When Xu Chu woke up, the city of Dongdu was turned upside down.

Xu Chu and Chang Yan went to see Ning Baoguan together. At the door of the meeting hall, Xu Chu was stopped by Guo Shifeng, and Chang Yan could only go in alone.

Chang Yan took off his waist knife and handed it to Xu Chu. He nodded and walked up the steps.

Guo Shifeng looked up at the sky and said with a smile, "It seems like it's going to snow again."

"I've heard a lot of rumors."

"Let's just assume they're all true."

"Prince Ning has no world in his heart."

"Brother Chu, be careful, these words will cause you to be killed."

"Killing or not killing is all a matter of King Ning's thoughts, and it doesn't matter what others say or not."

Guo Shifeng smiled, motioned for Xu Chu to follow him a few steps, and whispered: "Prince Ning is determined to defend Xiangyang."

"What should I do in Dongdu?"

"Brother Chu, don't think too much. There is a wolf in front of you and a tiger behind you. At this moment, the only option is to lead the wolf to attack the tiger. Although Prince Ning... looking at the world, maybe he is the only opponent of He Rongren."

Xu Chu was silent, and Guo Shifeng said again: "Brother Chu doesn't want to take refuge in Prince Ning, but he doesn't regard Prince Ning as his enemy, right?"


Guo Shifeng nodded and said: "I knew that Brother Chu was not a person who acted on impulse, so I tried my best to protect Brother Chu in front of King Ning, thinking that Brother Chu's intelligence would eventually be of great use."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "I have something to ask Brother Guo. I hope Brother Guo can tell me the truth."

Guo Shifeng said seriously: "I am flattered that such a transparent person like Brother Chu actually asked me for advice. I must tell the truth."

Xu Chu was silent for a while, then turned to look at the meeting hall, "Brother Guo... do you believe that counselors can bring peace to the world?"

"This...I don't quite understand."

"Is the counselor the king's secret controller, or is he a subordinate at his command? Or worse, is he just a slave who speaks his mind?"

Guo Shifeng smiled and nodded, "I understand, let me think about it, I have never considered this issue... I think it doesn't matter. How many emperors have been controlled by eunuchs and women in ancient times? Are counselors better than these people?"

Xu Chu sighed softly.

Guo Shifeng said again: "I also have something to ask Brother Chu."

"Please tell me."

"Is the emperor the ruler of the world? Or is he his parents who work hard for him? Or worse, is he just a puppet sitting on a throne, no different from the clay-embedded wooden sculptures in the temple?"

Xu Chu smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Guo made me suddenly enlightened."

"Talk about it, I have met many people, from emperors and generals to traffickers and pawns. They are very different in terms of high and low, but the thoughts in their hearts are very similar: when they are happy, They all look down on all living beings. The people think that the emperor is in charge of everything and is not as comfortable as I am. The emperor thinks that the people are like flies and dogs, and they are not as respected as me. When they are in trouble, they all feel sorry for themselves. The people think that the emperor can do whatever he wants and will never be bullied by others. The emperor thinks that the emperor can do whatever he wants and will never be bullied by others. The people are relaxed and at ease, and they are not restricted everywhere, not even having the freedom to step out of the door.”

"Control each other and use each other." Xu Chu said.

"Isn't that just like this? The emperor can recruit troops and food, but when the army collapses, which emperor can 'control' it? Advisors like us can persuade this and mobilize that with our sharp tongue. Someone If we follow the plan, we will really "control" him. Or, if no one accepts our plan, it will be a total failure? "

"Up and down with the world."

"I am ups and downs with the world, but my heart is unmoved. One moment you will 'control' me, and the next moment I will 'control' you. When I am proud, I will not kill them all. When you are proud, don't care about the old grudges."

Xu Chu laughed.

Chang Yan walked out of the meeting hall with a confused look on his face, showing no signs of panic or fear.

Xu Chu stepped forward and said, "Have you seen it?"

Chang Yan nodded, "Well, Prince Ning... wants to see the young master and Mr. Guo."

Ning Baoguan only slept for a short while, and the drunkenness on his face had disappeared. He was discussing something with several generals. When he saw two counselors coming in, he waved his hand to ward off everyone, and walked over with his knife, "Fortunately, Dongdu is still alive." There are more people than I expected, and they can at least help transport food. Mr. Xu, your friend wants to stay and lead troops for me, but he said he must get your permission."

Xu Chu was surprised, "I have no objection."

"Very good." Ning Baoguan shouted to the guard at the door: "Tell Chang Yan to go find General Huang Huaihuang."

The guards responded.

Huang Huai is the general who protects the Ning army. If Chang Yan goes to him, he should be appointed.

Ning Baoguan said again: "Mr. Guo told you, I decided to lead troops to Xiangyang."


"What else did he say?"

"No, we are just chatting."

"I hope you will go to Yizhou."

"Yizhou? Meeting the King of Shu?"

"Yes, since we have to defend Xiangyang, the more soldiers the better. The King of Shu cannot sit back and enjoy the benefits, so he has to send troops."

"General Tieyuan of Yizhou is trapped in Hanzhou, and the King of Shu is probably unwilling to send any more troops to help defend Xiangyang."

"It depends on the abilities of the two of you."

Guo Shifeng was also surprised and blurted out: "Am I going too?"

"Mr. Xu is my guest. It is not polite to ask the guest to borrow troops from the King of Shu. You are my military advisor and you must go there." Ning Baoguan turned around and rummaged through the table and found a golden seal, " It was carved not long ago. From now on, you will be my military advisor and general. As for the rank... we will decide it later."

Guo Shifeng was surprised again, but also a little happy at the same time. He stretched out his hand to receive the seal, "Although I have made some small achievements, I have also made many mistakes..."

"Don't make any mistakes on this trip to Yizhou." Ning Baoguan said sternly and put the gold seal in Guo Shifeng's hand.

The gold seal was heavy, and as soon as it fell, Guo Shifeng said hurriedly: "With Mr. Xu's help, this trip will be a success."

Ning Baoguan looked at Xu Chu, "Since Mr. Xu is a guest, I will not grant you an official position. I believe you only want to repel the He Rong people and have no intention of getting an official position."

"The one who knows me is Prince Ning." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"You can ask whatever you need, and I'll try my best to satisfy you."

Guo Shifeng was not polite and immediately made a bunch of requests, including carriages, horses, gold, silver, and cloth, as much as he could ask for. Ning Baoguan mostly agreed, and finally said: "What does Mr. Xu want?"

"I want——Dongdu."

"Haha, Mr. Xu's words are extraordinary, but I can't give you this. Dongdu must be destroyed. If it can't be destroyed, burn it. If it can't be burned, smash it. If it can't be smashed, demolish it. In short, let Dongdu become a city that everyone can enjoy. It’s an empty city that you can leave, so no one will miss it.”

"If no one cares about Dongdu, what will King Ning do to induce the Sheng family to withdraw from Jiangdong?"

"Hey, how does Mr. Xu know that I can't repel the Sheng family?"

"Because it is not the best strategy to defeat the Sheng family, it is better to give up the Eastern Capital to the Sheng family. The Sheng family has coveted the Eastern Capital for a long time, so they will definitely accept it. If they accept it, they will be not far away from the He Rong people, and they may also send troops to help. Guard Xiangyang."

"It is more likely that you will surrender to Shanyu and become the enemy of Xiangyang. Mr. Xu, there is no need to say more. I understand what you mean and will consider it. Whether Dongdu will be saved or destroyed, whether to keep it or send it away is all up to me. You just have to talk to Guo Sir, I went to Yizhou to borrow troops for Xiangyang."

Xu Chu resigned, and Ning Baoguan stopped him and said with a smile, "Mr. Xu still uses a knife?"

Chang Yan's waist sword is still with Xu Chu, and he has almost forgotten it. "This is the sword given to me by the King of Shu. I hope he still remembers it."

"The King of Shu gave you a sword, and I gave you a sword, but the sword is not with you. When you set out tomorrow, come and get it."

"Thank you."

The two counselors walked out of the meeting hall together. Xu Chu saw Chang Yan waiting in the distance and said goodbye to Guo Shifeng.

"Brother Chu got what he wanted and sent a strong support to Xiangyang. It's time to make Prince Ning feel that he has gained something. The so-called 'control' is nothing more than that."

Xu Chu nodded with a smile and walked quickly towards Chang Yan.

Chang Yan's face was still blank, "Um...there's something..."

"Let's talk about it when we get back."

The two returned to the general's mansion. Chang Yan took out a silver seal from his arms and said, "Prince Ning made me the general of the left guard, commanding three thousand troops. I..."

"You should accept it."

"I, I actually don't want to lead troops anymore, especially for King Ning. If the seven Jiangdong clans know about it, my reputation will be ruined. But...but King Ning..."

"Don't you dare refuse." Xu Chu said.

Chang Yan's face turned red, he opened his mouth to defend, then immediately lowered his head and let out a long sigh.

"You don't have to be ashamed, I'm the same as you."


"Prince Ning wants to destroy Dongdu, so I can only give him half-hearted advice. Prince Ning sends me to Yizhou to borrow troops, but I can only give in half-heartedly."

Xu Chu's words did not make Chang Yan feel any better, "Prince Ning's murderous intent is more intense than before. Before meeting him, I even had the intention to kill him. After meeting him, I didn't even dare to breathe. Alas, Prince Ning... …Can we really win the world?”

"I just heard a grand theory today, which can be used just right: Prince Ning thinks he has control over his life and death. Perhaps this is his illusion."


"The road to fighting for the world is difficult and dangerous. Most people dare not even think about it. Those who dare to think often give up halfway and are willing to be the hero of one party. Only those with strong delusions can persist. The delusion may mean that life or death is at stake. It's destiny, maybe it's because he has strong soldiers... but it must be the same."

"Hey, my timidity is definitely not an illusion, so Prince Ning's life or death is in control... It's probably not an illusion. Young Master, there's no need to comfort me. Everyone is trying to save their lives, so take it one step at a time, but I can't accompany you to Yizhou anymore. ”

"It doesn't matter."

"Young Master doesn't want to run for Prince Ning, but what can you do? Young Master has seen so many people. Apart from Shan Yu, who else do you think can compete with Prince Ning?"

"Not yet, let's wait until the battle in Xiangyang is over."

"I understand what the young master just said. The one who holds the key to life and death is King Ning, the one who has the destiny is the King of Liang, and the one who has the strong army is the Shanyu. What kind of 'illusion' should the person you want to find have the young master?"

Xu Chu smiled and said, "You've confused me."

"Young Master, you can't be so clueless, right? For example, King Jin, who thinks he is both wise and brave, is an 'illusion'. Even I can see that he will rebel again sooner or later. As for the others, they seem to be satisfied with A hero of one side. Oh, and Princess Huanyan of Yuyang, what is her 'illusion'? "

"The 'illusion' I'm looking for is all of this." Xu Chu said.

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