Plane Universe

Chapter 1396: Amethyst pothole

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Lord Bauhinia agreed to his request, and Cheng Buyun gave a sigh of relief.

In fact, when he came, he did not have much confidence in his heart. Fortunately, the final result was not bad.

Bauhinia's main character is relatively gentle, not that kind of extremely strong, controlling the strong desire of the main god.

For him to choose, the most natural hope is to serve under the lord of the Bauhinia.

This was also the reason why Bauhinia did not object when he wanted to take him away in Xuanguang City.

If it is not the main **** of the Bauhinia, and he changed other main gods, he probably will not agree, it is better to stay where he valued his mysterious light god.

After all, although the main **** Xuanguang only talked to him a few words, but the other party's words are also sincere, which is also his favorite character of the main god.

At this time, he was in a mood to resist the token given by the **** Bauhinia in his hand.

Yes, this dark black brand with a big slap is actually a token, just look at the words and patterns on it.

The whole brand is dark black, the texture is very hard, and it is also an object that has been cultivated by the power of the main god. The bursts of powerful power from the brand destroy the main god.

It can't be counterfeited!

At the same time, on this token, there are two relief-like names on the front-Bauhinia!

Behind is a bauhinia relief.

None of this token indicates that this is the token of Lord Bauhinia.

At the same time, the licensees are the closest and most important people to the Bauhinia.

"Blood Lord?" Cheng Buyun was a little strange.

A brand also needs blood to recognize the Lord?

This counts this token in the hands of others, dare others use it?

Strange and strange!

Unless this brand is an artifact.

Thinking of this possibility, and the instructions of the **** Bauhinia, Cheng Buyun's heart was a move, the soul was a move immediately, and a strong spiritual force was immediately wrapped around this token.

The powerful spiritual force fell on the token without hindrance, and was quickly refined. When he refined this token, the black on the surface of the token continued to flicker, especially the two reliefs, Whether it's the relief of the Bauhinia flower or the two Bauhinia characters, there is a burst of purple light.


After the entire token was refined, the recognition of the Lord was completed, and a trembling roar was immediately issued. At the same time, a message was passed into Cheng Buyun's mind.

"So it turns out."

After Cheng Buyun got the message, the expression on his face immediately smiled.

This token can not only allow him to move between the material plane and the entire God plane without limit, but there is no limit to the number of people he can carry. At the same time, this brand also has the power to deploy all the army of the main gods of the entire Bauhinia continent, which is equivalent to getting the sword of the Bauhinia Lord.

The power is beyond the imagination of others!

Even Cheng Buyun was taken aback at this moment.

Lord Bauhinia really trusted and valued him.

In addition to the above functions, this token is also a material defense artifact. The power is between the main artifact and the upper artifact. The defense is very terrifying.

The hardness is at least several times higher than the material defense superior artifact. At the same level, there is no strong man holding a higher-level attacking artifact, and you are hard to hurt its owner.

Swallowing saliva, Cheng Buyun was really surprised.

Pressing all the colors of surprise, his thoughts moved, and a light golden body armor appeared on his body. The token on his hand was a pool of black mercury, and the streamer flashed, and soon these black mercury wrapped around. Bu Yun covered all his places and merged into his own high-level material defense artifact.

In fact, seriously, this black token is not an armor, but an armor defense augmentation item, mainly that layer of black light material, a substance extracted from amethyst ore, which has been intensively refined by the **** Bauhinia. Energy contained.

With this defensive increase in the token, Cheng Buyun has risen to another level in material defense. It is estimated where he is standing at this moment, and any five-star and six-star demon will attack, and if he does not resist, he will be unharmed.

The metamorphosis has reached a terrible point.

When leaving the Bauhinia Palace and preparing to fly high, as if remembering something, Cheng Buyun paused again and turned his head to look at the mountains in the distance.


With a smile on his face, Cheng Buyun gently floated his body and flew aside, and instantly went to a sinking place, his eyes full of smiles looked at the amethyst blocks scattered outside the cave.

"Come here and you can't go empty-handed and not back."

"I can't use it. There is a whole family at home, but everyone needs it very much. Even if it is really not used, it can be exchanged for money."


It's a laugh.

A messenger of the Lord God, since he cares about money and let outsiders know, I am afraid that the Lord God of Bauhinia is so poor, how mean you are!


It's crazy.

Cheng Buyun's actions at this time, let secretly pay attention to his Reis crystal, stunned for a while.

Although it was said that he would not send Cheng Buyun to leave, in fact, the old boy had been paying attention to the entrance of the palace. When he saw Cheng Buyun flying here at this time, he did not know what he wanted to do.

"Boo boo boo!"

Suddenly, there was a huge suction around the pothole, and the violent tearing roar made people feel a series of dark shocks. At the same time, the large pile of amethyst scattered around the ground was immediately sucked into the pothole by a strong suction. Within a few seconds, there were no amethyst scattered around the hole for a few seconds, as clean as It was the face licked by the dog.

"Roar roar!"

After dozens of seconds, there was a roar of roar in the pothole, and I saw a large purple light spitting with the roar and blazed towards the sky. Amethysts of varying sizes were shot into the sky and disappeared in the mist. .

While most of the amethysts rushed from the potholes, they were scattered a few miles around the potholes, and some lased towards the surrounding mountains, making the walls of the surrounding mountains a dense purple hemp.

Of course, Cheng Buyun, who is not far from the pothole, is also the target of these amethysts.


Seeing a finger-length amethyst flying towards him, Cheng Buyun quickly raised his hand to grab it, and then saw his face change slightly, "This power is too much, even I feel the hand Hemp, with a change of weakness, was hit by such an attack, and he must not be punished? "

This is a bit scary!

But now is not the time to think about these things. He left this behind his head, taking advantage of the subsidence of the potholes, he quickly ran over, using the spiritual power as the traction, and the pieces of amethyst scattered on the ground received space In the ring.

Seeing the large and rapidly disappearing amethyst around the pothole, the Reis crystal watching in secret was already speechless.

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