Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 469 Asking People

Liang Jun bypassed Yuyang and won a big victory fifty miles away. When the news came, Ma Wei could not suppress his excitement and punched the old eunuch Gao Shengze hard on the shoulder.

Gao Shengze was so painful that he shed tears and said happily: "Congratulations to Prince Liang, congratulations..."

"Go and call Xu Chu!"

Gao Shengze wanted to say a few more words, but when he saw King Liang raising his fist again, he hurriedly ran out of the tent. As he walked, he murmured: "Xu Chu, Xu Chu, I really don't know what good things he has. In terms of loyalty, even me I can’t even catch up with him, and he actually asked me to invite him personally..."

Arriving in front of the tent, Gao Shengze became calm. No matter what, King Liang was still fair. He arranged Xu Chu, who was only willing to offer advice but not loyalty, in an ordinary tent with almost nothing in it except beds. Early winter had arrived. Xu Chu was still wearing his old robe, and his face became paler as the cold wind blew.

Gao Shengze smiled and said: "Prince Liang invites you."

"Liang Jun won?"

"I just invite Mr. Xu to come over. I shouldn't say anything else. I can't talk nonsense."

Xu Chu smiled, knowing that the old eunuch didn't like him, and he also knew that his guess would never be wrong.

Ma Wei had returned to normal, sitting behind the desk and reading official documents. After a long time, he raised his head and said to Xu Chu: "You should be familiar with Princess Huanyan, right?"

"I've met him a few times, and Prince Liang has also met him."

"Well, when she went out to the city to negotiate peace with me in person, I was surprised. Tiancheng collapsed. She, a woman in the class, can actually hold on until now. She is also a strange woman."

“After all, we can’t defeat the general trend.”

Ma Wei snorted coldly, "The general trend, the general trend, you talk about the general trend every day. I used to believe it, but now I say it is an excuse for the timid. If you really want to follow the general trend, no one will rebel. Everyone will Surrender to Shan Yu, I, Daliang, will never stand up again."

"The Emperor Longxing will definitely buck the trend." Gao Shengze answered excitedly, "Emperor Zhang Xi and the Emperor of All Things are all like this."

"Strength, weakness, difficulty, are not all part of the general trend." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Ma Wei didn't ask, and his tone suddenly became calm, "It is said that the princess has always been deeply favored by Emperor Zhang Xi and the Emperor of All Things. She must have learned a lot from the two emperors."

"I guess so."

Ma Wei stared at Xu Chu, "Have you ever wanted to marry her?"

"Where did King Liang hear the rumor?"

"It's not what I heard, but what I saw. In retrospect, ever since you wrote that article for Zhou Lu in the Yuxue Hall, you have been well appreciated by the princess. Even if you assassinated the Emperor of All Things, she did not pursue the case, but sent you to escape. When we left Dongdu, we met outside Mengjin City. How many books did you have in your bag? Where were those books given by her? "

"In Si Guo Valley, Princess Huanyan and I are good friends."

Gao Shengze couldn't help but burst into laughter, "How can a man and a woman only have the friendship of gentlemen? Princess Huanyan, I know that the descendants of the Zhang family are all favored by the Emperor of All Things. There is no distinction between men and women, or distinctions between superior and inferior. During the day, Princess Huanyan indulged in excessive entertainment and carousing at night, especially Princess Huanyan. When we saw it, we all said..."

Gao Shengze shut his mouth and suddenly realized that he had made a serious mistake. When Prince Liang spoke of Princess Huanyan, he was not expressing hostility and contempt, but admiration and admiration. None of the words he just said catered to Prince Liang's thoughts.

Ma Wei looked gloomy.

Gao Shengze raised his hand and slapped himself in the mouth, "For you to talk nonsense, how can it be that the princess has supported the entire Tiancheng court by herself..."

"Get out." Ma Wei said.

Gao Shengze burst into tears of gratitude that he was not beaten, turned around and ran outside.

"Invite Mr. Sun, the envoy of Yuyang, to come over." Ma Wei added.

After the old eunuch disappeared, Ma Wei said: "Those who are still in prison actually have some abilities. Unfortunately, they have stayed in the palace for too long and have long forgotten their original intentions. They only want to figure out the master's intentions."

"Liang Jun's victory?" Xu Chu asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot. The news just came. The Liang Army won a great victory. The Liaodong soldiers were wiped out and more than half of them were captured. The remaining people fled outside the fortress. The pass fell into the hands of the Liang Army. Huangfujie also became a prisoner. Soon If it can be sent, the people in Liaodong’s wilderness will no longer be in serious trouble.”

"Without Yuyang's help, Liang Jun would never have been able to achieve this great victory. King Liang..."

Before Xu Chu finished speaking, Sun Yalu arrived. He had heard the news of Liang Jun's victory. After saluting, he asked the same question as Xu Chu, "Yuyang kept the promise and left the Liaodong Army. Did King Liang believe it?" "

"Well, Mr. Sun can elaborate on the court's requirements."

"First of all, we must remove the imperial title of King Jibei and return King Jibei to the court. If King Liang does not allow this, there is no need to talk about the rest."

"Hey, the Tiancheng court has been reduced to this, and it is still so stubborn. Okay, I can return it to the King of Jibei and let him decide whether to remove the imperial title."

Sun Yalu handed over his hand, "The king of Liang made this concession, and the court felt at ease."

"Go on."

"The King of Liang can use the name of the imperial court to order the counties of Jizhou, just like He Rongchanyu did, but Yuyang will be left to the imperial court, and this is the only city."

"Well, it's not too much, I can accept it."

"What Yuyang left to the court was that not even a single soldier of Liang's army could enter the city."

Ma Wei thought for a while, "Are the officers and soldiers of the imperial court not leaving the city?"

"Never go more than twenty miles outside the city."

Ma Wei said to Xu Chu: "The Tiancheng court wants to leave a country within a country for itself."

Xu Chu nodded and did not participate in the conversation.

"How can I negotiate peace with the princess and the emperor if I don't enter the city?"

"Your Majesty and the princess can leave the city."

"I can also accept this."

"The last one is that the King of Liang can leave troops to guard Jizhou, but he must also lead his troops to attack Qinzhou. After this battle, the court has broken with Shanyu and will be retaliated against. Instead of waiting, it is better to explore the tiger's den."

The first two are mostly in vain, but attacking Qin will require Liang Jun to pay a real and huge price.

Sun Yalu mentioned this matter when they first met. Ma Wei had already thought about it repeatedly and replied: "I can't talk to you about this matter. I have to discuss it with the princess and the emperor face to face."

Sun Yalu wanted to continue talking, but Ma Wei said: "You will take the King of Jibei back to Yuyang now. At noon the day after tomorrow, I will meet with the princess and the emperor at Shili Pavilion outside the south gate of Yuyang. Each will bring a hundred people, five miles Please stop a thousand people each and go down."

King Liang was determined, and Sun Yalu had to retreat. Ma Wei wrote a military order in hand and ordered a guard in the tent to take him out and hand it over to Gao Shengze, who would then transfer it to the relevant generals to release the "Emperor".

Ma Wei said to Xu Chu: "Have you ever expected that it would be so easy to get Jizhou?"

"I didn't expect that."

"But you did say that the princess will definitely do something. I have been worried that she will win over the Sheng family in Huaizhou again. Now it seems that the Sheng family is determined to abandon the Tiancheng court. I heard that they have sent troops to cross the river to Loot Prince Ning’s lair from behind.”

"Prince Ning must not be very happy."

"Haha, Jiuzhou is like a chess game, life and death depend on each other. Some people are happy, and naturally some people are unhappy. If King Ning is smart, he will capture Jiangling City as soon as possible to make up for the losses in Jiangdong."

"Prince Ning didn't send anyone over again?"

"He doesn't think he can persuade me to turn around and attack Huaizhou, right? Guo Shifeng must be having a hard time now, but it's his own fault. The Sheng family actually sent someone over and was willing to negotiate a peace with me, saying that it would be a negotiation with the south and a peace with the north. Zheng, don’t interfere with each other.”

"For the Sheng family, this is the best choice."

"Of course, if you go north to rescue Yuyang, success will bring you benefits; if you fail, Huaizhou will be in danger; if you go south to attack Wuzhou, if you succeed, you will expand your territory; if you fail, you will be able to retreat to your own family. The Sheng family claims to be loyal and filial. When faced with a crisis, strategy must come first.”

Ma Wei was very excited, but he quickly controlled his emotions and became indifferent, "I actually called you here for two things. One is to find out about the princess's personality, and the other is to hear your thoughts: Is it possible to attack Qinzhou? How feasible?”

"A narrow escape from death."

Ma Wei nodded, "At least you didn't lie about this kind of thing."

"The general trend I said may not be recognized by King Liang, but I will never lie."

"Hey, you don't lie, but you may not tell me everything, and you may not really care about me. I have known you for so long, why don't I understand your tricks?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Does King Liang want me to speak, or does he not?"

Ma Wei thought to himself for a while, "Tell me, what are the pros and cons of attacking Qin?"

"The pros and cons are clear at a glance. If the He Rong tribe can really be defeated, the King of Liang will conquer Jiuzhou and be only one step away from reviving Liang. However, the chance of winning is very slim. After the defeat, the Liang army will have no way to retreat, and Jizhou will return to its natural state in the blink of an eye."

"If Tiancheng betrays the Liaodong Army, will Shanyu let Yuyang go?"

"Yuyang and Chanyu at least have the possibility of getting back together, but the King of Liang does not."

"You said that attacking Qin will lead you to death, but where is that life?"

"If Hanzhou is not completely lost, Xiangyang is still holding on, He Rong's army is running around, and there is no energy left to return to defend Qinzhou. Moreover, Liangzhou and the Northern World Army are willing to send troops. If the three parties join forces, there may be a slight chance of victory."

"Hanzhou and Xiangyang are in danger. By the time I lead my troops to Qinzhou, I'm afraid it will be too late, and the cold winter is coming, and there is an unknown Bingzhou in the middle..." Ma Wei shook his head, "I can never go Qinzhou can at most enter Bingzhou and choose the opportunity. If it advances, it can confront He Rong's tribe. If it retreats, it can defend Jizhou. If there is time, it can go south to Luozhou and connect with Dongdu. It may be possible to force Chanyu to make peace. "

Just as Xu Churang was about to speak, Ma Wei said: "I know that the Chanyu will not sincerely make peace, but the general trend is forcing it -" Ma Wei smiled, and he still believed in the impact of the general trend on others, "The Chanyu may give in temporarily. This That’s enough. The longer you wait, the better it will be for Liang Jun.”

"This plan by King Liang can be regarded as the best strategy."

Ma Wei sneered, "Do you still have a better or better strategy?"

"The best strategy is not to attack Qin, but to go south to Xiangyang and join forces with other heroes to resist He Rong's army. If Xiangyang can be defended, then..."

"Tell me the best strategy." Ma Wei had no interest in helping others defend the city.

"Send troops outside the fortress, attack the lair of He Rong's tribe, sweep westward, seal off the checkpoints along the way, and cut off the retreat of He Rong's army. If his mind is confused, the situation in the world will change drastically. Liang Jun..."

"It's winter now, but you want me to lead my troops out of the fortress? Is this your best strategy? It's worse than the bottom strategy."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "In short, I don't have a perfect plan. It's just more or less dangerous."

Ma Wei let out a long breath, "Speaking of the perfect solution - do you think Princess Huanyan is willing to marry me? With Liang Cheng, things will be much easier to handle. I think she will be of great help to me."

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