Chang Yanzhi found a book and read it word by word with great effort, not worrying about Xu Chu's safety at all.

There were footsteps outside, and soon there was a knock on the door. He replied "wait a moment", finished reading the remaining lines of this page, put the book upside down on the table, and stood up to open the door.

There was a large group of soldiers standing outside the door, and they were about to rush in as soon as the door opened. Chang Yanzhi opened his arms and blocked the door, saying to two of them: "I know you. We have guarded Dongdu and drank together. Your name is... your name is Pan Ju, and your surname is also Pan. Forgive me for being confused for a moment, I can't remember your name."

"Pan Yuan, my name is Pan Yuan." The man said.

"That's right. Once when you were drunk, you said you would marry your sister to me, but nothing happened later."

Pan Yuan blushed, and Pan Ju said, "Don't listen to his nonsense. His sister has already married and has a child. He is marrying people everywhere just to make friends and get wine."

Chang Yanzhi smiled and said, "So that's how it is. I've been worried about you for so long."

The soldiers were originally aggressive, but after a few words, they felt embarrassed and retreated. They no longer insisted on breaking in. Chang Yanzhi walked outside and said to Pan Ju, "General Pan is your uncle, right?"

"My uncle."

"Oh, I heard that you got promoted. You were a lieutenant at first, and now you are a general."

"My uncle recommended you. , I am just a deputy general, I can't compare with General Chang."

"I am a commoner now, I have no official position, how can I compare with you?"

The two flattered each other, Pan Yuan, who was standing next to him, pushed his cousin, Pan Ju woke up, interrupted, and said with a bow: "Our visit this time is not for chatting, please ask Brother Chang to call Mr. Xu out."

"He has already gone to bed, can't we talk about it tomorrow?"

"It's urgent, it must be now."

"Oh, it's really troublesome, well, since it's General Pan's nephew who came here in person, I can't refuse it, please wait here, I'll go wake up the young master."

Pan Ju, Pan Yuan and others nodded, all willing to give Chang Yanzhi some face.

Chang Yanzhi returned to the room, closed the door, gently bolted it, then sat at the table, picked up the book and continued to read, his brows frowned more and more, and he felt deeply that reading was difficult.

The people outside waited for a long time. Seeing that the lights in the house were on but no one came out, they were a little anxious. Pan Ju shouted: "Brother Chang, please wake up Mr. Xu quickly. If he doesn't come out, we will break in."

"The young master is getting dressed and will be ready soon."

Everyone continued to wait. Pan Yuan whispered: "Is Chang Yanzhi lying to us? There is not even a sound inside."

"Not really." Pan Ju still had a good impression of Chang Yanzhi.

Everyone was hesitating when Guo Shifeng ran over from behind, "What's going on? Why are you all standing here?"

"Wait for Chang Yanzhi to wake up Xu Chu." Pan Ju replied.

Guo Shifeng was stunned, and then he was furious, but he didn't dare to get angry, so he had to lower his voice and said: "General Pan has explained the matter clearly. You are not here to visit, why are you so polite?"

The two Pans blushed, Pan Ju drew his knife and shouted: "Chang Yanzhi, Xu Chu, come out quickly!"

No one answered, Pan Ju reached out to push the door, and found that it was bolted from the inside. This time he realized that he was really deceived, and said to the soldiers: "Break the door."

The soldiers were in groups of two, and took turns to knock on the door. After more than ten times, the bolt was broken. Pan Ju pushed everyone away and rushed in first. Seeing Chang Yanzhi sitting at the table reading a book, he couldn't help but get angry, "Chang Yanzhi, you...Where is Xu Chu?"

Without waiting for Chang Yanzhi to answer, Pan Ju rushed into the inner bedroom with a knife, turned around and found no one, and rushed out again, his face became ferocious, and with one knife, he cut the books on the table into two pieces, and said angrily: "Where is Xu Chu?"

"Isn't he inside?" Chang Yanzhi said in surprise.

"It's empty inside, there's no one on the bed."

"Did you look under the bed?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I know you, but I don't know the knife in my hand. I treated you as a friend, but you lied to me!"

"You lied to me first." Chang Yanzhi was still sitting on the chair, looking up.

"I... When did we lie to you?"

Chang Yanzhi looked at Pan Yuan, "I'm still alone now."

Pan Yuan wanted to apologize, but changed his mind, "You can't get a wife yourself, what does it have to do with me? Tell me where Xu Chu is, otherwise..."

"The young master is not in the bed, he must have gone out."

"Knowing that he went out, I asked you where he went?"

Several knives pointed at him, Chang Yanzhi thought for a while, and suddenly pointed to the door, "Ask him, he must know."

Everyone looked back, no one saw anyone.

Chang Yanzhi said, "I saw a figure flashing, is it Mr. Guo Shifeng?"

Guo Shifeng had to come in and said with a smile, "General Chang is teasing you. He won't tell you where Xu Chu is without some cruel means."

Pan Ju glanced at the palm on the table, and Chang Yanzhi quickly took it back, "Young Master won't tell me where he is going. Mr. Guo is very smart and will know it after one calculation."

Guo Shifeng's face changed slightly, "Take him to see General Pan."

Chang Yanzhi knew he was no match for him, so he didn't resist and got up and went out with everyone.

The Pan family soldiers were still searching everywhere, and Guo Shifeng called them all back and hurried to see Pan Kai.

This night, many people seemed to be in a hurry.

Xu Chu wanted to take the Jizhou soldiers to capture Pan Kai immediately, but Gao Shengze felt that these people were not reliable enough, and insisted on waiting for a while, and only when the eunuchs in the city gathered together, he was willing to set off.

This wait lasted for nearly an hour, and when Gao Shengze led hundreds of people to Pan's mansion, it was already late at night.

Pan Kai lived in a palace that had been converted into a military camp by Xu Chu, where people could live and discuss matters.

A very few people had horses, and most of the rest were on foot, marching on their way with high spirits, but most of them did not know the real purpose of the trip. They just believed in Gao Shengze, thinking that the old eunuch took the lead, and it must be the secret purpose of King Liang.

They arrived at the gate of the palace without being blocked. When several guards saw them, they turned around and ran inside without even closing the door.

Everyone was in high spirits, shouting "We want to see General Pan" and rushed inside.

Xu Chu grabbed Gao Shengze, moved him aside, and whispered: "The situation is not right."

"What's wrong?"

"Pan Kai is the lord of the city. We have been preparing for so long, and the senior manager is looking for people from everywhere. It is impossible for everyone to keep it secret. Pan Kai should know about it, but he is undefended. There is an ambush here!"

Gao Shengze glanced at the crowd and said, "Everyone has already rushed in..."

"If we can't find you or me, Pan Jun won't hurt these people."

Gao Shengze was worried, "You said you were going to start an incident tonight, but then you changed your mind."

"I wanted to take a preemptive strike, but it was too late."

"Is it really late?"

"I'm 90% sure."

Gao Shengze was still hesitating. The crowd had already poured into the palace, and only two eunuchs were guarding Gao Shengze.

The house was full of people, and it didn't sound like there was an ambush. Gao Shengze decided to follow him in. He was in charge tonight. If he didn't go in, he would be suspicious. He raised his legs and walked up the two steps. The old man felt frightened, so he stepped back. Xiang Xu Chu said: "Let's hide for a while."

Gao Shengze ordered the young eunuch to throw away the lantern in his hand and walk into the darkness together. Not far away, he heard shouts in the palace, and then there was a bang and the door of the palace was closed.

Gao Shengze was shocked and had no more doubts in his mind. He was the oldest among the four, but he ran the fastest at this time, and did not stop until he ran out of a street.

Xu Chu caught up, panting, "Now we're in trouble."

"What should I do?" Gao Shengze was already panicking, "Where are the two of them?"

The two eunuchs disappeared unexpectedly. Xu Chu didn't see when they ran away, so he shook his head, "If you are just one step late, you will be completely defeated. The plan now..." Xu Chu turned around and looked at the way he came, " I have no choice but to go see Pan Kai and Guo Shifeng, and maybe I can persuade them to change their minds and at least let you and I live."

"Pan Kai will kill us?" Gao Shengze's voice trembled.

"If Pan Kai doesn't kill him, Guo Shifeng will kill him to strengthen Pan Kai's ambition and make him have no way to turn back."

"Can Mr. Xu persuade them?"

"There is no other way but to give it a try."

"How to persuade?" It was about his own life, Gao Shengze had to ask clearly.

"Let's play it by ear."

"You want to kill someone as soon as you meet?"

"I said, we are just in front and back. I think I will take the first step, and the senior manager will follow."

Gao Shengze let out a scream.

Xu Chumai strode back and vaguely heard footsteps in front of him. It must be Pan Jun who came out to look for someone.

Gao Shengze stood behind and suddenly said: "Mr. Xu, come back quickly, I have a solution."

Xu Chu returned to the old man and said, "The entire Dongdu is now listening to Pan Kai's orders. We have nowhere to hide."

"Follow me." Gao Shengze didn't say much and ran quickly, showing no signs of his advanced age.

Xu Chu had no choice but to follow.

Gao Shengze obviously knew the way, and he made many twists and turns, getting more and more remote, but no one was chasing him.

Xu Chu gradually felt that something was wrong, so he caught up and said, "Have we already entered the palace?"


"But I didn't see the door."

Gao Shengze stopped and was out of breath as he spoke, "The palace... has a gap that has not been repaired."

"Why did King Liang make a gap?"

"It's not...Prince Liang, it's you."


"When you were guarding the Eastern Capital, the Advent Army... demolished this gap."

Xu Chu remembered that some of the Avatar Army were obsessed with plundering property, but the palace gate was guarded, so they broke through the wall.

"You can't hide here for long."

"If you hide every day, King Liang will get the news sooner or later. When he arrives with his troops, Pan Kai will be dead."

Xu Chu felt that the Ning army officers would arrive earlier, but he didn't say anything and continued walking with the old man.

There are several walls surrounding the palace, but only the outer one has a gap, making it impossible to get in any further.

But after entering the palace, Gao Shengze was familiar with the roads and found an empty room to hide and wait for dawn.

The room was drafty and not much warmer than outside. Xu Chu was really tired and couldn't find a chair, so he simply sat on the ground and rested against the wall.

Gao Shengze stood guard at the door and peered out, turning his head and saying, "Mr. Xu is young and has poor physical strength."

"The senior manager is old and strong, and Xu is ashamed of himself. We have no food here and will starve to death."

"We are just staying here temporarily. After dawn, I will find someone to help. This person is the only one in the entire Dongdu who can protect our safety."

"This man lives in the palace?"

"Yes, she is the princess."

Xu Chu shook his head, "Pan Kai rebelled against Prince Liang, and the princess herself cannot be protected."

"You don't understand, Pan Kai will definitely ensure the safety of the princess."

Xu Chu really didn't understand.

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