Plane Universe

Chapter 1150: Battle swing

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With a wealth of more than two hundred bluestones, he was very happy, letting time and space see his appearance at this time, I am afraid he would laugh to death!

The value of Qingshi and Hunyuan are not much different, and the gap is not big.

Ordinary treasures used by immortal artifacts are also precious and cheap, and the cheap ones are only a few mixed yuans, and the common immortal gods' wealth is only dozens or hundreds of mixed yuans.

Cheng Buyun is devouring the total wealth of the starry universe, even if he pulls off one leg, his hair is thicker than that of a god. Is such a small thing happy?

I am afraid that you will feel precious only when you feel lost!

The world ring he brought was sealed by the Supreme God, and he could n’t use any treasure resources from it to use it. Everything needed to be built by himself. It was considered to start from scratch again, so even a little wealth is a big gain.

After all, he has nothing now!

"No wonder they say the murderous and arson fire gold belt, this is the truth!" Cheng Buyun smiled slightly, and put away all the items placed on the beam beside him.

The three gods can create three god-level strongmen for themselves, like a factory line, they can continuously create god-area strongmen, which is beyond human imagination.

What is the total number of Panlong universe **** domain powers?

Shocking figures!

"Try the black armor." Cheng Buyun picked up the black armor of Oris, printed the soul, integrated it into the body, put it on, and completely covered all the positions of the body, but there was no appearance.

The artifact does not need to be exposed, and can be hidden under the skin and combined with the body skin to form a strong defense.

No matter the position of the head, hands, feet, etc., it is protected by the artifact armor.

Of course, the defense in other positions, including head, hands and feet, is definitely not as strong as the upper body defense.

In addition to the ten-hundred-and-ten defenses of the upper body, the defensive power of other parts will decrease with the position. The neck, the big arm and the lower body disc bone position have about 70% of the armor of the artifact armor, face, small arm (elbow) and thigh The equivalent position is about 60%, while the calf and forehead temples are about 50%, while the top of the head, fingers and ankles are only about 40%.

Therefore, the head of the **** domain wearing artifact armor is a weak point. Once attacked by a person, it is easy to penetrate the defense.

This is also the result that Cheng Buyun could kill Oris with a single sword before.

Some people may say that since this is the case, then can I get an artifact helmet? Go up without defense?

This is not no one tried, but one person can only equip a physical defense artifact, because the soul can only push a physical defense artifact. Otherwise, the hundreds of physical defense artifacts on my body will not be over? Who can move?

So when you use a helmet, the part below the head becomes a weak point, which makes it easier for people to attack.

Once cut to the waist, you can only wait to die.

The divine power does not restore your body so quickly.

After all, in battle, the head is not so easily hit, so artifact armor becomes mainstream!

In fact, the artifacts of the Panlong universe are not much different from the engulfing the universe treasures of the starry sky. They are all three-piece suits. They are three kinds of soul, body and weapons, which protect the whole body.

"Dang! Dang!"

Cheng Buyun knocked his arm with the Yingjing sword, tried his defense, and felt the shock of the skin of his arm. He smiled.

With the artifact armor, the strength is several times stronger, and it is even more terrible than before.

"Continue!" Cheng Buyun smiled, this is only the first step of the Great Wall of China, and it's still a long way off.

When he was about to leave this place, Yu Guang glanced at the dead demon youth and the body of the middle-aged man, and then walked over to collect the bodies of the two, and said softly, "Although I killed him, it can be the same For human beings, but you can't let you corpse wilderness, after you go back to find a place for you to bury! "

In the cemetery of the gods, the mud hardware on the ground caused toothache. Before that, Oris slammed down with a sledgehammer, and then the ground burst out of a small pit, not as big as the bowl, so deep .

Wanting to dig a pit to bury the two people for too long, it is simply unsatisfactory to contribute.

If the corpses of the two are left here, the passers-by of the domain of Warcraft will definitely eat them. After all, they are corpses of the level of the gods, and they still have a little use for the gods of warcraft, which can barely strengthen the body.

So Cheng Buyun took them away.

This is the last thing he can do for the other party.

In fact, this guy Cheng Buyun didn't consider it completely for the other party.

Think about it, this is also a resource for the corpses of the powerful gods. If there are a lot of them, they are all buried in one place. How much energy can the scattered energy provide for people below the gods?

Cheng Buyun is still a bit treacherous!

If someone else is dead, he still needs to use it!

However, if the two gods of death know, I'm afraid they will, it is better than being eaten by the gods of warcraft and turned into feces.


It's disgusting!

Looking around, Cheng Buyun walked straight ahead, slowly walking among the ruins.



Explosion sound came in front, causing a lot of dust fluctuations, rushing into the air in the raging fire, forming a dust cloud like a mushroom cloud.

Cheng Buyun quickly unfolded the mystery of the speed of light and speeded up toward the place where the incident happened.

"Damn, Mar what are you doing, why didn't you stop him."

When Cheng Buyun arrived, it happened that a young man with short hair was yelling at a middle-aged man with a stern face, and he looked very angry.

"I have a block." The middle-aged man shouted at the enemy with a weapon in his hand, and shouted, "This guy opened the door and tried his best to attack, ignoring the weapon I cut at him. I had to release the one just now. What can I do!"

"Humph! Die!"

The young man wearing a cyan jacket with cyan halo energy armor chopped an old man against a collapsed wall before turning his head to look at the middle-aged man. He snorted coldly, knowing in his heart The other party is desperate and does not want to consume too much divine power to have this result.

"Lao Mu ~" The two people fighting next to each other, the middle-aged man with a sturdy body, should be a friend of the old man. When he saw that the old man was hacked to death, his face changed on the spot. He quickly turned his head to look and let himself He fell into a more difficult situation, and he was suddenly in danger. He was almost hit by the young man who fought against him.

"Just think about yourself, and care for others, hum!" The indifferent young man kept holding hands, and the flames of the sword led the sword shadow around the strong middle-aged, like a viper waiting for opportunity.

The old man who was cut off by a long-haired young man turned upside-down with blood on his lips and laughed: "Don't think of anything we can't get."

"Surely you will get it if you kill it." The young man gave the old man a disdainful look and raised his sword to rush to solve the old man.

"Old Mu, go away, I stop them, you go, or we can't go." The strong middle-aged man yelled, and the earthy yellow power exploded on his body, and he resisted the sword of indifference and long-haired youth. The past was between the old and the young with short hair.

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