While Zuo Jun was going on a killing spree in the hall, the Qiang soldiers outside were not idle either. They massacred nearly a thousand prisoners of the Avatar Army, and more than half of them were killed. The corpses were piled on the side of the road outside the village, so that passers-by could see them. Remember The consequences of attacking Zuojiazhai.

The avenue was deserted, and unless someone didn't know better, no pedestrians would pass by for a while.

Zuo Jun collected the corpses of his family members, buried them separately, cried bitterly, summoned the few remaining men in the village, less than a hundred people in total, and reorganized them into the Zuo family army. He found flags, gongs and drums and other items, and prepared to lead the Qiang People mix into Liangzhou.

Lao Ding was not killed. As a price, this time he wanted to betray not a certain person but Liangzhou. He was willing to guide Zuo Jiajun and the Qiang people and call the gates, claiming to know the gatekeepers of all the cities in Liangzhou.

Lao Ding often sent letters back and forth, and Zuo Jun recognized his appearance and knew that this person could at least open the city gate at the border and leave a living person alive.

Although soldiers are expensive and fast, Zuo Jun decided to rest in the stronghold for a day and wait for the Qiang soldiers to arrive later. Since he was going to attack Liangzhou, he must have sufficient troops.

It was approaching noon that Zuo Jun remembered the two unexpected "prisoners".

Zuo Jun didn't want to enter any more houses, so he set up a table to eat at the edge of the village. From here through the fence, he could just see the corpses piled high.

He invited Xu Chu to the table. After eating, he said, "Where are you from?"


"In this prosperous place, if it weren't for the chaos in the world and what happened in my family, I would probably go to the Eastern Capital this year - to go with Qinzhou Mu Shou. As usual, our family will have an attendant military attaché. This year it will be It’s my turn. Hey, thanks to the gangsters, there was no Mu Shou in Qinzhou a few years ago.”

"The Eastern Capital is no longer prosperous and there is nothing to see." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"You don't look like an ordinary person. Whose family are you from? Although the Zuo family has a low official position, they know a few powerful people in the Eastern Capital."

Xu Chu smiled and said nothing. This was the topic he least wanted to talk about.

Zuo Jun was extremely interested, "The deputy director of the Arsenal Department of the Ministry of War is named Xu. Is he from your family? He is very familiar with my father."

Xu Chu shook his head and replied: "My surname was Lou in the past, and then I took my mother's surname of Xu."

"Your surname is Lou? Are you... the general's descendant?"

Xu Chu nodded.

Zuo Jun became more and more interested, "Your Lou family is everyone."

"Now it's gone."


"After the death of the general, the Lou family has no one to support them, and their descendants are scattered in all directions, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead."

Zuo Jun sighed, "As a general, you also..." He pointed to the pile of corpses outside, with hatred suddenly showing on his face, "But bandits like these killed my family for no reason, and this is an irreconcilable hatred. The Qiang people from all over the country will gather tonight, and tomorrow morning they will kill all the remaining bandits, one for revenge, and the other for flag sacrifice."

"Do you really want to lead the Qiang soldiers to attack Liangzhou?" Xu Chu asked.

"Of course, the Qiang people will help me take revenge. I will help them attack Liangzhou. This is what we have agreed to do. A man can't break his promise." Surrounded by soldiers from Zuojiazhai, Zuo Jun could speak out his strategy without hesitation. The word "Qiang" has a derogatory connotation.

"When the Qiang people enter Liang, many families will be destroyed and people will die."

Zuo Jun laughed, "Look at the state of Zuojiazhai. The survivors are less than half, and everyone is humiliated..." Veins popped up on Zuo Jun's face, "Do you think we will care about other people's affairs? Since it is chaos, then It’s just a matter of chaos. The gangster is from a humble background, but he can still act arbitrarily and call himself the ‘King of Heaven’, but my Zuo family is restrained and can’t show its ambition? Isn’t this the case in the world?”

"There are many old, weak, women and children left in the village. You cannot take them to Liangzhou. Staying in the village will kill them."

Zuo Jun looked at the pile of corpses outside again, "Who dares to come again? The Avatar Army is a ragtag group with no definite subordinates. I have wiped them out in one fell swoop. No one will avenge him."

"Someone is coming for me."

"For you?"

"The Advent Army believed the rumors and thought it was me who forced their leader, Xiong Di, to die, so they vowed to kill me for revenge. The one who wins my head will be the new leader."

Zuo Jun looked at Xu Chu again.

"But you must first be the leader of the World Army, outsiders are not allowed." Xu Chu reminded.

"Hey, even if the gangsters come to my door, I don't want it... No, I want it. The first thing I want is to kill them all."

"You yourself said that the Incarnation Army is a ragtag group of people who don't belong to each other. The one who will destroy your whole family is one, not others."

"The chaos in the world is caused by bandits. Although they did not kill my Zuo family, they are also accomplices."

Xu Chu sighed softly.

Zuo Jun sneered: "After all, don't you just want me to let you go to avoid the gangsters' revenge?"

"That's what it means."

"The bandit wants to kill you, and the Chanyu offers a reward for your capture. How do you manage to offend both parties at the same time?"

"Accidentally." Xu Chu laughed.

Zuo Jun stared at him without speaking, still not making a final decision in his heart.

A group of Qiang people came from a distance, and Zuo Jun immediately stood up to greet them.

The leader of the Qiang soldiers arrived. He was an old man in his fifties or sixties. He had a high nose that immediately left an impression on people. It was like a tree, casting shadows on his face. Ruthless bird of prey.

Zuo Jun said a few words to the leader of the Qiang soldiers, turned around and pointed at Xu Chu, and then the two walked together. Zuo Jun introduced: "This is King Xu Qiu jointly promoted by the 67 valleys and villages of the Qiang people. "

"I'm sorry." Xu Chu stood up and said, cupping his hands.

Xu Qiu looked at him and said directly to Zuo Jun: "Give him to Shanyu."

"We have no dealings with the Chanyu, and we are not greedy for his thousands of taels of silver. This man..."

Xu Qiu shook his head, "Hand him over to the Chanyu's soldiers, and then spread the news, let the bandits seek revenge on him, and we can attack Liangzhou with peace of mind."

Zuo Jun suddenly realized, "Great King, great plan."

Xu Qiu led his men away.

Xu Chu was not familiar with this "Great King" at all, and did not understand the Qiang people's strategy, so he had nothing to say and could only watch Xu Qiu go away.

Zuo Jun said: "Let's go, it is said that there is a team of He Rong cavalry dozens of miles away, I will hand you over to them."

"Can you take my luggage with you?" Xu Chu smiled, at least leave the Qiang people first, and then think about the next plan.


Chang Yanzhi went to find the luggage, and the things inside were all there before his subordinates had time to divide it up.

The Qiang people did not want to get involved in the outside affairs, so Zuo Jun led dozens of their own soldiers to escort Xu Chu to find the He Rong people, and agreed to return to the camp before dawn tomorrow, so as not to delay the attack on Liangzhou.

Along the way, Xu Chu mentioned Dongdu several times, but Zuo Jun was unmoved.

At dusk, the soldiers who were gathering information in front came back on horseback, saying that there was a small camp not far ahead, and the flags looked like He Rong people from a distance.

Zuo Jun pulled the reins and said to Xu Chu: "You are originally from the Lou family, you should not suffer such hardships, but the general is dead, and the world is in such chaos, there are no rules anymore. I will give you to He Rong people, and then find bandits to kill you. How to survive in the cracks depends on your ability. If we can meet again in the future, I will pay homage to you."

"Even for your 'worship', I have to work hard to survive."

"Hey. I don't want to see He Rong people, you go with them."

More than ten soldiers came out and escorted Xu Chu and Chang Yanzhi to continue moving forward.

Chang Yanzhi whispered, "Sir... can't I say something to him?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "His family was destroyed, his revenge was taken, and he was involved in the dispute between Qiang and Di. The 'gap' that Zuo Jun is in is narrower and more dangerous than mine. If he can make room for a space in the future, he will be quite persuasive."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until then." Chang Yanzhi couldn't think of any other way to escape from danger.

"As long as Ma Touqing didn't open the secret letter from the Chanyu, we still have a chance." Xu Chu smiled.

Ma Touqing and others were stationed in that camp. When Xu Chu didn't see him, he immediately turned around and chased after them. After being reminded by someone, he felt that there was a trick and it seemed to be related to Yang Meng's army. He also guessed that Xu Chu must surrender to the Golden Saint Girl, so he chased all the way and caught up with the Liangzhou army.

Yang Meng's army swore and allowed He Rong's people to search the entire army. In the end, Ma Touqing apologized embarrassedly and chased south again, privately issuing a reward in the name of the Chanyu.

But he no longer had much hope of finding Xu Chu again, thinking that Xu Chu must have hidden himself after several days, and he was unfamiliar with the place and had no place to find him.

Hearing that someone had really sent Xu Chu here, Ma Touqing was shocked, rushed out of the tent, ran outside the camp to check, and saw Xu Chu's figure from a distance. He couldn't help but jump and dance in public, shouting and yelling.

Xu Chu shouted: "I'm back again, where has Ma Hou been these days..."

Chang Yanzhi whispered: "He doesn't understand the Central Plains dialect."

"I almost forgot." Xu Chu laughed.

Ma Touqing ran over, grabbed Xu Chu's collar with both hands, and said a series of words, spitting.

Xu Chu raised his hand to cover his face, and finally a guide came and interrupted: "Ma Touqing said you deserve to die."

The guide was left by Yang Mengjun for He Rongren. He didn't know the relationship between his boss and Xu Chu, so he didn't care about Xu Chu's life or death.

"Please tell Ma Touqing that he has offered a reward for my capture, but he hasn't paid the money yet."

The guide was stunned, and actually conveyed this sentence.

Ma Touqing let go of Xu Chu and said something to the soldiers of the Zuo family again.

The guide said: "The He Rong people asked you whose soldiers you are?"

A soldier replied: "Unowned soldiers, we will leave if we get the money, and we will leave if you don't."

The guide translated, and Ma Touqing laughed and asked someone to carry out the silver and give it to the soldiers. He personally escorted Xu Chu into the camp, asked for a rope to tie the arms of the two men behind their backs, and took them into his tent. This time he would watch them carefully.

"He didn't open the letter." Chang Yanzhi whispered. Although the Shanyu's letter asked the King of Liang to kill people, if Ma Touqing saw it, he would probably take action before waiting for Liangzhou.

Ma Touqing was filled with righteous indignation. He sat on the blanket and talked and gestured to Xu Chu for nearly an hour. It was not until late at night that he fell asleep. The other end of the rope was tied around his waist. As long as the other two moved, he would notice it.

Ma Touqing was relaxed and fell asleep quickly, but Xu Chu and Chang Yanzhi couldn't sleep.

"Young Master." Chang Yanzhi said in a very low voice.


"When will it end? Will there be more unfortunate things happening?"



Just as Xu Chu said, the next morning, before He Rongren left, "unfortunate things" happened.

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