Plane Universe

Chapter 1334: Free arrangement

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Those who went to get resources for Cheng Buyun, holding back their shocks, quickly took out the white jade pots from behind the counter and put them on the counter.

A strong and beautiful female strong, with a shocked expression, looking at Cheng Buyun with a smile, said softly: "This student, the metal life of your next god, do you want to be male or female? Also please Say it, I ’ll bring it to you! "

Cheng Buyun turned his head and looked at the little girl behind him, thinking for a while and said, "Women!"

The beautiful woman nodded and said, "Wait a moment!"

Then she walked to the other side, where there was a door.

When the other party pushed the door open, Cheng Buyun saw a blue light film on the doorway, and through the light film, he also saw a piece of grass, and he could vaguely see the buildings in the distance.

The scene surprised him a bit on the spot.

Behind this door is another space plane!

If you want to develop another space plane in the advanced plane of hell, it is impossible for the gods to do it.

Only the great Lord God can do such things!

After all, this is not an ordinary physical plane. If you want to hang the built continent on the edge of these high-level planes, you do n’t have that level of strength.

According to Cheng Buyun's estimation, I am afraid that the great consummates will not be able to do it!

Unless you build an entire continent!

However, creating an entire continent, except for the teleportation array, can only be reached by tearing the space!

In the way of space door, without the support of space law, just think about it!

"This student, the drop of power of the main **** in the allocated resources, what type of power of the main **** do you need?" Another man asked Cheng Buyun with a smile.

After thinking for a while, Cheng Buyun said: "The power to destroy the Lord God!"

Choosing the power to destroy the main **** is that the destructive power is strong enough to cooperate with the sword field to play a bonus.

After all, his strongest basic power is the unity of four divine powers. There is not much difference in the use of that type of main divine power. Of course, he will choose the stronger destructive power!

Can't choose the power of the Lord of Life!

In fact, the power of the Lord God also has characteristics, such as life, which has advantages in healing the soul. The power of the Lord God of Fate is characterized by confusion, and the power of the Lord God of Death has advantages in the soul.

Another example is the power of the main **** of the earth system, which has bonuses in strength and defense, and such as wind, water, fire, etc., each with its own characteristics!

"Okay." The man nodded.

Soon, the beautiful woman who had left brought a woman with a stiff line and a sturdy body comparable to Tarut, which seemed to be a bit of a toothache!

This female's metallic life face is very ordinary and belongs to the real female man family!

At first glance, I almost thought it was a male!

As if seeing the strange appearance on Cheng Buyun's surface, the beautiful woman smiled and said: "Don't look at Sophia's ordinary appearance. In fact, her strength is very strong. She has reached the peak of the lower **** and may break to the median **** at any time Realm. And the transformed metal life is extremely powerful, even the five-star powerhouse can resist some time. "

Hearing the other party's introduction, Cheng Buyun's eyes lighted up, and this Sofia looks really strong.

So he looked at Sophia and nodded and said, "Your name is Sophia?"

Sophia bowed her body, her eyes were neither humble nor overbearing, and she said, "Yes, sir, please advise me later."

"I'll trouble you in the future." Cheng Buyun smiled.

Before he could say anything to Sophia, O'Neill shouted at him. "Student Cheng Buyun, come here and receive your training resources and student certificates."

At the counter in front of the man with purple hair, Cheng Buyun saw at a glance the two large, two small and four white jade pots placed on the table, as well as a golden wooden box with a hollow pattern.

There are two other medals on the side of these things, a silver glittering medal of black light, and a black medal with one eye.

The sizes of the two medals are different. The black slap-sized medal should be called a token. It is estimated that there is no limit to the medal.

In addition, the silver medal is not much different from the devil medal. The only difference is the color.

This should be the proof of the students. After all, the army of the main **** under the mysterious mysterious **** is silver, and the surface of the medal flashes from time to time. Idiots can think of it!

"The two white jade pots are starry sky liquid and life water, and the bottle body has the name written on it, which is easy to identify." O'Neill picked up two large white jade pots and handed it to Cheng Buyun, explaining it a little bit, "Starry sky liquid , Can temporarily enhance consciousness better, allowing you to better understand the laws of consciousness, fusion of profound mystery and other aspects of cultivation of consciousness. And the function of water of life is to heal, even to add divine power. "

Then he picked up two two-inch white jade bottles and a golden wooden box and said: "Silver light liquid can enhance the user's physical fitness and strength. The best effect is to enhance your talents in all aspects of the law. How much can be improved, depending on the talents of its users, it may be 10%, or it may be indefinite, or even ineffective. This bottle contains the power to destroy the main god, which is the fruit of the Bodhi, which is strong against Qixing The first one has an effect. The first one depends on the user's strength. The effect can increase the perception by up to ten times. The second one is halved, and the third one is halved until it has no effect at all. "

Your sister!

Cheng Buyun was a little surprised in his heart. He was a treasure that improved his consciousness. This kind of thing didn't eat up the starry universe. I didn't expect to see it in this dragon universe.

Unfortunately, the limit is a bit too high.

After all, as the strength increases, so will the perception.

Taking these Bodhi Fruits is just a first step experience.

In an instant, he felt the excitement in his heart subsided.

It is estimated that with his savvy degree, the effect is not great.

There is no starry sky liquid for him.

After all, there is no limit to the starry sky liquid, or the limit is not strong!

O'Neill smiled bitterly. He naturally knew why Cheng Buyun's expression came up. Bodhi or other students were very important, but for him, it really didn't matter. The wicked boy's perception was so strong that he realized at this stage. How much effect can Bodhi have in the field of sword intention? !

The black brand, as Cheng Buyun thought, is an unlimited use of teleportation tokens, limited to **** and various material planes.

And that silver medal is naturally a student card, and there are 500,000 points in it.

After leaving this resource allocation room, O'Neill waved his hand, "Well, your residence, just choose one outside, as long as the house has no owner, you can stay."

"The house without the master is easy to recognize, that is, the door does not have a strange smell, you can use your mental strength to mark it." Tarut explained with a smile. "If you have something, you can go to the service desk of the hall to find it Where you can leave information. "

The two explained a lot of things, and Cheng Buyun has been listening carefully.

In general, there are not many rules here, as long as you do n’t maliciously kill people and **** others ’treasure resources, everything else is random!

Even the courses are arranged by yourself, you can go to the lectures or not, as long as you do n’t leave here, everything is your freedom.

Make your own decisions!

As long as the assessment is passed, whatever you want!

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