The battle had just begun, and the two armies had not yet entered the melee. The Jizhou army on the opposite side lowered its flag and withdrew from the battlefield.

The armies of Yang and Yin were delighted, but this move failed to disband the He Rong people. Instead, it caused great anger, and countless He Rong cavalrymen poured into the battlefield.

The Jizhou army that withdrew from the battlefield did not really "turn sides". They lined up to protect themselves and watched the battle from a distance. It seemed that they did not intend to help Yin Fu attack the He Rong people.

The battle lasted for nearly an hour, and the situation did not change. Yang Meng's army had no more soldiers to increase, and even he himself would personally participate in the battle.

Yin Fu naturally could not stand by and watch. He turned his head and said to Xu Chu: "When will the Golden Saint Girl... Forget it, just go your own way and don't ask others. Mr. Xu, let's go on the road."

Xu Chu nodded and looked at the sky. "According to the agreement, the Golden Saint Girl will arrive at noon."

After the Golden Saint Girl arrived, she was just bluffing. Yin Fu could not expose her in public. He smiled and said "very good", urged the horse forward, and the guards walked to protect her.

Xu Chu and Zhang Shiqing followed Yin Fu on horseback. Among the five or six hundred people, only more than ten had mounts, so they were not walking fast.

During the march, Yin Fu looked into the distance again, but still did not see the Jizhou army joining the battle.

No matter how well prepared they were in advance, no matter how detailed the arrangements of the generals were, once they entered the battlefield, they would always gradually fall into chaos.

This army of the advent of the world had experienced hundreds of battles, and after being transformed by Cao Shenxi and others, it had been greatly improved. The Jizhou army led by Yin Fu was even more well-trained, but under the back-and-forth attack of He Rong's cavalry, it was still inevitably cut and surrounded. Most of the time, the soldiers protected their heads with shields and could not see the situation outside at all. They only knew to follow the people in front of them, stopping and walking from time to time, and dared not fall behind half a step.

Yin Fu was a civil official, and he participated in the battle only to boost morale. Although he entered the battlefield, he kept a certain distance from the place where the battle took place, and many guards protected him tightly.

Zhang Shiqing was a little anxious and whispered to Xu Chu: "Do we have to follow behind?"

"A battle between two armies is different from a duel. We need to leave some spare energy."

"Let others do the 'spare energy', let's go to the battle. Is that cavalry team that is weaving in and out among the He Rong people General Tang? It turns out that he is really not bragging!"

Although the cavalry led by Tang Weitian was small, they played a huge role, forcing a large number of He Rong cavalry into a close-range melee and losing the biggest advantage of horse archery.

But the number is too small after all, and dozens of people will be lost in each raid. If this continues, the cavalry will be wiped out before the end of the whole battle.

Xu Chu kept looking up at the sky and turning his head to look back.

Zhang Shiqing noticed his behavior and said: "The Golden Saint will definitely come if she says she will, but... Lord Yin is right, just follow your own path and don't ask others."

Xu Chu smiled and stopped watching until there was a burst of drums behind him.

All those who heard the drums took the time to look back.

There really was an army in the distance, and most of them were cavalry. Many people recognized the flag of the King of the New World. The new king was young, and this flag was now temporarily used by the Golden Saint.

Cheers rang out on the battlefield, and the sound attracted more attention, especially the attention of the enemy.

"It works! It really works!" Zhang Shiqing shouted excitedly, pointing to the distance, "The He Rong people are retreating."

It is true that a part of the He Rong cavalry withdrew from the battlefield, but it did not last long. The He Rong people sent more troops to drive the escapees back to the battlefield.

The little advantage just gained disappeared in a blink of an eye. Zhang Shiqing was disappointed, but he didn't say anything. The infantry around him didn't see far away, and they were greatly encouraged. They sped up their pace, shouted, cheered for the people in front, and were eager to join the battle.

The battle line stretched longer and longer, and Yin Fu was getting closer and closer to the enemy. He drew his knife and shouted loudly like the young soldiers.

As soon as they approached the range of He Rong's cavalry, a guard reminded the riders to get off and walk to avoid becoming a target. After getting off his horse, Yin Fu shouted to Xu Chu: "It's useful after all, the Jizhou army has joined the battle!"

Xu Chu also saw that the Jizhou army that had withdrawn from the battlefield and had been watching was approaching the battlefield, but they joined the battle too late and could not enter the battlefield here. He Rong sent troops to intercept and opened up a second battlefield on the hillside in the distance.

The He Rong people still had an advantage in terms of manpower and were not scared off by the sudden appearance of the Golden Saint.

Since his defeat to Tang Weitian, Zhang Shiqing no longer used a heavy long spear, but a sword and shield, just like an ordinary soldier.

The first and most important rule for infantry against cavalry archers is always to raise a shield to protect your head and save your life first.

There was no fun in fighting. Most of the time, you just stared at the heels of the person in front of you, followed closely with a shield, and didn't know when you could fight with the enemy soldiers, let alone when you would be shot by an arrow.

There were still drum sounds coming from the rear, but the soldiers were no longer as excited as when they first heard it. No matter what, they had to save their lives first.

Xu Chu had experience. He held up the shield in one hand and kept his eyes on Zhang Shiqing beside him. He did not draw his sword with the other hand, but used it to pull her back to his side.

The team suddenly dispersed a little, and Xu Chu became more careful not to fall.

Zhang Shiqing participated in a battle, but that was a sneak attack. The battle quickly turned into a pursuit, and there was no long-term melee. This was her first time on a real battlefield. As soon as there was a gap, she immediately ran forward and ran towards the clearly visible enemy.

Xu Chu pulled her back and shouted: "Follow me closely!"


"Protect Lord Yin and the general flag!" Xu Chu reminded.

Yin Fu was already exhausted. He held a knife in his hand and staggered forward. Two guards held up shields to protect his head. The flag bearer followed closely behind and was protected by other guards.

Zhang Shiqing felt that Mr. Yin did not need his protection, but he did not want to be too far away from Xu Chu, so he stayed and shouted loudly, hoping that Mr. Yin would walk faster.

When he was closest to the enemy soldiers, Zhang Shiqing even saw the appearance of the man clearly. He was an ordinary man. His face was neither ferocious nor frightened, but a look of confusion, as if he didn't understand why he was here.

Zhang Shiqing threw away her shield and raised her sword. She regretted not bringing a gun, otherwise she would have been able to stab the enemy now.

The He Rong man had lost his horse and suddenly turned around and ran away. He was cut down within a few steps.

The team became more and more scattered and moved faster and faster. Seeing more and more people passing him, Zhang Shiqing became anxious and looked at Xu Chu, trying to urge him to go faster, but saw that he was smiling.

Yin Fu exhausted all his strength and could no longer walk. He handed the knife to the guard. Xu Chu stepped forward to help him. The old man breathed for a while before asking: "Did the He Rong people flee?"

"The signs are there."

Yin Fu tried his best to stand up and look, "The Golden Saint really scared off the He Rong cavalry! Haha, bluffing really works!"

Since He Rongren retreated, Yin Fu didn't care about revealing the truth.

"What is imaginary is real, what is real is imaginary. Master Yin, please look back." Xu Chu reminded.

Yin Fu turned around and was surprised to see two groups of cavalry galloping from the flanks of the battlefield. The vanguard had already engaged the He Rong people, and it was they who scared off the enemy.

But this was no bluff, there were many cavalry, at least tens of thousands.

"The Liangzhou Army was really won over by the Golden Saint?" Yin Fu was shocked.

Zhang Shiqing was also surprised, but that was not what she cared about most. She said to Xu Chu, "If we don't catch up, our trip will be in vain."

"Master Yin, please stay behind and stabilize your position. Don't waste this great victory." Xu Chu handed Yin Fu's arm to another guard, pulled out his sword, and accompanied Zhang Shiqing to rush forward. Several female soldiers followed. Yin Fu immediately sent dozens of guards to follow him.

Without horses, Zhang Shiqing, like a large number of infantrymen, could only catch up with the He Rong people who were running without horses. However, they were not useless. After entering the enemy's position, there were still many vehicles, equipment and useless equipment left. There are servants and soldiers who can escape.

After catching an ownerless horse, Zhang Shiqing finally gave up the pursuit. She was already out of breath from exhaustion and had to admit a cruel reality: her strength was not as strong as Tang Weitian, nor as strong as most male soldiers. , they joined the battle earlier, when they still had enough energy to catch up with the remaining soldiers and seize the spoils of war.

Zhang Shiqing held the reins firmly, panted for a while, turned around and found that Xu Chu was the only one left beside him.

Xu Chu was also exhausted and his face was covered with sweat. He smiled and said, "Just take care of me and stop chasing me."

"Haven't you ever led soldiers and fought in battles? Why...are you so weak?"

Xu Chu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Things are different now. How is your injury?"

Only then did Zhang Shiqing notice the pain under his ribs, and couldn't help but scream, and then complained: "If you don't mention it, it's okay, but if you mention it, it will be worse."

Xu Chu put away the knife and helped her sit down regardless of the mess on the ground.

Zhang Shiqing still refused to let go of the reins, "I caught it..."

Xu Chu took the reins and said, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you and no one will come to snatch it."

Most of the people who caught up were female soldiers, and there were not many of them. Zhang Shiqing quickly stood up, looked ahead for a while, and asked, "Are you really unable to catch up?"

"I can't catch you anymore."

Zhang Shiqing turned around and looked back. The huge battlefield was a mess, with dead and wounded soldiers and horses everywhere, and there were screams.

"If you don't want to chase me, then I won't." Zhang Shiqing smiled and said, "Thank you for always being with me."


"I'm going to Yizhou soon. Is it far there?"

"It's not close. If you travel through Liangzhou, it shouldn't be too difficult."

"The Golden Saint really brought the Liangzhou Army?" Zhang Shiqing asked.

"That's not the Liangzhou Army, it's the Yizhou Army."

"The Yizhou army brought by General Tang?"

"Another Yizhou army has more troops and more horses."

Zhang Shiqing became more and more surprised. Looking around, she could still see a small number of cavalry, but she couldn't recognize where they were from. "Since Yizhou is not close, where did they come from?"

"It's a long story. This was a Yizhou army that attacked Qinzhou and returned home via Liangzhou. General Tie Zhi was originally from the World Army, so I advised the Golden Saint to take a detour to meet him. Ask him to go north to join the war - I guess he was trapped in Liangnan and failed to return to Yizhou."

"It turns out that the Golden Saint's borrowing of troops was not a bluff, you even deceived me!"

"I'm not lying to you, it's all your own guess."

"Humph." Zhang Shiqing suddenly sighed, feeling that the battlefield was so beautiful, "You and the Golden Saint are truly a match made in heaven."

"We are not." Xu Chu loosened his breastplate, took out a letter from his arms with difficulty, and handed it to Zhang Shiqing, "If you don't have to go to Yizhou, I invite you to follow me to Bingzhou."

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