Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 530: Departure

Only two soldiers were still willing to follow Tan Wuwei. The others were too tired and preferred to stay in the Advent Army camp where their future was uncertain.

When Xu Chu caught up, the three men had already driven more than ten miles and were stopping at an intersection to identify their direction.

Xu Chu also led only two people, one was Song Wushou and the other was Ma Jin.

Tan Wuwei heard the sound of horse hooves and smiled at the two soldiers: "Fourth brother is chasing me."

"Do you want General Tan to stay?" Yibing asked.

Tan sighed in vain and did not answer.

Xu Cuch came closer. He ran too fast and was out of breath. "Second brother, why did you leave without saying hello?"

"Save some time and avoid embarrassment. Now that my fourth brother is chasing me, all my previous efforts have been wasted."

"I have a way to convince Master Yin and Saint Jin..."

"No need, I have seen the Golden Saint. She is a hero among women, but she is not a hero who can pacify the world. As for Lord Yin, she is even worse. Even if I stay, I will not win one more battle. In the end, Not a long-term solution.”

"Why did second brother come here in the first place?"

"Well, I told you before, I acted on impulse at the time, and now I regret it. I thought that the Advent Army would dare to attack the tribes outside the Great Wall, or that there would be heroes here to take charge of the overall situation. But now it seems that I thought too much. There is nothing to say, I'd better go back to Bingzhou and apologize to the King of Jin, and maybe I can be taken in again."

"Second brother is also a hero in the world, why not stay and become the king?"

"Haha, I am self-aware. The Golden Saint and Lord Yin have won the hearts of the military. Even if I led my troops to win consecutive battles, I could not compete with these two people. I barely became the king, but suffered the consequences. The fourth brother came after me, and I felt great justice. But I won’t stay. If the fourth brother is determined, he can fight this battle according to my plan. It’s up to the fourth brother to figure out how to boost morale.”

"Second brother really wants to leave. I won't force him. Please let me give him a ride."

"No need." Tan Wuwei looked around, "Do you know the way?"

"Second brother wants to return to Bingzhou along the same route?"

"Well, I remembered it quite clearly when I came here, but I couldn't remember it when I left. The main reason was that it was dark."

"I don't know the way either... Second brother, can you lend me a step to talk?"

The two jumped off their horses and walked some distance away. Xu Chu said softly: "The King of Jin is arrogant and suspicious. If everything went smoothly, he might be able to reuse his second brother. But now he has suffered setbacks one after another. He is trapped in Bingzhou and cannot show his ambitions. He will definitely not be able to trust others. The second brother ran away and it was impossible to be forgiven, so why did he have to go back and be humiliated? "

Tan Wuwei sighed, "Fourth brother is right, but I have nowhere to go. Maybe the King of Jin has defeated the King of Liang and recaptured Bingzhou. If he is happy, I will have a chance to regain my appointment."

"I recommend a place for the second brother to go. The journey may be more difficult. This person has not yet shown his prowess, but looking at the world, he may be the only one who can make the second brother show off his talents."

Tan Wuwei thought for a while, "When it comes to fighting, the fourth brother is not as good as me, or when it comes to looking at people, I admit that I am not as good as the fourth brother, but... fourth brother, first tell me, who is this hero?"

"Jingzhou Song took bamboo."


"He was originally a hero from Xiangyang, known as 'Song Qianshou'."

"Oh, I did hear that he also became king?"

"He once called himself King of Chu, but later gave up. Now he is a general under King Ning, but he is responsible for his own role. He was ordered to conquer Hunan and Guang in the south. When I left Yizhou, he had just captured Yiling City in Jingzhou."

"Can he bring peace to the world?"

"I can't guarantee it, but I believe he can reuse his second brother."

"How many soldiers does he have?"

"The army was sent to Hunan and Guangzhou, and he kept thousands of troops around him, and there may be more now." Xu Chu did not lie.

"So few." Tan Wuwei was very disappointed.

"Among those with many heroes and soldiers, there are only four families: He Rong, Prince Ning, Sheng Family, and Yizhou Family. Is there any defection for my second brother?"

Tan Wuwei smiled and said: "The person that my fourth brother likes will not be trapped in the shallow pool for a long time. It doesn't hurt for me to go and have a look. Alas, the road to Yiling from here is even more difficult."

Xu Chu took out two letters from his arms and said, "Second brother, take it with you. It may be helpful. One letter is for General Mengjun and asks him to send someone to escort my second brother to Liangzhou. One letter is for General Yizhou Tieda." , ask him to send his second brother to Jingzhou."

"It turns out that the fourth brother had already thought about it before he chased me." Tan Wuyi took the letter, "Where is Song Tizhu? Don't you need a letter to recommend me?"

"I sent an entourage to go with my second brother. His name is Song Wushou. He is the nephew of General Song. He will introduce him. No letter is needed. When the second brother arrives in Yizhou, don't say that he is going to join General Song. Just say I’m going to see Prince Ning.”

"Understood. Hey, Song Qianshou's nephew Song Wushou - is the Song family very large?"

"Maybe." Xu Chu smiled, walked back to the horse with Tan Wuwei, and said to Song Wushou: "We have to work hard again, General Song."

Song Wushou had already known about it in advance and said with a smile: "I am willing to go back to Jingzhou no matter how hard it is. It is really hard for Mr. Xu and Brother Ma to stay here."

Although Ma Jin was also a foreigner, he had already found out the general route and pointed: "Go to Liangzhou from here."

Tan Wuwei got on his horse and sighed again, "My future is uncertain, and my fourth brother's luck and misfortune are unknown if he stays here - I only hope that when we meet again one day, you and I can still laugh and talk about today. Farewell."

"Farewell, I won't send you far."

Xu Chu watched Tan Wuwei and his entourage go away, mounted his horse and hurried back to the camp with Ma Jin.

As soon as they left, it was already dawn, and Xu Chu had no time to rest, so he immediately went to visit Zhang Shiqing.

As soon as the female soldier guarding the gate saw Xu Chu, she said, "Fortunately, you're back. We all said... hurry in and wait for you to save the princess' life."

Zhang Shiqing was not as exaggerated as the female soldier said. He was able to sit up slightly on the pillow. When he saw Xu Chu, he immediately smiled and said, "I knew you wouldn't run away."

"I went after a general who 'escaped'."

"Who is worth chasing after yourself?"

"It's that Tan Wuwei."

Zhang Shiqing was even more surprised, "Did you really treat him as a person and chase him back?"

"He has decided to leave, and I can't persuade him to come back."

Zhang Shiqing smiled and said: "People who can't even be persuaded by you must have something unique about them. Please tell me in detail."

Xu Chu sat down and had breakfast with Zhang Shiqing while telling how he met Tan Wuwei.

Zhang Shiqing listened with great interest and kept asking questions, even about the affairs of King Jin and Liu Youzhong, and finally said with a smile: "You four sworn brothers are all hypocritical, and Zhang Shisheng and I are closer. "

"It's better." Xu Chu said with a smile, "If King Jin could successfully capture the Eastern Capital, our friendship would be deeper."

"Did King Jin really kill his father?"

"I haven't seen it, so I don't dare to say whether it's true or false."

Zhang Shiqing sighed and moved a little with Xu Chu's help, showing pain on his face. Then he took a deep breath and sighed again, "The heroes in the books are all fake. There are only tyrants and traitors in the world."

"If you want to pacify the world, you have to go through difficulties and obstacles at every step, so don't be too harsh on them."

Zhang Shiqing hummed, "I'm asking something, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry."

Zhang Shiqing thought for a while, "Why are you so demanding of the Emperor of All Things?"

Xu Chu didn't expect that she would ask this matter, so he couldn't help but be stunned and found that it was really difficult to answer.

"You don't need to explain. If you think about it carefully, even with the least demanding eyes, the Emperor of All Things has gone too far. If he does not die, the world will only become more chaotic."

"Maybe I'm just anxious to see the world in chaos." Xu Chu said with a smile.

A female soldier came in and said, "Mr. Xu, General Yin wants to see you."

Zhang Shiqing said: "Go ahead. I'm much better now. You don't need to stay here all the time."

Xu Chu said goodbye.

Yin Fu heard about Tan Wuwei's departure, "General Tan is so impatient. He leaves as soon as he disagrees."

"There is indeed no place for him to be useful here."

"Since I'm leaving, it's useless to stay. But after I went back, I thought about it carefully for a while, and I tried to make innuendoes with the generals. Everyone didn't seem to be so afraid of He Rongren. Tan Wuwei's bluffing plan might really succeed, but as soon as he left... …”

"If Mr. Yin has the courage, there is no need for Tan Wu to dispatch troops here."

"Hey, I'm not afraid of the Herong people, I'm afraid of the Jizhou people."

"Master Yin, what do you say?"

"My defeat to the He Rong people was just a matter of death. When I left Yecheng, I didn't take any chances. But what's the crime with my Jizhou soldiers? They insist on accompanying me to death? If this army dies, I will die." Later, I was too embarrassed to face the elders of Jizhou."

"I thought Master Yin had already revealed his identity."

"Haha, I thought I had figured it out, but when it came to the matter, I still looked forward and backward. No wonder Mr. Fan refused to serve as an official until his death. No wonder he valued people like Mr. Xu in the last few years and always said that we were trapped by our reputation."

"Can Master Yin make up his mind?"

Yin Fu could see clearly that when he really wanted to do it, he still hesitated. After thinking for a long time, he said, "If the Golden Saint agrees to this plan, I will not object."

"Master Yin's words are enough."

Yin Fu is old and has no ambition to compete for the world. After all, he cannot take on big responsibilities.

In the afternoon of the next day, Yang Meng's army returned, but Xue Jinyao did not accompany him. He claimed that he would go deep into Liangzhou and ordered that the World Army be managed by Yang Meng's army.

Yang Meng's army first aided the Jizhou Army and the Jizhou Army, and then continued to provide food and grass. He was very kind and allowed him to take charge of the entire army. No one objected, but it was strange that the Golden Saint did not use her husband Xu Chu.

Xu Chu would not object. He invited Yin Fu to have a deep talk with Yang Mengjun. It was not until the second watch that Yang Mengjun made a decision: "The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. Sooner or later, there will be a decisive battle with He Rongren, and this is it." . Why should Mr. Xu let General Tan go? Wouldn't it be better to leave him in command of the entire army?"

"Tan Wuwei's intention to leave is irreversible. What's more, he is an outsider. He has just arrived and it is difficult to convince the crowd. Even if he is here, he is only making plans. The person who can command the entire army must be a fierce general."

Yang Mengjun hesitated for a moment, then said with emotion: "This place is close to Liangzhou, I have the responsibility of a landlord, and I am valued by Mr. Yin and Mr. Xu - it is my duty to do so."

The three of them chatted until late at night. Yin Fu took his leave. Yang Mengjun and Xu Chu saw her off. After returning, Yang Mengjun said: "Golden Saint wants to avoid her. Please don't blame Mr. Xu."

"I came here recklessly, how can I blame her?"

"The Golden Saint asked me to tell Mr. Xu that the letter has been received. She..." Yang Mengjun took out a letter from his arms and handed it over with both hands.

Xu Chu opened the letter, glanced at it, and said with a smile, "General Mengjun knows the content of the letter?"

Yang Mengjun shook his head.

Xu Chu changed his mind as he spoke and put away the letter, "Let's wait until this battle is over."

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