Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 337: Answering the Wine

Sun Yalu laughed in anger, "No wonder Master Xu has been living in the Valley of Repentance. His seclusion is fake, but he is avoiding office for real. So you think Yecheng is just a temporary power and can't pacify the world."

Xu Chu nodded, "That's about right."

"Hey, why doesn't Yecheng catch Master Xu's eye? Is it because you defeated it in Dongdu? Because Jizhou is surrounded by enemies? Because you used the wrong people? Or because... the princess herself? Do you think that Yecheng is full of yin and women can't compete with men?"

"These are all problems, but they are not the root cause. Yecheng is difficult to accomplish because of what Mr. Sun said just now?"

"Which sentence?"

"Pacify the world."

Sun Yalu's doubts lasted only a short while, and then he laughed, "So that's it! Master Xu thought that Yecheng was obsessed with Zhang's ancestral heritage. Others were "fighting for the world", but Yecheng wanted to "pacify the world", so it was difficult to accomplish anything?"

Xu Chu nodded.

"'Struggle' and 'pacify' are just different ways of saying it. Master Xu will soon find out that the princess is 'struggling' in everything she does, just like the other heroes."

"But when selecting generals, Yecheng still has to choose people from the nobles."

General Yang Tongcai, the Left Marquis of Wu, is not a great general. He was chosen as the commander of the Western Expedition just because of his noble background and his ability to suppress the Duke of Ying, Huangfu Kai. The person who went to greet him afterwards was also the old minister Yinfu, and the two kings personally supervised the army.

"This is just a stopgap measure... The commander selected by Bingzhou is also a close relative of the Shen family."

"So I said that the King of Jin's ambition is definitely not in Qin."

Sun Yalu shook his head and said, "It was a mistake to invite you here." After that, he turned and went out, and soon came back, "Please follow me."

Sun Yalu couldn't leave Xu Chu near the meeting hall, so he took him to a small cross courtyard, isolated from other places.

Everyone in Yecheng was busy. Except for the servants, no one came during the whole day. Xu Chu was finally able to sleep peacefully. After getting up, he drank tea and sat leisurely, watching the night gradually fall. The oil lamp was within reach, but he never lit it.

After nightfall, someone pushed the door in quietly, walked a few steps, saw the vague figure sitting on the chair, screamed in fright, and then said: "Young Master?"

"It's me."

Feng Ju Niang breathed a sigh of relief, lit the lamp, and put the food box on the table, "Young Master has cultivated the clairvoyance and can see things at night?"

"It's still a little short, but there's nothing worth seeing."

"You have to light the lamp, I thought the young master had fallen asleep, but you sat here for no reason. Is it fun to scare people?"

"Sorry." Xu Chu smiled.

Feng Ju Niang took out the wine and food one by one, and said, "Sir, can't you be patient for a while? The danger is not over yet, and you are causing trouble for yourself."

"What's wrong with me?"

Feng Ju Niang filled a glass of wine, "Why did you say that to Mr. Sun?"

"Oh. That's the truth."

"Whether it's the truth or a lie, you have to choose the right time. You can't say 'life is impermanent and you will die one day' when someone has a son? That's the truth, but it doesn't fit the situation."

"Haha. Madam Feng is right, but there is no joy of 'giving birth to a son' in Yecheng. Since you invited me here, you must want to hear the truth. "

"You invited me here to save your life." Feng Ji Niang corrected, and poured herself a glass, but just sat opposite and watched Xu Chu drink, without touching it herself, "Young Master, first think of some emergency plans to help Yecheng overcome the difficulties, and then find a chance to tell the truth after your position is stable."

"Position? What position am I in?"

"Young Master..."

There was a knock on the door outside, and Feng Ji Niang got up to open the door, "Who is disturbing you at this time? Is there bad news from the eldest princess again?"

When they opened the door, both the inside and the outside were stunned.

"Sister Feng is here." Zhang Shiqing smiled first.

"Ah, yes, I just arrived, bringing some food to the young master." Feng Ji Niang hurriedly smiled and stepped aside, "Why is the princess here?"

"I still don't get along with the little girl, so my mother asked me to move here for a few days. I heard that Mr. Xu is also here, so I came... to ask him some questions about the book."

"The princess has found the right person." Feng Ji Niang asked Zhang Shiqing to sit opposite Xu Chu, and she sat sideways.

The embarrassing thing was that although there was a pot of wine, there were only two cups, so Feng Ji Niang had to hold the pot with both hands and pretend to add wine at any time.

Xu Chu turned over a teacup, then pushed his wine glass to Zhang Shiqing opposite, and Zhang Shiqing returned the wine glass in front of him to Feng Ji Niang.

Feng Ji Niang filled the teacup halfway and said with a smile, "It seems like this is the first time for the three of us to drink together around the table."

Zhang Shiqing drank half of Xu Chu's cup of wine, and waited for Feng Ji Niang to fill another cup, and said, "Alas, I hate this kind of thing the most. Guessing and guessing, but not getting the point. Let me be frank, it was my brother who asked me to come, and Sister Feng must have been ordered by Huanyan."

Feng Ji Niang smiled awkwardly.

Zhang Shiqing raised his glass, "Everyone drink this cup, tell the truth, then Mr. Xu will go to bed early, and Sister Feng and I will report separately, how about it?"

"The princess is quick-witted... I have no objection." Feng Ji Niang looked at Xu Chu and signaled him with her eyes: here comes another person who likes to tell the "truth".

"I like to tell the truth, and I like to drink, but I am not interested in 'going to bed early'." Xu Chu picked up the glass first and drank it all.

The other two people were drinking. As soon as they put down their glasses, Zhang Shiqing said: "My brother is worried about gains and losses now. He wants to be the emperor, but he is also afraid of causing trouble. He wants to ask Mr. Xu: Did you sincerely suggest that he proclaim himself emperor earlier? If he proclaims himself emperor, remove What is the top priority to win over allies? Also, do you want to stay with Huanyan as a military advisor, or do you have other plans? "

Xu Chu nodded, did not answer immediately, and looked at Feng Juniang.

Feng Juniang coughed, "What the Princess wants to ask actually means the same thing as the Crown Prince."

Zhang Shiqing said displeased: "I told the truth, but Sister Feng concealed something, which is boring. That's good. I swear to the lamp that I will not reveal a word of what Sister Feng and Mr. Xu said here. If I violate this Swear, call me..."

Feng Juniang hurriedly stopped her and said: "Princess, please don't continue. I believe you, and I also swear that after I go back, I will only talk about my own affairs and keep silent about the questions and answers between the princess and Mr. Xu. Even if the princess asks, I will not Don’t say it.”

The two of them looked at Xu Chu together.

"Then I will also make an oath. There will only be truth tonight, and there will be no lies or compromises."

Feng Juniang poured the wine again and said before drinking: "The princess hopes that the young master can provide some first-aid measures for Yecheng just like guarding the Eastern Capital. As for the long-term strategy, she will also keep it in mind. There is one more thing. Although the princess did not say it clearly, her meaning was similar to that of the prince: is the prince willing to be a minister of Yecheng? "

"I'll have a glass of wine and answer a question."

Xu Chu picked up the cup and took a sip. Zhang Shiqing on the opposite side said: "Don't be too proud and think that everyone is asking for your help. Now is the time to brainstorm. My brother is asking many people for advice, and you are one of them. "

"The same is true for the princess." Feng Juniang interjected.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Okay, I will reduce my seven points of pride to three points, is that okay?"

Xu Chu raised his head and drank. Zhang Shiqing made a helpless face to Feng Juniang, but Feng Juniang just smiled.

"I suggest that the prince ascend the throne as soon as possible. It is out of sincerity. Whether it is for the present or for the long term, becoming emperor is one of Yecheng's advantages in competing with other heroes. As for how much of the advantage can be used, that is another matter. "

Zhang Shiqing took a sip of wine and said, "You can answer the next question, Sister Feng."

"I'm not in a hurry." Feng Juniang said.

"Don't be hasty." Zhang Shiqing said.

Xu Chu took another sip of wine and said, "Princess Huanyan wanted to ask for an emergency plan, but she did have one: she has already sent people to meet the Jizhou army, but she still needs to send troops north to reinforce Yuyang."

"The dangers are in the west and south, why go north to Yuyang?" Feng Juniang asked.

"Sister Feng hasn't drank yet, and you asked the next question. He has to answer it later." Zhang Shiqing was obviously more concerned about drinking than asking for advice.

Feng Juniang was actually a good drinker, so she picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp, and then filled it up for the three of them one after another.

Xu Chu said to Zhang Shiqing: "After the prince becomes emperor, the first priority is to form an alliance, preferably with the Huaizhou Sheng family, but I have chosen the He Rong tribe based on the prince's wishes."

Zhang Shiqing sighed, raised his glass and drank, "One is the one hundred thousand cavalry who came to the door, and the other needs to be won over. Of course my brother chose the easier one, not to mention the little barbarian girl blowing the pillow. Sister Feng, what is Huanyan? Thoughts? Only she can change my brother's decision."

"This... the princess didn't say it, so I can't guess. I'll drink a glass of wine as a penalty." Feng Juniang drank the glass of wine to avoid an embarrassing question for her.

Zhang Shiqing did not force anyone to do anything difficult and looked at Xu Chu.

Xu Chu was only halfway through his words and continued: "If the Crown Prince forms an alliance with the He Rong tribe, it will also be necessary to send more troops to Yuyang. Yuyang is the hometown of the Huangfu family, close to the border fortress, facing Yecheng to the north and south, so we must defend this city. The first is to clear the reputation of the Huangfu family, the second is to monitor He Rong's tribe, and the third is to provide mutual support with Yecheng to make it difficult for Bingzhou to take action if Yecheng is lost."

"Add more troops to Yuyang. I remember it. I don't know if there are any extra troops in Yecheng." Zhang Shiqing drank.

Feng Juniang and Zhang Shiqing each had one question left, but the meanings were actually similar. Xu Chu picked up the cup and did not drink immediately, "I will not be a minister of Yecheng." Then he drank it all in one gulp.

"You don't want to surrender, but you come to seek refuge?" Zhang Shiqing was a little dissatisfied.

"I am a friend of Yecheng," Xu Chu replied.

Zhang Shiqing laughed and said to Feng Juniang: "Sister Feng, did you hear this? This person is so arrogant. He killed the emperor of our Zhang family, but he still wants to be a friend of the Zhang family."

"The princess wants to listen to the truth." Feng Juniang smiled and stood up to pour the wine. "Oh, the wine is gone. It's my fault for lack of preparation."

"You can also use tea instead of wine." Xu Chu said. There was still warm tea on the table. He stood up and filled three cups, and then said: "I am not a friend of the Zhang family, only a friend of several people in the Zhang family. And I have ministers. A friend has a duty to be a friend. They are different. Is Yecheng willing to listen to the criticism of friends or the flattery of ministers? "

"All ministers can make criticisms." Zhang Shiqing muttered, taking a sip of tea and frowning, "But I don't care, I just pass on the message."

"I have answered both of your questions, please answer me once too."

Zhang Shiqing nodded, and Feng Juniang said: "Master, please tell me."

"Should Yecheng form an alliance with Qinzhou? The opportunity is not always there."

Zhang Shiqing and Feng Juniang looked at each other, but for different reasons, neither of them answered.

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