Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 376 Two Parties

The strong-armed Shanyu rode his horse up to Xu Chu, stopping less than a step away. The horse's hot breath sprayed directly onto Xu Chu's face.

"What did you say?"

Xu Chu stepped aside slightly, "I'm here to prevent a disaster."

This was his previous answer. Chanyu didn't take it seriously at the time, but now he understands the hidden meaning in his words.


"For anyone, going out in full force is an adventure. What Shanyu thought was impossible, wouldn't it be the most beneficial choice for King Jin?"

The strong-armed Chanyu looked at Master He Rong around him. These people had heard Xu Chu's words. Some people did not understand the Central Plains dialect and heard the interpretation from others. They were all dubious, but as long as they believed a little, they would be revealed. panic.

There are few people outside the Great Wall. Shan Yu's army brought almost all the young and middle-aged people with him. Those left on the grassland are all the old, weak, sick and disabled, but they are the families of the soldiers. Moreover, there is a large amount of wealth accumulated over the years on the grassland. Once someone If captured, the He Rong tribe will suffer huge losses, and the most important thing is that they will be homeless.

The Chanyu turned the horse's head, faced the adults of his tribe, and spoke a few words loudly. His tone was still impassioned and impassioned, but he did not win the cheers as usual. Instead, someone responded. Although there was some hesitation, it was a question after all. Many people nodded in agreement.

Shanyu said a few more words, his tone was much gentler, as if he was discussing or persuading, but it was obviously not very successful. He called Zhou Yuanbin out from the crowd.

Zhou Yuanbin's face turned pale with fright. Before asking, he spoke a long list of congratulatory words, as if he was defending himself and the King of Jin.

When no one was paying attention, Zhang Shiyu turned and stared at Xu Chu, asking with his eyes what he meant.

Xu Chu nodded, indicating that everything was under control.

Zhang Shiyu didn't believe it. He felt that he was being led into danger and there was little possibility of breaking free.

Zhou Yuanbin was still talking eagerly when Chanyu suddenly became furious, jumped off his horse, raised his whip and whipped him hard. Zhou Yuanbin didn't dodge, he was hit on the chest and screamed in pain. When Shanyu hit him again, he wanted to hide but couldn't. If you dare to hide, you can only move left and right, and then defend yourself faster, pointing at Xu Chu repeatedly.

Zhang Shiyu was originally standing with Xu Chu, but now he quietly took a few steps to the side, keeping a distance to avoid being implicated.

He left in time, and Shan Yu turned around and strode towards the "culprit" with a fierce tone, seeming to have forgotten that Xu Chu did not understand He Rongyu.

"Chan Yu has ambitions in the world, why doesn't he like to hear the truth?"

Chanyu switched to the Central Plains dialect and said, "This is a trick, not the truth."

"What if it's true? Shanyu is delaying here, but the Jin army is moving forward in a hurry."

Shanyu looked even more angry, but did not take action. He looked at Yuyang City not far away, "The massacre of the city will allow them to stay for a few more days..."

"The massacre will cause Chanyu to lose an important ally. At this moment, allies are especially important."

Shanyu glanced at the emperor, with a slightly contemptuous expression on his face, "No one from the Central Plains can be trusted."

"People in the Central Plains don't trust each other. Otherwise, there won't be chaos. The Chanyu doesn't have to trust the people in the Central Plains, but he should take advantage of this." Xu Chu shut up in time.

Shan Yu took another look at Master He Rong around him, finally made a decision, shouted a few words, and everyone immediately mounted their horses.

It was not until the enemy troops were far away that the Yuyang officials were still kneeling on the ground and could not hear the sound of horse hooves before they dared to stand up and watch, looking at each other in confusion. No one understood the cause and effect.

Back at the camp, Xu Chu was taken directly to the tent.

Shanyu had already issued a series of orders on the road, and the morale of the army was somewhat stabilized. He was able to take some time to discuss countermeasures with the adults.

Although the tent was large, it was still crowded. Xu Chu was squeezed into a corner. Although the voices around him were loud, he could not understand a word and felt quite bored.

Someone walked up to him, grabbed one of his arms very hard, and then whispered viciously: "Are you going to kill me? I will definitely take revenge..."

Zhou Yuanbin was whipped twice. Although his injuries were not serious, he was quite frightened.

Xu Chu said: "You should thank me, why do you hate me?"

"You think I'm a fool..."

Xu Chu shook his head and whispered: "King Jin has lost Shan Yu's favor and is about to be fatally attacked, but as soon as the news of going north to the fortress comes, he will be taken seriously again. Shan Yu is angry now and quickly wants to ease the situation. This is The opportunity to become King Jin is also yours.”

Zhou Yuanbin thought for a while, slowly let go, and lightly dusted Xu Chu's sleeves twice to wipe away the wrinkles, "But you caused me to be whipped."

"If you don't break it, you won't build it. There are some things I couldn't predict."

"Being beaten is a trivial matter... Will Shan Yuzhen change his mind? He still wants to attack Jinyang, and is more anxious, but others don't agree. He wants to divide his troops, and some of them will return to the outside of the wall, and some of them will attack Jinyang. Some people agree, and some don't. Agree, it’s a heated debate.”

"This opportunity cannot be missed. The time will never come again. Why is Zhou Canjun wasting his time with me?"

Zhou Yuanbin's face changed slightly, he said "Thank you", turned around and squeezed into the crowd, quietly contacted the supporters of the Shen family, and also looked for an opportunity to say a few words in front of Shan Yu.

The dispute was finally over. It was hard to say what the outcome would be, or even whether there was any outcome. When the adults withdrew, they were still arguing with each other.

No one told Xu Chu that he could leave, so he could only stand where he was.

In the end, there were only about ten people left in the big tent. Except for Chan Yu and Xu Chu, the others were all servants, standing in a row, waiting for the master's orders.

Shanyu sat on the blanket, silent and silent.

Shan Yu's eldest wife came in alone, went straight to Shan Yu and sat down, gently pressed his shoulder with one hand and spoke in a low voice.

Probably to prevent the servants from understanding, when Shanyu spoke again, he spoke in the Central Plains dialect, "I know this is a trick, but they don't believe it. You also know that many adults have good relations with the Shen family, and I have always concealed that I will seize Bingzhou." However, some people have guessed it and strongly disagree with it. Alas, they are all short-sighted people. God-given opportunities have given me the opportunity to seize the Central Plains, but they still care about the friendship they had in the past. "

The eldest wife whispered: "When they enjoy the benefits of the Central Plains, they will never remember the Shen family again."

"But now..."

The eldest wife whispered a few words in Shanyu's ear, and Shanyu turned to look at Xu Chu in the corner, "He?"

The eldest wife nodded, whispered a few more words, then stood up and left.

Shanyu said to Xu Chu: "Come here."

Xu Chu walked closer and lowered his hands.

Shanyu was silent for a long time, "You are good at tricks, and I need tricks. I want to try what Hingshan has not been able to do."

"If the Chanyu wants my surrender, I'm very sorry, but I can't do it."

"Well, you don't have to surrender." Shanyu showed no anger, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, from now on, you must contribute at least one strategy every day in exchange for your own life."

"Am I guilty of death?"

"You are not guilty, but your life still belongs to me. You don't have to surrender, kneel down, or accept rewards, but you have to answer whatever I ask. If you answer well, it counts as a plan. If you answer poorly, I will It’s useless to leave you.”

"It sounds fair. If I donate a few dollars in one day, can it be counted in the next few days?"

Shan Yu was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Okay. What's your plan today?"

"Doesn't the news that King Jin went north not count?"

"It doesn't count, because I didn't ask."

"It makes sense. In that case, please ask Shanyu."

Shan Yu stood up and said, "There is no rush for now. The news of King Jin's journey to the north has not been confirmed yet. If you are really lying -" Shan Yu smiled, "I have thought of three ways to make your life worse than death. Yuyang ? Destroy the city together, princess? She will definitely regret trusting someone she shouldn’t trust before she dies.”

"Some things are inevitable and do not need to be confirmed." Xu Chu said.

"From now on, you stay with me." Shan Yu had no intention of arguing.

Kou Daogu came in from the outside and bowed his hands in front of Chanyu, neither humble nor overbearing, "Chanyu wants to see me?"

"Both of you will stay with me from now on as consultants and staff. In the end, I will only keep one. I hope you two will work hard and not let me down."

Xu Chu didn't speak, and Kou Daogu said: "It's the same hard work. Some people work hard to achieve success, while others work hard to do bad things. I hope Shan Yu will learn from it."

Shan Yu smiled and said: "I know it well."

There is an advantage to staying with Shanyu. Even if you don't understand He Rongyu, you can understand their movements to some extent.

The Chanyu's original intention was to immediately attack Jinyang, Bingzhou, and then transfer his troops north to rescue his hometown outside the Great Wall. However, too many people opposed it. Not long after he became the Chanyu, he could not do whatever he wanted, so he had to divide tens of thousands of troops and return to the Great Wall along the original route.

The next things became more and more difficult to decide. Zhou Yuanbin used all his connections to persuade Chanyu to reconcile with the Shen family. He also personally went to battle, urging the King of Jin to have no second thoughts. Even if he had the intention to go north, he had heard that Rumor has it that He Rong was forced to take this strategy because he abandoned his old friendship and attacked Jinyang.

Zhang Shiyu also came to his senses. He had very few connections he could rely on. He could only ask for an audience with Shanyu through an envoy. He made a generous speech and expressed his willingness to personally lead troops into Bingzhou to share Shanyu's worries. As for the princess, she was kidnapped by Tang Shiju. , all the previous things were not from the princess’s original intention, and so on.

Both sides have their own opinions. Zhou Yuanbin's side has more people, but Zhang Shiyu's plan is more in line with Shan Yu's own thoughts, so they have been arguing.

Shortly after nightfall, news finally came from King Jin, but it was vague news. The Jin army seemed to have really gone north, but King Jin himself was still guarding Feihukou, hoping that Shan Yu could explain the many rumors.

The situation became stalemate, and Chanyu drove everyone away and stayed alone in the tent to think about countermeasures. Two quarters of an hour later, he sent someone to summon two "advisors."

Xu Chu arrived a step late, and Kou Daogu had just spoken to Shan Yu.

"Kou Daogu said that neither the emperor nor the King of Jin could be trusted. The best strategy was to kill the emperor first to win the trust of the King of Jin, then recruit him to be executed, and then seize Jizhou in the south and Bingzhou in the west to gain a firm foothold and then enter the world. What do you think?"

"Great idea." Xu Chu replied.

"You agree?"

"On paper, I agree."

Kou Daogu sneered, and Shan Yu said: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't beat around the bush, I don't like it."

Xu Chu said: "Although Kou's plan is clever, it fails because he doesn't understand the person King Jin is, so there is a major omission."

"Do you know Prince Jin?"

"He and I are sworn brothers. We once guarded the Eastern Capital together. We know very well that the King of Jin is suspicious and bold. Killing the emperor will not only fail to regain his trust, but will make the King of Jin suspicious and make him want to go north. Out of the woods.”

"What's your 'club'?"

"Sit and wait." Xu Chu replied.

Shan Yu nodded, "Both of you have good strategies, and they have solved several doubts in my mind, but I will not kill the emperor, attack and annex the state, nor will I wait for hundreds of thousands of cavalry to enter the fortress, how can I sit still and not move? Tomorrow Early in the morning, I will personally lead my troops south and take Yecheng directly."

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