Plane Universe

Chapter 1286: Fate loses

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Fire Underworld wilderness.

Ayunte is already desperate at this time. How can even a strong man with a fate rule like Royarts become Buyun? What can he do next?

The main **** was still in the city, and he had to carry a humiliating shame all day.

He is going crazy.

"Uncle, is there really no way?" Ayunte looked at Royarts reluctantly and asked hoarsely with a pained face.

At this time, his spirit and spirit seemed to be exhausted, and he looked like a lifeless one.

"It's not that there is no other way." Royattus thought for a moment, and suddenly made Ayunte look a little more excited, looking forward to the former's next words, "I was despised just now. Soul Defense Artifact. "

"Soul Defense Artifact?" Everyone stunned after hearing Roytes' explanation.

Indeed, once you have a soul defense artifact, the soul defense power will rise several steps, even if only the lower **** is wearing a lower soul defense artifact, the strong of the upper **** level, it is impossible to end the lower one by the way of soul extermination. God's life.

Ayunte was directly angry, "Damn Charlton, he was so willing to give the boy a high-level soul defense artifact, damn, **** it! I'm going to kill him, don't give me a chance, otherwise I will definitely kill him, **** garbage jerk. "

High-level soul defense artifact?

Are you sure you can buy it with Charlton's status?

The higher **** warriors standing next to them all looked strange.

A high-level soul defense artifact is expensive to hundreds of billions of dollars, and it still has a priceless market. There is no way to get a high-level soul defense artifact. It is very difficult to dare to imagine.

too difficult.

The forging of high-level soul artifacts cannot be completed by non-superpowers, and their status is so high that it is simply not possible for ordinary people to see each other.

There is no way for a strong man like Eloatis to want to see such a super existence.

Just like the lower **** and the upper god, the status gap is too big.

"The other party's soul defense artifact should not be a gift from outsiders, it should be the other party's own heritage." Royates shook his head and smiled: "After all, even like me, the upper soul defense in my soul also spent a lot of energy , At a great price, a treasure that is sought everywhere for talent, "

Charlton reacted, his face dark red.

But everyone did not laugh at him, just now he was just exalting Royates.

"And the opponent's soul defense artifact is not necessarily a higher-level artifact. After all, it is a bit far away from the city, and the power of the rule has weakened to a certain point." Royates thought for a moment, and said lightly: "Next time I will temp Launching an attack in the form of an attack should be successful. "

"That ..." Ayunte's face was anxious, but Royarts quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, this attack has made the other party alert, and it will not have much effect to continue the attack. Wait for a time first. , Wait until the other party's vigilance is not so high, I will come out and try again. "

In this way, Ayunte has no way, after all, Royates is saying the truth, continuous attacks, the effect will not be too great.

Only when the other party puts down their vigilance can they succeed in one fell swoop.


Biyun Mountain Villa.

Knowing that Cheng Buyun had already carried the soul attack of the other party with his own strength, Charlton finally let go of the rest. The previous impatience and worry were completely gone at this time.

In fact, the soul attack with fate rules is not as terrible as he thinks. Generally, the lower gods with lower soul defense artifacts can carry this level of attack.

After all, the distance is too far.

If it is a close distance, the other party is really likely to succeed.

Instructed Cheng Buyun a few words, let him talk to himself if necessary, and then Charlton left.

Cheng Buyun's strength is now in a critical upswing period. Especially with Ayunte, the enemy who is watching at the moment, the pressure is still great.

So it takes a lot of time to practice.

In this way, Cheng Buyun calmed down again, practiced in the room most of the time, and rarely appeared outside.

The days are passing day by day, and after so many years, Ayunte has no movement over there. Except for the soul attack launched five years ago, there has been no tentative attack in these years, even if it is a slight attempt For a moment, there is no idea to continue to explore his bottom.

This makes Cheng Buyun feel a bit strange.

The other party's heart is too good. Isn't that the five-star demon's powerful fate ruler who has so much time to live in this city and fight him?

He would n’t naively think that the other party would just give up in this way. That ’s impossible. Since the shot was unsuccessful, with the strength of the other party, it would n’t be like that.

At least I will try to try a few more times, and I will consider leaving after I am sure that I have no choice.

Otherwise, it is not easy to explain to others, after all, they have spent a huge amount of money to ask for help.

Just when Cheng Buyun felt strangely secretly, suddenly, a strange special breath came to the sky, and then he directly enveloped the sky above him.

This breath is very similar to the breath of the rules of heaven and earth, but its power is countless levels lower than that of the rules of heaven and earth.

At the same time, a strange fantasy full of temptations was launched towards his consciousness. During this period, he was full of all kinds of temptations, trying to deceive him to leave the villa and go out of the city.

This force of temptation full of temptation is weak, but if the state of mind is not strong and the will is not firm enough, it will definitely be fooled.

Because every cultivator can't escape greed, especially the tempting power full of world rules, who can resist.

After all, this is a trap that the other party can use to seduce you.

"Good guy, this time I don't attack directly, but to seduce myself with the real rules of fate. It's very powerful!" Cheng Buyun's eyes widened. The rules of fate are really powerful. If it is not his strong state of mind, maybe it's true Was fooled.

It's just a pity that the opponent was once again unfavorable and met such a freak.

Such a level of temptation power is simply an axe, playing a big sword in front of the grandfather.

I don't want to think about who Cheng Buyun is!

Outside the original wilderness of Huoming City, Royarts completed the rules of running destiny, and predicted that Cheng Buyun would leave the city within ten days and go to the wilderness valley outside the city.

Ayunte then began to ambush people in several places towards the deserted valley, thinking of taking Cheng Buyun away once.

It ’s just a good idea, but it turns out to be unbearable.

The man is ambushed, but wait for the left and the right, it's been almost a month, let alone Cheng Buyun, even the shadow of the other party can't be seen, and the spy arranged to send news, Cheng Buyun Never appeared in Biyun Mountain Villa.

Ayunte was ashamed again.

Even Rojats himself was dumbfounded.

Thinking of him as a five-star demon-level fate ruler, he repeatedly ate in front of Cheng Buyun, the lower god, and could not hold his face.

Are you sure that the other party is just a lower god?

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