Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 437: Stone Smashing

The prescription turned out to be "smashing stones", which surprised everyone who heard it. Gan Zhao was especially confused, "The imperial doctor said that I should get out of bed less now, especially not leave the house, to avoid the invasion of evil wind..."

"Did the imperial doctor tell you the cause of the disease?"


"Do you feel better, King Shu?"


"This is a quack. For example, if two armies are fighting, our army is slightly weaker, and the retreat route has been cut off, and there are no friendly troops rushing to help. At this time, should the King of Shu choose to fight to the death, or retreat and wait and see?"

"When fighting to the death, the enemy is strong and we are weak. The longer we wait and see, the weaker the morale of our army will be. Even if we have a three-point chance of winning, we will lose none."

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to the King of Shu. If you have this intention, your illness can be cured. The wandering Taoist priest once told me that you have to treat your own illness by yourself. The so-called doctor is just a guide, and the so-called medicinal materials are just a guide." It is a sign that leads the way. If the patient has no intention of self-improvement, a minor illness will become a terminal illness.”

"That makes sense." Gan Zhao was inspired by what he said and was about to stay. Che Quanyi, who was next to him, hurriedly came over and persuaded in a low voice: "King Shu, don't be careless. The famous doctors in the world, I have half of them in Jindu City, they..."

"None of them cured my illness." Gan Zhao put on his shoes and swayed slightly.

Che Quanyi stretched out his hand to support him, his voice became lower and lower, but people around him could still hear, "The King of Shu forgot about the poisoning? Until now, we haven't found out why. Although Xu Chu is an old friend of the King of Shu, he has not been there for a long time. See, he came from He Rongren..."

"Mr. Xu not only gave me good advice, but also helped me save my life. If I don't believe him, who else can I trust? Mr. Chicken doesn't recognize Mr. Xu and is worried. I don't blame you, but this matter must be decided by myself. Call the shots.”

Che Quanyi was nicknamed "Chicken Bus Che", and only the King of Shu dared to address him to his face.

Gan Zhao took a difficult step forward, but Che Quanyi did not dare to persuade him any more, so he had to hold him tightly and signaled to another palace maiden to come over and help.

Xu Chu said: "You have to treat your own illness by yourself."

Gan Zhao was convinced. He pushed Quanyi and the palace maid who were approaching, and slowly walked towards Xu Chu.

Xu Chu looked at it for a while, then turned around and opened the door. The wind from outside blew in. There was a cool breeze in Qinzhou, it was warm in Shu, and there was a hint of chill in the wind.

Gan Zhao was a little scared and stopped and said, "Mr. Xu, I feel cold again and feel very flustered. Should I wear an extra coat?"

"Congratulations, King Shu."

"Huh? Is this worthy of congratulations?"

"Chills and palpitations are signs of luring the snake out of its hole. King Shu's three-point chance of winning has become four-point, so congratulations."

Gan Zhao nodded with a smile and continued walking forward. When he reached the door, he rested for a moment holding on to the door frame, then raised his legs to cross the threshold.

Xu Chu was leading the way, and when he looked up, he caught a glimpse of two angry eyes behind Gan Zhao.

Che Quanyi and the maids followed closely behind the King of Shu, not leaving even an inch, but they didn't dare to reach out to help him. Everyone else was staring at the master, except Che Quanyi who looked at Xu Chu from time to time.

Xu Chu smiled at him, and Che Quanyi turned away.

When walking down the steps, Gan Zhao didn't step firmly and jumped forward two steps, causing a cry of surprise from behind. However, he did not fall and regained his balance. He smiled at Xu Chu and said, "I wish we could have ridden our horses and whipped our whips together. Now I am so sick."

"A sick tiger is still a tiger, its claws and fangs are still there, and the pack of wolves will give way when they see it."

"Haha, Mr. Xu can always speak to my heart." Gan Zhao tried his best to stand up, "Which stone should I hit?"

"The most expensive piece."

"The most expensive... Mr. Xu wants me to smash the strange stones in the palace?"

"There is no cheap cure for this strange disease."

"It's not that I don't think it's expensive, it's just that... King Yidu finally collected it, so it would be a pity to just smash it like this."

Che Quanyi took a step forward and whispered: "Xu Chu said that he fell ill when he left the General's Mansion at the age of eleven. Where did he get the strange stones to smash and treat his illness? He was obviously making it up."

Gan Zhao looked at Xu Chu with some confusion on his face.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "This gentleman has not been introduced yet."

Gan Zhao said: "He is Minister Ling Che Quanyi, and he is known as 'Ji Gong Che'. Mr. Xu can just call him 'Ji Gong'."

"It turns out it's a chicken man. I'm disrespectful." Xu Chu said with cupped hands.

Che Quanyi's face turned cold and he snorted softly.

Gan Zhao said with a smile: "Shang Shuling doesn't like the title of 'Chicken Duke'. No one can call him 'Chicken Duke' except me." He turned to Che Quanyi and said, "Young Master Xu is different from others. He once became king with me, so he has the right to call you." A 'chicken cock'."

Che Quanyi's expression calmed down and he said softly: "It's a small thing to be called, but treating the King of Shu is a big deal. If you can't guarantee it, I won't worry."

Gan Zhao said with a smile: "Although Ji Gong met me relatively late, he cared about me wholeheartedly. He often stayed up for days and nights, staying by my side all the time and coming whenever I called him. Since I came to Yi, I have borrowed a lot of his strength. "

"I am a lost dog. I have to meet a new owner. I have a home to live in. Naturally, I have to guard it closely and not allow any mistakes. In fact, I borrowed the power of the King of Shu."

Gan Zhao laughed, obviously enjoying hearing these words.

Xu Chu also smiled and said: "The king of Shu got Ji Gong, it must be God's will. Forgive me, has Ji Gong been to the Eastern Capital?"

"Been there." Che Quanyi did not dare to express his hatred in front of the King of Shu, but his tone immediately turned cold.

"Been to the General's Mansion?"

"That's not true, but Mr. Xu said that you had moved out of the General's Mansion when you fell ill."

Gan Zhao interjected: "I've been there, and there are several rockeries there, which are much worse than here."

"When the King of Shu left, Dongdu was in chaos. The third son of the Lou family had to move away all the valuables in the house."

"Can the rockery be moved? Does Mr. Xu know how long it takes to transport a huge stone? It can be as short as three to five months, as long as six or seven years. Even now, there are still a few stones that have not been transported to the palace on the way. ." Che Quanyi mocked.

"There are indeed not as many strange stones in the General's Mansion as here, and they are not as big, but in terms of preciousness, they may not be inferior to King Yidu."

Gan Zhao nodded in agreement: "The general fought in all directions and destroyed countless countries. He must have grabbed a lot of treasures."

Che Quanyi still refused to let go of this flaw, "Master Xu left the palace at the age of eleven. The general is willing to send you strange stones to cure your illness?"

"Of course I don't want to give it up, but this method of treating diseases is too strange. After the general heard about it, he was also interested and sent me a few stones to smash. The treatment is second to none, just to see if the Taoist priest is lying."

"So you didn't send the most precious stone?"

"No." Xu Chu opened his arms, "Look at me now, I am still weak and sick, but the root cause of the disease has not been eliminated. The Taoist priest said that the general loved the stone but not the son, leaving behind regrets."

Xu Chu did not look healthy enough. Che Quanyi was speechless and said, "There are many precious stones here. How many will Mr. Xu pick to smash?"

"The time has passed, and it is useless to smash it again. How does King Shu feel now?"

"I'm not so flustered anymore, but I still feel weak. Even standing here, I feel my legs are a little weak."

"Without further delay, if the King of Shu does not want to leave any regrets, he should smash the most precious stone."

"Ji Gong, you are most familiar with this place. Which stone is the most valuable?" Gan Zhao asked.

Che Quanyi replied helplessly: "Unlike other things, strange stones have no market price, and many stones themselves are not valuable, but moving them takes time, and the freight is several times the price..."

Xu Chu gave an idea: "The stone that King Yidu liked the most at the beginning is filled with the spirit of the king, and it should have a miraculous effect in curing the King of Shu."

"King Yidu's favorite... must be the one in the Bodhisattva Palace."

After Gan Zhao occupied Jindu City, he changed all the courtyards of the palace to new names, and Bodhisattva Palace was one of them. He immediately said: "It happens to be right next door."

"That's the queen's palace. It's not appropriate to bring outsiders in..."

Xu Chu must not let himself escape the sight of the King of Shu and give Che Quanyi a chance to speak privately, "This is troublesome. I don't have the ability to treat diseases through walls. Although the prescription is to throw stones, but without my guidance..."

Gan Zhao was desperate and stepped forward to hold Xu Chu's wrist. "With the friendship between you and me, we can go anywhere. The queen doesn't want to see outsiders, so let her stay in the house."

"We also need a strong hammer." Xu Chu said.

"Ji Gong, go get the hammer." Gan Zhao ordered, and he and Xu Chu were discharged from the hospital hand in hand.

The Bodhisattva Palace is also an independent courtyard. The house is not that tall, and the courtyard is more open. In the middle stands a rockery seven or eight feet high. Compared with other rocks in the palace, it is extremely small in size, but the shape is the weirdest, as if it has been solidified. The waves, even the white water spray on the top of the waves are lifelike.

Gan Zhao's original wife, but the current queen is the daughter of King Yidu whom he married later. She really doesn't like to see people. She sent a maid to come out to greet her, but she didn't show up.

Che Quanyi hurried over and saw that King Shu and Xu Chu were just admiring the rockery without talking. He felt relieved and said, "The hammer will be sent soon. I have thought carefully that there are more precious stones in the palace..."

"It's this one." Gan Zhao had no doubts about Xu Chu, "I can feel it, do you feel it? This rockery does have the aura of a king. King Yidu must have often walked around it back then. Chicken Gong "Does this mountain have a reputation?"

"Raging waves are also called snow on the sea."

Gan Zhao nodded repeatedly and said to Xu Chu: "I often pass by here, and I just think it looks strange. If Mr. Xu hadn't given me some guidance, I might never have realized the kingly aura in it."

"I can show the way to the sighted, but if you are blind, no matter how much I say, it will be useless."

"Haha. Chicken, can you feel it?"

"Compared to King Shu, I am blind. How can I feel the aura of a king?"

Two female soldiers carried a hammer and placed it gently on the ground.

Gan Zhao held the handle of the hammer with both hands, but it was quite laborious, and his face turned red from holding it in. Che Quanyi said: "King Shu, be careful, don't use too much force."

Xu Chu said: "When two armies are fighting, you should not show weakness to the enemy. If the forward is sharp, the whole army will be dull."

Ganzhao raised his hammer and smashed the stone. The stone looked strange and much more fragile than ordinary stones. When he hammered it down, a piece fell down, and gravel flew everywhere.

"Be careful..." Che Quanyi tried to persuade him again.

Gan Zhao was in high spirits, rolled up his sleeves, and swung the hammer around. He remembered that he was just a small official in the past, but now he was smashing the strange stone that King Yidu loved most during his lifetime. It feels too heavy.

After more than a dozen hammer blows, half of the rockery was destroyed. Gan Zhao was panting like an ox because of this. He could no longer swing the hammer. He held the handle of the hammer with both hands and tried twice more. He still couldn't lift it, but his face became increasingly red. Suddenly two words came out of his mouth: "Not good." After saying that, he sat down on the ground.

Che Quanyi was shocked and immediately said: "Xu Chu deserves to die for harming my lord!"

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