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After they started talking, it was the best delicacy to go with wine. The three people's interest quickly rose. Shen Dan suggested that we become sworn friends, "It's enough to have one acquaintance in life, let alone two people. Mr. Liu and I have known each other for many years, and we have fallen in love with each other. With the Seventeenth Young Master, We feel like old friends at the first sight, and if we don’t give up, we will become brothers with different surnames on the spot, and we will live and die together and create great achievements together!”

Liu Youzhong added to the fun, and Xu Chu naturally had no reason to object. The three stood up and stood in a row, ranked first by age. Liu Youzhong was the oldest, Shen Dan was the second, and Xu Chu was the youngest. He was full of enthusiasm and didn't care about the ceremony. Each of them held a cup and met each other. After bowing to the table three times, they are considered brothers, and their ranking is calculated separately.

Before he was about to bow, a man came in from outside and said, "Wait, do you want to make a sworn vow? Count me in."

Tan Wuwei woke up at some point and came to drink more. He happened to see three people making sworn vows. Without asking why, he staggered over dragging his sword and stood at the end with a cup in hand.

The three of them looked at each other, not wanting to break their sworn vows because of Tan Wuwei, so they started again, and Tan Wuwei came second. The four of them worshiped together, and each of them said something, "I don't want to be born in the same year, same month, and same day, but... "May I die in the same year, same month, same day" category, only Tan Wuwei is different.

"Don't turn against one another, don't fight within, don't make schemes. We grow up to be brothers with different surnames. We drink wine together and face difficulties together. The emperor and heaven have clearly learned from this, and the earth behind us is the proof. Those who change their minds will be abandoned by both humans and gods."

Hearing these words, the other three people actually felt a little ashamed, and they all covered it up with laughter. From this moment on, Xu Chu's favorable impression of Tan Wuwei increased.

The four of them sat down again and did not discuss confidential matters in front of Tan Wuwei. In the evening, Shen Dan and Liu Youzhong visited Xu Chu's room to discuss the details.

"You don't need many people. I will choose twenty reliable warriors and lead them myself. I will send my fourth brother to the General Manager's Mansion. I will never let my fourth brother take risks alone."

"Third brother can stay at home and wait for good news."

"Since we are brothers, how can we stay behind to seek peace? Besides, I am the son of Mu Shou. If I don't go, Manager Miao may not come out to greet me personally."

"I'll go too," Liu Youzhong said.

"Brother is older, so there is no need to go." Xu Chu and Shen Dan said at the same time.

"How can I stay out of this matter if these two worthy brothers do not regard me as their elder brother and call me brother? Although I cannot wield a sword or a gun, I know many people. This General Manager Miao is the nephew of General Lan and has met me several times in the capital. I'm not bragging. He may not greet me if I go there in person, but if I show up, he will definitely welcome me at the gate."

The three of them finalized the details one by one. Liu Youzhong was as energetic as a young man at his age and did not feel sleepy even after chatting until midnight.

The time was set for tomorrow afternoon. Shen Dan and Liu You finally said goodbye. Xu Chu went to bed and lay down. He felt that this could be done. With this, he gained the trust of the Shen family and borrowed thousands of troops to go south. Finally, he could give Ning Bao'er an explanation in exchange for his return. Mavi's life.

The bed in Shen Zhai was large and comfortable, and the quilt was soft and warm. Xu Chu fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Early the next morning, Xu Chu was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard someone banging on the door outside. He stood up in a daze, thinking that Shen Dan and Liu Youzhong were too hasty. They agreed to do things in the afternoon, so why did they come so early in the morning?

"Prisoner on the floor, open the door quickly!"

Xu Chu was shocked again. Someone was clearly here to catch the criminal. Has the plan changed? Why didn't anyone say anything? He hurriedly got dressed and got out of bed. As soon as he opened the door, two soldiers rushed in and each grabbed one of his arms.

There were still several people standing outside the door. The first one Xu Chu recognized was Shen Cong, the eldest brother of the Shen family and Shen Dan's brother. He had met and drank in the capital before, but now he was like a stranger, with a cold face. .

"Brother Shen, is there something wrong?"

"Hey, you are an assassin and a traitor, how dare you call me a brother?"

"I don't dare. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce wants to reward me?"

Shen Cong held a casual position in the Ministry of Industry of Shangshu Province, so Xu Chu called him "Shen Cong of the Ministry of Industry".

Shen Cong sneered and said: "Fifth brother is so obsessed that he actually took in the imperial prisoner, but our Shen family has loyal ministers. Take him away and send him to the general manager's house. After interrogation, he will be escorted back to the capital."

Xu Chu was embarrassed and had no choice but to leave the house.

Shen Cong led a dozen soldiers and was about to leave while escorting the imperial prisoner when a man walked out of the room next to him.

Tan Wuwei has a slender figure and an eye-catching long sword. When he stands forward, he always attracts attention immediately. He cupped his hands to Shen Cong and said, "When did the Shen family change the way they treat guests?"

Shen Cong recognized him, "Tan Wuwei, it's none of your business, get out of the way."

Tan Wuwei shook his head, "It's indeed none of my business if it comes one day earlier, but we just yesterday became sworn brothers with different surnames. We share blessings and share hardships. Now that we are still hungover, how can we abandon our friendship?"

Shen Cong looked at Tan Wuwei, shook his head and said, "Fifth brother is really confused... Since he is sworn to the imperial convict, we should take him away together."

Two soldiers came forward to arrest the man, but Tan Wuwei struggled twice. Although his body was big, he had no strength, so he was captured without any help. He smiled and said: "Shen Da doesn't know much about people. In troubled times, if you kill an innocent man and kill a strong man, you will definitely be punished. "

Xu Chu said to Tan Wuwei: "Second brother, why do you do this?"

"It doesn't matter, I once gave advice to Manager Miao, and he...hey, my sword."

The soldier took away the sword from his waist.

The group of people walked out, and Shen Dan hurried over, glanced at Xu Chu and Tan Wuwei, came straight to his brother, and said angrily: "Brother, why did you arrest my guest?"

"Your guest? The building is an imperial prisoner. How can it be worthy of being a guest of my Shen family? Fifth brother, stop making trouble. The imperial envoys are in the city. If trouble is caused, you can't afford it."

"No, the person must stay. Even if I have to arrest him, I will catch him myself."

Shen Cong pushed his younger brother aside, "I usually give you three points, but when it comes to such a big thing, the Shen family doesn't let you make the decision."

"Father can make the decision. Don't move. I'll go find him now. You'll always obey his orders, right?"

"Father will never hide a criminal."

Shen Dan came to Xu Chu and bowed, saying, "Please rest assured, I will never sit and watch you being humiliated in Bingzhou."

Before Xu Chu spoke, Tan Wuwei beside him said, "Third brother, hurry up. Manager Miao appreciates my talent and will not be so polite to the fourth brother. Don't go to ask the governor alone. It's better to call your brother-in-law."

Shen Dan was stunned, nodded, said yes, and ran away.

Tan Wuwei explained to Xu Chu: "Zhou Yuanbin is the son-in-law of the Shen family, and his business is business..."

The soldier pushed the two men to move forward, and Tan Wuwei said as he walked: "Zhou Yuanbin has a lot of business, especially with the north, and is deeply trusted by the governor..."

Shen Cong turned his head and said: "Tan Wuwei, if you don't keep your mouth shut, I will have someone cut off your tongue."

Tan Wuwei immediately shut up and nodded meaningfully to Xu Chu. Xu Chu didn't understand at all, he only knew that the original plan was frustrated, not to mention that he was in danger, but also Shen Dan's plan and Ma Wei's life were affected.

Shen Cong got on the horse at the gate, and the others walked.

Xu Chu couldn't help but say, "Minister Shen acted on his own without consulting Lord Mushou?"

"Who said I acted on my own... Hey, the whole family was bewitched by Lao Wu, and I was the only one who was somewhat sober. We can't let him go on like this. Handing you over at least shows that the Shen family has no intention of rebelling, and father can be more resolute."

Xu Chu was speechless. He had met all kinds of people who could not be persuaded, and he could still say a few words, but when facing the eldest brother of the Shen family, he couldn't say a word.

More stubborn than indecision is cowardice. Shen Cong did not dare to raise troops for fear of angering the court, which was even worse than Lou Ying.

Tan Wuwei endured half of the way, and when he was about to reach the General Manager's Mansion, he looked up and said to Shen Cong: "Shen Da, did you do something wrong again to make Lord Mushou unhappy? Excuse me, it is not advisable to make a mistake on top of a mistake. There are other ways to please my father..."

"Cut off his tongue." Shen Cong ordered.

Tan Wuwei gritted his teeth, and Shen Cong stopped urging him, so the soldiers gave up.

The General Manager's Mansion was located in the north city, and there were more soldiers guarding outside. Shen Cong dismounted at the street corner and asked the captain guarding the street to report to Miao Sa.

The captain recognized Shen Cong and was shocked to hear that the person he brought with him was the imperial prisoner Lou Chu. He went to see the general manager in person and came back soon, asking Shen Cong and the two prisoners to enter the mansion, and the others to stay.

Xu Chu had just taken a few steps when he heard someone shouting, "Wait, the governor has an order!"

Shen Cong and the captain instead quickened their pace, and the soldiers behind them stopped them with their guns.

Miao Sa was Lan Xun's nephew, and was a roundabout relative of Lou Chu, but the two had never met and had no family ties.

Miao Sa was confronting the Shen family in Jinyang City. He was very nervous. He never left his armor or sword. He was often surrounded by dozens of personal guards. Seeing that Shen Cong came alone and there were only two prisoners, he felt relieved. He walked around the desk, bowed to Shen Cong, and then came to Xu Chu and looked him up and down.

"Tsk, the son of the general, tsk." Miao Sa smacked his lips, not knowing what he meant.

Tan Wuwei interrupted, "I am the grandson of the former Liang Shangzhuguo, you should remember me."

Miao Sa glanced at Tan Wuwei and said in confusion, "Why did you arrest him?"

Shen Cong said, "Tan Wuwei and Lou Chu are sworn brothers, so they are considered accomplices."

Tan Wuwei would persuade everyone he met, "General Manager Miao, your position is very unstable. The rebellion of the river workers is spreading eastward, isolating Bingzhou from the court, and Jinyang is isolated. If the civil and military are not in harmony..."

"Tie the grandson of the Shangzhuguo under the pillar and block his mouth." Miao Sa ordered.

The soldiers executed immediately.

Miao Sa continued to stare at Lou Chu, "The court is really magnanimous to your Lou family. My son assassinated the emperor, but I was fine."

"The Lan family is not bad either. When one person succeeds, everyone in the family will rise to prominence. They promoted Lord Miao to be the general manager and put him in charge of the troops of a city."

Miao Sa laughed in anger, "When I send you to Dongdu, I will not be in charge of the troops of a city... or I don't need to be so troublesome, I can just send your head directly."

Miao Sa drew his sword, and Shen Cong stepped back two steps.

Although Miao Sa was a military general, he was not very good at using a sword. He held it in his hand and gestured only to scare the prisoners.

Xu Chu was unmoved and just looked away.

A lieutenant came and whispered in the general manager's ear. Miao Sa put away his sword and said to Shen Cong, "Shen Gong, wait a moment, I'll be back soon."

After Miao Sa left, Xu Chu looked at Shen Cong, shook his head, and sighed helplessly.

Shen Cong saw this and sneered, "At this time, do you still think you can escape?"

"I'm not sighing for myself, I'm worried about Shen Gongbu."

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me."

Xu Chu smiled but said nothing.

Miao Sa came back from the back hall, followed by someone.

Guo Shifeng walked up to Xu Chu and said with a smile, "It's him, that's right."

If there is anyone who can make Xu Chu completely unsure, it is the "Brother Guo" in front of him.

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