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Xu Chu sent Gan Zhao out of the camp. Gan Zhao drank a little too much, his cheeks were red, but he was still conscious. He smiled and said: "Mr. Xu used the fox to fake the power of the tiger, and he deceived the tigers on both sides."

Gan Zhao already felt strange. He made some insinuations while drinking with Liu Busheng and others, and immediately understood the cause and effect.

Xu Chu's face heated up, he cupped his hands and said, "Commander Gan..."

Gan Zhao held Xu Chu's arm and whispered: "No matter what, it will be beneficial to both parties to make peace. This is all thanks to Mr. Xu. Will Mr. Xu follow King Wu Yue to Jiangdong in the future?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "I want to go to Mengjin first, then respond to the city and meet up with Shen Mu Shou."

Gan Zhao nodded, "A child from Mr. Xu's family should join a famous family." Gan Zhao glanced at the people around him and lowered his voice, "The Prince of the World is not a place where he will stay for a long time. Although I have no intention of becoming a king, I also want to I’m going to take a team to explore elsewhere, Mr. Xu, can you give me some advice?”

It was the first time that Xu Chu was asked about such an important matter. He quickly raised his hands and said, "I am young and arrogant. How dare you give advice to an elder?"

Gan Zhao said with a smile: "Wise does not lie in your age. Please don't let our first acquaintance hinder you, Mr. Xu, and give me some guidance."

"Commander Gan asked, I dare not refuse to answer, let me think carefully."

Xu Chu sent Gan Zhao and others up the mountain on foot. On the way, he asked, "I wonder what Commander Gan's ambition is? To dominate the world? To dominate one area?"

Gan Zhao's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "If I can just stay on one side and wait for peace in the world, that's enough for me."

"If Commander Gan doesn't tell the truth, I can only point to the wrong place."

Gan Zhao said with a smile: "Mr. Xu is making a joke. I want to hear the strategies for aspiration and hegemony."

Xu Chu smiled and continued walking.

The two of them walked slowly, and the others had already reached the ridge with their horses. They were still more than a hundred steps away.

Xu Chu stopped, glanced at the military camp at the foot of the ridge, sighed, and said: "If you want to win the title, it is best to go back to Qinzhou, rectify the chaos, occupy Xijing, and then wait for an opportunity to go east."

"What's the chance of winning?"

Xu Chu raised his right index finger.

"10%?" Gan Zhao was a little disappointed.

Xu Chu shook his head, "I only have 10% hope of pacifying Qinzhou. Whether we can conquer the world is beyond my expectation."

Gan Zhao laughed twice and said, "Where can I be sidelined?"


"Yizhou? There seems to be no chaos there, and I don't know the heroes there."

"Not long after the fall of Shu, King Yidu was mediocre and harsh in his administration. All his people missed their old master. If Commander Gan can find a descendant of the Shu king and support him, he may be able to wipe out Shu in one fell swoop."

Gan Zhao's eyes lit up again, "How sure are you this time?"

Xu Chu still raised a finger.

"Still only 10%? Then it's better to aspire for the top spot."

Xu Chu shook his head, "It's also 10% sure. After pacifying Qinzhou, we can advance but not retreat, but pacifying Yizhou can advance or retreat. The difficulty is very different."

Gan Zhao smiled and said: "I understand, thank you Mr. Xu. As I am now, so-called promises are no different from deception, but I leave you one sentence: If Mr. Xu rises all the way, he will always be a distinguished guest with me. If you want to make another Looking for a place to live, I’m waiting for you here.”

"Thank you for your high opinion, I will bear in mind Commander Gan's promise today."

Gan Zhao bowed his hands and said goodbye, striding to catch up with his companions in front.

Xu Chu followed behind and walked slowly until he reached the ridge. Watching Gan Zhao and others leave, he suddenly wanted to catch up and reminded him that what he said just now was mostly hearsay, and with some talk on paper, in fact, he was not even half sure. If Gan Zhao were to take it seriously, it would most likely result in a complete failure.

But he didn't catch up after all. The only person in the world who couldn't show hesitation was the counselor, who murmured: "He is not someone who aspires to the throne, not..."

Xu Chu stayed in the Ningbaoguan camp for a day and saw groups of rebels coming to seek refuge. Most of them were rebellious but ownerless river workers. They didn't care who the King of Wuyue was under. They just wanted to have enough food for a few days. Finally, Able to return to his hometown in Huainan and Jiangdong.

One advantage of being a river worker is that most of them are not burdened by family members, so it is easier to form an army.

Ning Baoguan was also very strict in selecting people. He would not accept anyone with a family and dependents. He would give them some food and persuade them to join the Advent Army.

In the evening of the same day, the King of the Coming World sent someone over and agreed to give eight days to make an appointment for the two kings to leave their camps early the next morning and form an alliance at the meeting place.

The matter was accomplished. Ning Baoguan called Xu Chu and said, "You are here for Ma Wei. You are a hero who values ​​love and justice. Since I am the king, I will never lie. Early tomorrow morning, I will send five Hundreds of people will send you to Mengjin. If you find Ma Wei, you can take him away wherever you like, or you can come back together. I heard that you are assassinating to avenge Wu. If you are willing, You can come with me to Jiangdong, where you will have a place of use."

Xu Chu bowed deeply and said, "To be honest, Ma Wei and I are still going to defect to Shen Mu Shou. The situation is currently in turmoil, and I will try my best to bring the three families together to fight against the enemy's officers and soldiers."

Ning Baoguan laughed rarely and stood up and said: "Go, I won't stop you. But I remind you that the Shen family does not have the power of Long Xing. You will have to come back to me sooner or later. The position is still reserved for you, but I will doubt you. vision.”

The person Xu Chu really wanted to defect to was not Shen Zhi, but the Fifth Young Master Shen Dan. He cupped his hands and said, "Too much talk will lead to mistakes. Your Majesty should be suspicious of the vision of all counselors."

"Haha, you are right." Ning Baoguan sent Xu Chu out of the tent and said as he walked: "You are too young. Although you have the courage to assassinate the emperor, you don't have the mind to make friends. Otherwise, you can also dominate one side. When you have this idea, I am willing to lend you soldiers. As for the number, it depends on how many soldiers I have. I can always do it by allocating 30% to 40%. "

In one day, Xu Chu got another promise from someone. His answer was the same as before: "Thank you for your high regard. I will remember the promise of the king today."

Ning Baoguan is good at judging people. He saw Xu Chu's weakness of not knowing how to follow the crowd. His statement coincided with Guo Shifeng's.

Xu Chu returned to the tent and thought for a long time. He was ambitious for a while, and then he thought he was incompetent. Finally, he concluded that he was too young and couldn't keep his temper when someone said a few words to him.

The next morning, Ning Baoguan led his troops to see the King of the World. At the same time, he allocated 500 soldiers, led by his general Luo Hanqi, to send Xu Chu to Mengjin to chase Ma Wei.

Luo Hanqi was still upset about losing the long spear, and said when he left the camp: "In fact, there is no need to go. Ma Wei is definitely dead. He took 200 people to attack Mengjin and was just going to die."

The 500 people were all infantry, and only Xu Chu and Luo Hanqi were riding horses.

"More than a dozen days ago, the King of Wuyue wanted to lead more than 20 people to attack the city."

"It's different, completely different. Who is King Ning? He has the courage of ten thousand men. With us, who can defeat hundreds or thousands of people, it's easy for him to take down a small city. Ma Wei is just like you, a scholar, only good at talking. Fighting and attacking cities? Haha, not much better than a woman."

Luo Hanqi looked down on scholars and boasted about the people he had killed and the merits he had made. Whenever Xu Chu showed a little bit of disbelief, he would frown and wave the new spear in his hand, "Let's compete. I'll give you ten moves. If you can stab me once, I lose."

Xu Chu smiled and shook his head. When the other party was bragging, he slowly asked Ma Wei why he wanted to attack Mengjin.

Luo Hanqi didn't care about this kind of thing and didn't know much. He could only provide a few words of information each time. Xu Chu guessed the general situation.

Ma Wei stayed with the King of Wuyue and had been trying to save himself. He not only changed the names of the people, but also provided many strategies. It was his idea to accept the government's offer of amnesty.

A few days ago, hundreds of rioters came to surrender. They were not the Jiangshi Army or the river workers, but the natives nearby. They could not stand the government's extortion and extortion, so they simply united several villages and joined the rebels.

They brought too many families with them, and Ning Baoguan did not want to take them in. However, Ma Wei was interested because many of them claimed to be originally from Liang. When they heard that Ma Wei was a descendant of the former Liang emperor, they all knelt down.

Ma Wei insisted on keeping these people. Ning Baoguan said: "You can take them away, and I will give you weapons. If you can capture Mengjin and let me sail east, I will lend you soldiers and recognize you as the King of Liang."

Ning Baoguan seemed willing to lend soldiers to others. Although not many, they were very useful.

Xu Chu was puzzled by one thing, "Does the King of Wuyue think that there are too many soldiers? Why does he push all the people with their families to the King of the World?"

"Who knows? We have also advised King Ning that those people in the King of the World Army are not trustworthy and there is no reason to increase their military strength. But King Ning did not listen, saying that his team must return to Jiangdong as a signal, and must be as fast as flying, without any drag. He also said that everyone is from the King of the World Army, even if they fall out, they must retain some respect for the King of the World."

When Ning Baoguan called the King of the World "Xue Liu" yesterday, he did not have the slightest respect. Xu Chu had already figured out Ning Baoguan's intention in his heart, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

Luo Hanqi asked: "What are you laughing at?"


"No, you scholars have many evil minds, and you smile on your face, which must be bad intentions. Come on, tell me, although my spear is not the sharp weapon of the Emperor of All Things, it is still easy to poke a hole in you."

Ning Baoguan wanted to increase the burden of the King of the World Army, wait for the opportunity to defeat it in one fell swoop, and then recruit the rioters.

This must be Ning Baoguan's plan. He didn't tell his generals, so Xu Chu naturally couldn't say anything. So he said, "I have seen the long spears of the Emperor of All Things with my own eyes. There are quite a few of them, but he only uses one spear regularly, unlike the one Luo Yingxiong took yesterday."


"The government will also lie when giving rewards."

Luo Hanqi cursed a few words, and suddenly laughed, "Since it is not the spear of the Emperor of All Things, it doesn't matter if you lose to Liu Busheng. Have you seen the Emperor of All Things dance with a spear?"

Xu Chu nodded.

"How is it better than me?" Luo Hanqi raised the spear over his head and danced a trick.

Xu Chu shook his head.

Luo Hanqi thought that this meant that the Emperor of All Things was not as good as him, and he was very happy. He danced a few more moves and won the applause of many soldiers.

The villages and towns along the river were deserted, and the residents either fled or were killed. There were almost no living people along the way. Occasionally, a few people were seen, all of them ran very fast, and even horses could not catch up.

No news was obtained about Ma Wei.

Xu Chu insisted on traveling more at night, resting only for an hour in the middle of the night, and continued on his way before dawn. Finally, he saw the small town on the north bank of Mengjin around noon the next day.

"Where did the officers and soldiers go?" Luo Hanqi was very puzzled, "There was a camp here a few days ago."

Xu Chu left 500 people and rode alone to the city. He saw that the city wall was intact and not damaged. The flags on the top of the city still belonged to the Tiancheng Dynasty. Ma Wei seemed to have never been here.

The city gate was closed during the day. The soldiers on the top of the city had already discovered the unknown people in the distance and asked the people under the city: "Where are you from? Whose troops are you?"

Luo Hanqi and others were dressed and flags were no different from the officers and soldiers, and were regarded as their own people by the defenders.

Xu Chu was just thinking about how to answer when someone on the top of the city wall said, "Open the city gate. This is the reinforcement I mentioned!"

This was Ma Wei's voice, but Xu Chu didn't understand what "reinforcements" meant.

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