Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 426 Entering Han

Xu Chu was kicked in the stomach, and he had to rest as soon as he entered Hanzhou.

Fortunately, Hanping City was in front of him. It was originally the seat of Hanzhou. After several changes of hands, it was just captured by Tieyuan and heavily guarded.

Not far from Hanping was the territory of the officers and soldiers. The two sides were allied on the surface, but they were still wary of each other in private. From time to time, there were still sporadic poor people passing by here and entering the valley to chase the Jiangshi Army. Therefore, the situation was extremely chaotic, and large and small battles occurred almost every day.

Tang Weitian got on his horse, holding a long spear, and said to Chang Yanzhi: "You stay by my side, I will clear the way for you, and you will be fine once you enter the city. There are Yizhou troops there, and they can provide accommodation and doctors."

"Well, just go ahead, and my son and I will follow you closely - but don't go too fast."

Along the way, they really encountered several groups of roadblockers, ranging from five or six people to twenty or thirty people. Seeing that they were few in number, they came up and asked for horses, luggage and "dog lives".

Tang Weitian never answered, but rode to fight. Once he rushed so fast that the other party didn't even have time to speak.

The roadblockers were not good at fighting. Seeing that the other party not only did not kneel down to beg for mercy, but charged with spears, no one dared to fight, especially the group with the largest number of people, who scattered in a hurry, and it seemed that they were a mob that gathered temporarily.

A little closer to Hanping City, the road was much safer. Xu Chu couldn't help asking: "Since this is the grain road, why don't we see Yizhou soldiers patrolling and guarding?"

Tang Weitian hung his long spear on the saddle, led the reins and walked, laughing: "No need, these people on the road are just flies, flying around. When the soldiers come, they flee into the mountains. When the soldiers retreat, they jump out again, and rob when they see few people and are easy to bully. There are so many such robbers, and they can never be wiped out, unless soldiers are sent into the mountains to encircle and suppress them, but who has the leisure time to do so? Let them go, anyway, there are always large groups of people escorting the grain transport vehicles, and they dare not show up at all."

"Why don't these people want to join the officers and soldiers or the world-destroying army? At least it's a way out." Xu Chu asked.

"Haha, being a soldier means fighting, and fighting means death. How can you hide in the mountains and be free? Besides, being a soldier may not necessarily get enough food every day, but will suffer the idleness of the superiors."

"You are quite willing to be a soldier." Chang Yanzhi smiled.

"Of course I am willing. Once I get to the battlefield, I will be full of energy. I am not like these cowards who dare to rob but dare not fight. They are always bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. It is shameful."

"Haha, not everyone has your strength. Strange, are there still pedestrians passing by on this road? How do those robbers make a living?" Chang Yanzhi asked in confusion.

"Who said no one passes by? Not many. There are always people who don't know. People in the city want to hide in the countryside, people in the countryside want to go to the city for refuge, and rich people want to go to other places with their families. I once led soldiers to capture a group of people, more than 20 people, and they were all poor in their clothes, but there were many cars and bags. I saw something wrong, so I ordered them to stop and searched out a lot of gold and silver." Tang Weitian boasted proudly.

"In this world, there is not much difference between officers and soldiers and robbers." Xu Chu sighed in a low voice.

Tang Weitian heard it anyway, and he was not ashamed. He smiled and said, "There is still a little difference. The officers and soldiers are powerful and have robbed early. They have taken away all the good things first, and we can only drink soup."

"You are also an officer and soldier now." Chang Yanzhi reminded.

Tang Weitian was stunned, and then smiled embarrassedly: "I always forget, yes, I am an officer and soldier now." Tang Weitian walked with his chest straight.

The generals of the Yizhou Army in Hanping City all recognized General Xiao Tang and warmly received him. By the way, they were also more polite to Xu Chu, bowing and saying "I have heard of your great name for a long time."

There were not many civilians left in Hanping City. Most of the houses were requisitioned. Soldiers were rampaging in the streets. Occasionally, there were old people walking along the street with baskets, and rarely young people were seen.

Xu Chu lived in a nice house. The original owner had run away long ago. Several old soldiers came to help and moved some practical things.

Tang Weitian brought three doctors and asked them to treat the young man.

The doctors took the patient's pulse one after another and had different opinions on the condition, but they all thought it was not serious. He would be fine after a few days of rest and some tonics.

The city did not have all the medicinal materials, so Tang Weitian brought several large bags. The three doctors picked out only five or six usable medicinal materials, boiled them into soup, and personally delivered them to the patient.

After Xu Chu drank it, he said to Tang Weitian: "It's really better. Let the three gentlemen go. I don't need them here, and you don't have to stay here all the time."

Tang Weitian took out several large pieces of silver, stuffed them into the three doctors, sent them to the door, and came back and said: "What else does the young master want to eat? I'll find it for you."

Xu Chu smiled and shook his head, "Eat whatever you have, go and get busy. The generals in the city have sent people to invite you several times."

"Just go and drink, it's meaningless - do you want to drink?"

"Go and drink, just send someone to bring me some."

Tang Weitian then went to see the generals of the Yizhou Army, and soon sent a team of soldiers to deliver more than a dozen unopened jars of wine.

Chang Yanzhi was also a wine lover. He opened a jar, took a deep breath, and said intoxicatedly: "Good wine, I am willing to drown in it."

Along with the wine came a lot of meat and vegetables. Although they were cooked, they were all half-cooked. Chang Yanzhi called a few veterans, lit firewood, and cooked again. Although the ingredients were not complete, at least they were cooked.

The veterans were also invited to eat and drink together. They did not dare to share some wine and food and ate outside the house. They took turns to come in and bow to express their gratitude.

Xu Chu ate some meat and drank two cups of hot wine, and smiled: "This seems to be more useful than the medicine just now."

"Young Master often says that 'good medicine tastes bitter'. When it is my turn to take the medicine, I still find it bitter."

"Haha, be strict with others and be lenient with yourself, that's the truth."

Xu Chu didn't eat much, so Chang Yan was a little worried, "Is the master okay? You usually drink more than this."

"It's okay. I'm just tired and have a lot of things on my mind. I'll go lie down for a while and you can eat yours."

"Master, are you really okay?"

"Am I going to be polite to you? It's really okay."

Chang Yan sent Xu Chu back to the house to rest. He wanted to stay for a while, but he couldn't resist his alcohol addiction and went out to drink. Drinking alone was boring, so he forced several veterans to come in and drink together around the table. Only then did he feel comfortable.

Xu Chu was lying on the bed. He didn't feel that his injury was serious, but he felt weak. He lost interest after drinking a few glasses of wine, and he didn't feel hungry. He wanted to think about something, but fell asleep quickly.

It was still dark when he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, it was bright outside and it was already the morning of the next day.

Xu Chu was surprised. When he got up, he saw the table full of wine and food, and couldn't help but smile.

Tang Weitian opened the door and came in, "Young master, you're awake. How are you feeling today?"

"I feel much better after a good sleep." Xu Chu got down and stretched his limbs. He did feel that his energy had recovered a lot, but he still had no appetite. A glass of wine and a few pieces of meat were enough.

"I'll go and heat it up," Tang Weitian said.

"No, I guess I'm just sleep deprived."

"It's all my fault." Tang Weitian said frustratedly.

"It's irrelevant. I'm just tired. Are the people outside looking for you?" Xu Chu saw many figures moving in the courtyard through the crack in the door.

Tang Weitian turned around to open the door and shouted to the people outside: "Let's go, everyone, no one can stay to bother me."

The group of soldiers outside had to retreat, but they still stood guard at the door of the house and refused to leave.

"I want to invite you to drink? If you don't want to go, there's no need to be so rude." Xu Chu said.

Tang Weitian shook his head, "They wanted me to stay. I said I would escort the young master to Yizhou. You have to be rude to them, otherwise they will rely on you."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Where is Chang Yan?"

"I drank too much and I'm not awake yet."

"Follow me, he hasn't had a good drink in a long time."

"It's all the same. The Yizhou Army looks good now. Who knows what it will be like in a few days. Maybe they won't even have to chew the bark."

Xu Chu smiled and nodded, "You have something on your mind."

"Where does my worry come from?"

"Don't lie to me, I can see it."

Tang Weitian laughed twice, "I can't hide anything from you, young master. To tell you the truth, there is going to be a war in Hanping City, so they want me to stay."

"Who are you fighting with?"

"Hanzhou Army."

"Is this the case?"

"Not yet, but the Hanzhou Army is mobilizing here. It is said that the camp suddenly expanded several times last night. It seems that they are going to take action."

"Have you sent someone to notify General Iron?"

"Well, we sent people last night. Actually, there's no need to worry. At first, the Hanzhou Army couldn't even defeat the World Army, and they failed to seize the city several times. Now they want to steal food from the Yizhou Army. It's a dream."

"Take me to see the Hanzhou military camp."

"This is not possible. Young Master needs to rest more, and you can't see the camp until you have to go more than ten miles from the city. It is not safe at this time. Whatever Young Master wants to know, I will look for you."

"Flag, look at which flag is set up in the camp."

"The Hanzhou Army must have planted their own flag. Master, wait, I will show it to you, so that you won't have to worry about it."


"Who can outrun my two legs?" Tang Weitian said with a smile.

Chang Yan didn't wake up until noon. When he came to see Xu Chu, he still looked tired and said, "What's going on? There are more people outside today. Did you hear it, sir? The streets are full of noise."

"It is said that the Hanzhou Army is coming to attack."

"Well, we haven't rested for a few days, and we are going to fight again. What do the Hanzhou Army think? Isn't it nice to live in peace with the Yizhou Army?"

"Of course the Hanzhou Army wants the entire Hanzhou, and I'm worried that their ambitions don't stop there."

"The Hanzhou Army can't even pacify the World Army, so it has bigger ambitions?" Chang Yan said with a smile.

"Unless the Hanzhou Army has received strong reinforcements."

"Where did the reinforcements come from? The Jingzhou army? Or the He Rong people? The Hanzhou army wouldn't just surrender without a fight, right?" Chang Yan raised a series of questions.

"The new Mu Shou of Hanzhou and all the heroes went to pay homage to Shan Yu. What else could they do if they didn't surrender? Besides, they would not regard it as surrender, but to serve the Tiancheng court."

"Emperor Tiancheng himself can't ask all the states to be loyal. After being kidnapped by the He Rong people, there are heroes coming to congratulate him, hehe." Chang Yan shook his head helplessly, but he didn't care about these things, "In this case, I think we should leave as soon as possible to benefit Come on, it’s not safe here.”

Xu Chu hummed absentmindedly, thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "The Hanzhou Army is not trying to seize the city, but is trying to block the valley road so that the Yizhou Army heading towards Qinzhou has no way to retreat. Alas, Qinzhou must have already Start a war."

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