Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 413 Risky Move

Long before Xu Chu changed his surname, he didn't have much family ties with the Lou family. After a series of changes, he was even more resented by his brothers, and Lou Yu was no exception.

The Advent Army wanted to escape, but the news it brought was quite confusing. It was still unclear who the new Mu Shou of Hanzhou was. Xu Chu asked Qiu Wuye to send someone to find out the details.

Chang Yan volunteered and was willing to accompany him to Hanzhou. "I've been here for too long and I need to stretch my muscles. I used to be worried about the young master alone, but now that I have Lao Duan with me, I can do something more useful."

"Old Duan" is not old, but he has suffered too much and looks older. He has never been a good soldier. Every time there is a battle, he is always one of the first to throw away his weapons and retreat. But he is a good servant. This is something he has done since he was a child. He is familiar with the road and can take good care of his master.

Chang Yan is more relaxed than before.

He and more than a dozen soldiers who were familiar with the route set out that day and agreed to return within ten days.

Xu Chu's top priority was not the situation in Hanzhou, but the coalition forces of the kings of heaven that were approaching.

Xu Dashi, the King of Hundred Eyes, obviously did not regard Xu Chu as his "family", and sent a stern message: "Xu Chu, my son, uses his words to stir up trouble and sow discord. He deserves death. The leaders in Brother Gong's army deserve to die." Listen, the disputes between our Hanzhou World Army are also the affairs of us Hanzhou people. It has nothing to do with outsiders, and no outsiders are allowed to interfere. Cut off Xu Chu’s head to apologize to the heavenly kings, venerables, and gods, otherwise, the body monster brothers will turn their backs on me.”

Xu Chu didn't do anything, but Qiu Wuye and others were furious, "Brother Qiu was killed, but we were at fault? What kind of bullshit brothers are you interested in the food that Brother Qiu has worked so hard to save? Go back and tell Xu Laizi, yes If you have the ability, come and grab it, if you don’t have the ability, just stay away!”

Seeing that everyone was angry, the person who delivered the message smiled and said: "Brothers, don't be angry with me. I am just a messenger. I have recited it several times and will be punished if I make a mistake. Actually, let me tell you, there is more to this matter. There is room for negotiation. We have all saved some food, and it is not yours. But no matter what, you have to deal with Xu Chu first, and then send the gifts to Fu Mo and Ku Mie out of the city, so that everyone can sit down and calm down. Talk."

"What are you talking about?" Qiu Wuye asked coldly. The old king is dead and the new leader is not in charge. He is the highest-ranking leader in the army.

"There are many things to talk about, such as the election of a new King of Divine Movement, where you will go, such as..."

"Bah, we have a place to go. You don't have to worry about it. Stop using nice words and fight if you want. We can hold it."

The messenger took his leave, and the ringleaders immediately began to quarrel.

The matter was of great importance, and some small leaders were also called to participate in the discussion. Fifty or sixty people gathered together, and they started to quarrel without saying a few words.

Xu Chu sat aside and didn't speak much. He listened quietly, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

A big boss didn't like him, strode over, stood next to Xu Chu, pointed at him and said: "Look, you all open your eyes and take a look, can such a pretty boy be our big boss? You hear me?" He didn't even dare to say anything about Baimu Tianwang's cruel words. And look, what the hell place did he take us to? Sanguan is worse than the pigsty my family used to have, and we can't hold it at all. He said he wants to go back to Hanzhou. , when the Hundred-Eyed King comes, we will all die here."

Xu Chu still didn't speak. Naturally, there were people who supported him. Qiu Wuye was the most important one. "What should you do? Stay in that ghost town and wait for death? Or should you hand over all the food and grass and starve slowly?" die?"

"The Ghost City will definitely not wait, but I don't think the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King will necessarily seize our food. He has many soldiers and generals. Among all the new armies, he is the strongest. He must have grabbed a lot of food and grass..."

Qiu Wuye sneered, "Didn't we rob it? Everyone has seen what Qinzhou looks like. There are not many villages along the way, and all the towns are deserted. The food looted from the city can only be used by the entire army for a few days. The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King has the ability to dig out food from the cracks of rocks? What's more, Xijing has been occupied by the He Rong people, and the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King doesn't dare to go there. He only dares to pick some small cities and break them. You don't have to attack them. Think about it, Du Gousan killed Brother Gong for food, and Xu Laizi must have come here for the same reason."

These words touched the hearts of many people, and someone smashed the table and said: "Without food, you will die. This food was saved by Brother Gong and us frugally, and we cannot hand over a single grain. Let Xu Laizi do it." , fight to the death, I would rather die in battle than starve to death, big boss, please speak!"

Everyone looked over. Xu Chu cleared his throat and said, "The food must be kept."

Everyone nodded, as if the problem had been solved.

Xu Chu added: "But it's best not to fight. Surrounded by violence and chaos, if the Advent Army fights first, it won't be worth the loss."

Everyone was confused again. Mr. Qiu Wu said: "Mr. Xu, you don't know who Xu Laizi is. His name is Bai Mu Tianwang. It originally means that he sees people and things clearly and nothing can be hidden from his eyes." In order to better suit his name, he actually gouged out the eyes of a hundred people, half of the left eyes and half of the right eyes, and sewed them on a flag, saying that they could ward off evil spirits and avoid ghosts. Whoever he wanted to hit, he would definitely hit them. Will not give up easily.”

The leaders had just been thinking about how to save food. After this reminder, they remembered the ferocity and viciousness of the Hundred-Eyed King. They couldn't help but show fear, vacillating between death in battle and death by starvation.

"How many people does he have?" Xu Chu asked.

Qiu Wuye looked at the other leaders, but when no one answered, he said: "When he was in Hanzhou, he had at least 20,000 people, but now he can only have more than less. With the soldiers of Du Gousan and others, There must be...50,000 people."

The expressions of the leaders are even darker. The number of enemies is seven or eight times that of our own, and the city is in a dilapidated state. There is no reason to win this battle no matter what.

Xu Chu was the only one whose expression remained calm. He glanced at everyone and said, "I have an idea. It is a dangerous move. It will only be effective if you all cooperate fully."

"Cooperate, we will cooperate fully." The leaders responded in a hurry.

"If you have any different ideas, please speak up. Don't change your mind midway. It will kill me and the whole army."

"Who has it? You?" Qiu Wuye glared at Xu Chu one by one, and everyone who saw them shook their heads.

Xu Chu was still pondering, and Wuye Qiu said: "Everyone kneels down and swears on the head of Maitreya Buddha, the spirit of the descended king in heaven, and Brother Gong that you will obey Mr. Xu's orders. Anyone who dares to have different intentions will be chopped into pieces And die."

Gong Fan's body was buried in Sang City, and his head was placed in a box, covered with lime, and carried by one of his nephews. Whenever there was a meeting, it was always placed on the table to supervise the old department.

Everyone knelt down facing the wooden box and swore poisonous oaths. Xu Chu stepped aside. After everyone had sworn, he cupped his hands and said, "Now that you have such trust, I have no hesitation anymore."

This time, he no longer relied on Qiu Wuye to pass the order, but said directly: "The first thing is to put back Mu Tianzi, the king of suffering."

Everyone was stunned, and Qiu Wuye said: "Why...why? If you keep him in your hands, you can also use it to blackmail Emperor Mu's subordinates."

"This is called courtesy first, then attack. Anyway, there are many enemy soldiers, so we don't care if there are more Emperor Mu." Xu Chu said with a smile, he had other plans in mind, but he didn't want to say it out loud.

"Okay... okay." Qiu Wuye reluctantly nodded in agreement. Everyone had sworn a poisonous oath, so they could only nod.

"The second thing is to keep enough food for five days. The remaining food will be transported to the plank road and stopped at a dangerous place facing the deep valley."

Although the first one was unexpected, it was at least understandable, but the second one was hard for everyone to accept, especially as it related to the extremely precious grain reserves.

"Why is this? The plank road is already difficult to walk. It took a lot of trouble to transport the food here. Now it has to be transported back, and it has to be stopped at a dangerous place - what if it falls? Even if it only falls once Bags are also a loss," Qiu Wuye said sadly. Like Gong Fan, he was reluctant to waste food.

This second thing was the core of Xu Chu's plan. He stood up and said seriously: "As you said, the Hundred-Eyed King is ruthless, and he has united all the new armies. He has many people and is overwhelming. If we fight head-on, we will be defeated." undoubtedly."

Everyone nodded, and someone said: "That's why I asked Mr. Xu to come up with an idea."

"My idea is that if we survive, we will survive together, and if we die, we will die together."

Everyone was still puzzled, Xu Chu continued: "What the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King covets is nothing more than the grain accumulated by Brother Gong. Let's put the food in danger, and then send people to negotiate with the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King: If he attacks the city, Let's destroy all the food and let him fight in vain without harvesting anything. If he retreats, we can give him some..."

The ringleaders expressed their dissatisfaction in unison.

When the noise subsided, Xu Chu said: "Just a little thing, such as a car, will make Baimu Tianwang look good, and it will not affect our winter. It is better than fighting with swords and losing both sides."

The leaders looked at each other, and it was Qiu Wuye who gritted his teeth and said: "One car at most, no more, it's best not to give it."

"So everyone agrees with my move?"

Xu Chu's idea was too risky when he first heard it. After thinking about it carefully, the leaders felt that this might be the only way out, so they nodded one after another. Someone said: "Why transport the food to a dangerous place? If you stay in the city, just say you want a handful Burning it with fire can also scare the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King, wouldn’t it be easier?”

Xu Chu shook his head, "The food is placed in the city. Setting fire to it is just an empty threat. King Bai Mu may not be willing to believe it. Only by transporting the food away can we show our determination."

"What if King Baimu just doesn't believe it..."

"The Hundred-Eyed King has more soldiers than food, and he will never add more people. If he doesn't believe it, we will definitely die. Are you willing to leave the food to outsiders? Or are you willing to push it into the deep valley and bury us together?"

"Be buried with him, and he will be a ghost after death." Everyone said immediately.

"Those who guard the food must be determined. When ordered to do so, they must abandon the food without any hesitation. This person must be recommended by everyone," Xu Chu said.

The leaders quickly introduced three people, who led the troops to transport and guard the food, waiting for orders from the city.

"Someone has to go to negotiate, not only to frighten the Hundred-Eyed King, so that he does not dare to use force easily, but also not to offend him too much, lest he really wants to die."

After all, this was the most difficult thing. The leaders looked at each other and felt that no one was suitable.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "This is my idea. If no one can go, let me go. There is only one thing. Please remember the oath you just swore. If anyone shows the slightest bit of weakness, he will even fight with the Hundred-Eyed King. If they collude secretly, I will be the first to die, and everyone will follow, and the betrayer will not have a good outcome. The Hundred-Eyed King will definitely dig out his eyes to warn his subordinates. "

No one competed with Xu Chu, and the leaders once again issued a poisonous oath, entrusting the safety of the entire army to him alone.

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