Xu Chu entered the city smoothly and soon met Che Quanyi.

The death of the King of Shu made Che Quanyi a little embarrassed. There were not too many soldiers in the city, but he could not lead troops in battle and did not trust other generals. He would only stay in seclusion. During the day, Xu Dashi was just bluffing and scared him. When I heard that there was going to be a negotiation, I immediately accepted it. When I saw it was Xu Chu, I was both surprised and overjoyed.

"Why is it Mr. Xu?" Che Quanyi stood up and greeted him.

Xu Chu couldn't get rid of Xu Sanyuan, so he brought Xu Sanyuan in with him, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Because of what the Lord of Che City said that day, I rushed back to Yizhou specially."

"Who am I to be the city lord? I'm just temporarily guarding the Golden Capital City for the King of Shu. When the son of the King of Shu succeeds to the throne, I will immediately hand over my authority and not dare to miss the throne."

"Before this, the city lord was the city lord."

Che Quanyi was followed by two guards. He glanced at the tall Xu Sanyuan, did not get too close, and did not refuse the title of city lord again. He said to Xu Chu: "Mr. Xu said it because of what I said that day..."

"Checheng Lord, don't you remember?"

When Che Quanyi saw him off, he had said that if Xu Chu could bring a new king, he would not refuse. Naturally, he did not forget it at this time. He laughed and said: "Remember, remember, but I didn't expect Mr. Xu to come back so soon. Is Mr. Xu taking refuge with the Tie family? Or is it Mr. Xu?"

"Don't mess around with the name of the Hundred-Eyed King." Xu Sanyuan reminded, raising his eyebrows.

Che Quanyi ignored him, but signaled the two guards to come closer.

Xu Chu replied: "I am neither the Tie family nor the King of Hundred Eyes. I came here on the order of King Ning."

"Prince Ning?"


"That King Ning who defeated the He Rong people in Jingzhou?"

"That's right."

Che Quanyi let out a long oh, as if he understood something, "This is..."

"This is Xu Sanyuan, nephew of the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King."

Che Quanyi nodded, went back to sit down, and waved to Xu Chu. When he was six or seven steps away, he stretched out his hand to signal to stop, "So Mr. Xu came to the city to negotiate with King Ning on behalf of King Ning?"


"The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King has also taken refuge with Prince Ning?"

"What just happened."

Xu Sanyuan glanced at Xu Chu quickly, keeping in mind Baimu Tianwang's explanation, and did not interrupt.

"Mr. Xu has done meritorious service for King Ning as soon as he came. I admire him." Che Quanyi smiled, then immediately changed his face and said sternly: "King Ning broke his faith and killed the King of Shu. The soldiers and people of Yizhou were all indignant. The soldiers are fierce and determined to serve Shu. The king will never surrender to King Ning if he wants to take revenge, Mr. Xu, please don’t speak respectfully.”

"Prince Ning is not afraid of seeking revenge, but can Lord Che get out of Jindu?"

Che was completely speechless.

Xu Chu took a half step forward and said, "Can you say anything in front of the Lord of Checheng?"

Che Quanyi glanced at the guards and said, "They are all my people."

"Okay, I won't beat around the bush. Baimu Tiancheng can get rid of the Tie family brothers for the Lord of Checheng."

Che Quanyi laughed and shook his head, obviously disapproving.

"Iron Bird is already a prisoner of the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King." Xu Chu continued.

Che Quanyi put away his smile, "Really?"

Xu Sanyuan took this as a question and immediately replied: "It's true, he is locked up in the tent of military advisor Wang Dian."

Xu Chu nodded.

Che Quanyi thought for a while, "It is said that the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King was desperate and led his troops to seek refuge with Tie Yuan. He also led his troops to attack the city during the day. Why did he suddenly change his mind? Aren't you afraid that some people will say that he repays kindness with enmity?"

Xu Sanyuan couldn't answer. While hesitating, Xu Chu had already spoken: "The heroes fight each other and do not hold grudges or repay favors. The Hundred-Eyed King is flexible and flexible. He can flee when he is desperate and will not let go of the opportunity when it comes."

"Mr. Xu also wants to recommend such a person to Prince Ning?"

"Prince Ning needs just such a person."

"Hey, Mr. Xu really doesn't beat around the bush. But I won't surrender to King Baimu. If King Ning comes in person, I might open the city gate."

"The Lord of Che City only needs to hand over the Iron Kite, and the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King will withdraw his troops and find a foothold elsewhere."

Xu Sanyuan had never heard of such a statement and forcibly resisted the urge to speak.

"How do I know whether the King of Hundred Eyes wants to kill Tie Yuan or save Tie Yuan? You ask him to send Tie Yuan's head in, and I will send Tie Yuan out."

Xu Chu said with a smile: "If the Tie family brothers want to kill, just kill them together. If the Hundred-Eyed King kills the iron bird at this time, there will be chaos in the camp. If the lord of Che City gets the iron bird's head and hands over the iron bird, the city will also be in chaos. Neither side can get it. The good thing is that the King of Hundred Eyes is now calling for rescue, and the Lord of Checheng will let him go, at least with the name of magnanimity."

"The King of Hundred Eyes? In what name do you kill the Tie family brothers?"

"Tie Yuan secretly entered the camp and was about to assassinate the Hundred-Eyed King to seize power. Tie Yuan was instigated by his younger brother and also had evil intentions."

"So it's the Tie brothers who repay kindness with revenge?"

"That's right."

Che Quanyi laughed several times, "Destroy his name first, and then kill his people. Is this Mr. Xu's plan?"

"A little credit."

Che Quanyi thought for a long time, "I want to talk to Mr. Xu alone."

Xu Chu said to Xu Sanyuan: "Please wait outside."

"The King of Hundred Eyes asked me to follow Mr. Xu closely."

"The King of Hundred Eyes wants you to obey my orders."

Xu Sanyuan hesitated for a while, "Okay, don't make me wait too long."

Xu Sanyuan turned around and walked out. Che Quanyi signaled the guards to leave as well. When there were only two people left in the hall, Che Quanyi stood up and came to Xu Chu and said with a smile: "Actually, I'm a little surprised."

"I came back a little faster."

"No, no, I mean, Mr. Xu actually came up with such a vicious plan, which surprised me."

"It's a poisonous trick against the Tie family brothers, but a clever trick against Prince Ning."

"I hand over Tieyuan and King Bai Mu retreats. What next? Will King Ning come to Yizhou in person?"

"Prince Ning will send a general to Yizhou to get help from the Lord of Che City to get rid of the King of Hundred Eyes."

Che Quanyi smiled again, "I don't think Prince Ning can tolerate those descending armies, but Prince Ning is willing to use me?"

"King Ning's request for Yizhou is only food and grass. He has no intention of starting a war here. Therefore, he needs the help of local heroes. I strongly recommend the Lord of Checheng to King Ning."

"Thank you very much."

"I always remember the words of the Lord of Checheng."

"The King of Shu himself made a mistake and cannot blame anyone else. No one can avenge him. King Ning wants to gain Yizhou. Of course I agree and will go to see him in person. But... King Ning really wants to use me?"

Xu Chu nodded.

"Do you have a souvenir from Prince Ning?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "I am here alone. The soldiers in Kuimen Pass and other places are all the old troops of the King of Shu. It is not safe to bring a letter from King Ning."

"Oh, that's true. Mr. Xu, please wait here while I call the people outside. Is that person really Xu Dashi's nephew?"


"Then we have to put on a show in front of him." Che Quanyi smiled, walked towards the door, and said outside: "That's enough."

Xu Chu was shocked and knew that things had changed, but he didn't know where he was wrong.

There was a scream outside, and two guards quickly came in with knives in their hands. There was blood on the knives, and they obviously killed Xu Sanyuan.

Xu Chu looked surprised, "What does the Lord of Checheng mean?"

Che Quanyi laughed and said: "Mr. Xu made up a good story. If you had come a day earlier, you could have deceived my trust. Unfortunately, you came late." Che Quanyi reached into his arms, took out a letter, and shook it twice. Next, he said with a smile: "Here is King Ning's letter. The real envoy will be here soon."

Xu Chu was stunned on the spot. He expected that King Ning would definitely send someone to Jindu City, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. He hurriedly hurried along but it was still too late.

Che Quanyi said: "Even so, I won't kill you. I will wait until King Ning's envoy arrives and let the envoy deal with it. As for Xu Dashu, I am not afraid of him. I know exactly how much food and grass his army has. In two days at most, he will We can only retreat. Although Mr. Xu is full of nonsense, he is right about one thing. King Ning will send a general to accompany the envoy. Under his command, the soldiers in the city will soon be able to wipe out the Tie family brothers. It’s not a problem.”

"Do you recognize Prince Ning?"

"I don't recognize him, but he will soon become a king and a minister."

"Have you at least heard of Prince Ning's methods?"

There were guards in the car, and he was not afraid of Xu Chu. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Xu. Do you think the former King Yidu was soft-hearted? The later King of Shu was magnanimous? They were all tyrannical people, and King Ning was even worse. I I have been dealing with this kind of person for a lifetime, not to say that I am like a fish in water, but at least I have some skills. Take him down and keep him under strict guard."

Two guards came forward with swords. Xu Chu had no choice but to follow them outside. He kept thinking in his mind. When he passed by Che Quanyi, he said: "If the envoy of King Ning is someone else, the Lord of Che City is Wuyou. If it is Kou Daogu, Che Quanyi will City Lord, be careful."

Che Quanyi snorted.

Xu Chu walked out of the hall, hoping that his words would be remembered by Che Quanyi.

Xu Sanyuan's body was lying outside the door. Che Quanyi said to the other guards at the door: "Throw the body out of the city and return it to the World Army."

The guards carried the body away.

Xu Chu blamed himself in his heart. When Xu Dashi saw his nephew's body, he would definitely be furious and would probably kill Tie Zhi. Xu Chu used a trick this time to harm others and himself. Without him, Wang Dian and Tie Zhi might have succeeded. Take back military power.

This was a disastrous defeat, and even until the door of the cell, Xu Chu could not think of a way to save it.

The so-called cells are several guest rooms in the palace, guarded by dozens of soldiers outside.

Che Quanyi's two guards pushed Xu Chu into a room, closed the door and locked it, and said outside: "Watch closely, this is a prisoner caught by the manager himself."

"The superintendent has the power to capture prisoners himself." The guard said flatteringly.

The room was dark. Xu Chu stood at the door for a while, groping forward, trying to find a place to sit, and continued to blame himself and think of a solution.

The room was empty. Xu Chu took a few steps and didn't touch anything. As he walked further, a voice suddenly sounded in front of him, "Are you blind? You're about to step on someone."

The voice was so familiar that Xu Chu blurted out: "Tang Weitian?"

The other party also heard the voice, "Master?"

Then they both said at the same time: "It's me!"

There was a sound of chains, and Tang Weitian said: "The young master was also arrested? Did Ji Gongche really do it himself? Although the young master is weak, he will not lose to an old guy, right?"

"Alas, it's hard to put it into words. It was my miscalculation that harmed myself and probably others." Xu Chu squatted down and the first thing he touched was an iron chain.

"Chicken Bus was afraid that I would cause trouble, so he tied a few chains around my body." Tang Weitian explained.

Xu Chu could already vaguely see things in front of him, "How many people are here?"

"Twenty-one in total, seven in this room."

"Mr. Xu." Several people said hello.

"Where's General Iron?"

"In another room."

Xu Chu sat on the ground, holding the iron chain in both hands, feeling at his wits' end for the first time.

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