Plane Universe

Chapter 1271: The difficult road to integration

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"Yes, I can't panic now."

Cheng Buyun calmed down, sitting silently on the luxurious bed, and began to think about it, "Since the two divine powers can't merge automatically, then I will analyze and integrate myself to find the point where they fit. I don't believe it, This route is a dead end! "

Although it will be difficult, I have no way out.

I can't give up this body. After all, the created avatars will definitely not be endless. If it is endless, you should make avatars for me in time and space, then you will need to wait.

So, now I can only fight!

"Try to run the divine power within the divine power together." Cheng Buyun moved in his heart. He hadn't tried it before, because he was afraid of hurting his body, but now he can't take it anymore.


Once the fire and earth powers work simultaneously, and at the same time transfer the power to the body, the violent feeling is really fascinating, but at the next moment, Cheng Buyun immediately snorted and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.


The interference is too strong. The two divine powers are used to pass to the body at the same time. It simply treats the body as a battlefield and fights with each other. At the same time, the bright divine power in the divine lattice is also about to move, and the body is injured!

In addition, his current physical strength has increased. If it is the previous body, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured.

After turning over a healing remedy and taking it, the little wound on the body was immediately intact.

Cheng Buyun frowned, contemplating.

"Try to burn the faith material? Or there is an unexpected surprise." Thinking of this, he immediately moved his heart, and a small part of the faith material in the divine personality burned directly.

Immediately, he felt the difference, the surrounding elements became clearer, and the power of the law could barely be felt.

It's just that the laws that are sensed are very weak, just like a very talented cultivator.

But now he doesn't let the raw materials of faith not to cultivate the law of enlightenment, but to integrate the divine power and find the meeting point of the fusion of the two divine powers.

Once again, the two divine powers in the divinity copied the body at the same time, and this time was completely different from the first one. With the suppression of belief materials, the two divine powers are distinct in the body and do not interfere with each other. Half of the body is the earth power. , Half of the body is the fire power.

Black and white!

Moreover, the light divine power is also suppressed by the raw materials of faith, and it is firmly hidden in the divine lattice. It does not move, and it does not want to transfer divine power to the body as before.

"That won't work!" Cheng Buyun frowned, and the two divine powers didn't flow in the body. How could they merge.

But the two divine powers in the body seemed to take root, and they didn't move at all, no matter how hard he tried.

Again, Cheng Buyun continued to think in his mind.

Soon, he reacted, and now he is not going to let the divine power push, but to find the meeting point among them, "What I should do now is to find the fit first, let the divine power merge first, no matter how much fusion, as long as there is a Once, then it will be a lot easier. "

In an instant, the two divine powers fluttered, and he sensed the coincidence of the earth's divine power and the fire's divine power.

Threading and peeling cocoons, two strands of divine power begin to decompose, the soul consciousness is divided into two, and begin to look at the differences in induction.

"No matter what kind of divine power, it is basically changed by chaotic energy, so the difference I am looking for is the most basic." Cheng Buyun has a great advantage in analyzing divine power because he has a clear understanding of chaotic energy.

"This kind of energy is so heavy. Obviously, after evolution, it is definitely not the energy of chaos." The same is slowly analyzed and slowly sensed. Cheng Buyun is immersed in it, and has forgotten the time.

Suddenly, "Boom", two kinds of divine power exploded in the body, and Cheng Buyun again snorted again. Obviously, that small part of the belief material has been burned out.

He continued to take a healing remedy with a cold face, and with a blank expression, he once again burned a small part of the raw materials of faith, and he and two divine powers carried it.

This cycle was seven times, and the soul power was as strong as Cheng Buyun's. It was a bit too much to bear, too tired, and the soul also conveyed a burst of weakness.

"First take a break, eat a huntian pill to strengthen your body."

Unable to do so, he also knew that this matter was in no hurry.


In another building in the courtyard, the little girl looked puzzled and came out of the room, staring at the building where the master lived. "It has been a month since the master's strength has improved. Why doesn't the master come out?"

Is the strength improved, shouldn't it be a bit easier, is the master practicing another rule of mystery or fusion of mystery?


"Miss Qiulan."

Suddenly, a slight shout came from outside the courtyard.

The little girl stunned her head and looked towards the door of the courtyard. There were three men standing there. The three men were a young man. Two middle-aged men were looking up at her with surprise.

"Are you?" The little girl looked puzzled, as if remembering something, feeling that the three were familiar.

"Charlton, I'm your master's friend. Think about it, we met in the Meran tribe." Charlton, dressed in a luxurious blue robe, said with a smile: "With the memory of your holy domain strength, I am afraid I ’ve only seen it once, and I should n’t forget it. ”

"Oh, I remember." The little girl's eyes lit up and smiled happily: "When I left, my master said goodbye to you."

At that time, in the Mural Mountains, Qiu Lan's eyes were closed by Cheng Buyun when the two sides were in conflict, and they were finally released when they left, so the two sides can only be seen barely.

Of course, the little girl also knows that this person should be the friend he met with the host. After all, he is not a friend. The host will never say goodbye to each other so friendly.

"Haha, I have been waiting here for a long time, almost a month." Charlton sighed. "Fortunately, finally I have to wait for you to come out."

"I'm sorry, the master is practicing during this time, and I was also asked to practice by the master, so I didn't come out, and you have worked hard." The little girl made an appointment, jumped from the second floor room, walked to the courtyard and said with a smile : "Did you come to my master for something? Then wait, the master is still practicing."

"I know, so I didn't shout when I came, I just waited outside here." Charlton nodded and said he knew the situation.

"Then do you come in?" The little girl tilted her head and looked at Charlton and the two men behind him. "The master had explained during the submerged training. It's okay not to disturb him, so I can't disturb the master. . If you are just visiting, there is no point, you can only apologize for letting you wait for a while. "

"No hurry, I have time." Charlton smiled and entered the courtyard at the invitation of the little girls.

When Charlton was invited into the yard, the hotel guard's gaze dissipated and he no longer paid attention to it.

The security measures of Lianhuage Hotel are still in place and will definitely guarantee the safety of every guest in the hotel.

Cheng Buyun, at this time, ended the seventh divine analysis and was about to take a Huntian Pill Refining, but found Charlton's arrival, he had to stop and stood up and said with a smile: "Cha Dalton, why are you here? "

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