Plane Universe

Chapter 1227: Competition test

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After a few seconds, a huge shock wave hit the surface of the sea, and the 'tent' made a loud noise, visible to the naked eye, and the thousands of miles of sea water contracted downward, as if who had reversed a super cauldron on the sea surface. The seawater wave 'Boom' rises for several kilometers, and a sea wave shock wave rushes towards the distance. Many fishes in the ocean are wrapped by this sea wave shock wave, and the sea water turns red.

The bizarre scene is really rare for thousands of years!

However, such a scenario, it is best not to encounter, otherwise ... It is estimated that the strongest in the Sanctuary is likely to be unable to resist.

Because at the next moment ... the sea water seemed to be compressed to a limit, or the shock wave was resisted, and it even exploded in the deep sea. A mass of thousands of square meters of sea water rose directly into the sky and rose to a height of more than 3,000 meters.

These miraculous scenes made Cheng Buyun and lei stunned.

Could it be that the battle of destruction ten thousand years ago, except for the Magnolia Continent, was broken into four other continents.

You know that neither of them has done their best, and this has created such a terrible scene. If there is land below, it is estimated that there has been a big pit that is hundreds of meters deep.

And it will also cause a fierce earthquake and let all buildings arrive!

The power of the powerful gods is terrible!

Regardless of whether it's a God Territory or an immortal deity, once you fight on the ground, the damage caused is terrible, or other forces of the same level will be like this!

In fact, the gravity of the Magnolia Continental Plane is much greater than that of ordinary life planets.


When the sea water began to fall, Cheng Buyun and Lin Lei shot simultaneously, two powerful forces poured out, wrapped thousands of square meters of huge sea water, and dragged this group of tens of millions of tons of sea water to fall slowly to the surface. Let ’s not let it cause terrible consequences again.

"What a terrible impact!" Lei sighed with relief, then asked with a smile: "Brother Bu Yun, I just had a seven-point effort, how about you?"

"I'm almost the same." Cheng Buyun lamented: "I can't think of your body undergoing transformation for unknown reasons just now, and the body is so strong that it is already at the peak level. You must know that you are now the primary god. Ah, when one day you really reach the peak of the next god, I guess the average ordinary **** will take you out. "

"It's just luck." Lei didn't talk much and smiled: "How many more attempts?"

"Okay, let's fly a little higher so as not to make the creatures charcoal, come with me!" Cheng Buyun nodded and replied. He also wanted to make a few more moves with lei, and wanted to check his achievements over the years.

"Good." Lei followed Cheng Buyun and flew deeper into the sky.

The two have risen at least hundreds of thousands of miles in tandem.

The other material plane Cheng Buyun does not know how high it is, but the sky of the Magnolia Continent is very broad, about 1 million li high, and the higher the height, the greater the pressure.

The general Sanctuary strong can raise 100,000 miles, and the peak of the Sanctuary is about 700,000 miles, but when it comes to this place, the peak of the Sanctuary can't be used at all, and the pressure is very great.

In other words, the power of the gods can be displayed here at will!

"Brother Buyun, I'm here, look at the trick!" Lin Lei shouted, speed mysterious show, rushed into Cheng Buyun in an instant, directly a black tiger hit the heart with his heart.

"Oh, you bastard, actually used this kind of tricks. I can't remember teaching you such tricks." Cheng Buyun laughed, his right hand became a palm, and he shot directly at Lin Lei's fist.

"Haha, I don't mean sincerely for the next three tricks. I just punched directly." Lei was also happy, throwing away his body and rushing forward, reaching Cheng Buyun, right foot and right foot lifted , Straight into Bu Yun's waist plate.

"I want to be beautiful." Cheng Buyun smiled, his body was flat and empty, and his right hand was photographed against lei, and lei seemed to have a foreknowledge. His body fell quickly, and he turned his head and feet, and his right leg continued to persevere. The former kicked in the chest.

The two of you come and go above the sky, with a subtle and extremely tricky move, they beat that happy.

I don't know when, Ye Ye, O'Brien, Heather, and Di Lin, who are discussing matters at the headquarters of the Magnolia Alliance, have come to the site of the battle, floating a few miles away, looking dignified.

"What did lei have experienced just now, even with Buyun, seeing the strength of the breath, it is not much different." Hesser couldn't believe it, said with surprise: "What's wrong ... how about All are so terrible? Can this be regarded as a newcomer? "

He felt like he was living on a dog now.

The family is all perverted. Cheng Buyun has been practicing for more than 30 years. Now he is the peak of the lower gods. He can run all the places on the twelfth floor of the cemetery of the gods. The leaves ... Two years after becoming a god, the peak of the lower gods.

Now it is Lin Lei's turn. Cheng Shen probably doesn't know a few days. His body has just experienced an unknown transformation and has become the peak of the next god!

Nima ... are all perverted, can't I recognize it? !

"It's really exquisite." O'Brien looked at the two of them and exclaimed, "Lin Lei's combat experience is very old, and he can hit such a point with Bu Yun brother just after he became a god. Terrible! "

"I care that Lin Lei is so powerful, and his fists and feet seem to have gone through a lot of hard work, and it is like the experience of countless strong men. How could this be the case." Di Lin frowned, with a look on his face.

Hesser and O'Brien took a closer look. Sure enough, as Di Lin said, lei did not have a fixed routine at all. It seemed to be like a random swing, but every time it looked like there was a prediction, and the move came first. , Forced Cheng Buyun to move in the middle.

Of course, lei is the same. He was taught by Cheng Buyun. He will, and the latter will, of course.

This is a state of martial arts!

Infinite mood ...

Although lei's infinite artistic conception is still very rough, at his age, his artistic conception is very powerful, as long as he works harder in the future ... the melee combat can be his opponent, and it will become very few.

"What a terrible guy, both of them are perverted. If you change me up, it's estimated that you won't be able to stop the two moves. You have to get the middle move." Hisa's head is big. "How big is lei, how is this practiced."

O'Brien and Di Lin looked at each other silently, you asked me, who should I ask?

Still teachable, isn't it right in front of you, really!

Leaf listened to the trio whispering from time to time, and the small mouth was gently bent.

In fact, when it comes to unlimited artistic conception, she was in contact with lei earlier, at least ten years earlier. Uncle lin still came to the chaotic leader before his uncle taught him.

It is a pity ... that his understanding is not as good as that of Uncle Lin Lei. He practiced more than ten years earlier than him. Now, in the realm, the two people's moods are even.

With the passage of time, it will be farther and farther from Uncle Lin Lei!

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