Plane Universe

Chapter 1119: Everyone is crazy

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"Ha, Babe is gone, it seems that he also admitted that I was right, let's continue to say that battle 13 years ago, that battle was a battle of fame between Xiong Er and me, you don't know much about it People, please listen carefully. "Xiong Er saw that the troubled Babe had left, and his mouth was cracked with joy.

The other sacred domain powerhouses are funny in their hearts. Everyone knows more or less about Xiong Er's character.

The skill is great, but there is no abnormality. In the battle 13 years ago, many strong people knew very well. After all, involving the battle of the newly talented sage domain strongman lei, many people were extremely concerned. .

In a larger table in the center of the hall, Ye Ye and lei are all sitting. Other more powerful individuals under Cheng Buyun, such as Anthony, Coleman, Tansil, and other six sanctuary powerhouses, are in This table sat down, talking with a smile on his face.

"His Royal Highness Lady, Lord lei." As the oldest mage of Anthony Anthony, with a slightly humble expression, he bowed, smiled and spoke, made a face-saving project, and put his identity under the two.

"Mr. Anthony, please say something." Ye Zi nodded and looked at him with a friendly smile. "It's all about helping the uncle. It doesn't take too much courtesy. It's usually better."

"Ye Ye is right, it doesn't need to be this way." Lei continued: "Although you are stronger, you are all people in one side of strength. You can usually speak casually and don't make me too embarrassed. Not too important. Of course, some questions about cultivation are asked by me. If you have time, I will definitely communicate with you, please rest assured! "

The strong men in the sanctuary sitting up immediately bowed and thanked again and again.

"Come again." Lei looked a little helplessly at them.

"It should be the case, the master is the teacher, I won't be able to do this again in the future." The man with a strong body, short hair like a hedgehog ‘tower shield’, and a rough face with an unsightly smile.

In terms of appearance, this guy is similar to the five Buck brothers. It's okay not to laugh. When it smiles, whether it is a goodwill or a malicious smile, it is very ugly, and it can even be said that the flesh is cluttered and terrible!

"What I want to ask is, what is the important thing that Lord Holy God called me to come over this time?" Anthony said after thinking about the language with a smile on his face, "He doesn't know the situation, in his heart." It ’s always unfinished, so I ’m asking you to ask the two of you, lest you do something wrong and you do n’t know. If you know it in advance, you can ask for forgiveness from Lord Holy Light. ”

This is really enough, Lin Lei was helpless.

This is also the reason why he likes to communicate with others. Some people can't speak simply and clearly, they always bite Wenjue characters and sculpt them.

This is actually determined by the status of the status, lei does not stand in the other party's position, of course, this will not be considered.

"It's a good thing." The leaf smiled peacefully, and gently said: "It's a great thing for those of you sitting. Of course, it's a good thing for everyone."

The six people seated immediately showed a joyful smile, and even the strongholds of the Sanctuary who were watching this table beside them also showed excitement on their faces.

Anthony and six others were so happy that their bodies shook slightly, and their hearts were extremely excited.

In fact, at this time today, they were called to come over. They already had a little hunch, but they were still a little worried in their hearts, but if Ye said it was a good thing, they would be sure.

It must be that thing, not wrong.

"Miss, Master Lin Lei, and the strong men of the Sanctuary, Master will be here soon." Yan Yi hurriedly came out from the inside, and said softly next to the leaves, then clapped his palms again and again and said, "Xiao Ru Xiao Lan, hurry ... you all move these tables and chairs, and the lord will come out soon. "

The dozens of maids around the hall heard the wind, and the strong men of the sanctuary stood up one after another, and received all the food and drinks on the table in their respective space rings, and then stood aside to let the maids move the tables and chairs, Carry away.

At the central table, lei responded the fastest, and took away all the food and drinks with the big table with a wave of his hand.

In an instant, the entire hall was empty, and then the maids put the seats back, and a strong man in the sanctuary stood in front of the seat in two rows, bowing his head and waiting for his brow!

"Adult!" Standing at the side door of the hall and looking at Cheng Buyun, he slowly turned around and yelled into the hall to remind everyone that Cheng Buyun was coming.

"Congratulations to Lord Holy Light God!" Dozens of powerful saints quickly turned and bowed respectfully.

Coming to the big throne, Cheng Buyun glanced at everyone, gently nodded to lei and leaves, and then said gently: "Sit all!"

"Xie Shengguang God."

Everyone sat down, and only Jackie was standing next to the throne of Cheng Buyun in the hall, waiting to be commanded.

"To summon everyone here today is to reward everyone for what they have done this time." Cheng Buyun glanced at everyone below with a glance and said with a smile: "In the past few years, everyone has done very well, I am very satisfied Since you have done well, there are of course rewards. The credit has been given to you. You can take a look at each one. The contribution value is very valuable. You can exchange some treasures that you want but dare not think about. For example ... Shenge! "


You have no hallucinations?

After seeing each other to make sure that you have heard correctly.

Everyone's eyes widened, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

That's a godhead!


These people were almost crazy.

Lin Lei was also taken aback by Cheng Buyun's words. His eyes widened in a daze, his eyes squinted strangely upward, and he looked at the brother Yun who smiled indifferently.

As far as he knows, there is no such thing as Godhead on Bu Yun!

Is there something I don't know about?

"You are not deaf, and you listen well." Cheng Buyun looked at everyone with a smile, and said with a smile: "As long as you have enough credit, it is not so far away to get a divine personality."


Once again, Cheng Buyun affirmed that everyone was almost excited on the spot and almost had a brain hemorrhage, their faces were flushed red, the body was trembling with excitement, and their eyes were hot and eager to look at their own adults. Earn credit, you can redeem a very precious god.

As long as there is a divine personality, its own strength can undergo repeated changes like heaven and earth. That is a realm that is very different from the level of the Holy Land.

After stimulating a group of people into a frenzy, Cheng Buyun began to pour cold water: "However, it is not so easy to get a godhead, you all need to be prepared in your heart. The godhead is precious, not Chinese cabbage, As many as you want. "

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