Plane Universe

Chapter 1283: Deep friendship

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"Master, haven't you told Deacon Pixar before that Master Buyun's talent is very strong?" Pudant looked surprised, and couldn't help saying: "Master Buyun's talent is not much better than the seed-level geniuses in his family. That's right, it doesn't make sense that Deacon Pixar will turn a blind eye! "

"The problem is here." Charlton smiled bitterly. "I told the old guy before. Upon hearing it, he was directly ecstatic, and told me to pull it together. Before this morning, he They all seemed a little excited, and they wanted to see the brothers of Yun Yun quickly. They did n’t want to be just half a day away. The old **** changed his face. He was blind for the benefit of the other party. It was really shameful! "

Buya and Pudant were silent on the spot.

The reason why Pixar did this is probably because of the warning from Ayunte's side. For a genius who is not a strong man, he feels that there is no need to make a bad relationship with each other. The two evils are taken lightly, which is naturally the most beneficial to him.

In this matter, they could not blame Pixar, because although he took advantage of Ayunt's side, in fact, it was still for Charlton's consideration in private.

"He is sure that you will fall in this conflict." Charlton looked at Cheng Buyun and gasped: "Brother, try harder and let him see how he has eyes and no pearls, when you are at the peak , He will know how ridiculous he is wrong. "

"Naturally, I am very confident in myself. Rest assured, this day will not be too far away." Cheng Buyun smiled lightly, his expression very confident.

Since then, Cheng Buyun has lived in Biyun Villa and lived in one of the most distinguished rooms arranged by Charlton.

At the same time, because of this incident, the banquet was pushed away, Charlton did not want Cheng Buyun to appear in front of everyone, received too much ridicule and shock.

In the end, this Biyun Mountain Villa is still Pixar.

It's still necessary to keep a low profile.

In this way, Cheng Buyun is also happy to practice with peace of mind, stepping up the fusion of the two divine powers in his own divine power and enhancing his own strength.

Time flies so fast, so months have passed.

On this day, in the courtyard of Charlton's residence, he was receiving a guest. This guest was a famous soul strongman in Huoming City and was invited.

"Master Lutaida, please wait, I will call my brother out." Charlton smiled and bowed.

"Master Charlton, please go by yourself. Since I'm here, it's not too short of this time." Rutida is a middle-aged man with white hair, and he is very strong in soul. Charlton asked Many times it was difficult for the strong man who reluctantly agreed to the door-to-door service.

Charlton smiled, turned around and hurried towards Cheng Buyun's room.

Cheng Buyun, merging divine power in the room, heard Charlton's voice from outside and had to stop, opened his eyes and got out of bed, and opened the room door.

Looking at Charlton with a happy face, Cheng Buyun also knew that he must have a home event to talk to himself, so he quickly asked: "Charlton, look at you with a happy face, is there a home event?"

"Haha, brother, naturally it's a happy event or a big happy event." Charlton smiled and pulled Cheng Buyun's arm, shouting, "Come with me."

"What's the matter? So urgent?" Cheng Buyun asked with a smile.

"Haha, I invited you a master who can forge a soul artifact. He is in my yard today and is waiting for you." Charlton smiled proudly: "As long as you have a soul artifact, then I ’m no longer afraid of the other party ’s hands on you. In fact, you have n’t had a soul defense artifact in your body for protection. I am really worried. I am afraid that the other party ’s strong man has arrived. It broke out in the city, and it was time to play big. "

Sometimes a strong man who practices the rules of destiny will deal with the weak, even if you are cared for, it may not be safe.

Once completely lost, more people will look after it. Once it breaks out, it will definitely be a disaster. Especially Cheng Buyun is still very strong. Both Pudant and Puya may not be able to suppress it.

Uniform and killing are two different things.

Charlton dared not take such a risk.

If there is a soul defense artifact, it is completely different.

When he heard that Charlton was for this matter, Cheng Buyun felt a little cry in his heart, but he was secretly moved.

It can be seen that Charlton considered a lot for his safety.

He must bear this love.

However, he already has a soul defense artifact, and it is still the median soul defense artifact. It is a gift of Harry ’s previous soul defense artifact created by Beirut. The protection is stronger than that of the gods.

So, with good intentions, he took the lead, patted his shoulder, and Cheng Buyun smiled and said: "Charlton, I have already felt this kindness, but I have the soul defense artifact."

"Ah? Have you?"

Charlton stayed directly, "What should I do? The master Rutaida has come over, and once he knows this is the case, he will be very angry."

"Then I can't order another one for me, isn't it wasteful?" Cheng Buyun could not help suggesting: "Why don't you send a big gift and apologize."

"No way." Charlton shook his head violently. "Such a master, who values ​​his face most, he will have a thought of being fooled, and he will definitely be angry."

Cheng Buyun thought about it and suggested again: "Why don't you order one for Bua and Pudant, so that they can all be happy."

Soul artifacts are very precious, and the price is much more expensive than the upper gods. They all started with hundreds of millions of black stones and are not treasures that ordinary people can possess.

"Customize them!" Charlton had a slight pain on his face. If only one was ordered, it would be a problem for anyone. If two, he would feel even more painful.

"They are also your bodyguards and have to protect you for a long time. They are stronger and safer when they are protecting you, and they will work harder. Why not do it." Cheng Buyun laughed: "Two It ’s just a lower-level soul artifact. For a child of your big family, although the meat hurts, it ’s nothing! "

"Isn't this a big deal?" Charlton shouted: "Billions of dollars, it's already most of my net worth, okay! Forget it, if that's the case, it can only be like this, but it's cheap. Ya and Pudant are gone. "

Charlton left unhappily, and the kind of flesh pain on his face even made Cheng Buyun laugh.

The thing of black stone is very useful in the plane of the gods, let alone buying various cultivation resources. The most important thing is that black stone can create the power to destroy the main god, which is what many powerful people desire.

Although there are many and many ink stones needed to make a drop of the power to destroy the Lord God, there is also a miss. No, if you do n’t save money, then you will have the Power of Lord God.

Half a day later, Bu Ya and Pu Dante hurriedly came, thanking Cheng Buyun with pleasure.

A soul defense artifact, before, was something the two of them couldn't even imagine.

Fortunately, Cheng Buyun had already expected it, and did not sink into cultivation, otherwise he would have to waste another fuel of faith.

After sending the two away, and telling them not to disturb themselves for a while, Cheng Buyun once again sank into cultivation.

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