Plane Universe

Chapter 1310: How dare you think

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Seeing Charlton's shocked expression, his body was also trembling, and Buya and Pudant quickly couldn't take care of Cheng Buyun's ambitions and asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Just now, how could this be like this, as if attacked by somebody, who is attacking the young master with a soul in the distance?

But how is it possible!

Generally, there is no deep hatred, and no one will arbitrarily shoot a child of a large family, because this is in the city, and the price is too high.

"Charlton, are you okay? It doesn't matter?" Cheng Buyun had something strange in his heart. He felt that Charlton was guessing something, so this was the case. It wasn't anyone who attacked him with his soul ability.

This guy is really smart, it is estimated that he is classified as a soul mutation.

"I'm fine, just remembered something just now, so it's a bit unnatural." Charlton reacted, smiling and waving his hand and said: "We continue to eat and drink, happy!"

The little girl lowered her head again and launched an attack on the dinner plate.

"Really nothing?" Buya and Pudant murmured in their hearts, but the master didn't say it, and they were not easy to ask.

At this time, Charlton's voice rang in his mind, "Bu Yun, do you know the ability of soul mutation?"

The voice of the former inquiries all kind of trembling, it was trembling caused by excitement.

Moreover, Charlton's hand holding a knife and fork was obviously a little absent, and he unconsciously flicked in the dinner plate.

"Knowing that soul mutation is when you are attacked by the strong soul, and you fall into the state of a living dead, so that your soul will be mutated in the battle with alien attacks!" Cheng Buyun also said that he was against soul mutation. The ability is also very clear, "but this ability is very difficult, one can't do it, if you can't wake up, then you are finished."

"You really know this ability to mutate." Charlton's voice was a little shocked, and his eyes flashed with excitement. He said in a speculative tone: "You, you will not be one of them!"

"Soul mutation I also think, but unfortunately I don't have that kind of luck." Cheng Buyun said enviously: "No need to guess, I am not a soul mutation, it is because of other reasons, so I have this mutation now. The power is similar to the power of the Lord God. "

"The power of the Lord God." Charlton exclaimed, causing Puya and Pudant to turn their heads again, their expressions looking surprised, not knowing what happened.

Why is Master so surprised today, shocked, and made them feel a little restless!

"Very thin power of the main god." Cheng Buyun did not conceal this issue. In fact, in hell, no matter the soul is cheap, or like him combined with divine power, the core is the power of the main god, which is the power of chaos.

It's just that the chaotic power it has is more or less.

In fact, the main **** power is not a complete chaotic power, but also a divine power where chaotic power is thin.

Chaos power, this is an extremely powerful and advanced power, is a power that can form a real universe, how can ordinary strong people have a complete system of chaotic power, that is a joke.

Because once you have the power of chaos, it means that you have fully understood the entire system of basic laws, and all of them will be integrated before you have that level of power.

When you have that kind of power, the universe can no longer block your footsteps. You can enter and leave either side of the universe at will. The rules of the universe can't do anything to you, because the rules of the universe have no way to take you.

You will even be in control!

If there is no master in that universe!

"You, you, you ..." Charlton shuddered in horror and excitement: "You won't ... won't you be the **** avatar of the Lord God?"

"Speaking of where I went, how could I be the **** avatar of the main god, don't talk nonsense, as soon as the main **** master heard it, the two of us would not have good fruit to eat." Cheng Buyun immediately shook his head, your sister, you guy How dare you say it.

"Isn't it?" Charlton was frustrated, whispering, "It's a pity, I thought you were the Lord God, and with our friendship, I gave the master artifact a defense."

"Go to your uncle, can I have that thing?" Cheng Buyun smiled and scolded: "If I have this identity, do you think that Aunt's brain damage is so intimidating me, and the Jonassi family can still exist? You know, Lord God Angrily, the dead body is billions of miles away. "

Hearing his explanation, Charlton nodded again and again, "This is the case, ignoring the prestige of the Lord God, and provoking the Lord God to have no good fruit to eat."

After Cheng Buyun explained, he didn't think Cheng Buyun was the main **** any more. Indeed, if the **** avatar of the main **** really came out to experience, then it could be seen how he can be a friend like an ordinary median god.

It is a genius demon to be able to make good friends with the Lord God in private, such as this pervert in front of yourself!

Only a genius like him will give the Lord God a high eye.

After eating and drinking, several people left the private room after checking out.

When passing the hotel lobby, a group of people looked at Cheng Buyun admiringly, while some people looked at Charlton enviously and lamented his luck. Maximum ability to reach out and help.

Such friendship, once the former is truly standing in the forest of the pinnacle of the strong one day, there are too many benefits.

"Master Charlton, do you remember me, I am ..." When a young man came out of the crowd and was about to make some friendship, Charlton glared and yelled, "Who knows who you are, Get out of here! "

"Yes, yes, I will leave immediately. Master Charlton has commanded it in the future, please remember to let me do it, I will definitely try to complete it." The young man's expression was acquainted, laughing, and flashed aside quickly,

Charlton ignored it and gave him a disgusted look.

Seeing his disgusted eyes, no one but the young man in his early days continued to come up to the friendship.

They knew what was going on.

A few years ago, Charlton ran in the Underworld of Fire, jumping up and down for a place to stay, but no one was willing to lend a helping hand.

Even Charlton Ken would have to know them.

Or go to the hotel's other courtyard. Cheng Buyun and Charlton saw at a glance a middle-aged man in a green robe standing in front of the other courtyard that he rented. It was the deacon of the Kulda family in Huomingcheng , Deacon Pixar!

Seeing this guy, Charlton immediately showed a disgusted look and asked badly: "What are you doing here with us?"

Hearing his bad tone, Pixar was not angry, but instead he was full of smiles, "Charlton, we are finally part of the Karda family. There were some things we had to do before, and it had nothing to do with me. You should clearly."

"I care about you. I only know that when I needed the family's help most, the family didn't reach out and helped me get through the difficulties. You still have reason to tell me at this time that it is the Karda family. Officer? "Charlton growled:" Go to you! Fuck off, don't let me see you again, **** old thing! "

Hearing Charlton's almost insulting words, Pixar's face twitched faintly, pressing the fire in his heart. He just endured it. He was afraid of Cheng Buyun standing beside him, and he didn't want to give the other party a bad impression. The other party's perception of the Karda family declined further.

For the sake of family, he Pixar endured!

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