth shut and said, "You are preparing to leave, my mother promised you to leave?"

"Well, the Lord God has agreed to it." Cheng Buyun said respectfully: "Your mother is a great Lord God, and it is my honor to be able to work under her."

"Of course." Hearing Cheng Buyun's admiration, Lei Sijing blossomed on his face and waved his hand. "Okay, I won't stop you anymore. Go back and see your friends and relatives." . Also, do n’t be too embarrassed in the area of ​​gravity passing through high altitudes. ”

He was not worried about whether Cheng Buyun could leave the Amethyst Mountains alone. He learned his own tricks, and the treasure of the Amethyst Soulstone could not get out, which was too useless.

This is impossible!

"Okay, I will come back to see you sometime in the future, or you will see me." Cheng Buyun finally teased Lei Sijing at the last words.

Knowing that he couldn't go out, the **** still said that, Reese Jing jumped angrily at the next moment, swearing at Cheng Buyun flying high into the sky and cursing: "Fuck, let's die."

"Haha, remember to say to the three of them Romeo, I am embarrassed to leave without saying goodbye to them, and I will visit them when I have time." Cheng Buyun waved his hand in the air and rushed into the air. In the mist.


Lei Sijing looked at the figure that had disappeared in the sky, scolded a bit, turned and turned into a streamer, and rushed into the mountains and disappeared.


The Amethyst Mountain is a bizarre Jedi. You can't feel a little change of gravity on the ground, just like the outside world, but when the height from the ground is higher, the gravity becomes stronger.

The higher, the stronger the gravity.

Even when the height reached a certain point, the terrifying gravity could crush the upper god, the whole **** body shattered, and then fell.

Because it is impossible to condense the body for a long time in high altitude, it is a terrible thing that the dignity stays outside for a long time. Without the body to protect the divine personality, there will be no problems for a period of time. Once the time is long, the power within the divine personality will be needed to confront, and the consequences are very serious.

Cheng Buyun rushed into the white mist of the sky, and already felt the terrifying gravity of terror.

This kind of horrible gravity, even with such a powerful body at this time, was also oppressed and squeaked straight, as if his body would fall apart in the next moment.

"It's terrifying gravity."

Cheng Buyun took a cold breath, "No wonder people who have fallen in here have very few who can escape. Let the outsiders talk about the face of the Amethyst Mountains and they have to change a lot."

The Amethyst Mountain Range can almost be said to be the top three Jedi in Hell, and even the Shura-class strongmen dare not easily take risks.

Resisting this huge gravity, Cheng Buyun moved step by step, moving upward a little bit.

Yes, you are right, he did not exhibit a maze of despair to fight, but against his own physical strength and the strong gravity of the amethyst mountain range, it can be said that every step forward, he was sweating and suffering huge pressure.

The figure is getting higher and higher, and Cheng Buyun is slowly experiencing the changes in the surrounding gravity, and experiencing the changes in the application.

It can be said that in fact, the strong gravity of the amethyst mountain range is generated by a large number of amethyst soul mother stones under the ground, which are soft and natural.


A light breeze blew through, bringing up a strange figure, and immediately made Cheng Buyun feel his mind sway, he knew that his position had reached the chaotic area at this time, and it was also the most dangerous area in the Amethyst Mountains.

However, this has little effect on Cheng Buyun.

Just kidding, he's the strongest is the soul, and now he uses the Amethyst Soulstone beside him, and the little strange wind can't hurt him.

He continued to fly forward for hundreds of meters. Suddenly he felt a slight pull in the body. He knew that he had gone out of the gravity and chaos area. He could not help relaxing his breath and nodded his head, secretly rejoicing!

With the strength of his body, he can rush out of the Amethyst Mountains, which shows how abnormal his body defense is.

Of course, defensive artifacts also played a part in this.

But this is all part of his strength, isn't he? !

After leaving the area of ​​gravitational chaos, far away, Cheng Buyun could already see the blurred figures of those volleys standing in the distance standing to grab the amethyst.

"It's so courageous to dare to go so far."

When passing by these people, those people looked at Cheng Buyun, and also widened their eyes, could not help saying a word to him.

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