In Sanguan City, Yan Peiying heard some rumors that made him deeply uneasy, but he was helpless. Who made him become a "captive" by accident?

After thinking about it, Yan Peiying was convinced that the person who brought bad luck was Xu Chu. Without this person's sudden intervention, Gong Fan's soldiers and many stored grains would have fallen into the hands of him and the other two kings.

Someone unlocked the door outside, and Yanpeiying decided to try again to persuade the food delivery person to let him go. For this, he was willing to pay any price - as long as he could still pay it.

A soldier walked in, but there was no food in his hand. Yan Peiying was startled, stood up slowly, and said proudly: "Is it time?"

"Well, the time has come." The soldier nodded.

"Hey, I knew this was going to happen."

There was a slight surprise on the soldier's face, and then he smiled and said: "It's no wonder you are the Demon-Suppressing King. Since you have expected it, come with me."

"Why are you so stingy that you don't even give me a full meal?"

"Haha, we just relied on being stingy to save enough food for the winter. Let's go, it's not like we have to walk thousands of miles, just a few steps."

Yan Peiying's heart thumped again, his face remained calm, and he strode out. Even if he was going to die, he had to die in a decent way and not be laughed at by villains.

There are two soldiers outside the door, holding the hilts of their swords and chatting.

Yan Peiying was a little angry and said loudly: "You three are sending me on my way?"

"That's right, who else does the Demon-Suppressing King want to see you off with?" the soldier in the room came out and asked.

"I am the King of Heaven, I have to...forget it, right here?"

"Outside the city gate," the soldier replied, his face even more confused.

The place where Yan Peiying was imprisoned was not far from the city gate. He quickly finished walking. The red sun was setting in the west and it was still bright. Yan Peiying couldn't help but sigh, thinking that he was considered a hero, but he was about to die among three people. In the hands of Xiaobing, people will talk about it in the future with no face at all.

He took a look and saw that the three soldiers were armed with knives. If he fought hard, he might be able to escape. The question was where to run. Once the people in the city chased them out, he would only suffer again.

As if to answer his question, a fourth soldier came out, holding a horse in his hand.

This man was a small leader. He handed the reins to the soldiers, cleared his throat, and said, "Let me tell you a few things first, and then the Demon-Suppressing King will be on his way."

"Say it." Yan Peiying replied coldly, quickly calculating in his mind how to seize the horse and escape.

"King of Kuming has been killed by King of Hundred Eyes. It is said that Prime Minister Mu took over the throne. Fifth Master Qiu set out in the morning and has already gone to see King of Hundred Eyes. Now it's time for you to get on your way..."

Yan Peiying nodded lightly, suddenly made a move, and lunged forward, knocking down the small leader who was talking. He then punched the soldier holding the reins, yelled at the remaining two people to frustrate their ambition, and then turned over. He mounted his horse and galloped away. He didn't listen to any shouts from behind.

The little boss got up with a puzzled look on his face, "Is the Demon-Suppressing King crazy?"

The beaten soldier covered his face and said angrily: "Isn't he crazy? He knew clearly that he was going to be let go, but he still beat people and snatched horses. Did he have to show that he was capable?"

The other two people laughed loudly and advised: "Forget it, it is not shameful to be beaten by the king."

The little boss said: "Okay, Mr. Xu said before leaving that as long as a big boss in our city comes out of the city and releases the Demon-Suppressing King after half a day, it will be none of our business now."

There was a road just outside Sanguan City, and the swallows and eagles were galloping all the way. After seven or eight miles, they stopped and turned around to look around. When they found that no one was chasing them, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and said to themselves: "They are timid and afraid of being ambushed, so Don’t dare to chase him out.”

The sky was getting dark, Yan Pei Eagle controlled the horse to move slowly, and began to think about the next plan. He had already heard the two things the little boss said, and he knew very well that there must be changes in his own camp.

Mu Tianzi was smarter, and he died at the hands of the Hundred-Eyed King. Yan Peiying thought about it all the way, but couldn't come up with a good idea. Finally, he made up his mind and rode fast. Soon he met the patrolling Shishi Army. He Without hiding his identity, he said loudly: "I am the Demon-Subduing Heavenly King Yan Peiying. Take me to see the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King immediately. I have something important to do!"

When we arrived at the camp, it was just getting dark. Yan Pei Ying jumped off his horse and ran towards the main tent of King Bai Mu, regardless of the soldiers' obstruction. Everyone didn't know the reason but respected him as a king and did not stop him.

Outside the tent, Yan Peiying glanced at the Hundred-Eyed Divine Flag, and his heart trembled. Originally, the cry was 70% fake and 30% real, but now it was reversed, becoming 70% real and 30% fake.

The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King had already heard the news, and as soon as he arrived at the door, the Swallow-Pecked Eagle pounced on him and knelt down on the ground. No matter how many people were watching around him, he hugged the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King's legs and cried bitterly, "Without the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King, how could I do it?" Goodbye, the Heavenly King of Hundred Eyes is my reincarnated parent..."

The listeners all thought that it was the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King who rescued the Yanpei Eagle, but Xu Dashi himself knew that this was not true, but being thanked by another Heavenly King on his knees was a shameless thing after all, so he could only give a few vague words of persuasion, and then helped him. He stood up and said with a smile: "It's good to be back. Please come in and rest."

Yan Peiying didn't dare to go in. He took advantage of the situation and stood side by side with the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King. I’ll rescue you. There’s nothing to say. The King of Hundred Eyes is my great benefactor. From today on, my life belongs to the King of Hundred Eyes. I will go through fire and water, charge into battles, and conquer cities and lands... no matter what!”

Many of the leaders were there, lending their support, and for a moment the Hundred-Eyed King was praised for his righteousness and righteousness.

Xu Dashi smiled happily and did not explain much. After Yan Pei Ying felt a little relieved, he was willing to go into the tent and talk in detail.

In the tent, Yan Pei Ying still refused to sit down and told a bizarre story to the many leaders who followed him in: a group of soldiers wanted to behead him outside the city gate in public. The knife had been raised and was about to be dropped. Suddenly, One arrow was fired, and the executioner fell to the ground. Then two more arrows were fired, shooting down the two leaders who were in charge of the execution. The swallow pecked the eagle, seeing the opportunity, he grabbed a horse and ran as fast as he could. A few miles later, a voice said: "I came to rescue people on the orders of the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King. Now that the Demon-Subduing Heavenly King is safe, please forgive me not to see you off again."

Yan Pei Ying has polished this story over and over again, so it is full of ups and downs and attracts bursts of exclamations.

Qiu Wuye was also in the audience. He became more and more confused as he listened, but he did not dare to interrupt in public. It was not until Yan Peiying stopped speaking that he stepped forward and said, "Is there any misunderstanding in this? I have never ordered the demon to be subdued." The king of heaven beheaded him in public display..."

Yan Peiying shook his head and said, "Fifth Master Qiu can go back and ask..."

"The Fifth Master Qiu is now the Godly King." Xu Dashi interjected.

Yan Peiying immediately changed his title, "King Shenchi can go back and ask, but I believe this is not your idea. It must be a certain leader who doesn't like me and gave the order without authorization while King Shenchi was not in the city."

The orders of the Advent Army have always been chaotic. Qiu Wuye could not guarantee that this kind of thing would not happen, so he could only say apologetically: "When I find out, I will definitely punish him severely."

Yan Peiying waved his hand to show that he didn't care, walked up to the Hundred Eyes King, and knelt down again to express his gratitude.

Xu Dashu supported him and said with a smile: "We are all kings and brothers, so we must not do this great gift. There is one thing I have to tell you face to face: the Demon-Suppressing King is not here, and the soldiers under his command need someone to lead them, so I have made my own decisions. Give the title of Demon-Suppressing Heavenly King to your younger brother Yan Xiaoguo..."

Yan Xiaoguo was also standing in the crowd, her expression always awkward, and now she was even more stiff. She stepped forward and said, "It's just for a moment..."

Yan Peiying waved his hand to stop his younger brother from continuing, and said seriously: "The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King not only saved me, but also saved all the soldiers under my command. If the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King had not elected a new Heavenly King in time, those soldiers would have fled long ago, and not a single one would be left. This Can I not understand the truth?"

Xu Dashi smiled and nodded, and Yan Xiaoguo's expression became more relaxed, "Since the Demon-Suppressing King is back, I..."

Yan Peiying waved his hand again, "The King is not a child's play. Since the new King is already in charge of the army, naturally he cannot be replaced. To be honest, after this difficulty, I am already disheartened..."

Xu Dashi said: "The situation in the World Army is not stable, and you have finally come back. How can you be disheartened? The title of Demon-Suppressing Heavenly King has been given to Yan Xiaoguo, and it is true that you cannot be replaced. I will wrong you to be another Heavenly King. Name Once the number is decided, the number of the eight heavenly kings of our Hanzhou World Army cannot be reduced."

"I really don't have the shame to be the king anymore."

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose at the moment. If you really want to decide whether to be a king or not, none of us are qualified. How about the title of 'King of Divine Assistance'?"

The swallow pecked the eagle and wanted to kneel down, but Xu Dashu refused and sent an order to hold a banquet to appease the king of heaven.

Holding a banquet for two days in a row is a rare event for the Avatar Army, but this banquet was not large in scale, with only about ten people invited.

This meal of wine was so frightening that the swallows pecked the eagles, but on the surface they were in high spirits. They never left the Hundred-Eyed King's side and did not open their mouths, otherwise they would be flattering.

The banquet did not last long. Xu Dashi stretched out his hand to hold one of the wrists of the Yan brothers and said seriously: "That's enough. There is no need to pretend anymore, King of Divine Support. I will spare your life. From now on, you and King of Subduing Demons will still be friends." Brothers, support each other and help each other. Divide the soldiers into two. No one has more, and no one has less. When we arrive in Liangzhou, I will allocate more soldiers to you. I guarantee that you will all be worthy of ten thousand. The title of King of Heaven.”

Yan Peiying's eyes filled with tears and he said to Yan Xiaoguo: "We brothers must have accumulated good deeds from our ancestors to meet such a wise master as the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King."

"We are all kings of heaven. Not to mention Mingzhu, I am grateful that you are willing to follow me to Liangzhou."

"Don't talk about Liangzhou, even if you go to heaven or earth, I will follow the King of Hundred Eyes."

"Well. What did Xu Chu tell you?" Xu Dashi suddenly asked.

Yan Peiying looked confused, "Xu Chu? That Xu Chu? I haven't seen him since he was captured by him in Sang City... This person has a big grudge against me. If the King of Hundred Eyes can allow it..."

"Not now, let's do it in a few days." Xu Dashi didn't see the flaw.

"Yes, yes." Yan Pei Ying did not dare to object.

The two brothers stood up to say goodbye. Yan Pei Ying grabbed one of Yan Xiaoguo's arms and talked as they walked, showing some intimacy. At the door of the tent, he turned around with his brothers and saluted to leave.

After leaving the tent, Yan Xiaoguo apologized again. Yan Peiying said with a smile: "Our Yan family has changed from one army to two armies, and the Hundred-Eyed King has promised to make up for the number of ten thousand people in the future. This is a great thing."

"And after following the Hundred Eyes King to Liangzhou, we won't have to worry about lack of food." Yan Xiaoguo said.

"Yes, so what are you apologizing for? We two brothers should support each other and help each other, as King Bai Mu said."

The two of them talked and laughed all the way back to their camp.

In the tent, Xu Dashu said to the military advisor who had just entered: "Let's spare him for now. We will wait until we get to Liangzhou."

Wang Dian stepped forward, "I'm afraid that the night will be long and the dream will be too much. The swallow will be willing to be humbled by the eagle, and there must be something in mind."

Xu Dashi was silent for a while, "I'll spare him one night for now. Tomorrow my sacred flag will be filled with the right eye of the King of Heaven. In a few days, there will be two 'Eyes of the King of Wu'."

Wang Dian bowed and said nothing. He felt that he had done his best for his old master.

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