(Please collect and recommend)

The general had already discovered the benefits of this edict. Without discussing it with his son, he hired other staff to imitate the handwriting on it and added a few lines. The content was very simple. The "Emperor" deeply missed the prince's childishness and weakness, so he appointed the King of Xiangdong as his successor. The Grand Governor of the Forbidden Army and the three divisions of Kaifu Yitong appointed An Guogong and General Lou Wen as the general manager of the West Road, leading the governors of Qin, Bing, and Han states, and taking charge of all military affairs, and so on.

After seeing it, the floor foundation was shocked and said, "It's inappropriate."

The general said: "What's wrong? The King of Xiangdong and I are mutually exclusive. He is in charge of the imperial army, and I am in charge of the foreign army. This is the rebirth of the Emperor of All Things. What can you do to me?"

Lou Chu still shook his head, "Forgive me for speaking frankly, my father and the King of Xiangdong are actually rebelling, but they are unwilling to accept the name of rebellion, in name only..."

Lou Wen took the imperial edict from his son and carefully put it in his arms, "Don't be so "in name only". You are indeed a good son, but don't be too proud. Many things are not as simple as you think. All states are not stable. , Whoever is in Dongdu will suffer. Isn’t there a saying that whoever fights will benefit. I don’t want to join the fight too early, but I want to watch on the sidelines and profit in the end.”

Lou Chu forgot the sentence "First there are people to persuade, and then there are words to persuade", and said eagerly: "Although Tiancheng is divided, it is generally not in chaos. With the reputation of his father, he suppresses the rebellion, quits the corvee, recuperates, and recuperates. Use the people with time..."

"That's enough, what about 'utilizing the people for the sake of time'? Do you really think that you..." Lou Wen held his stomach and frowned, and when he spoke again, his tone was much kinder, "I understand what you mean, but our Lou family is not the emperor. Life, I can’t do it, let alone brothers like you.”

"Father..." Lou Chu wanted to say more.

Lou Wen shook his head, "You go and have a rest. I will send someone to take you to Tongguan early tomorrow morning. If you are really capable, you can get rid of Cao Shenxi and wait for me to return with the imperial decree to accept the army. There are some of your brothers over there. , and some of my loyal generals, I will write a letter and they will help you."

The foundation of the building could only say "obey".

Lou Wen held one of his son's hands and said, "You are my son. It's a good thing to be ambitious, but you can't overdo it. There are hundreds of descendants in the Lou family, and we can't let you do it alone. Do you understand?"


"Well, when we get to the west, the Lou family doesn't have to worry about any restrictions. You can be an official of any age."

"Yes, father. There is also my wife and third brother in the city..."

"Take your time, you have to leave something for the court so that everyone can trust each other."

Lou Chu resigned and came to his residence. He was very sleepy but could not fall asleep. In the end, he could only admit the fact that he could not convince his father. Not every important minister wanted to be the emperor. The general and the King of Eastern Hunan did not have this. Ambition.

The Shen family in Bingzhou may have great ambitions, and Ma Wei will be able to show his talents there, but he has a surname that he cannot get rid of and must stay in the Lou family.

At this point, he began to think about the trip to Tongguan. Cao Shenxi was a generous man and won the hearts of the soldiers, but his foundation was far inferior to that of the general, and he was attacked from both sides by the mob and the river workers. He could be subdued with both kindness and power. …

Lou Chu had just come up with half of the plan when he fell asleep on the table. When he woke up, he found himself lying on the bed with his boots off and his clothes still on. He was covered with a thin quilt and there were cold meals on the table.

How long have you slept? He jumped up from the building foundation, opened the door and saw that the sun was half setting, and it was almost dusk. There were a few more carriages in the yard, obviously a messenger was coming.

His stomach growled, he closed the door, put on his boots, and sat at the table to eat. Although everything was cold, he didn't want to ask anyone to heat it.

Qiao Zhisu knocked on the door and entered the house, carrying a jug of wine and smiling: "Seventeenth Young Master, would you like to have a drink together?"

"Mr. Qiao, please sit down." Lou Chu stood up to greet him.

The two chatted while drinking. Qiao Zhisu first mentioned the imperial edict, "The general has made up his mind and will dominate one side. The King of Xiangdong will probably agree to this plan."

The foundation of the building couldn't help but said: "This is an expedient measure. It can only solve the temporary difficulties, but it will not solve the worries of the future. The rebellious people in Qinzhou have won the first victory, and there are river workers outside to echo, but the general has to be in danger..."

"The general's plan is to gather the Tongguan army, go north to join the Bingzhou army, enter Qinzhou from the north, catch the rebels by surprise, and then go straight to Xijing to suppress the rebellion. Not only to quell the rebellion, but also to conquer Qinzhou Business is a place of support.”

Lou Chu put down his wine glass and sighed: "Perhaps I am too young and too ambitious. I only think about 'the world' and specialize in risky moves. I am not as good as my father in his long-term planning."

"A general is victorious in many battles in his life...the battle of Qinzhou is not included. What he relies on is not bravery and strategy, but step-by-step and detailed planning."

"Father... is right." Lou Chu admitted reluctantly, but his plans were all risky and indeed not safe enough. For him, victory or defeat was all about one person, but for the general, what he cared about was It’s the Lou family full of people.

"The general has a bad temper, but he regards his children and grandchildren as treasures. Although the battle of Qinzhou chilled the general, he was not willing to punish him severely. What's more, there are still young sons and grandsons in the family who have not grown up. The general said that from now on he will Raise them personally and let them eat and live with the soldiers, so as not to grow up to be dandy children again. "

Lou Chu was speechless, but he could imagine that this was indeed something his father could do, but he didn't know how long he could last.

"Will the imperial court let the Lou family out of the city?"

"We are talking. Lan Yong is in the general's room at the moment."

Lan Yong was the son of Guo Wuhou Lan Xun. Lou Chi had met him several times and said in surprise: "Lan Yong? The imperial court sent the Lan family to be lobbyists?"

The feud between the Lou and Lan families was known to both the government and the public.

Qiao Zhisu said with a smile: "After all, the two families are relatives. We usually don't get along, but we still have to take care of each other at times like this. The general's wife recommended Lan Yong to be the messenger, and she even wrote a letter in her own hand."

Lou Chu has a good impression of Mrs. Lan, "The new emperor ascends the throne, the Lan family will not benefit, right?"

"Haha, let's talk privately. The Lan family is really hopeless. They are incompetent in writing and military. No matter who is in power, the Lan family will not be reused. They have to do some work of spreading messages."

"Why did the general and the Lan family have a bad relationship?"

"It's no big deal. The general looks down on Marquis Guowu, and he never hides it. He often says in front of everyone in the court that the greatest skill of the Lan family is that they gave birth to two good daughters, and the boys are all useless."

Lou Chu smiled. The general was right, but it was too hurtful. No wonder he offended the Lan family.

"The court still wants the general to hand over his military power?"

"That's right. The Liang family is also confused. They think that by winning the favor of the new emperor, they can control the world. They don't see that chaos is happening all the time. It's when a general is needed most."

The two of them were quite emotional. They didn't drink much, but they were both a bit tipsy.

Speaking of Tongguan, Qiao Zhisu didn't take it seriously, "When the Seventeenth Young Master arrives in Qinzhou, he doesn't actually have to do anything. He just needs to contact the general's old department and be prepared to welcome the general. With the help of the King of Eastern Hunan, there is also a clear edict. , the imperial court can only accept all the conditions of the general, and they can only fight back and forth a few times. "

"The general's plan is indeed sound."

"Accidents keep happening, but finally there is a good outcome. Come, let's drink."

The two of them drank down a bottle of wine, and Qiao Zhisu smiled and said, "That's it. When King Xiangdong arrives, the two of us will still need to come forward."

When Qiao Zhisu left, it was already dark and Lan Yong had already returned to Beijing.

Lou Chu went to see his father. Lou Wen was sitting there reading a letter. He looked up at his son and sneered: "Your mother is also obsessed with it. She even asked the Lan family for help. It seems that I am not good enough."

Lou Chu said: "Madam is also thinking about the general and the Lou family."

Lou Wen pressed his belly again, "We must kill all those rioters."

"Qinzhou will be the foundation of the general in the future, and the troubled people will be the general's people."

"Haha, have you figured it out?"

"The child has figured it out, and his father's arrangements are more appropriate."

Lou Wen put the letter away, "The Liang family sent you to send a message. They also asked Lan Yong to convey the wishes of the Queen Mother and the Prince, saying that as long as I hand over the military power, I will give the Lou family a ticket to avoid death. Hey, I want that What are you doing?"

"How did father answer?"

"I told Lan Yong what I wanted to say, and I also told Lan Yong that I had a will in my hand, but I didn't say the content of the will. You should have seen his expression at that time, as if he had been stabbed ten times. Haha, you are like this The posthumous edict was brought in too timely to revitalize the entire chess game. "

The father and son chatted for a while, and Lou Wen sighed. As expected, he mentioned that he would raise his children and grandchildren himself, "When I get to Xijing, I will marry a dozen fertile women, have more sons, and rebuild the Lou family. I don't believe it. Such Of all the sons, you are the only decent one?"

"The sword is blunt only when it is unsheathed. Brothers, you just haven't had the chance yet."

"Following me on an expedition is not a chance? Alas, they can't do it, not one of them. Some swords can be unsheathed by themselves, such as you. Some swords have to be unsheathed. There are indeed a few of the Lou family's children and grandchildren. When you are an official outside, what is left of you is just the hilt of a sword. It is fine when it is sheathed and can scare people, but it is broken once it is unsheathed. It has a handle but no body and cannot even scare away a dog. "

Lou Wen was in a good mood. He chatted with his son for a long time. He could not be said to be amiable, but he talked about everything. In Lou Chu's memory, there had never been such a moment. The last doubt in his heart disappeared, and he even gave his father advice on how to govern Qinzhou. .

The two of them talked until nightfall, when it was announced that King Xiangdong was about to arrive, and Lou Wen sent his son and Qiao Zhisu out of the inn to greet him.

The King of Xiangdong brought not many people, only about ten riders. When he arrived at the gate of the inn, King Xiangdong dismounted his horse and entered the courtyard with the hand of the building owner. He was not allowed to perform the courtesy of a minister or a junior.

The general and the King of Xiangdong have known each other for many years, and there was no need to test each other. After exchanging pleasantries, they immediately got down to business. The general showed his edict, and the King of Xiangdong clapped his legs and said, "It's a big deal. There are no generals in the court, and the new emperor is too timid to leave the city." If we take over the imperial army, who can turn the tide unless the general comes forward?"

"It's not enough for me alone. The King of Eastern Hunan must be in charge of the imperial army. Only then can I have the confidence to quell the foreign chaos."

The two complimented each other for a long time, and the general signaled the irrelevant people to leave. Lou Chu and Qiao Zhisu left together, knowing that the general wanted to discuss some taboo topics with the King of Eastern Hunan.

The conversation didn't end until midnight. The general called in his cronies and said to Lou Chu: "Don't go to Tongguan now. Accompany the King of Xiangdong to the military camp so that we can communicate at any time."

"Yes, father."

Lou Chi went out to prepare his horse and went with the King of Eastern Hunan.

At the gate of the military camp, King Xiangdong left the building foundation and his guards behind, and entered the camp alone. The building foundation did not know why, but he could not ask more questions.

About a quarter of an hour later, more than a hundred cavalry drove out of the military camp. A general came forward and asked, "Are you the seventeenth son of the Lou family?"

"It's me."

"Well, follow us into the city."

"Why did you enter the city? King Xiangdong..."

"This is the order of King Xiangdong. Lou Chu, you have committed a crime."

Lou Chu was shocked, and suddenly realized that he had been betrayed by his father and the King of Xiangdong.

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