Plane Universe

Chapter 1294: Surveillance

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As for whether he will actually assess the devil's qualification this time, he has to look at it first.

"Okay, thank you Miss Gilna, we already know." Charlton thanked Cheng Buyun on behalf of him.

When Gilna left, Charlton said: "Buyun, tomorrow's assessment, you can't really participate."

"I'll save myself." Cheng Buyun nodded, and then continued his voice: "However, the meeting place is still going to go. Such a quick assessment time. If you don't go to the meeting place every time, follow the assessment team outside. , A lot of inkstone is not enough. "

In fact, there is another sentence in his heart that he did not say. If the opportunity is good, if the danger is not great, he will adapt to the situation, and the demon assessment will definitely participate.

But it depends on the actual development.

After all, if Ayunte's brains are gone, and no strong man is sent to follow him, or he doesn't pay enough attention, then the opportunity will come.

"That won't work. It's too dangerous. Ayunte must have someone to follow you, even among the appraisers participating this time." Charlton objected.

"Relax, I'm not stupid." Cheng Buyun smiled.

Charlton thought for a while, and then said righteously: "Your idea is too dangerous. In order to ensure your safety, I have to follow you tomorrow."

"How does this work?" Cheng Buyun immediately waved his hand and said: "It's too dangerous. Once you go with it, if you are attacked, shall I help or not?"


Charlton also knew that he was anxious and said what he shouldn't say. Indeed, as Cheng Buyun said, now he has no power to contend with Ayunte. If he goes, it is estimated that there is a real possibility of being delayed.

"Otherwise, my metal life is for you." Charlton looked at Cheng Buyun with a bit of disappointment on his face: "If you have a chance, you can escape and leave the Fire City, far away, In the future, we are destined, or you become stronger and will no longer suffer such persecution. Come back! "

His reluctance was not about not giving up a high-level metal life, but about his friend Cheng Buyun.

In a short period of time, the relationship between the two has been very good.

Full of love!

"No, I never escaped. I won't run away this time. I won't. I haven't got the worst result yet. Believe me." Cheng Buyun said confidently.

"Well, I believe, I have always believed." Charlton nodded, his face full of affirmation.

Cheng Buyun's talent is very strong, he is clear, he also believes that the forest of the strong will definitely have the former figure.

He believed from beginning to end!

The two were talking to each other here, and it was hard for outsiders to notice.

The next day, the **** sun shone on the ground.

Many of the demon castles came to participate in the demon assessment. They have begun to form a team in twos and threes, and they have left the demon castle together and walked toward the west city.

Cheng Buyun and Charlton are also two of them.

The number of appraisers starting from Devil Castle is really a lot. At a glance, the number is close to more than 500, and almost all have become a scenic route along the way.

Many people who saw it on the street were also talking about it, and there were envy and indifference.

Demon assessments have been brutal all the time, with few successful ones.

However, once successful, a leap can become a god, and the future development will immediately enter the fast lane.

Because, when you become a formal demon, you can take the task in the devil castle, and then earn wealth, and grow yourself with the wealth.

At the same time, he has become an elite crowd in hell, with a sense of superiority.

This is why everyone knows that it is very cruel to participate in the demon assessment, and they are so eager to consider their own future!

Soon, this group of participants from the Devil Castle rushed to the West Gate to take the assessment. Everyone took out the deactivated medal from the shirt and showed it to the middle-aged person in charge, and then entered the sky. A metal lifeship.

This ship looks like the metal life of Qingluan, and its length is also 100 meters. It is no different from the appearance of Qiulan's first change.

In fact, it can be said that all the metal life of the same order in the Sanctuary is 100 meters long and 30 meters wide. The size and space are the same, the difference is only in speed.

"Here, Charlton, you go back first." Cheng Buyun looked at the metal life hovering outside and turned his head to glance at Charlton lightly, smiling, without any worry at all.

Demon assessment, which belongs to the project established by the Lord God, is still very guaranteed in terms of pick-up safety.

After all, no one is bold enough to provoke the face of the Lord God.

"Well, I will go back to the Devil's Castle and wait for you." Charlton nodded. At this step, he had no way to accompany Cheng Buyun. Because of the demon assessment, he had already participated and could not participate again. Here, the two need to be separated. "You have to remember that you must not take risks. What means Aunt has arranged, we are still not clear at all, so you must not take risks to really evaluate the demon mission. "

Charlton was a little uneasy, and told him again and again when he was leaving.

"I'm not stupid, you go back to Biyun Mountain Villa, I will deal with the future." Cheng Buyun smiled and waved, and then walked out of the Fire City, came to the metal life below, and got the assessment qualification. Prove it, show it to the middle-aged man, and then step on this upcoming metal lifeship.

Watching Cheng Buyun fly into the metal life indifferently, Charlton stood on the ground for a long time, and then took Bu Ya and Pu Dante to turn away. As for returning to Biyun Mountain Villa, he never had this idea.

Cheng Buyun, who stepped on the life metal, looked at a glance. This is a ten-meter-wide passage leading to the front and rear cabins, and on this passage were also standing two members of the army of the Lord God. One of the youths said lightly: "If you take part in the demon assessment, enter the rear compartment."

Needless to say, what the front cabin is staying with is naturally the protector who participated in the demon assessment this time, a small group of members of the main **** army.

As soon as he entered the rear cabin, Cheng Buyun saw the entire second half of the metal life. The layout was extremely simple, with only a row of densely packed simple seats, many of which were already seated.

The number is close to more than 800.

The rear cabin, which is close to a thousand people, looks a little sparse, without any little crowding.

A metal life with a length of 100 meters and a width of 30 meters, even if one person occupies a square meter, can hold 3,000 people. If a person sits on a person, it is very easy to install 20,000 people.

Cheng Buyun glanced inside, and then randomly found a seat around nobody.

With a strong sense of force, he found ... There were no less than thirty high-level gods sitting in the entire rear cabin, among which there should be a lot of people belonging to Ayunte.

After all, since he sat down, there are several high-level gods who have secretly paid attention to him, and when he glanced at it, he quickly hid it again.

This made his mouth curl up.

The necessary surveillance will definitely be there, even the blocking mission will be there, he is very clear.

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