Plane Universe

Chapter 1142: Shadow trick

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At this moment, even his dark **** avatar was very reluctant ... It was very reluctant to tell that Cheng Buyun's body was the deity, and that body was false.

His dark identity is supported by the will of the Lord God!

Changed to the upper level of the commanding level, it is estimated that it is impossible to tell which of these six figures is the deity, and which is false.

Beirut is really shocked!

He didn't think that Cheng Buyun, the junior he valued, still had such a hand, no ... he couldn't say that it used to be in the Magnolia Continent. After all, there were so many Divine Realms, there was no battle, and there was no chance to reveal his skills!

"This kid is really amazing!" Beirut's main **** avatar sighed: "It's a pity, if it weren't for the deity to be a **** ... that would be great, alas!"

Cheng Buyun admires him very much and has a good personality. He is a type of person he likes to make friends with, but only a slight oversight ...

Beirut felt a little regret in his heart, but it was a little late now.

Cheng Buyun has already chosen a different path. I am afraid that the rule of the mysterious mystery will be cultivated to the higher god, and it may not be possible to refine the main divine personality!

Inside the stone room ...

The slim puppet has been beaten. Although the opponent's attack is not strong, he has been suppressed to such a point, and he has lost on his behalf.

If Cheng Buyun is holding an artifact, I am afraid his body will be cracked!

"Where else do you stand, hurry to help and drive him out." The thin puppet shouted angrily.

"Oh, I'll come right away." The fat puppet quickly raised the sword of the artifact, and he laughed: "I thought you wanted to resist."

"Get out, didn't you see me beaten by him hundreds of times, didn't you see my beautiful skin cut by him with a white mark? Damn it!" The slim puppet roared.

"Haha, look at me to help you clean him up." The fat puppet's smiling sword joined the battle, but even if he was added, the effect would not be great.

The speed of the earth **** domain itself is a weakness. For the perverted powerhouses such as Chengbuyun, the combat skills are superb, the experience is extremely rich, and the powerhouses with strong dodge body skills are six dozen two.

Was screamed on the spot, "Damn, you even cut my beautiful and beautiful skin, I killed you!"

"Don't say it, this is a pervert, quickly use the gravity space, just his speed, solve him!" The slim puppet roared angrily.

"Ha, of course!" The fat puppet shouted, and a khaki space wrapped everyone like a ball.

The diameter of this earthy yellow space is about 300 meters. After its appearance, the figure of Cheng Buyun's Liu Dao only felt sinking, and his speed suddenly diminished and became dull.

The rule of earth system ‘gravity space’ mystery!

At least the speed is slowed down most.

From time to time, Cheng Buyun's body was unable to maintain standing, and the two avatars were almost hit by the other side, evading dangerously. As a last resort, his ontological law can only shock, open up the opponent's gravity space, and is not affected by the opponent's gravity space.

"Hah, did you finally show the body, damn, you hide it again." The slim puppet roared loudly, "kill him!"

As soon as the weapon was swayed, the space was suddenly affected, and it was frozen on the spot. He grimaced in his face, and cut it down with the fierce super Chengbuyun body.

He believes that once the two great mysteries are out, Cheng Buyun can only let them squash.

With the cooperation of the two great mysteries, few of the next gods can fight. At least he believes that Cheng Buyun, the intruder, does not have the ability to fight against them.

There is too much difference in strength.

Outside Beirut shook his head again and again, only he knew the strength of Cheng Buyun. This kid became a **** twice, with two rules of mystery, even if he did not take out the middle artifact, there are few lower gods who can fight him. .

Two puppets of higher gods?

This kid didn't even get 10% of his strength in this battle. It is estimated that he only wanted to practice his hands to make the two puppets jump to the present.


In the stone room!

The corner of Cheng Buyun's mouth was curved, and the soul said: "Don't worry, gravity space, in fact, I have it."


The two puppets were stunned, and their expressions were a little surprised. At the next moment, an earthy space suddenly appeared on the battlefield. The two earthy spaces began to collide and disappeared in a flash. The two puppets looked dull on the spot!

"Just kidding, this guy actually has two **** avatars, and they are all carried." The slim puppet panicked.

Sure enough, after the two large gravity spaces disappeared, the speed of the mysterious static space effect was also lost, which was offset by the speed of Chengbu Yunguang. At the next moment, the battle returned to its previous appearance, and the two puppets fell into the situation of being beaten again. .

"Damn, how could this be?" The fat puppet's head turned a little bit.

With the consciousness of only one stone in his mind, it is hard to imagine that this operation of the intruder is really hard to believe.

Who is this!

Why would you be willing to practice another law, and not willing to study one? If you only study one law, I am afraid that the other party is already a neutral god.

The median **** is not difficult, only two rules are needed to achieve breakthrough, the general practitioners are so aware, why is this guy like this?

Can't figure it out!

It's no wonder that he thinks so. Generally, the holy domain powerhouses with poor talents are like this. Only when a **** is powerful, they will consider other rules.

But genius is different. Once another rule is completed, the representative has one more **** avatar, and one more **** avatar, which is of great benefit.

Don't say anything more than one life, because the Divine Divine can think independently and practice independently, which equals more time for cultivation. For ambitious geniuses, they disdain to study a rule.

The realization of at least two to three laws is their pursuit.

Just like now, with one more puppet, it is difficult for the general peak of the lower gods to break through, and only the median **** can suppress them with hardware strength!

Two higher puppets of lower gods are more difficult to deal with than one peak puppet of lower gods.

"Even so, you can't beat us." Although the two puppets were beaten, they had hundreds of sword marks on their bodies, but because of Cheng Buyun's hard power, they couldn't destroy their defenses. There were cracks on their bodies, and their mouths were very hard.

Do not admit defeat!

It was suppressed to such a point. Cheng Buyun's heart was cold and he snorted, "I don't know what to do!"

"You have the ability to beat me." The slim puppet mocked: "If you want a treasure, let us take it out willingly, it's up to you. Ha ha, if not, where will you come from, where will you go back."

"Yes, no matter how strong you are, no matter how many skills you have, you are not strong enough, do you tickle your uncle?" Fat puppet also shouted hard.

Suddenly, Cheng Buyun's body receded, his body gathered momentum, the power of the light law was hidden on the sword, and he saw his long hair flying, and the power of the law of light around him, the room and the light and shadow overlapped, and the body's momentum was rising rapidly. A pair of eyes radiate cold light, looking straight ahead, without emotion, with a cold face.

When the momentum climbed to the peak, in the horror of the two puppets, a giant sword of light and shadow slashed out of the silver-blue sword in Cheng Buyun's right hand.

A giant sword of light and shadow several meters long appeared immediately, rushing towards the slim puppet.

The light and shadow giant sword passed through, the cracks in the space appeared, and the violent attack pressed the surrounding space. The first thin puppet felt that the body was solidified. The surrounding space seemed to have a condensed airflow, blocking his evasive space. .

Only hardwired!


The giant sword of light and shadow blasted on the slim puppet. Its entire body was shocked on the spot. The magical defense on the surface of the body immediately shattered like glass, and then flew out with a whirl. The speed was extremely amazing. I am afraid it is not No one in the Sanctuary can catch it.

The slim puppet hit the wall and bounced back 100 meters away from the wall, making it difficult to climb for a while. I saw a huge crack between his chest, from the left shoulder to the right waist, almost cut by Cheng Buyun's unique waist!

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