Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 411: Food Storage

(Thanks to the readers of the "Just Book Review Wisdom Fan Support Club" for the red tip.)

Xu Chu's first order was to avenge Gong Fan. Before dozens of his "subordinates" understood what was going on, the people on the opposite side took action first.

Du Gousan was furious. Unfortunately, he did not bring his long sword with him on this trip. He pulled out the sword from the waist of a soldier and shouted: "Come here if you are not afraid of death. I just haven't had enough killing!"

Du Gousan was famous for his bravery in the new army. With a shout, he scared Gong Fan's soldiers back a few steps, leaving Xu Chu alone.

"You ungrateful and capricious villain, come on, let me show you what revenge is!" Du Gousan strode forward and went straight to Xu Chu. Yan Peiying and Mu Tianzi led people to escort him back.

Gong Fan's death did not make his subordinates share the same hatred. Xu Chu knew that he had made a mistake. These people were not real soldiers. Not long ago, they were ordinary people. Their families had no food and no way to survive, so they had to fight. The banner of the World Army has neither faith nor ambition.

They just want to eat.

Xu Chu did not look back at the aggressive three heavenly kings, nor did he flee among the demoralized Gong Fan soldiers. Instead, he stood on the spot and said, "The first thing the three heavenly kings will do when they capture Sang City is to divide yours." All the food is stored. How will you survive this winter without any friends or help? The three kings have many soldiers and you don’t have enough food..."

Before he could finish speaking, the veteran suddenly pulled out his knife and said loudly: "No one can take away our food. Revenge for Brother Gong!"

Fifty or sixty soldiers rushed towards the enemy.

Du Gousan refused to accept it and brandished his sword to fight. However, Emperor Mu behind him knew that something was wrong and hurriedly defended himself: "Don't be deceived by villains. We are all descendants of the World Army. We will not rob you of food and grass..." "

Du Gousan was a reckless man, and he couldn't bear anyone resisting him. He said angrily: "I'll just rob you. Not only will I rob food, but I will also rob you trash..."

The crowd came, Du Gousan swung his sword and chopped down one of them first. Although he was short in stature, he was very strong. His single sword was not as powerful as his long spear.

At this point, Emperor Mu was unable to save anything, so he had to get a single sword from his own soldiers and said loudly: "Kill Xu Chu, kill Xu Chu first!"

Xu Chu was unarmed and could only stand on the outside, relying on the protection of Gong Jun soldiers. He soon discovered that the situation was unfavorable. Although there were more people on his side, there was no strong general to take the lead, so the fight was relatively scattered. After two companions fell, each of them Out of fear, they retreat instead of advancing. As for protecting the "new leader", no one has the enthusiasm.

Fortunately, the courtyard is not too big. Fifty or sixty people are enough to form a defense line, making it impossible for the three kings to break through.

Xu Chu could only use words to encourage: "If you lose this battle, not only will your food be taken away, but also your wives and children. They will all become slaves of others, without food or clothing... "

These people were all members of the Hanzhou World Army. They knew each other well, and of course they knew what would happen to them after their defeat. After Xu Chu reminded them, the morale of Gong's army rose again. The soldiers were forced to retreat a few steps.

But it was only a few steps, and the two sides fought in a melee, with no winner or loser at the moment.

Suddenly someone shouted at the door: "What's going on? Why did the fight start? Where is Brother Gong?"

The others were busy fighting and could not reply clearly. Only Xu Chu did not join the battle group and said loudly: "Brother Gong was killed by Du Gousan and others. They also want to rob the city of food. Everyone must give..."

The word "save food" is like a spell. The new arrivals immediately roared and shouted "revenge", thinking only of food.

This was a group of Gong Fan soldiers. They had heard the shouting in the mansion a long time ago and couldn't bear it any longer before they came over to check on the situation.

Gong Jun's side received strong reinforcements, several times more than the three kings, and quickly gained the upper hand.

Emperor Mu and Yan Peiying fought and fled, and retreated to the official hall. Only Du Gousan became more and more brave as he fought, brandishing a knife in his hand, and cursed Xu Chu, Gong Fan, the enemies around him, and even others. Two heavenly kings.

Until he was chopped down by a random blade, Du Gousan still refused to shut up, "You all have to be buried with me, no one will survive this winter..."

The soldiers stabbed and chopped at random. Du Gousan was reduced to a bloody man and finally could not make a sound.

There were more than a dozen corpses lying across the courtyard. Yan Peiying and Mu Tianzi had led people back into the official hall and refused to guard them behind closed doors.

Gong Fan's soldiers were furious, and some of them went to knock on the door. A few others found Xu Chu, "There is another one here!"

The old soldier and two of Gong Fan's relatives hurriedly stopped him: "Wait a minute, this is our new leader!"

The late arrivals didn't know why, and the veteran explained: "This city is indeed ominous. Brother Gong was brutally killed one day after entering the city. Whoever is the guard will suffer disaster in the future. No one else dares to touch this bad luck. Only Mr. Xu Cuxu Come forward and be willing to be the leader for a while and lead us out of here."

Rumors about Chi Youtou had already spread throughout the army, and everyone turned from anger to respect and bowed to the man in the shadow of the wall.

Xu Chu stood still, not only to maintain mystery, but also to avoid accidents. "After leaving Sang City, I will immediately hand over my position as leader, and you will choose someone else."

This sentence made everyone feel more at ease. Someone shouted: "Kill Du Gousan, there are still two heavenly kings left. Kill them together to avenge Brother Gong."

Xu Chu stayed out of the incident, and the soldiers first put away Gong Fan's head, but the attack on the officers and soldiers was not successful. For a while, they could not get in, and the people inside refused to come out.

The veteran came to Xu Chu and said, "Since Mr. Xu is the leader, he should give orders to stop the chaos."

"I am an outsider and the temporary leader. I am afraid no one will listen to what I say."

The veteran said: "Brother Gong was killed. I think I still have some prestige. Please give the order to Mr. Xu. I will pass the order and everyone will naturally obey."

"Okay, you're welcome then. What's your name?"

"My surname is Qiu, and my name is Xing Wu. Mr. Xu can just call me 'Lao Wu'."

"Fifth Master Qiu." Xu Chu handed over his hand and remembered someone calling him that.

"I don't dare to take it seriously. Please give the order, Mr. Xu."

"The two heavenly kings are trapped here and cannot escape. There is no need to rush to attack. Please ask the fifth master to quickly summon the entire army to surround the guest army brought by Du Gou San and others to avoid accidents."

Qiu Wuye slapped his forehead and said, "No, we are all confused."

"Just surround them without attacking them. Just ask them to hand over their weapons. I have two followers in the guest camp. I want to bring these two people safely."

"Yes." Qiu Wuye immediately called several petty leaders and issued an order on the spot, asking them to go and carry it out. He then ordered the soldiers in the courtyard to stop their unnecessary attacks and surround the official hall.

The people in the hall noticed the change, and Yan Peiying said loudly: "The person who killed Brother Gong is Du Gousan. It has nothing to do with us. Everyone has a misunderstanding. Please come over and listen to our explanation."

Xu Chu was not in a hurry to hear the explanation, "Please Qiu Wuye convene the military leaders to discuss matters together and determine where to go as soon as possible so that we can leave the city as soon as possible."

Qiu Wuye nodded repeatedly and took Xu Chu to a nearby room to wait.

There are more than 7,000 Gong soldiers, and more than 5,000 soldiers. The rest are the families of the soldiers, 20 big bosses, and more than 100 small bosses. Those who came to discuss the matter are all big bosses. They have heard about what happened here. They were both shocked and saddened by what happened. Several people went to set fire to the two heavenly kings who were hiding in the official hall, but they were all stopped by Qiu Wuye.

"As the saying goes, once a teacher is always a father, let alone a big boss? Even if Mr. Xu only serves as the Divine King for a day, we must obey his instructions. If he stops doing this in the future, we must address him with respect when we see him again." King of Heaven, kneel down and salute.”

Not everyone is willing to accept this new king, but when they think of the "black air" above their heads and the "Chi You head" buried somewhere under their feet, they don't dare to compete for this position, and they all express their approval.

The big bosses didn't mean what they said. Xu Chu saw it and didn't point it out. He said with a smile: "I will hold on to the position of leader for the time being. I must seize the army created by Brother Gong. Therefore, I will never dare to claim the title of 'Shenxing Tianwang'" , it is enough for you to call me 'Mr. Xu'."

Everyone was polite again, just as Chang Yan and Duan Siyong were sent over. The two people never figured out the whole story. Seeing the young master talking in front of a group of big bosses, they couldn't help being surprised and admired, and quietly stood aside to wait.

When the big bosses asked for advice, Xu Chu kept his duty and only said to leave Sangcheng as soon as possible, but did not say where he was going. "Brother Gong led you into Qinzhou. He must have a long-term plan. I will lead the troops out of the city, and you will choose The new king, just carry out the original plan.”

The big bosses looked at each other, and finally it was Qiu Wuye who spoke, "Including Brother Gong, this is our first time in Qinzhou. We can't even tell the difference between the east, the west, and the north. How can we have any long-term plan? We are really beaten by Hanzhou soldiers. He and the Yizhou soldiers were forced to go north, thinking about finding some food and hiding in a city for a while, who would have thought that they would choose such a ghost place. "

"The matter has come to an end. There is no point in regretting. You are all big bosses and we are just discussing a place to go."

Everyone asked the new leader to make the decision, but Xu Chu refused.

Qiu Wuye asked again how to deal with the two kings and the six to seven hundred guest soldiers. Xu Chu also believed that the situation was stable and refused to make any further ideas, leaving the big bosses to discuss on their own.

No one can do anything but you and I can express our opinions one by one.

Xu Chu took the opportunity to walk aside, waved to Chang Yan and Duan Siyong, and asked in a low voice: "The guest army didn't resist?"

"How dare you? You surrendered immediately. What happened? Master, why..." Chang Yan still doesn't understand.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "We will elaborate more later."

"Young Master has always wanted to persuade the World Army to return to Hanzhou. Why don't you use such a good opportunity?" Chang Yan asked in a very low voice.

"Wait a little longer." Xu Chu said the same thing. He wanted to wait for these people to think of going home.

The big bosses argued for half an hour, but couldn't come up with an idea. Qiu Wuye said loudly: "I think it's better to forget it. None of us can be the master of the family. Let's ask Mr. Xu to take charge."

Everyone was tired of fighting and eager to leave the ominous city. They nodded one after another and handed over to Xu Chu, asking him to make a decision and swearing not to disobey orders.

Xu Chu then stepped forward and said, "I don't have any better ideas, but I heard that several big bosses want to return to their hometown in Hanzhou, and I think it's feasible."

"But Hanzhou soldiers and Yizhou soldiers are extremely powerful. We just couldn't defeat them, so we went to Qinzhou..." Someone raised an objection.

Xu Chu had already prepared, "Please retreat to Sanguan first and move forward and retreat freely before making the next step. I guarantee with my life that if I can't find a way to defeat the enemy, I will never lead the World Army into death."

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