"The palace invites Mr. Kou to come." Zhou Yuanbin said, watching Kou Daogu leave without following him. The order he received was to invite one person alone.

"Zhonggong is like this. Her ideas have been right since she was a child. Even the strong-armed Shanyu had to obey her words when she was alive. No one can persuade her now, but she will not kill anyone and silence her again."

"Did the Zhonggong promise Zhou joined the army?"

"Ha, how can we guarantee this kind of thing? I can't even mention it, but the Central Palace has sent me a bunch of tasks, which means that he wants to use me again." Zhou Yuanbin looked happy.

"Don't forget King Jin when you join the army in Zhou Dynasty."

"No, no, it's just...as Mr. Xu said, the time has not come, the time has not come." Zhou Yuanbin did not want to talk about it, but smiled and said: "Mr. Xu guessed something wrong. The Central Palace did not say that Shan Yu was assassinated, and even ordered everyone to stop talking about it. "

Xu Chu was thinking about other things in his mind and said casually: "This is a delaying strategy. The Zhonggong will wait until he returns to Xiangyang to summon King Youdu before 'revenge' Shanyu."

"Mr. Xu guessed wrong several times." Zhou Yuanbin reminded.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "The more this happens, the more you have to keep guessing. If you guess a big one, it will be enough to make up for the previous mistakes."

"Doesn't that make him a gambler?"

"Exactly, I want to bet again."

"What bet?"

"The Central Palace will withdraw its troops and return to the outside of the wall."

Zhou Yuanbin shook his head, "Zhonggong has made it very clear, and said it in public. King Zuo Xian also agreed and vowed to defeat the Central Plains people here before succeeding to the throne. If Mr. Xu knows the He Rong people like me, he will know Zhonggong would never dare to lie about this kind of thing."

"I'm going to gamble again."

"Haha, Mr. Xu, bet on yourself, I'm going to work, there are still many things to do." Zhou Yuanbin said goodbye.

There was some food in the tent, and Xu Chu was thinking while eating.

Someone opened the curtain and came in. Xu Chu thought it was Kou Daogu and didn't turn around. He didn't look over until he heard laughter and stood up immediately, "It turns out to be eldest brother."

Liu Youzhong smiled and said: "Fourth brother has worked hard. He just arrived, right?"

"Brother, it's hard work too. Have you been stuck here for a long time?"

"Haha." Liu Youzhong walked to the opposite side, his expression became serious, and he whispered: "The King of Jin wanted to feign defeat and take the opportunity to retreat, but he didn't expect that the strong-armed Shanyu came too quickly."

"He led more than 10,000 troops at that time."

"Who knew at the time? As soon as we heard that Shan Yu was coming in person, everyone lost their fighting spirit..."

"How about the other side?"

"Didn't you hear about it when fourth brother came?"

"The people of He Rong said that after Shanyu was injured on the battlefield, he turned into a huge black wolf and rushed into the army to bite and kill countless enemies."

"Haha, no one wants to admit that they have lost the battle. It's no wonder, because it's really hard to explain. He Rong's Chanyu was seriously injured, but many people didn't know it at the time and continued to fight, saying, 'Kill countless enemies. 'It's not an exaggeration. On the other side of the heroes - besides, the name 'heroes' is no longer worthy of its name."

"What do you mean?"

"King Ning always surprises people. According to reliable rumors, King Ning killed dozens of leaders on the riverside, set fire to all the ships on the river, and then fought against He Rong's army - although this move was ruthless , but it was of some use. The officers and men of the Ning army fought desperately and suffered heavy casualties, but they also killed many enemy soldiers. Now the two sides were facing each other, less than twenty miles apart, and they fought several small battles without a winner. "

"What are Prince Jin's plans?"

"The Chanyu is dead, and the King of Jin wants to return to Bingzhou, but it is difficult to get permission. I heard that the fourth brother has just been summoned by the palace..."

"Brother, why don't you ask Zhou Canjun for help?"

"Zhou Yuanbin? This person is half-hearted and follows others' influence. He is not worth trusting. King Jin asked him for help several times but received no response."

"It's not that Zhou Yuanbin doesn't want to help, it's just that he has more than enough ambition but not enough energy. Now is an opportunity. With Zhou Yuanbin's help, King Jin can get out of trouble."

Liu Youzhong immediately held up his hands and said: "Please give me advice from my fourth brother. King Jin cannot come in person, but as soon as he heard that his fourth brother had arrived, he asked me to come and visit..."

"When King Jin returns to Bingzhou, his first priority is to defeat King Liang, right?"


"What happens after success?"

"The King of Jin has learned his lesson and has no greater ambitions. Once the situation in Bingzhou is stable, he will definitely lead his troops to join He Rong's tribe."

Xu Chu shook his head, "If the King of Jin insists on speaking like this, the people of He Rong will definitely not believe him, and they will not let him go."

"What should I say?"

"Unless the Liang army is completely wiped out, I vow not to retreat. If the King of Liang escapes to Yuyang, he will attack Yuyang. If he escapes to Yecheng, he will attack Yecheng."

"In this way, we will enter Jizhou. Will the He Rong people...will the Central Palace agree?"

"You can give it a try. In short, the King of Jin hates the King of Liang to the core. All those who are allied with the King of Liang will be killed in one sweep."

"Including...Yuyang?" Liu Youzhong was a little puzzled. At least on the surface, the Tiancheng court in Yuyang was forced to bow to the king of Liang. Shan Yu never publicly criticized the Zhang family in Yuyang during his lifetime, but he was rescued. meaning.

"Especially Yuyang."

"Fourth brother, can you explain it more clearly?"

"Brother, go ask Zhou Yuanbin. If he wants to tell you, just tell him. If he doesn't want to, don't force him."

When Kou Daogu came in from the outside, Liu Youzhong immediately smiled and said: "I see, the fourth brother has had a really hard journey. Why don't you want to have a drink at my place?"

"I'm really tired today, let's try another day."

"In that case, I won't disturb my fourth brother's rest." Liu Youzhong said goodbye and nodded to Kou Daogu.

Xu Chu was indeed tired and lay down to take a nap, but Kou Daogu came over and said, "Tomorrow, you and I will go on a mission to Prince Ning."

"Hmm?" Xu Chu sat up.

"The Queen Mother ordered you and me to serve as envoys to persuade King Ning to either surrender or choose a day for a decisive battle. All the knights of He Rong are ready."

"Is this... your idea?"

Kou Daogu was tall to begin with, and he looked even taller when he raised his head slightly, "Is it inappropriate?"

"King Ning will not surrender."

"Then let's have a decisive battle. King Ning burned his ships to cut off his retreat. There is little food and grass left in the army. A decisive battle is his best choice."

"Why do you want to drag me in?"

"King Ning believes you but not me."

"What do you believe in me?"

"The He Rong people are determined to fight a decisive battle."

"But I don't believe it myself."

"Hey, do you need me to remind you? The princess is still in Xiangyang."

Xu Chu almost forgot that there was a "Princess Fangde" in Xiangyang. He stared at Kou Daogu for a while, "Okay."

Kou Daogu turned and left. He had already asked for another tent.

Xu Chu was finally able to sleep peacefully.

The next morning, Xu Chu and Kou Daogu rode to the Ningjun camp with only four guards.

The whole camp was shrouded in a strange atmosphere, as if it was more sad than the He Rong army that lost the Chanyu. Everyone looked wooden and rarely talked. There were broken equipment and tents everywhere. Soldiers were in dishevel, dragging weapons in their hands, walking around everywhere, and almost no generals were seen.

Ning Baoguan built another small camp inside the big camp, which was heavily guarded by trusted soldiers.

The two messengers were brought into the central army tent.

Ning Baoguan didn't change much. He still had that gloomy look. He sat on the chair without saying a word, and the generals on both sides remained silent.

Kou Daogu spoke first, asking King Ning to either surrender or fight a decisive battle. After saying that, he stood there and didn't get a response for a long time.

Ning Baoguan finally came to his senses, but he looked at Xu Chu and asked, "Is the Chanyu really dead?"

"The injury is not healed. It happened yesterday." Xu Chu said.

"Has a new Chanyu been chosen?"

"Not yet, but Zuo Xian Wang has been designated as the successor. The ceremony will be held after the war here is over."

"Okay, tell He Rongren that the decisive battle will take place tomorrow morning, and the winner must be decided this time."

Xu Chu glanced at Kou Daogu, "I'm not going back there."

Ning Baoguan sneered, "Are you also a guest at He Rongren's place?"

"To be precise, I should say a prisoner."

"Then stay, and you will also participate in the decisive battle tomorrow."

"King Ning does not need a decisive battle. He Rongren has already intended to withdraw his troops. The invitation to fight is just a threat, and it is a strategy of retreating by advancing."

"Whether He Rongren is scheming or really wants a decisive battle, I will fight this battle tomorrow, because He Rongren can wait, but I can't." Ning Baoguan turned to Kou Daogu, "Then you go back and deliver the letter."

"I want to stay, too."

When these words came out, Ning Baoguan and Xu Chu were both shocked, especially Xu Chu, who did not expect Kou Daogu to say such a thing.

"Why...you stay?" Ning Baoguan asked in surprise.

"King Ning wants to seize the world, why not welcome the world's scholars?"

Ning Baoguan was stunned again, looked at Xu Chu, and saw that he was also confused, so he asked: "What's your name?"

"Kou Daogu, a disciple of Fan Bi."

"You want to stay, but there is no place for scholars here. You look tall, do you intend to give up literature and join the military?"

"If King Ning only wants to seize the world with swords and guns, I won't stay."

"Hey, if not with swords and guns, what else can he rely on?"

"I have a plan to pacify the world, but I don't want to tell outsiders, so I can only tell King Ning."

Ning Baoguan laughed, "Are you an assassin?"

"Xu Chu recognizes me, King Ning can ask him."

Ning Baoguan looked over, and Xu Chu said: "I don't know whether Mr. Kou has a plan to pacify the world, but he is definitely not an assassin."

Ning Baoguan thought for a while, found it interesting, and said to the generals: "You retreat first."

"King Ning should not be careless." A general advised.

"Do you think a scholar can kill me?"

No one dared to say anything, and they left the tent one after another.

Kou Daogu said, "Xu Chu is also an outsider."

Ning Baoguan said, "Did you bring other followers?"

The two nodded, and Ning Baoguan said, "Please ask Mr. Xu to send the followers back. The decisive battle will be tomorrow morning. That's it."

Xu Chu took his leave. After leaving, he asked the four guards to report back first. He stood outside the central army tent waiting. He couldn't guess Kou Daogu's intention, but he didn't believe that this man would have a plan to assassinate.

Ning Army General Luo Hanqi came over and patted Xu Chu on the shoulder twice, "You are still alive."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "General Luo... is injured?"

"Physical injuries." Luo Hanqi grinned and said casually, "Do they often talk about me over there?"

"I am a prisoner over there and rarely come into contact with others."

"And you don't understand the strange words of He Rongren."

"I don't understand."

Luo Hanqi inexplicably lowered his voice, "I stabbed the Chanyu with a spear."

"Oh." Xu Chu didn't know what to say.

"Why, don't you believe it?" Luo Hanqi showed anger.

"Because I believe in you, I'm not surprised."

Luo Hanqi laughed, "I'll kill the new Chanyu tomorrow."

"General Luo will succeed immediately." Someone next to him interrupted and bowed to Xu Chu.

"General Song." Xu Chu returned the greeting. He had seen Song Quzhu earlier and just had the chance to greet him. He wondered how Song Quzhu survived when all the heroes were killed.

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