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The general was supposed to be sitting in the military camp. After leaving Qinzheng Palace yesterday, many people did see the general leading his soldiers out of the city and into the camp. No one expected that he would leave the camp before dawn the next day. It is said that there was a small-scale mutiny in another military camp, and he had to go to pacify it. He ordered Cao Shenxi to come out of the camp to meet the imperial envoys and plead guilty on his behalf.

Cao Shenxi only learned about the general's departure from the camp at the last moment, and he did not participate in the emperor's plan, so he honestly welcomed the envoys, distributed rewards, and led the soldiers to shout long live.

King Xiangdong and Huangfu Kai had no choice but to enter the camp. Huangfu Jie only accompanied them. Seeing that something was not going well, he immediately rode back to the city to report the situation to the emperor.

"Mutiny? How big a mutiny does the general need to go to appease in person?" The emperor's good mood was ruined by this, and he gritted his teeth as he spoke.

Huangfujie came back in a hurry and didn't know anything clearly. He knelt on the ground and said, "It shouldn't be big. It's just a few dozen people making trouble..."

"Even if hundreds or thousands of people are making trouble, the general should stay in the camp. He...he should detain your Huangfu family as planned today."

The emperor was puzzled. In order to reassure the general, he specially arranged for Shao Junqian to convey a secret order and ordered the Lou family and his son to take the opportunity to eradicate the Huangfu family. The general agreed readily and never showed any hesitation or doubt. How could he do it when the matter came to a close? when to escape?

Huangfujie understood the emperor's plan, so it was not surprising. He understood the emperor's personality better. If this matter failed, the Huangfu family would bear full responsibility for this, so he stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, please don't worry, my father has already..."

"Someone leaked the secret." The emperor murmured, slowly sitting down, his eyes gradually becoming firm.

Huangfu Jie was most afraid of hearing this and said hurriedly: "Weichen and his son are loyal and loyal. The news was definitely not leaked from us...it was him! Oh, it's impossible."

In desperation, Huangfu Jie pointed to the foundation of the building and immediately realized that the building had only learned of the plan last night and had been imprisoned in the palace. To say that he leaked the secret was tantamount to accusing the emperor of lax supervision, so he quickly changed his story.

But besides the foundation of the building, Huangfujie couldn't think of anyone to hit with the board. He was panic-stricken and sweating profusely.

The emperor didn't believe that Lou Chu had leaked the secret. He didn't look at him. After thinking for a while, he turned his attention to Lou Chu and asked, "What were you laughing at just now?"

"Wei Chen laughed at an old saying, 'Man plans things, success depends on Heaven.' Everyone talks about it, but few people take the second half seriously. Wei Chen learned a lesson from this, and will never 'plan things' again in the future. You must have respect for God.”

Huangfujie scolded: "Your 'plan' is childish and ridiculous. Even if you kowtow to God three times a day, you won't succeed."

"Respecting Heaven is not about kowtow, but about introspection."

Huangfujie wanted to laugh, but when he saw that the emperor seemed to be speaking intentionally, he immediately shut up.

The emperor actually smiled, "I should reflect on myself. It is terrible to do everything as one wishes. The way of heaven is to make up for the shortcomings when there is more than enough damage. My plan went too smoothly before, so I should suffer more than enough damage. How long does it take for Lou Qing to find out? A leaker?"

"Leaking secrets is a small matter. The general is already wary and has heavy troops outside the city. This is a big problem."

"No, no." The emperor shook his head, "Qing Lou sometimes said something wrong. Although the general was vigilant, he escaped from the barracks instead of starting an attack immediately, which shows that he was still not sure of my thoughts..."

"That's right!" Huangfu Jie was eager to promote the plan and couldn't help shouting "Hello", but he forgot the big taboo and actually interrupted the emperor's speech. He was stunned and hurriedly touched his head to the ground, not daring to move again.

The emperor continued: "Huangfu Kai cannot capture the general, and the general will not capture Huangfu Kai. Later, the stubborn fat man will come to me and explain that he is actually here to inquire about the 'enemy'. So my plan has not completely failed. , we can still proceed as usual. The leaker is the biggest loophole. If we don't find this person, I will have trouble sleeping and eating - I will find out the truth before dawn tomorrow."

Huangfujie didn't dare to speak and kept kowtowing to express his admiration and approval.

"Your Majesty, you need to be careful to alert the enemy." Lou Chu reminded.

"Haha." The emperor said to Huangfu Jie: "None of you are as calm as Lou Qing."

Huangfujie raised his head and said: "We work loyally, but when something unexpected happens, we are naturally anxious, fearing that it will ruin His Majesty's important affairs. Lou Xi acted against the will of heaven and knew that he was facing a dead end, so his calmness is the calmness of helplessness."

The emperor nodded, "Occasionally you are right."

Huangfujie was overjoyed and was about to continue to perform, but the emperor said: "Go away, find out the general's movements and come back to see me."

"Your Majesty..." Huangfu Jie suddenly understood that the emperor was asking him to make way for the approaching building, so he kowtowed and resigned.

The emperor said to Lou Chu: "Stay here and see if it is as I expected. The fat man will come to explain. And I have already guessed what the fat man will say. It must be that although the mutiny is small, the impact is profound, and Huangfu Jie suddenly ran away. Capturing Huangfu Kai alone might cause trouble, so he stayed put for the time being and asked me for instructions on what to do next."

The foundation of the building cupped his hands and said: "I have also guessed how your majesty will answer: The general is cautious, Huangfu and his son are full of tricks, so they need to be more prepared. When the day comes for the general to go on an expedition, I will send Huangfu Kai and Huangfujie out of the city. You can always act according to your plan.”

The emperor laughed, "The guess is pretty accurate, but I won't say these words, let Shao Junqian do it. This kind of thing needs to be different from person to person. Huangfu and his son are suspicious, so I must persuade him personally. The Lou family is powerful and tough fat man He is timid. If I open my mouth, I might scare him..."

The eunuch came in from outside and said, "The General of the Chinese Army insists on seeing me."

The emperor laughed and said to Lou Chu: "Since you have guessed everything, there is no need to stay here."

The emperor had already revealed most of his plans and was worried that Lou Chu would remind his family at all costs, so he wanted to drive him away.

Lou Chu bowed and was escorted by two eunuchs behind him. He went out of the palace through the back door and returned to the small courtyard where he stayed last night.

The emperor was probably busy looking for the leaker, so he did not summon Lou Chu again that day.

Shortly after noon, a guest came to the courtyard, or it would be more accurate to say that he was a new prisoner.

Princess Huanyan came in alone. Although she often acted "willfully" before, her parents had returned home. Like other royal children, she had to restrain her behavior. It was strange to enter the palace alone without a maid, and it was even more unethical to come alone to see a young man.

The eunuchs in the courtyard were no longer worried about the "prisoner" committing suicide, so they all left, leaving only Lou Chu. He heard footsteps and went out to check.

The two looked at each other and were stunned.

"You..." the two said at the same time.

"I..." the two shut up at the same time.

In the end, Huanyan spoke first, "Why are you here?"

Lou Chu exhaled, "I... was imprisoned here."

"How did you offend the emperor?" Huanyan asked in surprise.

"I... participated in the assassination, or I should say that I planned this assassination."

Huanyan opened her eyes wide, looked at Lou Chu in disbelief, and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Why did you come? Did you get lost?"

Lou Chu's relaxed attitude annoyed Huanyan, and she turned her head and said, "I don't talk to rebels."

Lou Chu smiled, turned back to his room, and turned around at the door and said, "Your Majesty suspects you of leaking secrets!"

"I didn't..." Huanyan remembered that he had just claimed not to talk to rebels, and hurriedly swallowed the second half of the sentence.

Lou Chu returned to the room and sat at the table in a daze. At this point, things had completely deviated from his control and expectation: What will the general do next? Is Ma Wei arrested? Will the emperor leave the palace again? Is there a chance of success for the second assassination?

There was no question he could answer.

He was really reflecting on himself. Although his future was uncertain and he could die here at any time, he was still reflecting on himself, thinking about what he had done in the past few days, what was right and what was wrong...

Huanyan walked to the door and looked at Lou Chu through the open door. After a long silence, she said, "Why do you do that?"

"Because..." Lou Chu had many reasons, such as the emperor was unconvincing, the world needed a benevolent new emperor, and he had to complete his mother's unfinished ambitions. In the end, he said a reason he rarely thought of: "I want to know if I am destined to be mediocre and never get ahead."

"So you want to assassinate the emperor?" Huanyan still felt incredible.

Lou Chu smiled and said, "You have obtained so much 'willfulness', but you are still not satisfied, and you fantasize about purer willfulness. But I, the son of a great general, have to carry the name of the Lou family and... the princess of Wu wherever I go. I am restricted at every step and ridiculed everywhere. I have never tasted the sweetness of 'willfulness', so my fantasy is bigger and more urgent."

"Even so..."

"It was the emperor himself who gave me the opportunity. If he was a wise monarch, even if he was a mediocre emperor, my ambition would not fall on assassinating him." Lou Chu suddenly felt more cheerful than ever, but he didn't want to explain it anymore. Explanation, "You won't understand, because we are not the same kind of people."

Huan Yan was silent for a long time, but did not leave, "I am also a prisoner here. The Queen Mother summoned me to the palace, but it was His Majesty who saw me. His Majesty said some strange things. Now that I think about it, he was indeed accusing me of leaking secrets, but I don't even know what the secret is."

"I am more curious about why His Majesty sent you here?" Lou Chu stared at Huan Yan, and a certain doubt that had always existed became clearer and clearer, "The day before yesterday... the day before yesterday..."

"What happened the day before yesterday? Oh, that was the day you got married." Huan Yan said calmly, a little deliberately.

"It's not you, it's definitely not you." Lou Chu smiled.

Huan Yan was a little annoyed, "What's going on today? Everyone talks without a beginning or an end."

Lou Chu roughly told the emperor about his plan to get rid of the Lou family and the process of the plan failing. Huan Yan was stunned, "I thought that King Guangling would not kill ministers again in the future. Your Majesty... What are you thinking?"

Huan Yan always thought she understood the emperor, but now she is in a fog like everyone else.

The King of Xiangdong and the Huangfu father and son were ordered to capture the general. It seemed that the leaker could only be one of these three people. Lou Chu thought about it again and again, and suddenly realized that there might be someone else who leaked the secret.

"I know who leaked the secret, and I also know who married me." Lou Chu looked at Huanyan, "The emperor sent you to get information, but what can he do after he knows it? He can't do anything to this leaker."

Huanyan has never had so many confusions in her heart.

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