Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 421 Night Visit

Xu Dashi turned around and walked away, turning his back to everyone, and remained silent for a long time.

The leaders and soldiers who stood or knelt all held their breath, fearing that when the Hundred-Eyed King turned around again, he would become the target of his anger, or even worse, his eyeballs would be sewn onto the sacred flag.

Xu Dashi finally turned around, his face surprisingly calm, and said to the dozen or so kneeling soldiers, "Get up."

No one dared to get up.

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Xu Dashi added.

Only then did everyone stand up one after another, bowing their heads and waiting for orders.

Xu Dashi looked at the two remaining kings again. He wanted to make up the number of eight again, but three of them ran away in one morning.

Mu Jian and Du Heimao remained silent.

"How do you think you should deal with the departure of the three kings of Demon Subduing, Divine Assistance, and Shenchi?" Xu Dashi asked, his tone was actually very gentle.

But those who are familiar with him know that the Hundred-Eyed King is gentle even when he is killing people.

Du Heimao spoke first: "King Shenchi left late, he should not be far away now. Please allow me to lead my troops to catch up with King Bai Mu, before it gets dark..."

Xu Dashi shook his head, Du Heimao hurriedly shut up, and Mu Jian said bravely: "We should chase the Yan brothers. There are many of them and they can't go fast. Yan Peiying must have forced his subordinates to follow. Yan Xiaoguo won't..."

Xu Dashi's face suddenly darkened. Mu Jian didn't know why and was too frightened to say a word.

"The King of Heaven is the King of Heaven. Even if he dies, he is still the King of Heaven and cannot be underestimated." Xu Da Shi said, not mentioning that he had just called him by his first name.

Mu Jian hurriedly said: "Yes, I was confused for a moment. The Demon-Suppressing King will definitely not betray, it is all... the idea of ​​the God-Supporting King alone, and there is still time to save it..."

Xu Dashi was still noncommittal, and his eyes glanced around and landed on Xu Chu, "Tell me, military advisor."

Xu Chu became a "strategist" again, and he admired this hundred-eyed king in his heart. He was ruthless when he was ruthless and soft when he was soft, without any hesitation.

"It is not appropriate to seek peace on this matter, not war." As soon as Xu Chu heard that Xu Dashi had been renamed King of Heaven, he had figured out what was on his mind.

"Oh? Tell me more in detail."

"Although the three heavenly kings left without permission, they all left messages and gave reasons. They did not betray openly. There is still hope for the situation. If the hundred-eyed king sends troops to pursue and intercept them, it will be irreversible."

"Hey, what else can be redeemed?" Xu Dashi sneered, seemingly dissatisfied with the answer, but he didn't threaten to gouge out his eyes again.

"Stay back. You are all mediocre people. You can enjoy the fun with me when I accomplish great things. If you can't share the difficulties with me, please invite Military Advisor Wang to come over."

Although they were belittled, everyone was still relieved and stepped back one after another. They walked too hastily and almost had a fight at the door.

Xu Chu left later and saw Wang Dian at the door.

Wang Dian's appearance was terrifying, and no one dared to take another look at him. Only Xu Chu held up his hands and looked at him.

"Mr. Xu judges people by their appearance too much." Wang Dian said in a confused manner, instead of calling him "strategist", he called him "sir".

Xu Chu was about to retort when he suddenly realized that the "taken" person in Wang Dianyan was not himself, but Xu Dashi in the tent.

“I’m still listening to what he says and watching what he does.”

Wang Dian didn't say anything. When everyone in the tent came out, he ducked in.

Xu Dashi did not send troops to chase anyone, but sent envoys to Sanguan and Yan Peiying's army to deliver his message.

The King of Hundred Eyes was so submissive, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. The guards guarding Xu Chu's tent were extremely dissatisfied with this and talked loudly, which Xu Chu heard clearly.

"If it were me, I would first chase the swallow and peck the eagle, kill both his brothers, and establish another heavenly king. What the hell? There is no hundred-eyed heavenly king. One of them will die in Sanguan, and the other will be a god at best. It’s extremely shameless to run away when there are benefits.”

"Yes, the old guy named Qiu is not a good person. He ran away as soon as he wanted. He had a good meal of wine and didn't bring any food. Besides, why did he run away? No one wanted to do anything to him. He must be used to taking advantage of him. Brother Gong and his gang are all of this nature.”

Xu Chu listened in the tent, but felt that Qiu Wuye was not too stupid and ran in time.

Shortly after dark, Wang Dian personally came to invite me, "Mr. Xu, please come with me to visit the customs."

"The King of Hundred Eyes plans to negotiate peace?"

"Explain the misunderstanding." Wang Dian handed over a cloak, "It's windy outside, please put it on Mr. Xu."

There were more than ten people in the team, all wearing hooded cloaks. They mounted their horses and galloped out of the military camp. They followed the only road to Sanguan without stopping or talking to anyone along the way.

Wang Dian didn't seem to be in a hurry, so he drove his horse forward as normal and arrived outside Sanguan City in the middle of the night.

Qiu Wuye had received notice in advance and sent people out of the city to greet him early.

There are almost no lights in the city, only torches are lit in a few places, the streets are deserted, no one is seen, let alone grain trucks.

Qiu Wuye and more than thirty people stood at the door to greet the envoy. As soon as he saw Wang Dian, he held up his hands and smiled and said: "I have exhausted Military Advisor Wang from traveling at night. In fact, I really have something urgent to come back. I have no other intention. I will be here soon." I will take all the horses, horses and food to see the Hundred-Eyed King.”

Wang Dian said: "I came here just to see King Shenchi and see if you need help here."

"The King of Hundred Eyes is so polite." Qiu Wuye smiled and saw Xu Chu at a glance.

Wang Dian said: "Mr. Xu is originally from the King of Heavenly Chi. The King of Hundred Eyes borrowed it for a few days to listen to his teachings. He benefited a lot and did not dare to monopolize it. He asked me to escort him back."

"Ah, thank you even more to the King of Hundred Eyes. Well...Mr. Xu, welcome back." Qiu Wuye felt a little uncomfortable.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "I came back to hand over the position of the leader. With Shenchi Tianwang in charge, my business is over."

Qiu Wuye smiled more naturally, "Oh, no hurry, no hurry. Mr. Xu... Come on, take Mr. Xu to rest and heat a pot of... tea."

Xu Chu was taken away by the soldiers and had no chance to participate in the subsequent peace talks.

Gong Jun's tea had been brewed countless times, and Xu Chu declined, only wanting some hot water to warm his feet to relieve fatigue.

Although Duan Siyong had followed Xu Chu for a short time, he was quite loyal. He waited anxiously in the city. He got up as soon as he heard the door open. He was overjoyed to see Xu Chu, lit a small oil lamp, and served him meticulously.

"Young Master, you must have done it, right?" Duan Siyong asked.

"What have you heard in the city?"

"I heard that the young master was hired as a military advisor over there, and that Yan Zhuoying was released, and Master Qiu Wu became some kind of king."

"Shenchi King."

"Yes, I must remember that the Advent Army here is particularly concerned about titles, and any carelessness will lead to guilt."

"Is there any news about Chang Yanzhi?"

"No, they probably haven't even walked out of the plank road yet. Alas, if the new governor of Hanzhou is really the sixth young master of the Lou family, the young master will definitely be able to get his help..." Duan Si was not with Xu Chu for a long time, and he didn't know the grudge between him and the Lou family. Like ordinary soldiers, he thought his brothers were easy to talk to.

Xu Chu didn't explain, and smiled as he listened to his nagging.

After waiting for a long time, no one came to invite him, and the oil lamp was about to run out of the little vegetable oil. Xu Chu had to go to bed, still curious about what Wang Dian could say to persuade Master Qiu Wu to trust the Hundred-Eyed King again.

"So that's it!" Xu Chu sat up suddenly, blaming himself for not seeing it earlier.

"What's wrong?" Duan Siyong, who was sleeping at the door, asked in panic.

"Nothing, I just suddenly remembered something." Xu Chu smiled and slowly lay down.

"What you remembered must be very important."

"It's important to others, but to me... let's talk about it later."

Duan Siyong didn't ask any more.

"The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King is a hero." Xu Chu suddenly said again.

"To be a heavenly king, and to make other heavenly kings afraid of him, he must be a great hero and a great hero." Duan Siyong said in a follow-up manner.

"Great hero, but not a great hero."

"Haha, the young master is so meticulous, I don't even know the difference between the two."

"Hero... hero... I don't know either." Xu Chu smiled and suddenly sighed.

Duan Siyong was even more confused and didn't dare to ask the reason.

"Tomorrow morning, go and find out something for me."

"Yes, sir, what is it?"

"Have the soldiers who let Yan Zhuoying go been punished?"

"Okay, I'll go and ask at dawn. I heard... it was you who ordered them to be released?"


"Then they should be fine. You are the leader of the army after all, so you have this power."

"I hope they are fine."


"If they are fine, the Gong army soldiers may be fine, but if they are fine, Qiu Wuye and others will be in big trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"Tomorrow, find out who the envoys who came to negotiate peace tonight are."

"You came back with me, so I don't know who it was?"

"I didn't see it clearly."

Duan Siyong is an obedient person. He got up not long after sleeping, went out to get water, and asked for news.

When he came back with a bucket of water, Xu Chu had also gotten up. He didn't sleep well, but he didn't plan to sleep anymore.

"No wonder the young master asked me to find out. There was something strange last night: there were about ten envoys who came to negotiate peace. The leader was a military advisor named Wang. He took two people into the house, and Master Qiu Wu also left two people. As a result, when they came out again, Military Advisor Wang became the follower, and the leader was actually the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King himself!"

"It is so."

"The young master expected it early in the morning, and the others were shocked. Master Qiu Wu personally escorted them more than ten miles outside the city before returning. He has already ordered that everyone and food and grass will go to meet with the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King this afternoon."

"No one objects?"

"It seems that there is no one. Think about it, who would object? It turns out that everyone is afraid that the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King will turn his face and disown them. Now he has come in person, with only a total of ten people, proving that he really trusts this side... Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King, I have to change this Problem, you can never call the king "he". "Duan Siyong repeated "Hundred Eyes King" several times. "

"What about the soldiers who let Yan Zhuying go?"

"It's okay, nothing happened. Shenchi King said that we should follow orders and don't blame them. Do you think this is a bad thing, sir?"

Xu Chu was silent for a while, and said slowly: "Hundred Eyes King is flexible and a great hero, but he is good at calculation, pays the necessary rewards, and won't wait too long-this time he came to Sanguan, he paid a lot, Qiu Wuye and others only saw the benefits at the moment, but didn't think about how to repay in the future. "

"Should you remind Shenchi King?"

"The situation is over, there is no persuasion." Xu Chu sighed again, "Now the only ones who can save the lives of Gong Jun soldiers may be Yan Zhuying and He Rong cavalry. "

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