Plane Universe

Chapter 1124: Gathering in the dark forest

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The mud seal city is not far away from the dark forest. Xinyue Yazhu is only about 480 miles from the entrance of the dark forest, which is quite close.

At the flying speed of the Sanctuary Powerhouse, it can be reached within one minute without any need.

In less than ten minutes, Cheng Buyun and his party had flown to the center of the dark forest, and the metal castle shimmering with dark light was already in sight.

"That's a metal castle?" Lei looked at the glimmering black castle below, as if a giant bee was lying there. There was a breathtaking and strange power, and he immediately asked curiously.

In the depths of the dark forest, he was here for the first time, and he had only been touring the edge before.

Beibei quickly replied: "Oh, this is a metal castle! This is a very strange metal castle. Listening to Grandpa Beirut said that this castle is alive and very peculiar, and I don't quite understand the principle. "

"Metal castle!"


Babe's explanation makes everyone very strange. I haven't heard of it. It's really strange. It has an eye-opening feeling.

Anthony and others are curious about the black castle built in the distance.

"Uncle, what's the reason?" Leaves asked strangely while flying.

"Big Thousand Worlds, there will be anything strange." Cheng Buyun explained with a smile: "The castle below, according to a friend told me, is a change from a metal life, and this life body can not only be able to Changing the castle can also change a flying ship. It is a transportation tool in the plane of the gods, just like the flying warcraft of our Magnolia continent. It is just that the living body changes the flying ship, which is much larger and faster. . "


Lei was surprised on the spot and said with a look of surprise: "There are even such peculiar racial lifeforms? It's nothing strange and eye-opening!"

"Indeed, I never thought that the outside world is so wonderful, even such peculiar life forms." Anthony sighed.

So this thing is so powerful?

There was an opportunity to ask Grandpa Beirut for one, Babe thought.

"Here, let's go down!" Cheng Buyun greeted, and his body flying in the air took the lead to land.

Lei, leaves and other people's bodies also fell, turning into rainbow shadows and landing towards the open space around the black castle.

"Someone is coming again."

There are a lot of strong human sanctuaries around the black metal castle, and some of them are Warcraft, the combination of Warcraft and Human, which makes people feel out of sight.

The two sides coexist peacefully, of course, a little out of place.

"It should be the Holy Light God who brought him." An old man wearing a magnificent magi's robe said with a faint smile: "The five great god-level strongmen sent him."

Everyone looked up at the dozen or so figures flying in the sky, all of them were speechless, and they flew too leisurely.

As if coming from sightseeing along the way, there is not a little bit of tension coming soon?

"It's the Lord Holy Light." The two strong men in conversation, Driss and Farn, also raised their heads, gazing at the distance, especially the current one in the team, in their white robe, familiar The figure can be easily identified with their eyesight.

Even Cheng Buyun's face can be seen clearly.

After all, Cheng Buyun and his party are not flying too fast, about a thousand kilometers per second, not fast!

In the eyes of the masters of the Sanctuary, this is pitifully slow.

"Holy God."

"Holy God."

When Cheng Buyun landed, a polite voice sounded respectfully, and the strongholds around the metal castle were greeting him, very polite.

"Hello everyone!" Cheng Buyun smiled and nodded in response, with a gentle attitude, a breath that made people feel comfortable, and it was very comfortable, and the sinister was very close.

Behind Cheng Buyun, the god-level powerhouse, the holy domain powerhouses didn't even feel the breath of depression, and all smiled and nodded to salute.

If you insist on getting along with a god-level strongman, I am afraid that most people will choose Cheng Buyun. He is completely different from god-level strongmen such as martial gods and high priests. Looking at them, there is no slight indifference and disregard , As if to treat everyone equally.

This temperament character makes people convinced.

"Lord Holy Light God, I haven't seen you for a long time." Driss walked over with his two friends, Kraken and Higginson, and the three bowed slightly to say hello.

Cheng Buyun is now classified as a god-level strongman. His identity is very different from before. He doesn't dare to call it indiscriminately. If he calls the Brothers of Buyun as before, it is pure death.

And it is such a public place that will certainly dissatisfy other god-level strongmen.

Status, class is a very strict matter.

In particular, there are so few magnolia continent god-level powerhouses.

"Dress, Siren, Higginson, you are all." Cheng Buyun looked at them and asked Delisi strangely, "Why didn't your wife Betrine come to participate in this time?" The event? "

"Holy Light God." Fan also greeted with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord Holy Light, for her concern, Bing Catherine still lacked her strength, so she didn't come." Deris said that he stopped here, his mouth moved, and he stopped talking.

Cheng Buyun smiled. He knew what Dries wanted to ask, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded at Farn and smiled slightly: "I'm going to meet Master Beirut first. After all, we are late."

"Holy Light God please." Dries finally sighed helplessly in his heart and had to say so.

In fact, Anthony and others behind Cheng Buyun, just heard Delice said that his wife's strength is still worse, they have been a little surprised.

Ice Catherine, there was a name called Ice Witch in the past, the strength is very strong, in the highest level of the Holy Land, it is also the strength of the upper layer, so it is said that the strength is a little worse, one can imagine , How dangerous is the graveyard of these gods.

"Lei Lei, Ye Zi, you take everyone to rest here, or communicate with you, I'm going to go." Cheng Buyun turned his head and then shook his body, then the body shook, and the person had disappeared in place, the speed was so fast. Hard to detect.

No, it should be said that it is hard to see, which makes everyone breathe in a sigh of relief.

This movement speed is a bit terrible!

In particular, the extreme strongmen of the Sanctuary, such as Deris and Farn, have changed their looks. At such a speed, if Cheng Buyun wants to kill them, it is simply a matter of hand.

The speed is so fast that it is even more terrifying than the **** level and other god-level strongmen.

After all, with their strength, they could still perceive the Wushen's flight trajectory, but Cheng Buyun's movement speed, even the trajectory, could not be detected.


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