As soon as Lou Gang mentioned King Ning, Xu Chu thought of Guo Shifeng. When he heard that the three families were jointly attacking Yecheng, he was sure that Guo Shifeng would definitely be involved.

Lou Jian was at a loss and confused. Ma Wei was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: "He hasn't arrived yet. He is on the way. You will see him tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"That's great. The three of us haven't seen each other for a long time."

Ma Wei didn't answer.

The silence lasted for a while. Lou Jian couldn't bear the embarrassment and said with a smile, "Yeah, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Ma Wei suddenly turned around and walked out of the tent. Lou Liang's face changed slightly and he urged: "Mr. Xu, you have made Prince Liang angry. Go and apologize."

"Don't worry, I have been a close friend of Prince Liang for many years, and he will not really blame me. During this period of time for Lou Zhongjun..."

Lou Jian cried sadly, "Brother, please don't harm me, okay? You can offend Prince Liang, but I can't. If you stay here for a while longer, you will definitely arouse suspicion."

"I only ask one thing and I'll leave right away."

"Ask quickly."

"The commander-in-chief of the Huaizhou Army is General Sheng Xuansheng?"


"Where is he?"

"They should be in the back, escorting the King of Xiangdong and the King of Jibei." Lou Jian ignored the etiquette and stepped forward to push, "Come on, we have nothing to say."

Outside the tent, Lou Jian's concubine was still shivering wrapped in a quilt, not because of the cold, but because of fear and shame.

Ma Wei had disappeared. Gao Shengze was waiting outside and stepped forward and said, "Master Xu, please go and rest."

It was late at night, and Yu Zhan was still awake. When he saw Xu Chu coming in, he immediately turned over and sat up. After waiting for a while, no one else followed him, and he whispered: "How is it?"

"The King of Liang is impregnable, and I haven't found an opportunity to take advantage of him yet."

Yu Zhan sighed softly and murmured: "That's right, if everyone is as weak as me, he will not be the King of Liang."

Xu Chu sat on the bed opposite and said with a smile: "The King of Liang is not more determined than you, you just want different things."

"The thing Mr. Xu said he cared about before has now come true. What does Prince Liang want? Mr. Xu can definitely see through it."

"He wants to be 'high above'."

"Isn't this simple? Just flatter and say nice things to make Prince Liang feel 'superior'."

"It's not that simple."

"Someone is willing to do what Mr. Xu is unwilling to do." Yu Zhan paused for a moment, "Mr. Kou is thinking of a way to meet Prince Liang alone."


"Several aides around King Liang admired Mr. Kou's name and went to visit him. I was also invited and had a few glasses of wine with him, so I overheard their conversation."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Master Yu has learned how to provoke generals."

"As long as I can save Yecheng, I am willing to use any method."

"We can let Kou Daogu try. If he can succeed, it will save me a lot of trouble."

"If Mr. Kou succeeds and Mr. Xu has not made any achievements, will he still have the dignity to return to Yecheng?"

"It's indeed a bit embarrassing, but Yecheng will still be happy if I can go back."

Yu Zhan said with emotion: "Master Xu, a good man, once ranked among the heroes, why do you only look up to women?"

"The woman Mr. Yu calls is..."

"Anyway, I am a guilty person, and this is not Yecheng. There is nothing I dare not say. The person Xu Gongzi relies on is none other than Princess Huanyan. Treating people with sexual intercourse has already fallen behind, and using male sexual intercourse with the female protagonist is especially bad. If you can persuade Prince Liang to retreat, you will at least be able to gain a reputation for being self-reliant, a hundred times better than what you are now."

“Do you think I’m ‘Israel’?”

Yu Zhan nodded, "I'm not the only one who has this idea, everyone in Yecheng has the same idea."

Xu Chu raised his hand and touched his face, "I didn't expect that I have such ability."

Yu Zhan was furious, "Xu Chu, I thought that if my master were still alive, he might appreciate your kind, but it turns out I was wrong!"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "You are not mistaken, I am not a person who 'uses sex to make trouble', and Princess Huanyan is not the kind of person you imagined. You don't need to use provocation methods anymore. I said I can persuade King Liang to retreat." , naturally it will not be in vain, it just needs to wait.”

Yu Zhan sighed and said, "I can't wait to see you..." and lay down to sleep helplessly.

Early the next morning, King Liang sent someone over and invited Xu Chu to have breakfast with him.

Yu Zhan couldn't help but remind him again: "It's even more difficult for others to meet the King of Liang. Mr. Xu has got this great opportunity, so he shouldn't waste it. If it's really not possible, it would be a good idea to introduce Mr. Kou."

Xu Chu smiled but did not answer, understanding Yu Zhan's urgency.

Whenever possible, Ma Wei is a man who eats well, even in the army. One of Gao Shengze's important responsibilities is to properly arrange the food and daily life of Prince Liang, so that no matter where he goes, there is someone living at home. Feel.

The breakfast was not rich. There were only a little bit of preserves, pastries, mixed grain porridge, bacon, etc., but they were very exquisite. Xu Chu could tell at a glance that they were from a famous shop in Dongdu.

Ma Wei didn't think there was anything special about this breakfast. He had just washed his face and dressed under Gao Shengze's service. It wasn't time to march yet, so he wore civilian clothes.

"I had something urgent to deal with last night. I left Mr. Xu in the cold and wanted to see Haihan." Ma Wei returned to his relaxed tone.

"Everyone in the camp is envious of the courtesy I receive. Where does the neglect come from?" Xu Chu said with a smile.

"Haha, please sit down and eat whatever you want. There is nothing good during the march."

Xu Chu sat down, raised his hands to the opposite side and said, "The army in the building."

Lou Jian also received the invitation and sat there blankly, saying nothing.

Ma Wei sat on the main seat and asked Lou forcefully: "Does Lou Zhongjun think it's not rich enough?"

"It's rich." Lou Jian immediately picked up the bowl, ate half of the bowl of porridge first, and then carefully stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the vegetables.

Ma Wei ignored him and said to Xu Chu: "Master Xu has been entrusted by others, why has he been reluctant to speak?"

"I suggest attacking Yuyang instead, but King Liang is not interested."

"It's true that I'm not interested, but that's not what I'm talking about. Mr. Xu is entrusted by General Pan, why don't you speak for him?"

Pan Kai only had a few private conversations with Xu Chu, and did not shun everyone. He just stayed away, but he was still reported to the King of Liang as a "big matter".

"General Pan just wants to know if I am sincere in abdicating the throne and if I am going to claim the throne again during this trip. He has no other instructions. I wonder why King Liang asked this?"

Ma Wei laughed, "Although Mr. Xu is not loyal to others, he is at least willing to keep his secret. Didn't General Pan ask Mr. Xu to persuade me to kill less people? If so, he lied to me and wanted to use this to hide his secret. Things..."

Xu Chu could only say: "General Pan did mention it, and I also persuaded King Liang."

"Huh? Mr. Xu asked me why those people offended me. Does that mean he is trying to persuade me?"

"After listening to the reasons given by King Liang, I felt that it was reasonable and reasonable, and I couldn't persuade him any more, so I gave him the advice."

Ma Wei laughed again and said to Lou who was eating hard: "My brother is not willing to flatter others easily, but an occasional word can make people feel like a spring breeze. He is much better than you."

Lou Gang smiled and said: "Yes, Mr. Xu has this ability, but it is not used by ordinary people. Even I have never enjoyed it."

Ma Wei said: "But Mr. Xu still wants to persuade me to retreat?"

"I will tell you later when King Liang is interested in Northern Hebei."

"I am interested in the whole of Jizhou, but now, I only want Yecheng. After breaking the city, I will go north. It won't be too late."

"It's easy to break Yecheng, but has King Liang figured out how to deal with He Rong's 100,000 cavalry?"

Just as Ma Wei was about to speak, a school captain came in from outside the tent and stood at the door, waiting to be summoned.

Ma Wei saw the captain and said to Gao Shengze, "Bring it here, I want to check it."

Gao Shengze bowed and stepped back, reached the door, took a wooden box from the captain's hand, held it in both hands, ran back in small steps, and stood a few steps away, not daring to come any closer.

Ma Wei said firmly to Lou: "Lou Zhongjun, I want to ask you for something."

Lou Ji almost choked and coughed several times, "Please tell me, Prince Liang, even if you want my life, I will give it immediately."

Ma Wei smiled and said: "I don't want your life, it's your concubine, what's her name?"

"Lazy face."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means she doesn't bother to put on makeup, but she is still beautiful. It's a name I chose casually."

"Well, when we met last night, I couldn't forget her. Will Lou Zhongjun give her to me?"

Lou Jian immediately said: "Of course, being able to win the favor of King Liang is not only a blessing for Lan Rong, but also an honor for our Lou family. I will send people to chase her back. We will be on the road soon, and we should be able to do it before dark..."

"No need, I have already chased her back."

Lou Gang looked at the wooden box that Gao Shengze was holding, and suddenly understood something. He took a breath of cold air, his hands and feet felt cold, and his head was buzzing, "I'm too lazy to tolerate her..."

"Well, her head is in the box. Please ask the military in the building to identify it for me. If I kill the wrong person, I have to hold the person responsible accountable."

Gao Shengze came to Lou Hong with the wooden box in his hands, opened the lid, and lowered it slightly so that Lou Hong could see what was inside.

"Look carefully, don't make a mistake." Ma Wei reminded.

Lou Jianzhan was trembling. He looked at it carefully for a while, nodded with great effort, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, it's her. She has a lazy face... There is a small pit on her forehead, which is a rare... flaw of hers. This must be her."

Ma Wei nodded, Gao Shengze closed the lid and handed the wooden box back to the captain at the door.

The captain completed his mission and retired with peace of mind.

Ma Wei said firmly to Lou: "The world is not at peace, how can I linger on beauty? But my heart has been moved, and I can't calm it down, so I have to bear the pain and kill the beauty. Fortunately, Lou Zhongjun is generous and is willing to give me the beauty, so that I can Thank you very much for not being known as someone who is good at killing other people’s concubines.”

Lou Jian tried his best to force out a smile, "It's just a woman. If Prince Liang had spoken earlier, I would have killed her myself."

"I'm the one who's tempted, so why bother the army in the building to take action?"

"Yes, I am a lustful person. Compared with King Liang, I am like a reptile..."

"Is Lou Zhongjun full?"

"Full, full."

"Then you can retreat."

Lou stood up and left. As soon as he left the tent, he heard the sound of vomiting.

Ma Wei smiled at Xu Chu and said: "Lou Zhongjun has this temper. He has to be severely discouraged before he can be loyal and loyal. Although he is a member of the Sheng family in Huaizhou, since he is temporarily staying in our army, even if he only has One day, you have to follow my rules.”

Xu Chu didn't speak and remained silent at this time.

Ma Wei ate slowly, and after taking a few bites, he said, "The candied fruit is good, Mr. Xu, try it."

Xu Chu lowered his gaze and said, "Prince Liang has no order from the emperor. No matter what, I will not stay to assist Prince Liang."

Ma Wei's face instantly darkened. He was not used to being rejected, especially when he was rejected in advance before he could clearly speak.

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