Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 384 Respecting the Elderly

Ning Baoguan sent some gold ingots and cloth, which were not expensive, but with a letter of surrender, it had the meaning of "tribute".

The Chanyu received a letter of surrender from the Central Plains heroes for the first time, and he was a little proud and a little confused.

Xu Chu couldn't lie, and replied: "King Ning submitted the letter of surrender because he didn't take it seriously at all."

"What is his intention?"

"Using the name of Chanyu, suppress the powerful enemies around."

The Chanyu laughed, "This King Ning sounds like a villain who plays tricks, and he can actually be king. This kind of thing probably only happens in the Central Plains."

Xu Chu didn't refute. He hated King Ning, but he didn't want Chanyu to think too much of King Ning, at least not now.

Kou Daogu only heard of the heroes and rarely met them, so he had nothing to say.

The Chanyu wanted to know the King of Jin's response the most, so he continued: "The Tiancheng Army in the north - let's call it the Tiancheng Army, has advanced to 30 miles outside Jinyang. Qinzhou in the west is in chaos, and there has been no definite news, but there is indeed an army approaching the border of Bingzhou, with unclear intentions. They did not respond to the emperor and my inquiries. As for the southern states, King Ning sent a letter of surrender, Huaizhou and Luozhou deployed defenses along the river, and there is no sign of going north for the time being. The other states have no impact on the situation in Bingzhou. This is the general situation facing the King of Jin. How will he respond?"

"The King of Jin... must use a strange plan."

"What is the strange plan?"

"Since it is a strange plan, others can't guess it."

"Haha, such an answer is a bit tricky and useless. Mr. Kou, what do you guess?"

"I don't know this King of Jin." Guan Daogu was the first to admit this, "Looking at his behavior all the time, I don't know him. When Chanyu attacks Jinyang, he will surrender. "

"Since he wants to surrender, why do you set up so many defenses and not allow the cities to abandon?"

"Because he wants to surrender, he has to pretend to fight to the end. If Chanyu wins too easily, will he allow King Jin to surrender?"

"Chanyu smiled and nodded, "Okay, then it depends on whether he wants to surrender or use a 'strange plan' - surrender is not a 'strange plan', right, Xu Chu?"

"Of course not."

"Chanyu yawned, "Dealing with you people from the Central Plains requires guessing, which is sometimes more tiring than fighting."

"Two advisers walked out of the big tent. Kou Daogu walked towards his tent without saying a word as usual, and did not even maintain superficial politeness. However, Xu Chu, contrary to his usual behavior, caught up with him a few steps and said, "Although Chanyu can speak the Central Plains dialect, he does not regard people from the Central Plains as his confidants. How long does Mr. Kou plan to follow him?"

"Kou Daogu stopped and did not answer this question.

" Xu Chu continued: "If you stay here just to avenge me..."

"Why, are you going to commit suicide to apologize?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "It's not that serious, I will leave, so that Mr. Kou doesn't have to force himself to do something against his will."

"You want to escape?"

"If I leave, I must do it in an upright manner and let the Chanyu send me off with courtesy."

"Hey." Kou Daogu sneered and glanced in the direction of the big tent. "No matter what, I won't leave. Tiancheng and King Liang are not wise leaders. I have no intention of staying for long. Although the Chanyu is a foreigner, he is He has the appearance of a true dragon, and he is the one who can reorganize the nine states. "

Xu Chu bowed, "I feel much more at ease knowing that Mr. Kou did not stay with the Chanyu because of me. Thank you for telling me."

"Well, I can also tell you that you can't leave with me. I won't rush to retaliate against you, but one day, I will make you regret everything you have done."

"Then I hope that 'one day' will come later."

The next afternoon, He Rong's army encountered another city that refused to surrender. The Chanyu still left people to attack the city, and he led the main cavalry to march rapidly.

There was news from the front that the King of Jin had set up camp more than a hundred miles away, and seemed to be ready for a decisive battle, instead of shrinking in Jinyang City to defend it.

The Chanyu was looking forward to this battle very much. Every time he rested on the march, he would call some people to discuss military affairs and strive to be impeccable.

The He Rong army stopped to set up camp in the middle of the night that day. The Chanyu did not stop and personally led people to survey the terrain ahead.

Xu Chu did not follow them. He sat in the tent and chatted with Chang Yanzhi. When talking about the King of Jin, he felt that the situation was dangerous.

"How dare the King of Jin go out of the city to welcome He Rong's troops?" Chang Yanzhi was puzzled.

"The King of Jin was attacked from several sides, with insufficient troops and low morale. If he defended Jinyang, I'm afraid that all the counties and prefectures in Bingzhou would surrender before him. Going out of the city to fight can at least stabilize the morale of the four sides."

"But... the Jin army can't win, right?"

"Well, it's hard to win. Maybe Kou Daogu is right. The King of Jin just wants to fight for a decent surrender."

"Is there a difference between decent and undignified surrender?"

"There is a big difference." Xu Chu smiled, but did not explain. He always felt that the King of Jin would not easily choose any kind of surrender.

The next morning, the Chanyu personally led his troops to the battlefield. Xu Chu was not qualified to participate and stayed in the camp waiting for news.

Since he learned that he would be sent to Yuyang soon, Zhang Shiyu became much bolder. He had few friends in He Rongren's place and had nothing to say to his followers, so he often ran to Xu Chu's place and sent a lot of news.

"The King of Jin is struggling to death, and the Chanyu's army has surrounded it. It is estimated that the Jin army will be completely wiped out before dark." Zhang Shiyu was very excited. "If the King of Jin is defeated, the cities in Bingzhou can be defeated by sending an edict. In a few days, Jinyang will surrender, and then I can leave."

Xu Chu's tent was too small, so Zhang Shiyu could only stay put. "Finally, I'm finally leaving here. I won't come back again even if you kill me."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Xu Chu reminded.

"Yes, Shanyu said that he would let me come after he reorganized the army and determined the next target. Then I can claim to be sick, or let the queen beg Shanyu again." Zhang Shiyu rubbed his hands, "The queen is the key. After returning, I have to please her and make her inseparable from me... Xu Chu, do you have any ideas?"

"Pleasing the queen? I don't understand this kind of thing."

"Don't be modest, my sister hates you so much. After living in the valley for a few days, her temperament has changed drastically. She learned from you to talk about "big situation" and even ran away for you - think about it, she ran away from you last time - she must have been bewitched by you in the valley, teach me a few tricks?"

Xu Chu smiled and said, "The great way can be taught, but the strange art is difficult to pass on. The art of "bewitching" can only be understood, not taught."

Zhang Shiyu was very disappointed, "If you don't want to, forget it, I will find a way myself. From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever hated me."

Xu Chu wanted to say something, but swallowed it back when it came to his lips.

With his own safety guaranteed, Zhang Shiyu had the energy to think about others. "Strange, where did my sister escape to? There has been no news for so long."

"It must be a very safe place."

"Can it be safer than being with the Chanyu?"

"Maybe the safety in her eyes is different from what you think."

"Hey, she used to be arrogant, but now she is stupid, of course she is different from me." Zhang Shiyu always felt that he was in danger and his sister had to bear some responsibility, so he would get angry from time to time.

Zhang Shiyu left and came back soon, looking even happier. "As I expected, the Jin army only held out for less than half a day, and they called off the troops and retreated behind the fence, not daring to fight again. Chanyu probably didn't want too many casualties, so he also called off the troops and set up camp opposite the Jin army. I guess we will all meet up with him later."

Zhang Shiyu guessed correctly. Soon an order came, and everyone immediately set off and moved the camp forward dozens of miles.

On the way, Xu Chu discovered that there was a group of strange people in the team, more than 50, all old, more men than women, and they seemed to be He Rong people. They were not dressed gorgeously, not like adults, let alone soldiers, but they were definitely not servants. They walked in the middle of the team, protected by a large number of cavalry and served by servants, and were treated better than the emperor.

Zhang Shiyu also noticed it, and rode over to complain to Xu Chu in a low voice: "A group of poor relatives of the Chanyu just arrived this morning, probably to beg for money. Look at their appearance, they are black and ugly, even stupider than the servants who do rough work in my family, but they are proud as if they are big shots."

"Even your Zhang family has poor relatives?"

"Who knows, I have never seen it."

The new camp is very close to the Jin army camp, and even shouting can be heard from the other camp.

In the previous battle, He Rong's cavalry gained a lot, so everyone was excited and showed off their merits to the latecomers.

After the tent was set up, Xu Chu said to Chang Yanzhi: "This time, the King of Jin is smarter than me."

Chang Yanzhi was unpacking the package, "The King of Jin... The King of Jin is about to be wiped out, and he is smarter than the young master?"

"It seems that he will escape this disaster."

"How to escape?"

"Based on what you have seen and heard, what is the attitude of the Herong people towards the elderly and elders?"

"Although I don't understand what they are saying, I can see that the Herong people have no respect for the elderly. Those who work harder will get more, and those who can't work will have to wait for death."

"Haha, but the old Chanyu can always get The tribe respects them. "

"How can it be the same? The people I met were all servants, not to mention the Chanyu, but ordinary adults will also be treated well when they are old."

"Obviously so."

"What does this have to do with whether the King of Jin is smart or not?"

"The Shen family is familiar with the customs of the Herong people, and the King of Jin found a way to protect themselves from them. I originally suggested that he lead his troops to the north of the border, which is a strategy that will hurt both sides. In the end, it is better to use his trick of taking advantage of the situation to pressure others."

"The old guys in the team today? Can they make the Chanyu and the Shen family reconcile? It's unlikely." Chang Yanzhi was half-believing and half-doubting.

"The King of Jin's hope lies in these 'old guys'."

"Hehe." Chang Yanzhi felt that there was little hope, but he didn't want to argue with the young master.

The Chanyu, who had just won a great victory, seemed to have no intention of showing off, and did not summon the two Central Plains advisers until midnight.

The next morning, the scheduled decisive battle was also postponed. After three consecutive times, it was finally announced that it would not be fought.

Shortly in the afternoon, Xu Chu was called into the big tent.

The Chanyu's face turned pale, and he said to Xu Chu: "The King of Jin will surrender before dark, and he has designated you to go and greet him."

"Mr. Kou really guessed it right, the King of Jin really wants to surrender." Xu Chu laughed.

The Chanyu stared at Xu Chu, and after a while he said: "You are even more accurate. Hey, a Central Plains person..."

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