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When the hordes of mobs came like a flood, the prince was frightened out of his wits. On the way to escape, he was often awakened from his sleep and screamed loudly. He had to be comforted for a long time before he could calm down.

Liang Shengzhi was the one who consoled him, and there were many scratches on his face for this reason.

He was also very frightened. The thing he was most afraid of was not the chaos, but how he would explain himself after returning to Beijing. He was the most direct guardian of the prince and was responsible for everything that happened to the prince.

At noon that day, a scholar named Guo Shifeng came to see Liang Shengzhi and gave him an idea: "Taifu Liang is a great master of literature in the world. I can't bear to see his grandson go to a dead end. If you return to Beijing with the general, you must The generals jointly accepted His Majesty’s cross-examination, whose statement do you think His Majesty will believe?”

Liang Shengzhi only had a slight understanding of the overt and covert struggles between the emperor and the generals. When he heard Guo Shifeng's words, he immediately felt that he was at a disadvantage and asked him for advice.

"We have to travel day and night. We must return to Beijing before the general does. Maybe we will have a chance to defend ourselves a little more."

"Will the general let me go?"

Guo Shifeng glanced at the trembling prince and said, "If you can't take the good prince away, why can't you take the sick prince away? Guo is not talented and is willing to go and persuade the general to wash his horse."

Liang Shengzhi had just been promoted to Prince Xi Ma before the expedition. He cherished this position. He immediately nodded and grabbed Guo Shifeng's wrist. He was so excited that he almost shed tears. "If you are safe, I will never forget your great kindness for the rest of your life."

Guo Shifeng went to see the general, and the matter was quickly facilitated. Liang Shengzhi held the prince in his arms, and Guo Shifeng led two more horses. They kept going all the way, and finally arrived at Dongdu before dawn, more than half a day earlier than the general.

As a result, great bad news and good news were waiting for them.

The prince succeeded to the throne in a daze, but he still couldn't do it without Liang Shengzhi. He couldn't do it for a while, and it couldn't be done by someone else. Even the queen mother and the empress dowager were kicked and beaten by him, and they had to be held in Liang Xima's arms. , to be more stable.

Liang Shengzhi never left the new emperor. He worked harder than the lowest servant, but he didn't complain at all.

Living in the heavily guarded palace, the panic in Liang Shengzhi's heart gradually subsided. While coaxing the emperor to sleep, he thought over and over again what had happened in the past few days, and finally figured out two things.

Qinzhou's tragic defeat was not an accident. Someone deliberately leaked the news and lured the mob to steal food and grass. This person was most likely the Emperor of All Things who had just been assassinated.

Guo Shifeng had no reason to persuade the general for him, but it should be the other way around. Guo Shifeng was persuading him for the general. The seriously ill prince became a hot potato. The general was eager to get rid of him, but he did not expect that the prince would succeed to the throne when he returned to Beijing.

If it weren't for the fact that he was holding the new emperor in his arms, Liang Shengzhi would have really wanted to kneel down and thank the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

He ordered people to call Guo Shifeng and gave him two choices: "I also cherish talents. Seeing how capable you are, I am willing to keep you by my side as a counselor. You will fight for your own future. You can also come out right now." Palace, go back to the general, I won’t stop you.”

Guo Shifeng knelt down and kowtowed without any hesitation, first admitting his mistake and then showing his loyalty. For him, the thing is simple, whoever holds the new emperor is the "future".

Guo Shifeng made suggestions to help Liang Shengzhi stop the chaos in the palace. He first honored the empress dowager and the empress dowager, and then issued a decree prohibiting all soldiers from moving or entering the city. He then summoned Liang Taifu and several other civil servants to discuss the ceremony.

The Queen Mother was very satisfied because her position was still the highest in the palace and she could grieve as much as she wanted. The Queen Mother was also very satisfied. She finally got through it and saw her son become the emperor with her own eyes. Although her son almost didn't recognize her, she still had to recognize this. son.

The eldest princess was very dissatisfied. For a few hours, she was the person in charge in the palace. From top to bottom, everyone obeyed her arrangements. She had a complete plan, but as soon as she started, the prince suddenly came back. interrupt.

In just one day, even half a day, things might be completely different.

The King of Jibei was not very satisfied, but he did not dare to show it, so he had to hand over the power of the guards and concentrate on preparing the funeral ceremony of the Emperor of All Things. On the surface, it was a promotion, but in fact it was away from power.

Only Lou Jian, the general of the Chinese army, seemed to be truly grieving. He kept crying until his whole body became weak. Mrs. Lan had to send the princess and her daughter-in-law to take care of her son, and she lost an important assistant beside the Queen Mother.

Shao Junqian is also one of the frustrated ones. Not only that, but he may also be impeached because he was a "sycophant" of the late emperor and had offended many ministers.

Fortunately, the eldest princess still had some power left, and Liang Shengzhi's every word and deed would reach her ears. At the same time, Shao Junqian would also learn about it. With a little guesswork, he could understand the cause and effect.

"That's it." Shao Junqian was very candid, "We worked hard to dig the well, but others drank the water in the end. We couldn't even get close to the edge of the well. Once the Liang family comes to power, it will be a disaster for both the general and the eldest princess. ”

"It seems that the Liang family has taken power."

Shao Junqian shook her head, "As the Seventeenth Young Master said just now, the incident happened suddenly, and everyone will make mistakes. The ancestors and grandsons of Taifu Liang were busy discussing the ceremony, and the one they were most afraid of was the general, so they have not yet started to clean up the court. At this time, If you take out the imperial edict at this time, you can catch the Liang family by surprise."

"Who does Mr. Shao intend to appoint as the Minister of Gu Ming?" Lou Chu had already guessed Shao Junqian's plan.

Shao Junqian smiled and said, "The first one is of course the general. The external threat has not been resolved, and the internal troubles have arisen again. In this critical moment, who can stabilize the country without the general? However, it is difficult to support the country alone, and the general also needs help. The second one should be the King of Jibei. The responsibility of guarding the palace is the most important, how can it be entrusted to outsiders? The third one should be the eldest princess. She was the most trusted person of the late emperor during his lifetime. She raised many royal children. It is most appropriate for her to take care of the new emperor. Whether to arrange other ministers, the seventeenth prince can decide for himself."

"I must ask the general for instructions on this matter, how can I ask the general for instructions? Self-determined?" Lou Chu thought for a while, and then asked: "The Liang family still doesn't know about the will?"

"I don't know, I haven't said it."

"After the will is taken out, who will announce it?"

"The King of Jibei."

"If the King of Jibei is included in the list of ministers of state, it is not appropriate for him to announce the will. It is better for the King of Xiangdong or the King of Yidu."

"The King of Yidu doesn't care about it, but the King of Xiangdong can."

"How do you explain the disappearance of the will?"

"The incident happened suddenly, and the main assassin has not been arrested yet. In order to prevent accidents, the will was sent outside the city." Shao Junqian answered questions as she asked, and she came up with ideas quickly.

"Well, the will is indeed outside the city. I will go out of the city to get it at dawn."

"The sooner the better."

"Don't worry. Before I leave, I have to meet Guo Shifeng once."

"That man is a man of change. He can't be trusted."

"It is because he changes his mind that I want to meet him. Maybe I can make him change his mind again."

Shao Junqian pondered for a moment, "Okay, I will try my best to arrange it, but Mr. Seventeen, please don't mention the will."

"I won't make such a mistake."

Shao Junqian smiled and said goodbye. After a while, the eldest princess came in alone. Her demeanor was completely different from before. She was more like the kind elder that Lou Chu first knew.

"Alas, your majesty is indeed... I had expected this day to come, but I couldn't persuade your majesty to change his mind." In the mouth of the eldest princess, "your majesty" is still the emperor of all things.

"We are desperate too."

"I am no different. Your Majesty's heart is as deep as the sea, no one can guess it. The death of Prince Duan has chilled the royal family. Forget it, there is no point in saying more. If we can take back the prince from the Liang family... take back the new emperor, and let the talents like the Seventeenth Prince teach him personally, the Tiancheng Dynasty will surely have a good emperor."

"How dare I take on this important task if I am not talented?"

"If the Seventeenth Prince is not talented, there will be no talented people in the court. I will not make random promises. The restrictions cannot be removed, but no one stipulates that commoners cannot be imperial teachers."

The princess accepted it with all her heart, and Lou Chu was always humble. If there were outsiders present, they would think that the two had already cherished each other.

Shao Junqian came back and coughed at the door. The princess whispered: "Huanyan's marriage has not been decided yet. The Seventeenth Prince works hard, and the two princesses marry into the same family. What a grand event?"

Lou Chu was stunned. Before he could come to his senses, the princess had left.

For a will, the princess was willing to pay a lot of money.

Shao Junqian came in, "Seventeenth Master, please follow me."

Guo Shifeng could not stay in the inner palace all the time, and he had another residence outside the palace. He refused to meet people elsewhere, so others could only come to see him.

Shao Junqian sent people to the door and left.

Guo Shifeng changed into a new set of clothes. As soon as he saw him, Lou Chu rushed over and laughed, "I didn't expect that my brother Chu and I would meet here."

Lou Chu also laughed and said, "Brother Guo is elusive, and my foolish brother can't catch up."

"Haha, brother Chu is joking." Guo Shifeng led Lou Chu into the house and sat down, and said seriously, "After I returned to Beijing, I have always wanted to contact brother Chu, but I didn't have the opportunity."

"I understand. I also said to contact as little as possible to prevent leaks."

Guo Shifeng was very proud, "Anyway, the matter is finally done, but it's a pity that Brother Ma is not here, so we can't celebrate together. Brother Chu, do you have any news about Brother Ma?"

Guo Shifeng didn't know that there were three other real assassins.

"No, Brother Ma left suddenly and didn't tell anyone." Lou Chu lied again. Ma Wei told him that he was going to Bingzhou.

"Another pity is that we have accomplished such a big thing, but we can't announce it to the world."

"Seek truth, not fame."

"Haha, it's a good thing that I am still a disciple of Wenren Xuejiu. Brother Chu came at the right time. I will introduce you to Liang Xima. He is now the most trusted person around the emperor. Maybe he can find a way to free Brother Chu from his confinement."

"What about the general?"

Guo Shifeng put away his smile. "I know what Brother Chu is going to say. Why don't I say it first? Brother Chu has learned the theory of name and reality, so he should understand a truth. Counsellors like us, who make a living with our mouths, should not be burdened by false reputation. Brother Chu just said that he seeks truth and not fame, but you are bound by the name of the Lou family. If you don't change, you can't get freedom even if you get rid of the confinement. . "

"It's not that I'm burdened by the Lou family, it's just that I have no one else to rely on except the Lou family."

"Haha, brother Chu still has the heart of a nobleman, learn from me, wandering around the world, taking things as they come, and indeed suffered a lot when I was drifting, but I have no worries, no burden of false reputation, and I am always free."

Lou Chu smiled and said, "Not everyone can be as free and easy as Brother Guo."

"How about, come with me to see Liang Xima?"

"I don't like the reputation of the Lou family, but outsiders may not believe it. Besides, I have no merit or contribution in front of the Liang family, so how can I see them?"

"As long as you can convince the general to voluntarily hand over the military power, Liang Xima and Liang Taifu will treat brother Chu as a guest of honor."

Guo Shifeng claimed that "false reputation" was a burden, but what he feared most in his heart was still the name of the general.

At least the general did not show his dejection in front of outsiders.

Lou Chu thought for a while and said, "Thank you, Brother Guo, for taking me to see Liang Xima."

Lou Chu had learned at least one trick from the Emperor of All Things: seeing is believing. He had to meet everyone to confirm the situation.

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