Plane Universe

Chapter 1281: Unseen

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The bald man who walked out of the hall saw a few of Charlton, immediately smiled, and raised his right hand to shake and greeted: "Master Charlton, you are back. I have something to do before you."


Charlton was surprised, and then asked with a smile: "What exactly does General Moli find me?"

"What will be said later." The bald man waved his hand and turned to look at Cheng Buyun and asked with a smile: "Is this the special friend of Master Charlton?"

"Look at me!"

Charlton slapped his head, pulled Cheng Buyun standing quietly on the side, and then pointed to the bald man and introduced, "Brother Buyun, this is General Moli, a hundred elite troops of our Karda family, Among them, the head of the Flying Dragon Legion. The law of the fire system is very deep, and it is relatively famous among the five-star demons and belongs to the peak level. "

Then he pointed to Cheng Buyun and introduced to the bald man, "And this one is the good friend and brother Cheng Buyun I mentioned before."

"General Moli, hello." Cheng Buyun said hello to the other party in a humble and humble manner, without excessive respect for the strength of the other party.

"Haha, hello, hello." General Moli was also very polite, and said a false friendly smile: "Recently you have been famous in Huoming City. I am not at your age and strength. High profile. "

Although the other party's words were polite, Cheng Buyun still felt the slight contempt in his eyes.

The other party was polite to him, only because of Charlton's face.

But the details of the Karda family are really amazing, even with hundreds of elite troops.

What army can be considered an elite army?

Every member is at least a high-level **** level, which is very common in hell, not the high-level **** strength, you are embarrassed to become an elite army.

That is to say, there are at least more than one hundred five-star demons on the bright side of the Karda family, and more than one million **** warriors.

The background is amazing.

And how much is hidden in the secret, then it is not known to outsiders.

"General Moli was reputed. At that time, he was ridiculed, and his mind was so ignorant of the consequences that he had such a big trouble now." Cheng Buyun also said politely.

After a few words of greeting, General Mo Li smiled lightly: "I still have something to do."

"Okay, General Moli please." Charlton smiled quickly.

General Moli nodded, and finally gave Cheng Buyun a light glance, then strode out of the hall.

When Mo Li's figure disappeared, the false smiles piled up on Charlton's face disappeared, and he whispered: "This guy usually thinks highly of himself, and he basically doesn't look squarely at people with low strength."

"Haha, after all, the five-star demon strength, I am only a god. I can say a few words, it is already in your face." Cheng Buyun didn't really care about Mo Li's army.

There is no struggle with each other, no interest exchanges, no look at yourself, and it is not worth being angry!

Sometimes people intersect, one is to look at temperament, the other is to look at fate!

The other party obviously looked down on him, and Cheng Buyun naturally wouldn't be hot to stick to the cold ass.

You despise me today, he will make you unable to climb high in the future.

This sentence will definitely come true in Cheng Buyun!

Found the opportunity for the fusion of divine power, he no longer worried about his physical strength.

Even if the fusion of the four divine powers cannot break through to become the main god, invincibility below the main **** is not a problem.

"Huh, in the final analysis it's a matter of strength." Charlton looked at Cheng Buyun helplessly, and finally said with a sigh: "Actually, don't look at me as a direct bloodline master of the Karda family. Usually those **** generals don't It would be too worthy of me, and when I met it, I just greeted me lightly, just perfunctory me. "

"Who makes you just a median **** now." Cheng Buyun teased and said with a smile: "If you merge two kinds of mysteries now, they can perfume you? It is estimated that he is very enthusiastic about him."

"I can fuse Xuanao, and I won't run around like I do now." Charlton was helpless again. Is Xuanao so well integrated?

It is ten thousand times more difficult than the mystery of mystery, okay.

The fusion of mystery and mystery is very sensible, without savvy. It has only been standing still for a trillion years of cultivation.

There are many high-level gods in Hell who can become gods alone, but there are very few high-level gods fused with mystery, but there are not many tens of thousands of high-level gods.

By analogy, there are even fewer three types of mysteries, four or five types, and finally the great consummate.

Among the tens of billions of high-level gods, there is not necessarily a great consummation strongman. In the whole face of the gods, the divine domain strongman is trillions and trillions, and the number is extraordinary. It is conceivable ... How difficult is the fusion of Xuanao.

Several people entered the hall, and Cheng Buyun swept away at a glance. I saw that in the wide hall of nearly a thousand kilometers, except for some maids who cleaned and stood, there was only an old man in a green robe reading the books.

And on the coffee table beside the old man, there are several books of the same color as the other hand.

At the same time, Cheng Buyun also saw that the old man in Qingpao still wrote something in the book from time to time.

Estimates are things like ledgers.

In hell, there are naturally instruments for statistical accounts, but physical accounts must still be available.

Charlton whispered: "Brother Yun, this old man is the deacon of the Pixar of my Karda family in the Underworld."

At this time, Charlton was not as bullish as he said before. He knew that the old man in the green robe might be a family uncle or the like. After all, the breath of the other party was similar to that of the former General Mo Li. There is no such a solemn reminder of the matter.

Cheng Buyun immediately looked back to show that he knew.

"Uncle, I brought my friends back." Charlton came to the old man in Qingpao and bowed slightly to say hello.


The old man in the green robe folded the books in his hand, looked up at Charlton, and then looked at Cheng Buyun. He said indifferently, "You are the kid who doesn't know how high and thick, and offends people indiscriminately?"

"Deacon Pixar, hello."

Cheng Buyun first bowed slightly to show respect, and then looked up at the other party in a humble manner and said, "If no one has offended Ayunte recently, I think I am."

"Okay, courageous enough." Pixar's face was dull, and he said coldly: "But courageousness is useless and can't be used for strength. You should know that Ayunte has already moved his father, His Excellency Elson. , Ask a strong man to deal with you, with your strength, the consequences will be very miserable. "

"Binglai will cover up the water and the earth. If I can't survive this disaster, it is my destiny." Cheng Buyun's face was not surprised, only calm.

"Then why did you come to my manor in the Karda family?" Deacon Pixar looked cold. "Don't you know that this action trapped me injustice in the Karda family? Charlton is warm and hospitable, and he will be sincere about friends he knows Take your lungs, know that you are in trouble, and want to worry about you without thinking about the consequences at all. But you ca n’t get too far, let your friends shield you from the wind and rain, and carry your own disasters. "

Charlton's face was angry, and he whispered, "Uncle!"

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