(Please collect and recommend)

After learning the news that King Guangling had been captured, Guo Shifeng persuaded the general to accept him as his staff in just a few words, "King Guangling was in trouble, and the people in Jiangdong were frightened. I have been in Jiangdong downstream for many years, and I am familiar with its characters and terrain. If the general wants to If you want to claim credit from the imperial court, you can kill me immediately in front of the army gate. If you want to watch the situation and look to the east of the river, I may be able to help you."

Guo Shifeng was drinking and invited Lou Chu to join him. He held a cup and told about his experience. Finally he smiled and said: "The general keeps me here, which shows that he has great ambitions. This will be much easier to handle."

Lou Chu also felt that if his father really had the ambition to look eastward, he would be considered a "person who can be persuaded", but he was still uneasy in his heart. Looking at the cheerful Guo Shifeng, he couldn't help but said: "Prince Duan was killed, and King Guangling will probably survive in prison." But this month.”

Guo Shifeng put down his wine glass, pointed at his heart and said, "Brother Chu, do you know how hard it beat when I learned that King Guangling was arrested?"

Lou Chu didn't know, but he could imagine that Guo Shifeng was imprisoned in the military camp, and his life and death hung on a thread. It was originally intended to prove that King Guangling's intention was unfavorable to the general, but the result was completely the opposite. As a lobbyist, he was completely defeated.

Guo Shifeng continued: "Brother Chu and Brother Ma come from well-known families, and even though they are imprisoned, the people they interact with are all high-ranking officials. But I am just a lobbyist, or a counselor to be nicer. I am great if I can knock on a door of noble people. Being lucky enough to get a glass of wine and a few words from a noble person is a great success. As for getting along well with others and obeying their advice, I have only seen it in books and never encountered it myself. "

Guo Shifeng picked up the lapels of his old clothes, "I haven't changed these clothes in months. I can only wash and dry them at night and wear them during the day. I'm still looking for what to wear this winter."

"I have no idea……"

"Of course Brother Chu doesn't know, not just you, Brother Ma, King Guangling, and the general don't know, because you never have to worry about such things, you don't even have to think about it. Occasionally I will get some rewards, and I will take it with this hand , the other hand must be given to the confidants of King Guangling. Only in this way, the door will be open every time I go. "

Guo Shifeng was quite frightened and drank a little too much. He stood up and came to Lou Chu and said earnestly: "Only when you leave Dongdu and leave the general can Brother Chu understand how difficult it is to be a lobbyist. Opportunities are often taken advantage of." It’s fleeting, and if you don’t grab it and attract the other person’s interest with a few words, the result may be blood splattered on the spot.”

Lou Chu stood up and bowed his hands respectfully to Guo Shifeng, "Brother Guo gave a great talk, and Lou learned from it."

"Haha, but you are the son of the general. As long as the general is still there, this identity will always be useful, at least you will not be rejected. Alas, I regret one thing now. I should have found a way to squeeze into the Imperial Academy instead of being lazy for a while. , Mistaken by Yuxuekan.”

"Where do we start with this?" Lou Chu always felt that what he learned in the Yuxue Hall was very useful and far better than the orthodox way of Taixue.

Guo Shifeng said with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, the gentlemen in the Yuxue Hall are all good and I have benefited a lot. The only thing is that their reputation is too small and there are too few successful students. They are not taken seriously anywhere and are rarely introduced. , being able to meet Brother Ma and Brother Chu is like a treasure to me.”

Lou Chu smiled and said, "You can earn your own reputation."

Guo Shifeng shook his head, "Brother Chu, you still have the aristocratic air. You have the name of a general to borrow from. You don't understand how difficult it is for ordinary people to get a name, let alone how helpful a reputation can be. In terms of talent, those of Taixue Which scholar is as good as the three of us? But if they can get into high-ranking positions as disciples, they will be appreciated and promoted step by step if they have outstanding appearance, good conversational skills, or good writing skills."

Guo Shifeng looked up, as if there was really a "step up" step in front of him, "Think of Fan Guan, the most famous scholar in the world, who is often unable to be conquered by the court and lives in seclusion in the mountains. But as long as anyone holds a letter from him, he will definitely come to Beijing." It's a pity that Fan Mingshi is a sage and doesn't like people like us. I visited him and didn't even enter the courtyard. "

Guo Shifeng sighed and raised his glass and sang loudly, causing the soldiers outside the tent to lift the curtain to look.

"Brother Guo drank too much." Lou Chu came to grab the wine glass.

Guo Shifeng raised his arms high, "You can get drunk today, but you won't regret it if you die tomorrow. Haha, come on, Brother Chu, let's drink another three hundred cups!"

The foundation of the building refused and went out alone.

The drunk Guo Shifeng did tell a lot of truths, but they are of no use now.

Lou Chu was about to go find Qiao Zhisu again when he met seventh brother Lou Shuo running towards him in a hurry.

"Where have you gone? Let me find you easily. Come quickly, the general wants to see you."

This is what makes Guo Shifeng envious. No matter what, he can still see the general from the foundation of the building, and ordinary lobbyists can't even enter the military camp gate.

The general summoned all the descendants of the Lou family in the camp. When Lou Chu and Lou Shuo arrived, the general had already finished speaking, and the two stood quietly behind everyone.

"...Except for the third child, everyone else has to follow me in the Western Expedition. The Lou family has agreed to join the army. If you have something to deal with at home, write a letter and ask the third child to take it back to the city. From today on, you are not just My children and grandchildren are my soldiers. Don’t pick anyone. Start with the army and endure the hardships of marching for a few days. Come and tell me, I will dig a hole by the roadside for you and bury you alive. Forget it, don’t embarrass me.”

No one dared to object and only agreed, but when they thought about having to put on heavy armor tomorrow and follow ordinary soldiers to trek through mountains and rivers, everyone looked embarrassed.

After the general finished speaking, he waved his hands and ordered his children and grandchildren to leave. Most of them obeyed, but a dozen of them refused to leave. They begged their father repeatedly, either saying that they already had official positions and should not mix with soldiers, or that they were too old. Small, sick...

The general glared, "Your official position was awarded to you by the imperial court for my sake. Are you young? I was younger than you when I joined the army. No matter how difficult the disease is to be cured, it can be cured after two days of running and sweating." . Get out of here, if you make any excuses again, I will kill your own mother too!”

More than a dozen children and grandchildren scurried away with their heads in their hands.

Lou Jian, who was drunk, said with a smile: "Father did the right thing, it's time to teach them a lesson."

The general looked sideways at the third son, especially dissatisfied with him, but could not say anything. When he looked up again, he saw that there was still one son left at the door, and said angrily: "Why, do you think that after marrying the princess, you will marry other brothers?" Is it different? Even if it is a princess, you have to go out with everyone tomorrow. "

Lou Chu took a few steps forward, having already made up his mind to persuade him no matter what. Facing his father, he could only act like Huanyan, knowing it was impossible and doing it.


"Don't say that again, I don't like to hear it." The general said coldly.

"My child only talks about his own affairs." Lou Chu recounted what he saw and heard in the palace.

Before the general spoke, Lou Jian became angry, pointed at his seventeenth brother and scolded: "You just don't think the crime is big enough. Whenever you get the chance, you make up lies and stir up trouble. Huangfu and his son are clearly in our hands, but you say that His Majesty wants to take advantage of Huangfu." It is really unreasonable to arrest the general."

Lou Chu ignored the third brother and said to the general: "Even if father doesn't believe what the boy said, doesn't he also believe what the lady says?"

Lou Jiang got even angrier, "Don't mention my wife. She is working hard for the Lou family in the palace and is not the same thing as you."

Lou Wen was not that angry, "Madam's letter only said that the matter was critical and it was advisable to avoid it, nothing else."

Mrs. Lan and the Empress Dowager could only ask the Princess of Jibei about the general situation, but they were afraid that the letter would fall into the hands of outsiders, so they did not dare to make it too clear.

"The crisis is only temporarily over. His Majesty's fear of the Lou family will only become stronger because of this. Father must be on guard."

Lou stood up hard and raised his fat fist to beat his seventeenth brother.

Lou Wen shouted: "Lao San, what do you want to do?"

"Beat this boy hard. Father, I understand what is going on. Lou Chu wants to avenge Princess Wu. He thought that Princess Wu was forced to death by his father and the late emperor, so he provoked her and killed two birds with one stone. ”

"Then it's not your turn to take action. You have a son of your own. It's up to you to kill whomever you want. I can only take action on my son."

Lou stiffly returned to his father's side, still angry, staring at the foundation of the building fiercely.

Lou Wen also stared at the seventeenth son, but when he opened his mouth, he said to the third son: "Go and stare at the unworthy descendants of the Lou family. If anyone dares to complain, come back and tell me."

"Father!" Lou Jian was very surprised to find out that he was taken away.

"Go!" Lou Wen was used to being overbearing and would not allow anyone to disobey his orders.

Lou Jian had no choice but to get up and leave the tent. When he passed by his seventeenth brother, he deliberately bumped into him.

Lou Wen waved, but Lou Chu had been pinched by his father, so he walked carefully and refused to get within the reach of his father's arms.

"Do you remember your mother?"

Lou Chu nodded, "Remember."

"You want to avenge her?"

"My mother committed suicide and there is no revenge."

"She committed suicide because she refused to kneel to the late emperor at the funeral."

"I heard that my mother once assassinated the late emperor in the palace."

"Hey, your majesty told you? Not many people know about this. Yes, Princess Wu once tried to assassinate her, and she almost succeeded. The late emperor was shocked and angry, and killed a large number of Wu people. It's your turn soon When I was a mother, the Empress Dowager persuaded the late Emperor to return her to me."

"The late emperor actually agreed."

"The tempers of the late emperor and the current emperor are completely different. As long as you are right in what you say, the late emperor will never stubbornly insist on returning Princess Wu. First, he will calm my anger, and second, he will take revenge on Princess Wu in a longer way. Yes. I led the troops to destroy the Kingdom of Wu and forced King Wu to commit suicide on the city wall. The person your mother hates the most is actually me. "

"My mother has been in the family for many years, so her hatred must have faded away."

"Haha, if that were the case, she would no longer be the Princess of Wu. The little girl was so cruel that she wanted to kill me several times. She didn't dare to leave anything with a sharp point in her house. Her temper didn't change until you were born. A little better, she stopped trying to kill me, but I didn’t expect her to commit suicide.”

Lou Chu could no longer answer the conversation. Talking about his mother was always a difficult and painful thing for him.

Lou Wen sighed for a long time, and his expression suddenly turned cold, "After all, you still haven't explained clearly why His Majesty keeps you alone and wants you to watch the Lou family collapse?"

When things got to this point, Lou Chu decided to tell the truth, but he gently took a step back and said, "The child did participate in the assassination."

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