Plane Universe

Chapter 1330: 865 years old

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O'Neill and Tarut couldn't figure out how Cheng Buyun did it.

General soul mutation, even if the deity merges several divine powers, the strength change will not be too great, it is difficult to cause qualitative change!

The main **** reserve team also has a number of super geniuses with soul mutations, but they can use the fusion of divine power one by one, and they cannot be compared with Cheng Buyun. At most, it is the icing on the cake, which makes the divine power a little more powerful.

It was like Cheng Buyun, soaring directly to the upper god!

Can't figure it out!

The two came directly in front of Cheng Buyun, and Tarut immediately asked excitedly: "How many kinds of divine power do you merge now? How can you become so strong, it won't be ... You have a high **** avatar by itself. ? "

Tarut is like a cannon, spraying words crazy in his mouth!


O'Neill could not help turning his head to look at Tarut, it was like watching an idiot!


Tarut couldn't help asking.

"If there is a higher **** doppelganger, why show the light to the lower god?" O'Neill said quietly.

Tarut felt right, nodded, and then continued to ask what he had said before. He stared at Cheng Buyun and asked, "What kind of fusion of powers do you have, and the strongest **** avatar is that kind!"

There is nothing to hide, Cheng Buyun said honestly: "Five kinds, the combination of light, wind, fire, water and soil, the strongest is the peak of the gods of the light department!"

He deliberately said that he had more power to merge divine power.

Although the method was stated, but how many geniuses can have such luck.

It requires good talent, high understanding, and good luck.

It's harder than winning a lottery. That's one of tens of trillions of chances. Sometimes it's difficult to appear in the hundreds of millions of years!

And the power of fusion also needs to be balanced. As long as the other force is unbalanced and breaks the point of convergence, there is no way to fuse it!

Light-dark integration may be easier. After all, light-dark integration is only two kinds of rules, and it is easier to practice. What if it is four kinds of rules?

Feng Huoshuitu!


And the strength must be balanced!

It cannot be high or low!

Even if he generously said this, it is estimated that few people can do it.

Is it so easy to become a god?

If it is easy, not only 10% of the major gods can become independent gods.

In this success, how many have become strong?

In this success, the estimate of becoming a strong man is not even one in a thousand, let alone the peak strong man?

What's more, it is required to cultivate all four laws to Dacheng, Pinnacle, and Perfection!




Huoming and Tarut heard Cheng Buyun's fusion of five bells of power, and took a breath of air on the spot.


O'Neill was also embarrassed, looking at Cheng Buyun with an incredible look!

This is simply abnormal!

The five rules of the mysterious mystery, which are quite close to the upper gods.

This is not a difficult thing, only monsters can do it!

Is the mutation fusion so strong, because his background is too strong!

"I ..." Huo meditation said something, and finally shook his head in frustration.

For himself, in more than two billion years, the five gods avatar, the strongest is the Huimin **** avatar, the other four **** avatars, one in the upper god, two in the middle god, one in the lower God.

It is not that he does not work hard, but that talent is really limited, and the strength of those **** avatars is difficult to improve.

"How old are you this year?" O'Neill widened his eyes and asked the most critical question.

"Isn't it a million years old?" Tarut said nervously.

However, even if you exceed your age, such talents will be opened up, but it will not be paid much attention!

After all, it took only one million years to cultivate to this point, and that cultivation was too slow.

Huoming also patted his forehead right now. Since he knew Cheng Buyun's talent, he forgot to ask about it.

So at this moment, he was also very nervous, secretly looking forward, hoping that Cheng Buyun's age should not be too big.


Cheng Buyun pondered, did he test his bone age or his soul?

If it's a bone age test, if you're wrong, it's a little troublesome.

If it is a soul test, then you say that you are under one hundred years old, then it is also troublesome!

After thinking for a while, under the nervous look of the three, he had to say vaguely: "Should ... should be less than a thousand years old!"

This answer is the most certain.

After all, no matter how he tested, he was right.

"Less than a thousand years old? Are you sure?" Tarut's eyes widened, and O'Neill was startled.

Huo Ming was also surprised.

In hell, there are not geniuses, and there are many people who practice fast.

There are also geniuses who have become master gods for thousands of years, but it is a bit difficult to cultivate several **** avatars.

"It should be almost the same, I'm not sure." Cheng Buyun had no choice but to say: "After all, I entered a miniature space and practiced for a long time."

"Haha, stupid boy, the past time in the micro space is not counted, only the actual time you are outside. Even if you have spent ten million years in the micro plane space, as long as the time outside is several years past You are only a few hundred years old, do you understand! "O'Neill laughed," You say it now, how old are you! "

"Say him a fart, and take him to test it will not be over." Tarut shouted loudly, then grabbed Cheng Buyun, and rushed straight out.

Being dragged to a 100-meter-sized room, Tarut immediately pointed to a white circle in the center of the room and let Cheng Buyun stand over.

When Cheng Buyun stood in the white circle, and beside him stood the black stone that was taller than him, the blue light flashed one after another, "cracked", and a burst of black energy passed into the white circle under his feet.


Driven by the black energy, the white circle began to slowly rotate. After a while, those black energies began to rise. O'Neal quickly said: "The magic circle is scanning your soul age, resisting with spiritual force, let the magic circle scan, no Harmful!"

Cheng Buyun nodded his head, his soul was shocked, his mental power exploded, and he began to confront the rising black energy.

After the magic circle ‘buzzed’ for a few seconds, when it covered him, it began to descend slowly until the magic circle completely stopped.

"The result came out ... eight ... eight hundred and sixty-five years old?" Huo Ming breathed hard.

When Cheng Buyun said that he was less than a thousand years old, he was prepared, and really ... less than a thousand years old!

"It's too young to be more than 800 years old!" Tarut didn't know what to say.

Such a genius, no ... monsters were born to be scary.

Just under a thousand years of age, they realized the realm of swordsmanship. This achievement alone scared them to death.

The five rules of mystery become a god. Under the previous achievement, it is just the icing on the cake. If it is not a soul mutation, it is nothing!

It is just that once the two are added together, it is not a problem that one plus one equals two.

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