Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 8: Follow the name and hold the person accountable

Academics in name and reality have always been regarded as primary schools, slightly related to orthodox Taoism, so they can survive until the Tiancheng Dynasty. There are not many scholars and even fewer people teach, and scholars and scholars are the best among them.

In the school, Wen Renxue was more careful not to let his studies in name and reality stray too far from the "orthodox". It was different tonight. Perhaps it was because of his drunkenness, or perhaps because the lake light was so breathtaking, that he wanted to express his true thoughts. .

"The so-called 'according to name and responsibility for reality' is actually a skill of appraising people." The scholar lowered his voice slightly, as if he was revealing a secret that had been hidden for many years.

"The art of appreciating people? Sir, I have said before that the theory of names and facts can be used to evaluate people. Master said, 'listen to his words and observe his actions'..."

The learned scholar shook his head, "I say this to make everyone think that the theory of name and reality is more orthodox. In fact, it is physiognomy. It can not only evaluate someone's past and present, but can even predict someone's future."

Lou Chu was speechless. This was not the kind of academic knowledge he knew, nor was it the scholarly scholar he knew.

The wine on the table was still there, Wenren Xuexue picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp. Lou Chi hurriedly poured another cup. It was already dark, and he could only use the light of the stars and the moon to find his position.

"The only way to learn names and facts is to 'follow the name and be responsible for the facts' - if you say it is complicated, you will not be able to understand it through a lifetime of study. If you say it is simple, it is nothing more than a few words: the name is externally, the ambition is internally, 'name' and 'ambition' It is the same thing; externally it is reality, internally it is force, 'reality' and 'power' are the same thing. If the name is consistent with the reality, the person is mediocre, the name is too real, the person is vain, the reality is too much, and the person is sinister. "

"Are people who match the name and reality mediocre?" Lou Chu was surprised again. This was completely different from what he had learned before, especially not in line with orthodox ideas.

The scholar nodded, drank another glass of wine, poured out another glass of wine, and poured out only a little, and found that the pot was empty.

"If the name matches the reality, if the person is complacent and has no ambition to make progress, wouldn't he be mediocre?"

"If his name is 'Shangjin', is he actually 'Shangjin'?" Lou Chu asked, holding a wine pot.

The scholar drank the remaining half glass of wine and said, "A gentleman moves with the times, and when the opportunity does not come, he would rather stay in the dark. What you call a 'progressive' person strives for progress all the time, regardless of the weather, the right place, or the right place. People who are harmonious often do twice the result with half the result, or even achieve nothing throughout their lives. Isn't this a mediocre person? "

Lou Chi was speechless again.

A learned scholar raised his empty cup and drank from it, as if there was still wine in the cup. "Don't use mediocrity as a derogatory term. Most people in the world are mediocre. At least mediocrity is not harmful to the world. Those who do not live up to their names may have long ago." Sooner or later he will fall into mediocrity and become the person he should be."

A cool breeze blew across the lake, and the scholar seemed to sigh and go with the wind. He stretched out the empty cup and held the empty pot in his hand as if pouring wine.

After drinking it all in one gulp, the scholar suddenly laughed several times and said, "Mediocre people can be seen clearly at a glance. There is no need to speculate. The latter two types of people are the ones who follow the name and are responsible for the reality. If the name is too real, the person will be vain and the world will be in chaos." Nine times out of ten, it comes from this type of person. You think he can accomplish something and entrust him with important tasks, but he makes a mess and leaves it unused. He complains and waits for bad things to happen. "

The first thing Lou Chu thought of was his own family. The general was famous all over the world, but he had no interest in leading troops to fight. His daily calculations were all about the exchange of favors and the division of interests, but he still held the military power and was responsible for putting down rebellions in various places.

"There are many people like this." Lou Chu said, pouring another glass of wine.

"Spill it." Wen Renxue reminded.

Lou Chu was busy adjusting the spout.

"The third type of person is really too famous. He is a sinister person with great ambitions but hides them deeply. Once revealed, he will be either a traitor or a great evil, or a great sage. There is only one thing, don't reveal it too early, otherwise he will be both in name and in name. Loss is laughed at by everyone in the world."

Lou Chu's heart was beating wildly, but his hands were still "pouring wine" honestly.

Wenren was scholarly but didn't want to drink anymore. He put down the cup and said, "In recent days, you have been a little abnormal. Occasionally, your expression will change suddenly, and you seem to have important matters unresolved in your heart."

Lou Chu slowly put the empty pot back on the table, trying to control his slightly trembling arms, "Really? I don't think so."

"You don't hand over your articles to others for money or friendship, right?"

Regarding this matter, Lou Chu could not deny, "I hope this article can be read, but I don't want to attract attention because of it, so..."

"You are an imprisoned person. No one cares about you. You are hurting yourself inexplicably. It must be to cover up your ambition. What makes you so cautious? Is it related to Ma Wei?"

Lou Chu was getting more and more frightened, and he cupped his hands and bowed deeply, "Disciple, I promise that others will come first, sir, I hope you won't ask any more questions."

"Well, I have no intention of getting to the bottom of it. I just want to remind you that as great as your ambition is, your patience will be as deep as it is. You showed it too early, which makes me think that you are a person who is 'too real in name'."

"Disciple, please be taught." Lou Chu bowed deeply again.

Wen Renxue waved his hand and his voice became weak, "Leave the book box behind and you go have a drink. I want to sit here alone for a while."

Lou Chu exited the pavilion, walked a few steps and then turned back. He knelt down and bowed to the scholar as teacher and student. After three bows, he said: "What the teacher said today, I will keep it in mind. I have one more thing to ask. In the eyes of the teacher, Ma Wei is how……"

"The so-called physiognomy in the name of reality is completely different from the secular physiognomy. You either realize it yourself or you don't. You can't ask others for advice."

Lou Chu stood up and exited again, and walked back to the hall in a daze. He thought over and over again, seemed to have some realizations, and had many puzzles. But he wanted to understand one thing. Almost everything he had done recently was a mistake, especially... When facing seventh brother Lou Shuo, he made a big mistake.

He would never get a recommendation from Lou Shuo.

In the hall, everyone was drunk. Some were laughing wildly, some were crying, some were yelling, and there were people fighting in a ball and pouring wine on each other.

How solemn the ceremony was when meeting the prince at the beginning, how indulgent the scene was now.

Lou Chu actually didn't want to come back to drink. He was thinking about something and had nowhere else to go. He walked back unknowingly and saw Liang Shengzhi, the resident of the East Palace, for the first time. Without the prince, he was equivalent to the master here. Shi Zheng stood on the table, got a copper baron from somewhere, raised it high, and slowly poured the wine inside on the heads of the people around him, with an excited smile of a successful prank on his face.

"The name is too real." Lou Chu immediately made a judgment on Liang Shengzhi in his mind. This man was smart and could see that the general had evil intentions, but that was all. Even if he met the emperor, nothing would happen.

On the other side, Ma Wei was talking loudly with several people, and there were even two officials from the East Palace among the listeners.

Ma Wei likes to make friends and is good at making friends, but sometimes it becomes a cover-up. Is he "more than real in name"? Or is it "too famous"? The foundation of the building can't be seen clearly.

Zhou Lu stumbled over to meet him, holding a pot in one hand and a cup in the other. He was quite simple, and his name and reality were completely consistent, so it was not troublesome at all to guess.

"Where are you hiding? It's not easy to have a drink with you. Come on, have a drink. This is my toast to you. You must drink it!"

Lou Chu took the wine glass and asked, "Have you ever taken revenge?"

As soon as someone mentioned this matter, Zhou Lu became angry, threw the wine bottle on the ground, and said sternly: "If I don't avenge this, I will never be a human being! Don't worry, I have found someone who can avenge me. As soon as he takes action, Even the King of Heaven has to kneel down and beg for mercy..."

Lou Chu walked away, but Zhou Lu was still there pointing at the sky and cursing the ground. The hall was noisy, everyone lost their composure, and no one paid attention to the shouts of Young Master Zhou.

It wasn't until after the third watch that the out-of-control banquet came to an end. The servants either led the way or carried everyone to the room to rest, and then cleaned up the mess. Everyone looked blank, not surprised by such a scene. .

Lou Chu was woken up early in the morning.

Ma Wei was in high spirits, and it was completely impossible to tell how much he drank last night, "We have to leave Fubo Garden before noon, let's take the opportunity to go shopping."

"Is that okay?" Lou Chi was still yawning.

"The prince has returned to the palace. There are no guards in the garden."

Fubo Garden does not provide breakfast, and no one else is awake yet. Lou Chu and Ma Wei are strolling along the path, sometimes seeing the lake, and sometimes encountering the mountains, which is very pleasant.

Arriving at a deserted place, Ma Wei said: "Maybe it can be done."

"Brother Ma, have you found out... whereabouts?"

"Not yet, but we have some clues." Ma Wei looked around and lowered his voice slightly, "Liang Sheren may be able to help."

Lou Chu remembered that Liang Shengzhi claimed that he wanted to meet with the emperor to impeach General Lou Wen. He probably knew that he could not enter the palace, so he wanted to take advantage of the emperor's private visit in disguise.

"That's inappropriate." Lou Chu shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

"Liang Sheren is so arrogant that if he drags him in, he is afraid that something bad will happen."

"Don't worry, of course I won't tell him the truth. I just want to make meritorious deeds with him so that I can avoid being imprisoned."

Lou Chu still shook his head, and Ma Wei smiled and said: "Brother Chu, are you worried about being robbed of your credit? I appreciate brother Chu, not just because of this matter. I actually know that brother Chu is very talented..."

"Wait a few more days. If there is really nothing I can do, you can go find Liang Sheren."

Ma Wei frowned slightly, "Then you have to hurry up, Liang Sheren doesn't wait for anyone, he is in a hurry."

"As little as three days, as much as five days."

"Okay, I'll wait for you for five days."

The two of them walked forward again, and Lou Chu asked, "How did Brother Ma convince Liang Sheren to help?"

"No persuasion is needed. I commented on the figures in the court in public, saying that General Lou must have different intentions - I'm sorry, I had to say something bad about your father - and then Liang Sheren took the initiative to come to me."

Lou Chu didn't mind what Ma Wei did and said with a smile: "Brother Ma, you are not afraid of retaliation when you criticize someone in public?"

"Hey, there is an advantage to being a former emperor. The worse the situation is, the more nonsense you can talk. If you are cautious, you will be jealous."

Lou Chu laughed, remembering what the old servant at home thought of Ma Wei. He had never noticed it before, and then he realized that this good friend did often talk about the word "Emperor".

"The learned scholar said something to me last night, which was very interesting..."

Ma Wei's smile disappeared, "Have you heard? The Seduction School will be abolished soon, and all the academics will be dismissed."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Well, the court turned a blind eye to internal and external troubles, but focused on the flaws, thinking that the knowledge taught in the Yuxue Hall was deviant and wanted to get rid of it quickly. Poor old gentlemen, they don't know where to make a living in the future. Wenren What did the scholar say to you?"

"It's still the same thing as learning in name and reality." Lou Chu said perfunctorily, suddenly not wanting to tell Ma Wei the whole truth.

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