Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 46 Alcohol Killing

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A large number of eunuchs held lamps and illuminated Zishi Garden brightly. Some eunuchs brought more than a dozen jars of wine and stood aside to wait.

The emperor turned to Zhang Sheduan, the eldest son of Prince Guangling, and his tone was gentler than ever before, "These people are your friends. You can say whatever you want. Even if you accuse me of being ruthless and unjust, I will not stop you."

Zhang Shiduan shook his head feebly and spoke the first and only words of the night: "It was us, father and son, who failed His Majesty. Your Majesty... Your Majesty has been extremely kind and righteous to me."

"Jiangdong is the richest in the world, and Huainan is the choke point - I have given up half of the country, but still can't satisfy Uncle Wang? I am heartbroken. If the world can give way, I would rather retire to the mountains and forests, and not bother Uncle Wang to send assassins again and again."

Zhang Shiduan burst into tears and was speechless. After learning that his father was indeed involved in the assassination, he suffered more than anyone else.

"The world has its own justice, and I am powerless to change it. I can only have a cup of dirty wine to satisfy my selfish feelings."

The eunuch immediately brought two large bowls, and another eunuch held the wine jar and poured wine.

The emperor raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, threw the bowl to the ground, and pointed to the sky: "Day and night cycle, yin and yang repeat, the heaven and earth regard all things as ruthless dogs, and all things also regard heaven and earth as ruthless."

After the emperor ascended the throne, he changed the name to "Wu Wan" and issued an edict stating that it was not taboo to separate the two words, but together they could only be spoken and written by the emperor. Books circulated among the people have changed the word "Wan Wan" to "Zhongwu".

"Heaven and earth are merciless, but people must not be merciless. You all have become friends with Shi Duan. I don't care about the past. I would like to propose a farewell drink to you."

The attendants could not guess the emperor's thoughts, and no one dared to step forward. Shao Junqian, who was following the emperor, said: "Start from the army in the building."

Among the people, Lou Gang had the highest status, but he was not friends with Zhang Sheduan. He moved closer, took a bowl of wine from the eunuch's hand, and said a few words in a vague way. Even he himself didn't know what they meant.

Zhang Shiduan turned a blind eye and listened but didn't hear anything. He drank the wine without any hesitation.

The emperor walked aside and turned his back to everyone, as if he couldn't bear to watch.

Huangfujie was the second to propose a toast, followed by several princes and grandsons. The Prince of Jibei, Zhang Shiyu, was shaking all over when he was toasting. He hesitated to speak and could not utter a single word. He could only drink the wine in the bowl to the last drop. Leftover.

After a few glasses of wine, everyone realized that this was the real "send-off wine." Others took turns toasting, but Zhang Shoutuan drank one bowl after another. If he hesitated even a little, the eunuchs around him would help force him to drink.

Zhang Shiduan's body began to shake. The eunuch supported him, but he pushed him away. He took the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

The toasting had to continue, and the people who came behind became more frightened and uneasy. They saved their farewell words, did not dare to look at people, took the bowl, drank it in a hurry, and walked away immediately.

Zhang Shiduan was unable to stand steadily and had to be supported by eunuchs. Even the wine bowl in his hand had to be helped by eunuchs.

"Bring me a spear and a horse!" the emperor suddenly said.

When the long stems and horses arrived, the emperor got on his horse, placed the stems across the saddle, and said to Shao Junqian: "With wine and stems, how can there be no poetry? Recite a poem for me."

The remaining attendants had similar positions. They had already lined up and toasted in order. There was no need for Shao Junqian to summon him. He thought for a moment and recited a poem from the Book of Songs:

Zhan Zhan Lusi, non-yang Buxi. I'm tired of drinking at night, and I won't be able to get home until I'm drunk.

Zhan Zhan Lusi, in Bifengcao. If you are tired of drinking at night, you will be tested in Zongzai.

Zhan Zhan Lusi, on the other side of the thorns. A gentleman who shows his approval must always be virtuous.

Its tung tree and its chair are actually separated. A gentleman in Kaiti must obey the rules.

The sound was slow and urgent, high and low, which was in harmony with the emperor's dance. It was chanted again and again, turning from solemn to sad. The emperor's hand suddenly lost control and stabbed randomly. He dropped his hand to the ground. The horse galloped to an unlit and unlit corner in the distance, and soon came back, stopping in front of everyone, with an upright posture and an indifferent expression.

Lou Chu had no official position and was the last person in line to toast. Zhang Shoutuan had already lost consciousness and was being held by four eunuchs, while two eunuchs were dedicated to pouring wine.

Everyone toasted without saying a word. Lou Chu took the wine bowl, but wanted to say something, "It is said that people who die drunk will be reborn as flower fairies and tree spirits in the next life. In short, the prince must not be reincarnated into an emperor's house."

After hearing these two words, Lou turned pale and turned his head hastily. When he saw that the emperor didn't seem to pay attention to what his brother was saying, his expression softened slightly.

Lou Chu drank all the wine in the bowl, and the eunuch poured the wine into Zhang Shiduan's mouth, and more than half of it was spit out.

The emperor jumped off his horse, strode over, snatched Prince Guangling's son from the eunuch's hands, and held him tightly in his arms.

Zhang Shiduan had already lost consciousness, and his body fell to the ground. The emperor was strong enough to hold him up, clenching his teeth, and his expression became more determined.

Time passed little by little, and the emperor did not speak or give orders. Naturally, no one dared to speak or move. He stood with his hands tied. He only felt that the night was getting colder and colder. It was cold to the bone marrow, cold to the entrails, and cold to the deepest part of the heart. Even if the sun shines tomorrow, Gao Zhao couldn't warm them up anymore.

The emperor lowered his head and cried bitterly.

Shao Junqian knew the emperor best and took the decision on his behalf. She gently waved her hand and ordered all the attendants and eunuchs to retreat, leaving the emperor alone to grieve in the garden.

The emperor's cries were intermittent, sometimes high-pitched like a wolf howling, sometimes whimpering like a loving mother sending her child off. Everyone was waiting outside the garden, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

The crying finally stopped, and after a long time, Shao Junqian quietly entered the garden, came out quickly, and said softly: "Huangfu Sima and Lord Lou Qi will stay, and the others can leave. Leave the imperial city early in the morning, and you won't be there for the next two days." ”

Everyone was relieved and left one after another, but Lou Jian felt uneasy and came over and whispered: "Why do you keep my brother? Is it because he talks nonsense?"

Shao Junqian said: "Your Majesty has his own reasons. Didn't Huangfu Sima also stay?"

A smile appeared on Huangfu Jie's face, but he didn't think it was an honor at all.

Lou Jian only dared to ask one question in front of Shao Junqian, and then left without speaking to Lou Chu.

Shao Junqian led the building foundation and Huangfu steps into the garden, and signaled several eunuchs to follow.

Zhang Shiduan lay motionless on the ground, while the emperor stood stiffly on his side, with large vomit stains on his chest.

"Shi Duan was born as the crown prince and died as the crown prince, and the funeral must be in line with his status."

Shao Junqian and the eunuch agreed and wanted to move forward to remove the body, but the emperor waved his hand to stop him and looked down at the frozen face, "He has stayed with me since he was a child. He is called a brother, but he is actually a father and son. I treat him like a father and a son." I thought I could slowly influence Uncle Wang, but I never thought that such a day would come."

Huangfujie said cautiously: "The state has national laws, the family has family rules, and Prince Guangling and his son are plotting rebellion..."

"The one who conspired against him was King Guangling, and Shi Duan didn't know about it."

Huangfujie immediately changed his mind, "This dynasty has a law of co-operation. Since the father has conspired to rebel, the son must be implicated, so naturally he cannot be dismissed because of others. What happened to Prince Duan does not blame heaven, earth, or himself, but only the ambition of Prince Guangling." , harming oneself, harming others, and harming one's children, no one can atone for his sins even if he dies."

The emperor sighed deeply, calmed down a little, and waved his hand to order the eunuchs to carry away the body.

"People in the world should consider me cruel? As ruthless? As selfless?"

Just as Huangfujie was about to answer, the emperor's eyes turned to the foundation of the building. Huangfujie hurriedly shut up and took two steps back to watch.

"Your Majesty, are you asking about the people of today or the people of future generations?" Lou Chu said.

The emperor laughed, all his sorrow gone, "How is it now? How will it be in the future?"

"People today dare not talk about the county magistrate, so how dare they criticize His Majesty's actions? People in the future generations of the world... will only judge the wise and foolish by governing the country, and will not judge the superior or inferior at the moment."

"Yes, there are times when a wise king can be cruel, and there are times when a faint king can be clever and martial. Later generations will comment on the late emperor, but it depends on how many territories he opened, how poor his wealth was, and how few people he was born into. I have a long road ahead, so why bother with one person?"

Huangfujie noticed that the emperor's mood had improved, and immediately stepped forward and said: "The people of the world look up to your majesty, just like a young child crying to his parents. I hope that your majesty will take care of you and not let the people down."

The emperor said coldly: "You can be considered a well-educated person, but your skills are all based on flattery. It is pitiful. You are not as good as Lou Qing. At least you dare to tell the truth."

Huangfujie said with a smile: "The disciples taught by the same gentleman are divided into three, six or nine grades. Mr. Lou belongs to the superiors, and I belong to the inferiors. It's not that he doesn't tell the truth. I really can't see the significance of what your majesty has done." What's wrong, it suddenly dawned on me when Mr. Lou mentioned it. "

The emperor sneered and said to Lou Chu: "Lou Qing is talented, handsome, and thoughtful. Although he is imprisoned, it does not prevent him from giving advice and being loyal to the emperor and serving the country. It is a pity that Lou Qing's talent is a bad talent, and Lou Qing's appearance It’s just a pretense, Lou Qing’s heart is rebellious.”

There were only four people in the garden. After the emperor finished speaking, Shao Junqian remained calm, but Huangfu Jie looked extremely excited and then lowered his head to hide it.

The emperor finally wanted to take action against the Lou family, but Lou Chu felt a sense of relief. He should be afraid, and he always thought he would be afraid. When things came to a close, he found that his heart was not touched at all. Perhaps the impact of Zhang Sheduan's death had not disappeared. He doesn't care much for his own safety.

"Your Majesty is complacent. Looking around the world, there is no talent available to your Majesty."

The emperor laughed and said to the other two people: "Why haven't I discovered him earlier? If given time, maybe he can be used by me."

Shao Junqian smiled but said nothing, Huangfu Jie couldn't help but said: "The evil legacy of the Wu Kingdom, the rebellious heart is attached to the bones, it is born, and after all, you will not be loyal to me, Tiancheng."

"Well, the Wu people are strong in that they would rather die than surrender, but they don't know how to care for the people and run the army. As a result, the country is ruined and the family is destroyed. What's the use of having more people die for the country? Lou Chu, what else do you have to say?"

"I just hate that my hands have no sharp blade."

"Haha, there is a long tree there."

Lou Chuzhen looked at Changsha not far away. Huangfujie was the first to block the way. Shao Junqian said in a panic: "I'll call someone."

The emperor was very calm and said, "No need. If Lou Qing wants to take advantage of it, I will give him a chance."

"Absolutely not!" Huangfu Jie opened his arms and made a show of protecting him to the death.

The foundation of the building did not move. He usually wielded a sword, but whether it was skills or physical strength, he was far behind the emperor.

The emperor smiled and said: "Do you think you still have wisdom to fight for?"

The foundation of the building does not speak.

The emperor stared at the foundation of the building and said to Huangfu: "Go back and tell your father that you can take action."

Huangfujie knelt down and kowtowed, almost cheering, stood up and left, then looked at the long tree on the ground, "I'll ask someone to come in..."

"I said it's not necessary." The emperor is not afraid of the foundation of the building at all. He is like a cat holding down a mouse. He just wants to play with it and does not care about his own safety.

Huangfu Jie ran to invest in the garden, and the moment the Huangfu family had been waiting for finally arrived.

"Who will your Majesty use to get rid of the Huangfu family in the future?" Lou Chu asked.

The emperor smiled and said, "You will see it, because I want to keep you by my side, so that you can see the collapse of the Lou family with your own eyes, and the ministers bowing down with their hands tied, and no one in the world dares to have a different intention. I also want you to see the thieves. The ashes are gone, He Rong and the ugly ones are all slaughtered. Later generations will call me the emperor of the ages, but you will not leave a single word in the history, and even your ridiculous assassination plan will not be remembered by anyone."

The emperor put away his smile, took two steps forward, and approached Lou Chu, "Prince Guangling can rebel, the general can rebel, but you are not worthy. You and that Ma Wei are insignificant ants. Caring for the world is just a lie you use to comfort yourself. The world has nothing to do with you. You are only worthy of being a slave."

Lou Chu listened quietly, without making any excuses, and he didn't need to make any excuses. He looked directly at the emperor and tried not to look at Shao Junqian behind the emperor.

Shao Junqian was standing there in a daze, holding a spear in both hands.

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