Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 4 Playing the Flute

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"The imprisoned people like us will only die in the Tiancheng Dynasty, sooner or later." Ma Wei needed to persuade the floor today, opening his arms and pointing to the sparsely furnished room, "Even the Emperor of the Liang Dynasty should not How? The decline is like this, and my brother Chu is the son of the general and is trapped in the pool."

"Thirty-three years after the fall of Daliang, the emperor at that time was my grandfather. To be fair, he was a foolish emperor. The country's subjugation was inevitable, but Daliang should not have died in the hands of the Zhang family."

When today's surname was Zhang, Ma Wei gritted his teeth when he mentioned this surname, "Zhang Xi was originally General Daliang... Hey, you know all these things, what do you mean by it? Not many people remember Daliang anymore, but you, the loyal ministers of the Wu Kingdom There are endless heroes..."

"Our Wu country?" Lou Chu felt a little funny.

Ma Wei said seriously: "Brother Chu, don't you think you are from Wu?"

Lou Chu recalled a scene many years ago. The woman who was said to be his biological mother claimed that he was from the Wu Kingdom, with a proud and sad tone. The longer the time passed, the more vivid the impression became.

"I have never seen Wu people. I only occasionally heard that Wu people are causing trouble."

"Occasionally? So far, our dynasty still has 100,000 troops stationed in Wuzhou, east of the Yangtze River. The reason why the emperor canceled this trip to Jizhou is because the person he is most afraid of is not the thieves from Qin and Bingzhou, but the unstable people in Wu."

"Brother Ma invited me because my biological mother is from Wu?"

"Haha, of course not. Brother Chu, how long have we known each other?"

"It's been six years."

"It's been five years, nine months and seven days to this day." Ma Wei remembered it very clearly. "At that time, I was only twelve or thirteen years old. When I first entered the academy, I was laughed at. You replied, 'Wealth and glory, there are people. In the struggle, some people will keep it, and some people will lose it. You are struggling to keep it, but I am willing to fight for it, and I don’t want to keep my ancestral legacy in vain. From that time on, I knew that Brother Chu was definitely an ordinary person.”

Lou Chu couldn't help but laugh. He remembered the scene at that time, but he didn't expect anyone else to remember it. "Then I got a beating and was called 'Lou Zhengzhi' for half a year."

"That's right, Brother Chu would rather get beaten than apologize. How did you shut up those people later?"

Lou Chu smiled and said nothing. After Ma Wei asked again and again, he finally said: "I gave Zhou Lu a nickname. Everyone thought it was funny, so they forgot about 'Lou Zhengzhi'."

Ma Wei laughed, "So the origin of the 'black-haired dog' lies with you. Yes, he was one of the people who beat you."

"I didn't expect that this nickname would stick to this day."

"Because it's really appropriate. So you see, this is the reason why I invited my brother to participate in this important event."

Lou Chu's enthusiasm subsided and he drank in silence. Ma Wei didn't say much and kept silently with him. The two of them had a drink and one drink at a time. Gradually, Lou Chu was getting drunk. Lou Chu asked, "Brother Ma, do you have a plan?"

"It's not convenient to say anything more today. I will introduce someone to Brother Chu in two days and we will discuss it in detail. At least, Brother Chu will be convinced that although my plan is not perfect, it is by no means a whim."

The next day, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the school was on holiday. Lou Chu took his old servant to the General's Mansion early in the morning to receive the festival's "partitions", which were all daily necessities and a small amount of money, which was his main source of livelihood.

The old servant took the things home and went to the front yard to wait for arrangements as in previous years.

The Lou family arranges a grand family banquet every Mid-Autumn Festival night, but not everyone is eligible to attend, especially the adult children and grandchildren. The general does not allow them to have contact with his family members, even to take a look at it from a distance.

Sure enough, Lou Chu was still not selected this year. Like other brothers, he got a bottle of wine, drank a glass in public, and could take the rest away, which was considered as a father-son relationship.

General Lou Wen seemed to have forgotten his son again, which was a common thing for him.

The wine was good, so Lou wanted to stay and entertain the guests. In the evening, he remembered that he rarely had guests, and even his good friend Ma Wei rarely came to the house, so he asked the old servant to heat the dishes and drank the whole pot of wine, still wanting to finish it. , and he was dancing in the courtyard with his knife in his hand. He stopped and looked back at the bright moon. He could faintly hear the sound of silk and bamboo coming from the General's Mansion across the alley, and he couldn't help but feel emotional again.

There was a knock on the door outside. The old servant asked for leave to meet his drinking friends. There was no one else at home, so he went to open the door on his own.

"I guess brother Chu must be at home." Ma Wei held his hands in front of the door and smiled, bringing wine, meat, and a guest.

Ma Wei inherited his father's title, and although his family wealth was not huge, it was still better than having a family without a job, so he brought his own food and drink without forcing others to do anything for him.

The floor owner happened to be drunk, and after dancing with his knife, he felt thirsty in his throat. Seeing the wine, he hurriedly put away his knife and invited the guests to come in. "How can Brother Ma have leisure tonight? When did Brother Guo come back?"

The guest Ma Wei brought was surnamed Guo and named Shi Feng. He was older, in his late twenties and early twenties. He also studied in the Yuxue Academy. He graduated a few years ago and failed to find a position in Luoyang, so he traveled around the world. No news came for years.

Guo Shifeng was a little fatter than before, with a springy look on his face. He cupped his hands and said, "It's been a few years since we left Dongdu. At that time, the handsome young man has become a good young master today. Is my brother dancing at home and admiring the moon?"

The two of them were not familiar with each other before, but Guo Shifeng now referred to him as "little brother" without any hesitation.

Lou Chu put away his sword and said with a smile: "The flower sword moves are just for fun."

Ma Wei and Guo Shifeng didn't bring any servants with them. They brought food and wine into the house themselves and lit lamps on the floor.

Ma Wei looked around and asked, "Where's the old fool in your family?"

"He has a drinking buddy who won't be here tonight."

"Just right." Ma Wei put a few drinks and dishes on the table, pointed at Guo Shifeng and said: "He is the person I was talking about. We planned to meet again in a few days, but Brother Guo said, 'It's better to meet at a later date than to meet him later.'" See you soon, so we are here. Don’t blame me for taking the liberty of visiting.”

The three of them sat down and toasted to each other. Lou Chu did not mention the assassination, but Guo Shifeng spoke first: "Brother Chu, are you still hesitating? With the ungrateful king in power and the traitorous ministers in power, we will eradicate the single husband, not only to win our own fame, but also to Remove a great harm to the people of the world."

"I'm just afraid of being weak-minded."

"If we change another emperor and let the three of us assassinate him, we can't even think about it. But the current emperor is different. He is in the supreme position, but he has a humble heart. There are rumors-" Guo Shifeng lowered his voice, "Emperor From the year before last, I started to pay private visits incognito, and the frequency became more and more frequent. I would often not return to the palace for three to five days and stay in private houses at night. To kill this stupid king, one person and one sword are enough."

Lou Chi had heard the rumors and guessed that Ma Wei's plan must be based on this, so he said: "It's not that easy. Although His Majesty often leaves the palace privately, his whereabouts are secretive and no outsiders can know. How could there be such a coincidence inside and outside the capital?" Are you going to meet us? Even if we meet, the emperor will always have guards around him, and he will not be an opponent even with one sword."

"It depends on who it is and what kind of sword it is." Ma Wei interjected, with a very serious expression, "I happen to know a person who has the courage to be unstoppable, always has a generous ambition, and is willing to eliminate harm for the world, even if he dies. Don’t say goodbye.”

Lou Chu looked at Guo Shifeng, who waved his hands hurriedly, "It's not me. I don't even know how to use a flower knife."

"This man has always been elusive. When everything is settled, I will introduce him to Brother Chu and let you know that there is really someone in the world who can kill an enemy general among thousands of armies." Ma Wei said very confidently.

"Where is the emperor's whereabouts?" Lou Chu asked.

"You have to rely on Brother Chu for this matter." Ma Wei said with a smile.

"Me?" Lou Chi was very surprised.

"To be precise, it's the army in Zunxionglou."

"Third brother?" Lou Chu was surprised again. The third brother, Lou Jian, is the eldest son of the family. He is now a general in the Chinese army. He has a high position, but he is addicted to alcohol, does not know how to lead troops, and does not take care of things.

Guo Shifeng smiled and said: "Does the Lou family not care about brotherhood? Brother Chu doesn't seem to know much about brother Zun's affairs."

"My family has many brothers. I don't know when another one will be born. We don't have much contact with each other. The two of them expect me to get information from the general of the Chinese Army..." Lou Chu shut up, wondering if it was possible for him to gain the trust of his third brother.

"This is a very difficult matter, and it has to be done by Brother Chu." Ma Wei leaned over and said, "Brother Zun is very popular in the army. Every time the emperor leaves the palace, he always follows him."

"Really?" Lou Chu didn't believe it. The third brother, Lou Jian, was a drunkard and a womanizer. He was neither a civil servant nor a martial artist. He was old enough to be the emperor's father. He didn't look like a favorite at all.

Guo Shifeng said with a smile: "Brother Chu is a scholar. He doesn't hear what is going on outside the window. He doesn't even care about his own family's situation. It's very embarrassing to respect my brother. I heard about his name in Jiangdong. It is said that the emperor obeys his words. Since ancient times, the emperor has favored and trusted his ministers. , nothing better than Lou Zhongjun.”

Lou Chu thought for a while, "Okay, even if I can find out the whereabouts of the emperor, Brother Ma recognizes the assassin with strong swordsmanship, and everything will go well. What next? When the prince succeeds to the throne, he must track down the murderer. It seems that none of us can escape death."

Guo Shifeng patted his chest and said, "The three of us have made a plan, and I can still be of some use. Brother Chu, don't worry, the faint king dies suddenly, and the one who succeeds may not be the prince."

"Uncle King Guangling?" Lou Chi gave a guess.

The smile on Guo Shifeng's face froze, then quickly returned to normal, and he said sarcastically: "I spilled the beans."

Ma Wei smiled and said: "Don't mention Jiangdong if you want to keep it secret. Who in the world doesn't know that King Guangling is based in Stone City and leads a hundred thousand troops to guard the entire Wu Kingdom? When you come back from there, you will naturally serve as an adviser to King Guangling."

Guo Shifeng cupped his hands and said with a smile: "You two wise brothers have laughed at me and kept it a secret for me. If the news gets out, I will be embarrassed in front of King Guangling. Yes, once things are done here, King Guangling will immediately We raised troops in Stone City and marched to the Qing Dynasty. The prince is young, and who in the world does not want an older man to be the king?

Lou Chu glanced at Ma Wei, who said: "It's not just King Guangling who was misunderstood by the court."

Guo Shifeng immediately understood, "King Guangling has been stationed in Jiangdong for a long time and is deeply loved by the officials and people. After he ascends the throne, he still needs the help of the Wu people. Naturally, there will be no more restrictions. The talents of the five countries can show their talents in the new dynasty. Besides, , Brother Chu never thinks about his biological mother..."

Lou Chu waved his hands, unwilling to talk about his mother with outsiders, and asked: "Who is the traitor in the eyes of King Guangling?"

At this moment, the sound of silk and bamboo in the general's mansion suddenly sounded, mixed with faint laughter.

Guo Shifeng listened intently for a moment, "Everything must be reversed when it reaches its peak, and everything that goes up must go down. It is also called a great general. How long can the emperor tolerate the Lou family when he is suspicious? My respect, brother, is just a little delay. To be honest, there are traitors in the Lou family, but if I can stand up, I will not be able to stand up." If you do your best now, you will win the favor of the new emperor, and you will be able to keep your family safe in the future.”

"I can't guarantee that I will be able to get information from the Chinese general." Lou Chu said.

"Everything depends on people, and success depends on heaven. Brother Chu, just try your best." Guo Shifeng took out a piccolo from his sleeve and said with a smile: "The moon is high, I will play a song for these two worthy brothers."

Ma Wei held a chopstick in each hand and tapped it into knots on the wine glass. "I'd like to ask, my brother is not good at musical instruments. Can he dance with a knife to help the fun?"

Lou Chu knew that his swordsmanship was mediocre, but his ambition was high, so he did not refuse. He stood up, took the sword, opened the door, and danced with the sword in the courtyard.

The music in the general's mansion continued, but it could not drown out the sobbing flute sounds in the small house in the back alley.

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