Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 492 Killing Prisoners

"I have a better idea." Xu Chu smiled.

The maid in the tent didn't understand the Central Plains dialect. Among the two people listening, Kou Daogu was still concentrating with his eyes closed. Zhang Geng didn't know what was going on. He wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, and looked around.

The eldest wife laughed.

Xu Chu continued: "Mr. Kou is very smart and can come up with clever plans. There is only one thing. He is too selfish and puts revenge first instead of thinking about the interests of the middle palace."

The eldest wife snorted, glanced at Kou Daogu, and said coldly: "Can you think of me?"

"I can't either, so I'll understand after listening to it. In the end, the palace has to make its own decision and choose the good one and follow it."

The eldest wife sneered but said nothing. Xu Chu regarded this as tacit approval and continued: "The middle palace should confess everything to Shan Yu."

The eldest wife's eyes became more severe, "It seems that you already know that Princess Huanyan treats you differently from others."

Xu Chu shook his head, "Princess Huanyan didn't say anything. I just guessed that she had something to do with Zhonggong. As for what it was, I had no idea. In any case, Zhonggong was worried about Shan Yu being angry. However, the palace status is respected, and he has given birth to two sons for the Shanyu. If he hides it from the Shanyu, he will be forgiven. Although he will be humiliated for a moment, there will never be any future troubles. This is better than a secret plan. Although Princess Huanyan can be eliminated, Princess Huanyan will be left behind. What a worry."

The eldest wife glanced at Kou Daogu again and sighed softly, "It seems that you really don't know anything. If Princess Huanyan announces this matter, even if Shanyu loves me again, why should I tell you this? Tomorrow you will Let’s go to Yuyang with Mr. Kou.”

"Kou Daogu can't stand me."

"Hey, don't worry, I will send more people to escort you. When you arrive in Qinzhou, you will meet up with the tribes outside the Great Wall. They have received Shanyu's order and are about to recapture Bing and Jizhou. You two will march with the army."

"Zhonggong really doesn't want to consider my suggestion?"

The eldest wife ignored Xu Chu and looked at Zhang Geng, "Does King Yuyang understand what we are talking about?"

Zhang Geng shook his head blankly, "I don't understand."

"Well, I thought you were a smart kid."

Zhang Geng's face turned red, "Please understand, the palace wants to exchange Xu Chu for Princess Huanyan, but it doesn't want Shan Yu to know."

The eldest wife nodded and smiled: "That's a bit smart. You don't have to go back to the big tent, just stay here with me."

Zhang Geng was overjoyed and choked with tears: "The palace is so kind and virtuous, I...I really miss this place..."

The eldest wife smiled and said, "Mr. Kou, please keep an eye on Xu Chu while we go to Yuyang. Don't let my mother and son down."

Kou Daogu opened his eyes, bowed his head solemnly to his eldest wife, remained silent, stood up and walked out.

The eldest wife said a few words in He Rong language, and the guard at the door came forward and signaled that Xu Chu had to leave as well.

Xu Chu resigned and said, "Please think again and again, don't be greedy for temporary ease and leave difficulties for a lifetime."

A trace of hesitation flashed across the eldest wife's face, and then she turned to look at her two sleeping sons. She immediately showed great tenderness and would never be attracted by anything again.

The guards escorted Xu Chu and followed Kou Daogu. Not far away, a group of cavalry galloped past, shouting something excitedly, and the guards cheered.

Kou Daogu's tent was not big, but it was extremely clean. It was very different from other tents. Kou Daogu sat down and said to Xu Chu who was standing at the door: "Please bear with me for a few more days. The matter is almost over."

"You brought me back to hand me over to the Shan Yu, not the eldest wife."

"When the Chanyu is away, the eldest wife can do things conveniently. She will tell the Chanyu that by taking you to Jizhou, we may be able to recapture Yuyang without bloodshed."

"Why don't you just kill me? If the eldest wife intercedes for you, the Shanyu will definitely let you go."

Kou Daogu thought for a while, "Just killing you will not relieve the hatred in my heart. When you go to Qinzhou, you will see the defeat of the World Army. When you go to Yuyang, you will see the death of the Zhang family. Oh, and also Prince Liang, it is said that you two were good friends - do you have some feelings about his tragic defeat? "

Before Xu Chu could speak, Kou Daogu waved his hand, and the guards dragged Xu Chu out and sent him to another tent next to him.

The Avatar Army was defeated, Shan Yu personally went to Xiangyang, the night attack on Hanzhong City failed, and all the tribes outside the Great Wall joined forces to advance eastward... Big events were happening everywhere, but Xu Chu was trapped in a small tent belonging to He Rongren. He couldn't participate either, which made him deeply frustrated. He sat on the bunk and murmured: "Look at the good time you've been waiting for."

Early the next morning, Xu Chu was eating when Zhang Geng slipped in and said, "You and Kou Daogu will set off in the afternoon."

"What delayed you?"

"Last night's night attack turned out to be an attack from the east to the west. The Yizhou soldiers in the city opened the door and fled in all directions. He Rong's cavalry is chasing them, so you have to wait for a long time and set off again after the road is safe."

"Hanzhong City could not be defended after all..."

"If he hadn't believed too much in the King of Shu and thought that the Yizhou army would surrender, Shan Yu would have captured Hanzhong City long ago. Alas, a group of fools took their own lives seriously. Many of them became prisoners and will be executed later. , Mr. Xu, do you want to watch it?”

Xu Chu shook his head.

Zhang Geng said with a smile: "Actually, it's not scary. It's quite interesting to see the people who were killed cry and urinate. People in He Rong like this kind of thing. Children have to go see it. Anyone who shows fear or can't bear it is quite interesting." , you will be laughed at..."

"Did the eldest wife ask you to come?" Xu Chu asked.

"The eldest wife didn't say let me come, but she didn't say she wouldn't let me come either."

"Confessing to the Shanyu is the only solution. If the eldest wife trusts Kou Daogu, it will definitely cause serious trouble."

"Haha, if you don't have any other plans... I'd better go."

"Wait a moment."

"Have you come up with another idea?"

"I want to go see Wenzhan with you."

"Yes, it's very interesting, just like celebrating a holiday."

Zhang Geng was right. The atmosphere in the camp was indeed like a festival. Everyone was excited. The women and children accompanying the army walked out of the tents and walked in groups to the execution place - just outside the camp gate.

The camp was not far from the city. In an open space, a large pit had been dug. Many corpses were lying in the pit. Hundreds of prisoners stood in front of the pit, surrounded by groups of cavalry.

Zhang Geng took Xu Chu to a watchtower, where he could see more clearly from a higher position. He was as excited as He Rongren and pointed, "Why is no one crying yet? Are they scared out of their wits?"

He Rong's cavalry probably felt the same way. Dozens of cavalry suddenly charged forward, brandishing swords in their hands and shouting. Everyone onlookers cheered in unison. When they were about to reach the prisoners, the cavalry suddenly reined in their horses.

This trick has been tried many times and can often frighten the opponent so much that he bursts into tears and even kneels down to beg for mercy.

It unexpectedly failed today.

Not only did the prisoners in several rows not cry bitterly, but they burst out laughing from the crowd. Soon, all the prisoners laughed at the same time, and the people in He Rong were confused, and the roaring gradually weakened.

"What are they doing?" Zhang Geng asked doubtfully.

"These people are not Jizhou soldiers."

"The ones guarding the city are Jizhou soldiers."

"They are soldiers from Hanzhou, and the one who takes the lead in laughing is the governor of Hanzhou. His surname is Lou and his name is Yi."

"Your surname is Lou, are you a descendant of the general?"

"Sixth son."

"No wonder...your last name was Lou before, right?"


"Are you brothers?"


"Tsk, tsk, I also have a brother. If I can see him...why are the Hanzhou soldiers laughing?"

"Lou Yu led his troops to attack at night to give the Yizhou army a chance to escape. Presumably many Yizhou soldiers escaped, so he wanted to laugh."

Cavalry He Rong was angered by the laughter and began to kill people.

Zhang Geng said it easily, but at this moment he looked away and evaded, for fear of being discovered by others.

Xu Chu couldn't take his eyes away.

The massacre ended quickly. A group of Central Plains soldiers were ordered to bury the corpses in a pit, and the cavalry trampled them.

Zhang Geng said: "This is over, let's go down."

Xu Chu said to the child: "There are many heroes in the land of Kyushu, and there are always those who refuse to surrender."

"Yes, aren't they all killed?"

"Can't kill them all."

"Haha, I don't think so. If you kill too many people, no one will dare to resist."

Zhang Geng was about to go down when Xu Chu suddenly grabbed one of his thin arms. Zhang Geng was startled, "What do you want to do?"

Xu Chu whispered: "Tell the eldest wife that the things are not in Yuyang, but in the camp, right next to the Chanyu."

Zhang Geng was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"My eldest wife will understand." Xu Chu let go of his hand.

After killing the prisoners, He Rong's cavalry and Central Plains soldiers went in to massacre the city in batches. There were not many people left in Hanzhong. The massacre was not only plunder and punishment, but also a warning, announcing the fate of those who disobeyed.

As soon as noon passed, Xu Chu was called out of the tent.

More than two hundred He Rong cavalry lined up, and Kou Daogu also rode a horse instead of riding a car, and said to Xu Chu: "Let's go, maybe we can see Princess Fangde on the road."

Xu Chu mounted the horse without saying a word.

The shortest road from Hanzhong to Qinzhou is the Baoxie Valley Road. The Yizhou army destroyed it and the Shanyu sent people to repair it. It was not very strong and could barely pass by people and horses.

Until nightfall, the group did not go far and stopped on the ground to camp and rest. In this place, there was no need to worry about who could escape, so the guard was not tight and Xu Chu could walk around.

He couldn't sleep, so he stood outside and watched the sky - he recognized many stars, but he never saw any signs.

There were voices in the distance, and not long after, Kou Daogu strode over. Although the night could hide his face, it couldn't hide his angry steps, "The two of us go back."

"An accident happened?"

"I don't know, it must be you...I don't know." Kou Daogu was very angry.

Escorted by a small number of cavalry, the two returned to the camp outside Hanzhong City overnight. They arrived early the next morning and were sent to the eldest wife's tent as soon as they got off their horses.

Kou Daogu naturally wanted to go in, but was stopped by the guard at the door, asking him to wait outside.

Kou Daogu was surprised, but he didn't dare to argue and stepped aside obediently.

Xu Chu entered the tent alone and saw his eldest wife and several servants sitting on the blanket. Zhou Yuanbin, who had never been seen, stood beside him and smiled at Xu Chu.

"So, you still know the truth." The eldest wife said.

"Guessed it."

"Can you guess where things are?"

Xu Chu thought for a while and replied affirmatively: "Yes."

"Give you a day."

"One day is not enough. If I want to find out where things are, I have to go see Shanyu."

The eldest wife was silent, and Zhou Yuanbin sighed, "The middle palace should have revealed the truth to me earlier. Now that the matter is over, I will send Mr. Xu to see the Shanyu. No matter what, we can resolve the matter. Our Zhou family cannot be ruined by this matter. "

The eldest wife said to Xu Chu: "Whether you guessed it or you really know something, first explain it to me."

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