Plane Universe

Chapter 1206: Pride in the bone

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The wind is up!

The Magnolia mainland is talking about this sensational news everywhere.

In a entertainment venue in the Luo'ao Empire, Hise, who embraced two beautiful women, received this news, and he smiled with a strange color on his face, secretly saying: "Hey, only Cheng Buyun, a lunatic who has received a lot of benefits. Only such a move. "

Mountain of Life!

"Holy Light God's move this time is really generous. I really don't know how much wealth he got from the cemeteries of the gods. The reward is the magic artifact." The fourth disciple under the high priest's "Morante" cracked his mouth and ridiculed his face. Said.

Schmidt said with a smile: "There should be a lot, after all, you can reward the Divine Artifact, and you can't believe it if you harvest less."

No one thinks that the prizes given in holding the Sanctuary Contest are false and deceptive. In the reputation of the Holy Light God, words spoken are like splashed water.

"Although our trip to the cemetery of the gods did not involve us in the mountain of life." Qian Luo sitting next to him said, "But the teacher was there. I have heard some mentions from the teacher. The **** of light ends at the cemetery of the gods. At the time, I finally presented a light crystal of Dresd. "

In fact, he did n’t say anything about it. Cheng Buyun sent more treasures. The **** of war, O'Brien, got the median personality and the median artifact. Hess also got the artifact amethyst. What did he gain? I can imagine it.

"Senior Master Qianlu, with your previous friendship with Holy Light God, wouldn't you go visit him?" Morant said with a smile, a pair of eyebrows squeezing.

"I'm going to go to you, and I still have a face." Qian Luo smiled and scolded: "I didn't look too obvious in the past? What would other people think? It would be fine to lose my face when the time came. Now. "

High priest Catherine stood on the temple, a pair of wise eyes looked into the distance, listening to the conversation of the children below, especially the words of Qianluo, she nodded her head lightly, she was very relieved.

Do not fight!

This is also the code of conduct she usually teaches to her disciples!

The high priest, Catherine, was too much to eat fireworks.

This is a major weakness in the plane of God!

But serving the Lord of Life to the plane of the Supreme God of Life, there was no strong man who dared to bully her.

Do not die!

The serving life priest is much more important than the army under the Lord of Life.

And it comes from the material plane, with great credit, not comparable to some members of the main **** army!

Such an in-service life priest can immediately assume an important position in the highest plane of life, and his status is only under the main god's messenger, which is regarded as a middle and high level.

This is the reward of the Lord of Life.


This sensational event, even the Forest of Darkness, was full of discussion. Beirut's face was gloomy, looking at the direction of the chaotic leader, and finally turned into a helpless sigh!

The reward given by holding the Sanctuary Contest is Cheng Buyun's ability to get it, and he can't make any mistakes. But fortunately, if there are more powerful domains, the competition will be more intense in the future, and becoming a **** is only the beginning!

The Magnolia continent is full of discussions about the Sanctuary Contest held ten years later, but the Holy Light City Xinyue Yazuo has quieted down, and the life trajectory is as it was before. Irrelevant and harmonious atmosphere!

The sensational scenes in the magnolia continent did not cause any waves here.

During this time, Ye also took some time to summon the Holy Light messengers in the Holy Light Church, as well as a large number of core members, as many as six thousand escorts and guards in the two major departments.

Most of the thousands of people are core members, and they are the ones who have followed for the longest time. Only a small number of them have been promoted in the past two decades.

Ye Zi encouraged this group of people to turn over, and then each issued a subordinate personality, senior members, especially the close Michelle, Michelle, Mia, who grew up with the women who took care of her, Thousands of people are equipped with complete artifacts.

Of course, there is no soul defense artifact!

Cheng Buyun and Lin Lei's life trajectory also became quiet, sinking into cultivation.

After more than ten years of fire explosion burst mystery cultivation experience, Cheng Buyun has achieved a very high achievement in the explosion of the mystery of the mystery. He has different understanding of the explosion of the mystery of the mystery.

The biggest difference is that the explosive mysteries realized by other powerful saints generally explode in power and their own strength. And he ... but thinking about how to erupt his own divine power and enhance his fighting power.

But this is difficult!

The more he practiced, the more he felt that there was no way to move forward. This exploding mystery was too difficult. He wanted to use the power of explosion to burn himself like the immortal gods of the starry universe, he couldn't do it!

Could it explode his whole body?

Without the burning part, he can't do it anymore!

"This is too difficult. It's not what I can study now, but let's honestly understand one of the bursts!" Shen Chengyun, who was sinking into practice, shook his head gently. Let me see if the four basic elements can be merged. Once they cannot be merged ... then ... "

Then what, needless to say.

Cheng Buyun is directly obsolete.

Once the two divine powers could not be merged, he was really useless next, and could only be an invincible great consummation god.

For him, even the invincible Dzogchen High God will not be an opponent of the Lord God, why use it!


"Lin Lei, what's wrong?" Cheng Buyun looked at Lin Lei, who was not very interested, and asked in a joke: "Your current law practice is getting deeper and deeper, and you will soon become a god. With a bitter face, it looks like someone owes you millions of bluestones.

"Brother Buyun, don't make fun of me. You have become a mystery twice, and you have become a **** twice. This fire department is very popular now. It is also very advanced, and it should be about to become a big one. Also make fun of me. "Lei Lei mouth smiled, and his face became solemn again, like a pair of catfish in the throat."

It seemed that he had some major concerns, which made him uneasy!

"Why, look at you, as if you were restless and restless, for your" Mom "was killed by the Bright Holy See!" Cheng Buyun's face also became solemn, he saw that this was about to become Lin Lei's demon Too.

"Yes." Lei nodded and said helplessly: "This matter has been entangled in my heart these days, and it can't be lingered. When practicing, I can't always be quiet, like 鲠 is in the throat, when I want to break through, that kind of powerful sense of loss Just woke me up, unable to release my heart, and I do n’t know why this happened. As a matter of fact, the great advancement is when I avenge my hatred, why is it so? Explained! I also tried to calm down, what? It doesn't matter, it's carved against the stone, but the sculptured work has no way to meet people, you see! "

He said that he also took out several stone carving works from the space ring. These stone carving works were so bad that they couldn't be seen. Cheng Buyun frowned. He thought about it for a moment, but he couldn't help but sigh!

All of this is in a state of mind, and the pride in his bones has kept his hatred hidden for too long, unable to meditate, and the chain is off at a critical moment!

Cheng Buyun didn't even know what to say at this time. It was really a state of mind and a state of defeat!

Chi Zi's heart cannot tolerate a little sand, and it is impossible to prevent him from taking revenge. The more he suppresses the more damage.

It was a huge blow to his pride to let him practice quietly like a turtle and hide in the edge, and to revenge after his strength.

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