Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 417: Changing Face

Xu Chu suggested to return to Hanzhou quickly, and all the leaders found it funny. Xu Dashi did not say anything special. He nodded, raised his wine bowl, and said loudly: "A real man will return home in glory sooner or later. When we have made a name for ourselves in Qin and Liang, we must return to Hanzhou with a million troops and kill all the corrupt officials and minions who bullied us in the past, so that everyone can vent their anger!"

Everyone cheered.

Xu Chu said "return to Hanzhou quickly", but it easily became "return home in glory in the future".

He did not argue, but also raised his wine bowl and toasted to the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King with everyone.

The banquet of the Jiangshi Army did not last as long as the Herong people. After two o'clock, Xu Chu returned to the tent drunk, his whole body was full of alcohol, which made Zhang and others envious.

Duan Siyong stayed in Sanguan and did not follow. Xu Chu lay down hastily and fell asleep soon. He was not woken up by the soldiers chatting.

After chatting for a while, the soldiers became sleepy and fell asleep, leaving a narrow passage in the middle, with snoring coming one after another.

After sleeping for an unknown period of time, Xu Chu was pushed awake by someone. He looked up at the figure in the dark, thinking it was a soldier, and said in a hoarse voice: "What..."

"Hush." ​​The man patted Xu Chu on the shoulder twice, then turned around and tiptoed out of the tent.

The person who came was obviously not a soldier of the Gong army. Xu Chu woke up, shook his head, shook off the drunkenness that remained in his body, put on his boots, put on his clothes and followed, carefully avoiding the hands and feet that stretched out to the aisle. It was very dark in the tent, so he could only try step by step.

There was a violent wind outside, and there were only a few torches in the camp. At this time, they had been blown out by more than half, and there were dark tents everywhere, like endless mountains.

Since entering Qinzhou, Xu Chu couldn't remember a night without wind.

He put on his coat to resist the faint chill in the wind.

The person who woke him up was waiting not far away.

As Xu Chu approached, the man turned around and startled Xu Chu.

Under the moonlight, it was not a normal face. It was like a piece of paper that was wet and crumpled into a ball. It was carefully unfolded and barely kept intact, but it could be turned into powder at any time.

Xu Chu did not believe in ghosts and gods, but he felt like his soul was leaving his shell and almost cried out.

"Please forgive me, I didn't mean to scare the governor."

Xu Chu was occasionally called "King of Wu", but he hadn't heard of "Governor" for a long time. After hearing it, it was like a dream. He suddenly remembered the identity of this person and was shocked.

"Wang Dian... General Wang?"

"Well, this is not the place to talk, please follow me."

The man was Wang Dian. Ning Baoguan burned thousands of Wu soldiers outside the city of Dongdu. Wang Dian was one of the very few survivors. The last time Xu Chu heard the news, he couldn't get up. Now he is obviously much better. His appearance is still scary, but he can walk slowly. Obviously, one of his legs is not working well.

Xu Chu looked at Wang Dian's back and couldn't help but sigh silently.

Wang Dian was the first leader of the seven tribes of Wu people he had contacted. He had high hopes for him, but he was also harmed by "high hopes". When Xu Chu chose to abdicate, he did not feel indebted to most people, but he felt sorry for the Wu people, especially Wang Dian.

Xu Chu was taken to another tent not far away, where the lights were on and there were no outsiders.

Under the light, Wang Dian's face became more and more terrifying. Xu Chu sat opposite him, and it was not right to look at him or not.

Wang Dian squeezed out a strange smile, "It's hard for me to accept my current appearance."

Xu Chu still chose to look up and look at that face, "Didn't Meng Yingbo convey my words to you?"

Meng Yingbo was also one of the leaders of the seven tribes. He went to the Siguo Valley in Yecheng to visit Xu Chu, hoping to invite the "King of Wu" to Qinzhou to lead the Wu people to regain their status in the army of the advent. Xu Chu did not agree, but instead encouraged the Jizhou army to unite with the Golden Saint.

"I have brought them here." Wang Dian's tone was very calm. It was unknown whether his temper had changed or his injury did not allow him to do so. "But the situation is irreversible."

"How many Wu people are here?"

"Not many, more than ten people. Saint Jin pardoned all Wu people, but I didn't want to stay there any longer. I left with some magicians and joined the Baimu Tianwang. It has been less than three months."

"What position does General Wang hold here?"

"Same as the governor."

"Please don't use the old title anymore."

"Like Mr. Xu, I am also a military advisor."

"I am a fake military advisor, and General Wang is the real one." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"Please don't use the old name, Mr. Xu."

Xu Chu sighed, "I first met Military Advisor Wang in Yecheng, and then met him again by the Ru River. I didn't expect to meet him again here."

"In troubled times, there are more unexpected things than expected things. Things are unpredictable, so just get used to it. I invited Mr. Xu here not only to reminisce about the past, but also to talk about something."

"Please go ahead."

"The situation is critical, and the Hanzhou Jiangshi Army must unite, so we urgently need food and grass from the Gong Army. I dare not ask Mr. Xu for help, but please don't obstruct it."

"I was originally a prisoner of the Jiangshi Army. By chance, I temporarily took over the position of the leader of the Gong Army. How could I have the ability to obstruct the union of the armies?"

"Others don't have this ability, but Mr. Xu does."

"The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King only needs one sword to make my "ability" vanish." Xu Chu smiled.

"One strike is easy, but it might anger the Gong army soldiers in Sanguan City. Besides, I don't want to see such an outcome. Mr. Xu has done me a favor..."

"I have made too many mistakes to Military Advisor Wang and the Wu people. How dare I say I'm doing you a favor?"

"No matter what, it was Mr. Xu who took the Wu people away from Rushui. No one can predict what will happen in the future. What's more, it was all an unintentional mistake. I believe that Mr. Xu had no intention of harming the Wu people."


"So I have to repay the favor. I get much more trust from the King of Hundred Eyes than from the Golden Saint. I can guarantee Mr. Xu's safety. If Mr. Xu is willing to stay as a military advisor, it would be the best. I am willing to be a servant. If Mr. Xu wants to leave, I will send someone to escort him wherever he can. I cannot guarantee that he will arrive safely, but at least he will be able to travel unimpeded on the territory of the Hanzhou World Army."

"Thank you very much. Military Advisor Wang never forgets his friendship. I really don't know what to say."

Wang Dian waited for a while and said with some disappointment: "But Mr. Xu still refuses to accept it?"

Xu Chu sighed again. He had never felt that it was so difficult to refuse, "Commander Wang has great ambitions, why do you want to serve under the Hundred Eyes King?"

"Mr. Xu thinks Baimu Tianwang has no future?"

"Commander Wang thinks he has a future?" Xu Chu asked.

Wang Dian had a hard time laughing, "The past is the guide for the future. At first, the Wu people lacked a capable and determined leader, but now, I have found one."

Xu Chu also smiled, remained silent for a long time, and then asked: "What are the long-term plans of King Baimu?"

"Go to Liangzhou."

"Liangzhou is in chaos."

"I heard that Qiang soldiers have invaded Liangzhou and have occupied several cities." Wang Dian paused for a moment, "Xu Qiu, the Qiang king, is waiting for King Baimu to lead his troops to help."

Xu Chu was shocked. He had seen King Xu Qiu in Zuojiazhai, and never expected that he was connected with the Jishi Army. "Zuo Jun, who helped the Qiang soldiers attack Liangzhou, had a deep hatred for the Jishi Army..."

"Mr. Xu actually recognizes Zuo Jun."

"I stayed in his village for two nights."

"Then Mr. Xu should know that Zuo Jun is just a nobody, and his grievances with the Avatar Army are not worth mentioning. Besides, King Hongfa has been killed, so he should be satisfied."

"To swallow up Tu Zhai in one fell swoop, I won't do it because of you..."

"I don't have such a great ability, but when something happened, I could take advantage of it. When Zuo Jun ran to ask the Qiang people for help, I secretly helped him. Anyway, King Hongfa is a reckless man, and it will be useless to leave him alone."

Xu Chu stood up, cupped his hands and said, "I'll look at each other with admiration after three days of separation. Military Advisor Wang has indeed exceeded my expectations."

Wang Dian forced out a smile again, "Mr. Xu is too polite. Although I was not around when I was guarding the Eastern Capital, I learned a lot from watching Mr. Xu's many tricks from a distance. Mr. Xu can be regarded as my master."

"Don't dare to take it seriously."

"In short, the Hundred-Eyed King should be able to gain a foothold in Liangzhou before winter. Liangzhou is remote, and as long as you show obedience, you can temporarily avoid the He Rong people's offensive. When spring comes next year, the Yang family's territory in Liangzhou will be swept away. The remnants will rest and recuperate from now on, recruit troops and buy horses, wait and see the general trend of Kyushu, and choose the opportunity to act."

"The King of Hundred Eyes wants food for the army to prepare for next spring?"

"Well, if the Yang family loses half of Liangzhou, they will have to fight hard, so the more food we can hoard here, the better."

Xu Chu was silent again, and after a long time he said: "After getting the food, what will the Gong Army soldiers do?"

"The King of Hundred Eyes wants to occupy Liangzhou. The more troops the better, there won't be too many."

"What will the Qiang people do after they get cold?"

"The Qiang people are another Zuo Jun. I promised them to take revenge on the Yang family and give them several small border towns. If they can continue to be used by me, that would be great. If not, it doesn't matter. There are many Qiang people's valleys and villages. If a temporary alliance is formed for revenge, it will definitely fall apart, which is easy to deal with. "

"You are from Wu, but you are very familiar with the situation in Liangzhou."

"The person who is familiar with the situation is actually the King of Hundred Eyes. I just offered a few tips."

Xu Chu smiled and looked around, "Why not ask the Hundred-Eyed King to speak for himself?"

Wang Dian raised his hand and rubbed his face gently twice, "The King of Hundred Eyes doesn't like to be rejected continuously. He doesn't want to show up until he understands Mr. Xu's true intention."

Xu Chu was silent for a longer time, "Liangzhou is not as good as Hanzhou. Go to Liangzhou to take refuge. Once you are stable, it will be difficult to come out. You will end up being a victim of others. Although Hanzhou is in chaos, it is a must-win place for those who aspire to the throne."

"Mr. Xu still hasn't forgotten to aspire for the title?"

"I never forgot, I just asked in a different way."

Wang Dian laughed so hard that his face hurt, so he raised his hand and rubbed it gently, "Mr. Xu wants to go to Hanzhou. King Bai Mu will be very sorry, but he will not force him to stay. Please also ask Mr. Xu not to delay King Bai Mu's plan."

"I..." Xu Chu was almost convinced. Wang Dian's past identity and the comprehensive plan made it difficult for Xu Chu to refuse. However, when the words came to his lips, he temporarily changed his mind and decided to stick to the old plan. "The Chanyu will not allow changes in Liangzhou."

"There is always a way to convince Shanyu that the Hundred-Eyed King has no intention of competing with the He Rong people, and that the Hanzhou World Army is more reliable than the Yang family."

"Give me ten days and let me wait and see how the situation changes."

"Since Mr. Xu insists... I'll go and tell King Bai Mu that I'll give you ten days. Alas, Mr. Xu's ambition to win the title has not changed, and his original hesitation has not changed either. If this continues, it will be difficult to achieve anything big in the end."

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