Plane Universe

Chapter 1338: The little girl was bullied

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For almost a year, Cheng Buyun has never left this house one step. He has sunk into cultivation and is unable to extricate himself.

The four laws are merged a little bit, perfecting the newly created tricks, and the spirit is caught in excitement!

Combining the gravitational mystery of the earth space, the mystery of the fire explosion, the mystery of the water ice, and the mystery of the wind speed, once it is exhibited, the power may be shocking.

In the future, everyone who is lucky enough to try this trick will doubt God's Life!

Can such tricks be created by ‘God’?

When Cheng Buyun smiled and practiced, Qiu Lan, who was sitting and practicing on the other side, opened her eyes and secretly glanced at the master, and then he glanced at Sophia, who was sitting and practicing next to him, with a small face A cunning color rose, a pair of small jewel-like eyes blinked, and then whispered: "It's boring, the master doesn't know when it will stop, and then take me out to play."

After she finished speaking, Sophia's mouth could not help lifting gently, her hoarse voice was controlled in the vicinity, and only the little girl heard, "I've been thinking about playing all day, I don't practice well, waiting for you that day The master dislikes your strength, and you will be done when you are given away. "

The little girl couldn't help but was quickly reacted and whispered, "The master will not grudge."

Generally speaking, even if the strong man has a stronger metal life, he will not give away the metal life he used before.

The living bodies are all sentient animals, who can get along with each other for a long time!

Unless it is the kind of strong man who uses metal life as a tool.

After each use, the metal life is received in the space ring.

However, in this way, this metal life will not have feelings for this strong man. If it is in danger of life, it is likely to leave the owner and escape alone.

Metal life cannot be recognized.

Of course, the metal life will not abandon the owner until the moment of necessity, because every metal life has a case and needs to rely on human survival. Once betrayed, it can no longer be integrated into human society in the future, and can only be alone in the wild.

Metal life without attacking ability will be exposed to powerful danger every minute.

In fact, the metal life is included in the space ring, and there is no time lapse in it, and it will not have the feeling of loneliness.

"You little thing, you want to go out to play, don't you really know how you formed such a character, such a jump." Sophia shook her head secretly, said softly: "Don't cause trouble when you go out, don't play It ’s crazy, remember to come back when it ’s dark. "

"Uh huh."

The little girl slammed her head and promised not to cause trouble.

The metal life family is difficult to cultivate on their own. If there is no divine refinement, the ultimate achievement will be the limit of the sanctuary at most.

After all, there is no divine refinement and refining, you can only eat some ore, but rely on the essence of the ore, if you want to become a god, that difficulty ... just think about it!

So there is no way to depend on human beings.

Leaping out of the house, the little girl shuttled across the street and came to a meadow, where a large number of metal life tribes were playing and talking and laughing.

Seeing this scene, the little girl's eyes could not help flashing a sense of joy, and quickly joined in.

Other metal life saw her join in to play, but did not refuse, but accepted her very well and played together!

Playing some games of the metal life family, the very happy little girl, but after listening to the conversation of a group of metal life, she was not happy.

The group of male metal life is talking about his master, saying that his master is only a subordinate god, and even received five-star genius treatment, so weak, but received such good treatment, it must be used by some means.

My master used the means?

The little girl couldn't help being angry on the spot, with an unhappy expression, and glared angrily at the group of metal lives.


"Haha, the fusion is finally complete." After a year, finally the four laws were merged into one. Although it was only the level of the lower god, it also made Cheng Buyun excited.

The integration of the four laws, not the power of one plus one, is probably equivalent to the power of the fusion of the four mysteries of the same system.

If it is the enlightenment of the law of the higher god, hehe!

But for now, with such rule strength, Cheng Buyun has no fear of any seven-star demon strong.

He is only the strength of the divine power than the Seven Star Demon. In terms of attack, the Seven Star Demon may really not be his opponent.

Who let him have the sword field!

Can greatly enhance the attack lethality!

He is now more fierce than when lei came out of the stars, Wuhai and Bauhinia Mountains!

While Cheng Buyun was complacent about his strength, the little girl under his command was in an embarrassing situation.

"Sister Qiulan, why are you stupefied? Look, you have failed." A woman in her twenties shouted loudly, and then picked up a silver ball on the ground. That's the prop they used to play the game.

"Sister Demon Ji, they are so disgusting, so to say my master." The little girl could not help saying what she had in mind.

At the moment, the whole scene was quiet. Everyone could not help looking at the position of the group of men who exclaimed in the eyes of the little girl. The little girl was called the sister of the demon's metal life, and her eyes widened at once, incredible. Looking at the little girl, she asked, "Are you the metal life under the master Cheng Buyun?"

"Yeah." The little girl admits it barely. "They are really abominable. My master has no means. He can get a five-star genius contract. That was done by my master himself."

"No wonder I haven't seen you here for so long. It turned out that I have just arrived." The demon sighed and let other women's metal lives around her suddenly.

Some women are very curious about their metal life, and they all asked, "Sister Qiulan, can you tell me about your master, how did he get that genius contract."

The changes here have also endured the curiosity of other metal lives nearby.

At the same time, a genius passing by here was also heard, and the genius hurried to the main hall to reveal the matter.

Immediately, a group of geniuses in the hall hurried and ran away.

After a while, when this group of geniuses coming out of the hall came, the little girl fell into the crowd.

A group of people bullied the child, and all kinds of mockery fell on the little girl, making her eyes red on the spot.

Metal life is not good at speaking, and there are so many people around, what does she say?

"Just your garbage master, only the next **** got five-star genius treatment, I'm afraid it wasn't exchanged for human relations at home."

"Hurry up and go back and tell you the garbage master, let him obediently give up this treatment, and come over to apologize to us, otherwise he will make him look good, get out!"

The metal lives standing next to them looked at this group of human geniuses insulting their people, but they had a hard time opening, and none of them dared to speak, or handed the little girl to beg for mercy.

Regardless of identity or status, they are far away.

There is not even a **** level, how to speak!

"You bully people, woo ~~" the little girl cried!

Crying so sad, she ran all the way to her home with her face covered!

A group of people watched the little girl running back to the embarrassed voice, without a little sympathy, but laughed!

They just want to excite Cheng Buyun to achieve their goals.

But ... hehe!

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