Plane Universe

Chapter 1394: First fifty-one

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Reis Jing had this consciousness, and Cheng Buyun was very satisfied.

Cultivators should have such an attitude of non-arrogance and impatience. Only when they are not proud of themselves, not complacent, in the pursuit of cultivation, the strength of the Bozhong family, and letting their minds open, can they reach their peak!

After a few more chats, Lei Sijing was about to leave and go back, remembering to sort out the exchange experience just now, and to think about Cheng Buyun's reminder when he just met.

It's just that Cheng Buyun stopped him, "Wait, Reis."

"What's the matter?" He turned around, looking at himself without saying anything, but staring at Cheng Buyun in silence, his expression a little frozen, and he asked quickly, "What happened?"

"The time has passed so fast, that's more than 160 years." Cheng Buyun didn't answer Lei Sijing's words, but talked about it.

But when he talked about this, Lei Sijing's heart was shocked invisible, and his mind had a bad hunch, Cheng Buyun wanted to leave!

There was a feeling of reluctance in his heart. During this time, the two got along very harmoniously. It was a few friends in his life. At this moment, he knew that the other party wanted to leave. He naturally felt a little sad. .

Even if he didn't give up, he didn't have the idea of ​​blocking.

Cheng Buyun is not alone. He has friends, brothers, and even relatives in the material plane, so he not only does not stop, but also has to be happy to let the former leave.

The powerful domain of God Realm has an unlimited lifespan. The days I want to see in the future are still long.

"It's a little sudden, which makes me a little caught off guard." Reis Jing raised his hand and rubbed his nose. It was a pity in his heart that Cheng Buyun was just going to be a **** in vitro.

It's a pity that things don't.

He can only think about it!

"It's a bit, but we have a long life, it's not difficult to meet, and this time I go out, the destination is only the blood blue mainland mainland blue house, not far from here, for people of our strength, three or more It ’s just a month away. ”Cheng Buyun smiled and said:“ If you have time, you can go to find me to play. ”

In fact, long ago, when he was just brought here by the Lord Bauhinia, he just wanted to be a messenger of the Lord God and got the benefits, then he showed off to the Lord Bauhinia and was about to leave.

But when the Bauhinia Lord allowed him to enter this plane space to practice, he changed his mind again.

More than 500 times the acceleration time, this kind of good place, he can not let go.

So I stayed for more than a hundred years, and only then proposed to leave.

Life can't stay in one place and practice ... Cultivate to full grade.

The scenery along the road is sometimes very beautiful, especially ... the encounter happened to lei, he also needs to participate.

Can also get more sentiment on lei.

Don't say he is snobbish.

Anyone will do this!

"Blood Peak Continent ... You Lan Mansion ... is not far away." Reis Jing whispered in a low voice, and suddenly shook his head in a low mood. "Unfortunately, I cannot go out and leave this ghost place."

Ghost place?

When the **** Bauhinia heard you, what did she think in her heart?

That's what you, an old kid who is restricted to be trapped here, can say.

Amethyst Mountains, this is a treasure land, if you can go in and out, it is estimated that it is more lively than the plane battlefield.

I do n’t know how many strong men will die here tomorrow.

This is not a joke. In the caves around the mountains, amethysts are erupting out every day. The one with the little finger is ten thousand ink stones for wealth ... The dog brains of the powerful gods can give you type it out!

But he asked, pretending not to know: "Can't go out? Why is this?"

"Mother, she doesn't allow me to go out, I'm afraid I'll go out to do business." Reis Jing grunted, looking very unhappy.

Hearing this, Cheng Buyun smiled directly.

Lei Sijing is grumpy and has a stunned personality. Just like Cheng Buyun just now, he dared to go against Amethyst's intention and come to trouble him.

For the sons of other main gods, a fight is indispensable.

"Don't laugh, mom-mom." Seeing Cheng Buyun's open mouth, Reese Jing's expression was annoyed and snarled: "I know, it will make you laugh at saying this, if you are not A friend I approve will definitely kill you and let you see how great Uncle Reese is! "

"Well, don't laugh, your uncle Reese crystal is so good!" Cheng Buyun closed his smile, only his slightly bent corner of his mouth, so disgusting, so that Reese crystal's face was black.

"Well, I won't give you away when you leave." Here, Reese didn't want to stay for a moment, shouted, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, Amethyst Soul Mother Stone, catch it." Cheng Buyun hurriedly shouted, and took out the black stone that Lei Sijing had studied by him before, and threw it at the latter after contacting the Lord .

However, instead of picking it up, Reese Jing raised her hand and gently waved it, and the Amethyst Soulstone flew back. "Send it to you, anyway, this thing is not a big deal for me."

"How does this work?" Cheng Buyun quickly shouted, but the old boy had rushed out of the space of the acceleration plane, and even the shadow was gone, letting him holding the amethyst soul stone stared at the light film. Fascinated.

How could it be useless? In the plane war, the black jail is a killer weapon for the weaker, especially when it comes to the decisive battle.

Basically, the soldiers are all united to attack the strong. With such a trick, it can make the battle easier, and it can also make those soldiers worry that they will not stare at him and concentrate on attacking.

"Forget it, an amethyst soul mother stone, since it is a special product of the amethyst mountain range, there will naturally be under the ground. When the leijing crystal goes out to play, then take one out of it, there is nothing difficult. "Cheng Buyun shook his head and left this feeling in his mind.

Next, he was going to meet the Lord Bauhinia, preparing for the request to leave.

Since he has no other avatars, this is not easy.

Since the main angel messenger has taken over, it is natural to serve the main god. Generally speaking, every main angel messenger will have a **** avatar to stay in the hiding place of the main **** and always wait for the command.

This is precisely what Cheng Buyun lacked. He didn't know if this was a violation of the rules, so he needed to see Lord Bauhinia and let her speak to allow her to leave here.

In the past, I told the two girls about this matter, and then put it into the space ring. Cheng Buyun looked at this place where he lived for nearly 100,000 years, and his heart seemed very general.

In this universe, this is the place where he retreats the longest.

With a few words of sigh, Cheng Buyun left here, walked through the underground cave, and went outside, feeling the warm sunlight shining from the sky.

Hell hung high in the blood in the hell. He had not seen him for nearly 100,000 years.

Feeling the intense heat, this moment feels very good!

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