Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 327 Hitting the Ball

Zhang Shiqing was furious. What made him angry was that Yu Zhan actually repaid kindness with hatred, slandering his family and intending to murder the king of Xiangdong and his daughter.

Xu Chu was shocked. What was shocking was that Yu Zhan actually overheard his conversation with Qiao Zhisu.

Xu Chu smiled in shock, but Zhang Shiqing was furious, "This man named Yu Zhan is really bad to the core. He just framed Mr. Xu for a valley, and he also took our family with him."

Feng Juniang carefully observed the expression on Xu Chu's face and said: "He is very bad, but also very smart. Instead of going to the Prince of Xiangdong's Mansion to complain, he went to the Governor's Mansion and shouted loudly, which made the Governor very embarrassed, and the princess even more so. Embarrassed."

"What's the trouble? Catch him, torture him, and sentence him to death."

"Haha, if only things were that simple, my little princess, you don't understand the situation in the city..."

Zhang Shiqing sneered and said: "What don't you understand? Although Huanyan is in charge of Ye City, the entire city is 'borrowed', and the governor Zhou Guan is the real landlord. Huanyan married one of his sisters to the son of the governor Zhou The dowry was several times more than that of the princess, and he was promised a high-ranking official to win over this person. The governor of Zhou was not stupid. He accepted the marriage and dowry, but refused to become a high-ranking official. He insisted on being the governor of Yecheng and was a local snake. I heard from my father that Zhou Guan once said personally that it is a blessing for Jizhou to have two kings come to Yecheng together, and it will not be good if one of them is missing."

Hearing these words, even Xu Chu was a little surprised.

Zhang Shiqing finally looked at him and said, "You don't need to teach me everything."

Feng Juniang saw something unusual, but did not point it out, and said: "The little princess is right. Zhou Guan was afraid that his position would be unstable after one king became dominant, so he insisted on being neutral and impartial. As long as he got enough money, Zhou Guan doesn't care about anything, but he must intervene when the two kings are fighting."

"This is obviously a false accusation, can't Zhou Guan see it?" Zhang Shiqing became angry again.

Feng Juniang smiled bitterly and said: "So what if you see it? The news has spread. If he suppresses it without even checking it, people will inevitably doubt his intentions."

"What's the purpose? 'Collusion' with our family? As long as Huanyan knows what's going on..." Zhang Shiqing closed his mouth and looked at Feng Juniang again, "Huanyan is a little suspicious, isn't he? So I asked you to find out what happened."

"This is what the princess is worried about. It is obviously a false accusation, but it has been passed around, but it has made the two families suspicious of each other."

"Sorry, I made a mistake. Huanyan is the person involved and it is not easy to interfere. It is up to Zhou Guan to find out the truth on his own in order to convince the people."

"Exactly. It's a bit surprising to me that the little princess understood it so quickly. She must have learned a lot from the young master, right?" Feng Juniang said with a smile.

Zhang Shiqing said expressionlessly: "Yes, I learned a lot, more than I expected."

Feng Juniang laughed awkwardly and said to Xu Chu: "I came here just to remind you that the governor's office will send someone here soon..."


"That's good. There is also Tian Jiang. Although the matter is small, it is more difficult to solve. From the governor's house to the two princes' houses, no one can interfere. The Barbarian King is a man who wants face very much. If he takes Tian Jiang back to the outside of the wall, he will definitely Kill him..."

"I understand this too."

"Master...don't you do something?"

"Wait a little longer."

Zhang Shiqing whispered to Feng Juniang: "Before he spoke, I knew it would be these three words. It's easy to learn his skills. Learning the Three Character Classic is enough to answer everything: If things are solved satisfactorily in the future, it will be 'Wait a little longer' 'If the effect is not solved, it means that you didn't wait long enough, or it was not clever enough.'

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "Three words are easy, but when you say them, it is not easy."

"Why is it not easy? The more anxious you are, that's when he says these three words."

"Someone is trying to create a divorce now. Don't fall into the trap, little princess. You and the young master are one family..."

"We are not a family. Sister Feng, don't talk nonsense. I don't agree, and neither does he."

Feng Juniang suddenly understood, and roughly guessed the reason for the quarrel between the two people. She felt funny in her heart, but did not show it on her face, "Anyway, I believe you, Master. I have already been here, and I have said everything I need to say, and I have to go back to the city immediately. The truth of Yu Zhan's false accusations will always come out, Tian Jiang..."

Probably feeling that anything she said was superfluous, Feng Juniang said goodbye and left.

Zhang Shiqing refused to be left alone and followed behind, "I'll take you out of the valley."

The road in the valley has been reopened, and the carriage is parked in the yard. Feng Juniang holds the little princess's hand in the carriage and orders the coachman to drive slower.

"Why did the young master offend the little princess again?"


"Although we have only known each other for a short time, I have been favored by the little princess and she has always spoken to me about everything. However, she concealed something about this matter..."

"He didn't mess with me, he just... told me some truth."

"What truth makes the little princess unhappy?"

"Don't ask, I won't tell you. Anyway, it's the truth. I can say that I have benefited a lot, at least enough for half my life."

Feng Juniang was stunned, "I have benefited a lot but am not happy - what kind of truth is this?"

"It only has something to do with me, nothing to do with you, and nothing to do with Huanyan. And I'm not unhappy, I just feel...a little boring: most of my life is in front of me, and the only choice I can make is to walk faster or slower, A bit boring, right?”

"Hey, the little princess has never experienced the life of being homeless. How many people's lifelong dream is to live a 'boring' stable life."

Zhang Shiqing said nothing. She couldn't understand and didn't want to think too much.

"Young Master has many advantages, but he has one disadvantage: he thinks too much..."

"I thought it was to his benefit."

"It's an advantage, but also a disadvantage. If you think too much and cover everything, you will be constrained when doing it, especially when it concerns others."


"If he just takes risks on his own, the young master never hesitates. He dares to assassinate, dare to call himself king and rebel, and dare to fight a powerful enemy. This is all evidence. But once it comes to deciding the life and death of others, he hesitates, even if he appears to do so. He is cruel and ruthless, and his heart is not at ease, so he would rather give up the title of king and retire here. "

"I thought he was...forget it, Sister Feng, no need to say anymore, I understand what you mean: he treats me as 'someone else', and I naturally treat him as 'someone else'."

"Hey, that's not what I meant."

Zhang Shiqing knocked on the carriage, ordered the driver to stop, jumped out on his own, and smiled at Feng Juniang: "Sister Feng, don't worry about me. After returning to the city, concentrate on rescuing the field craftsman. Mr. Xu's 'wait' is not a day or two." , He is not correct in everything. If he makes a mistake, he will be dead. "

Zhang Shiqing turned around and walked back to the valley. Feng Juniang murmured in the car: "Is this little girl 'sensible' or not?"

Zhang Shiqing didn't want to play polo anymore today, so he brought his stick and practiced batting and hitting stones with Bunfen. Chang Yan and others were really tired, so they either went to take a nap or drink. They were very comfortable and completely unaware of the existence of trouble.

As expected, the people from the governor's office came, a total of three executioners, followed by dozens of officers. The officers stopped at the mouth of the valley. When the executioners entered the valley, they met Princess Fangde.

Zhang Shiqing was waiting for them. He glanced at them from a distance, looked at the exact position, and hit the ball, flying straight over.

The three executioners also saw the princess, and were hesitating how to pay their respects, when they saw the "hidden weapon" flying towards her. They were horrified. One of them ducked, another shrank, and another fell down, and they all tried to avoid it.

The polo failed to hit, and Zhang Shiqing sighed. Fortunately, there were still a lot of stones collected, which were arranged colorfully. She came to hit them, and one by one they flew out. Several people who were drinking came out and shouted loudly for she cheered.

The three criminals were dodging left and right, in a state of embarrassment. They shouted their identities loudly, but it had no effect. They had to turn around and run away. When they reached the mouth of the valley, they discussed it over and over again. In the end, they did not dare to break in, so they took the officers back to the city. Along the way, I considered my words and decided to file a complaint against Princess Fangde.

After repelling the executioners of the governor's office, Zhang Shiqing felt great and had finished playing ball. He said to Binfen: "Half a pound of osmanthus wine, and some more dishes, make them lighter. I don't want to eat too much meat."

Binfen ran to buy food and drinks, and Zhang Shiqing walked to his room.

The old servant had been watching the scene of her repelling the executioner. He didn't dare to persuade her at that time. Now he came over and said with a smile, "Princess, don't you want to eat meat? Some pastries were just delivered from the city the day before yesterday..."

"Try everything."

"Yes, yes, try them all. That...those people who came just now, seem to be official servants, right?"

"Yes, don't be afraid, executioners of the governor's office. If they dare to come again, I will use their heads as polo balls."

The old servant was startled and said hurriedly: "No, please don't do anything again. Officials are always official, so don't offend me."

Zhang Shiqing stopped and said with a smile: "Others can't offend me, but I can. Who told me that I am the daughter of the King of Jibei? If Yecheng wants to reuse me in the future, I must be allowed to do whatever I want now."

The old servant stood there dumbfounded and couldn't follow him into the house, so he had to surrender. No matter what he thought, he went to the warehouse to find some cakes for the little princess, handed them to Binfen, and then ran to see the young master.

Xu Chu was chopping firewood in the backyard.

The old servant said anxiously: "Young master still has this leisure time."

"What's wrong?" Xu Chu asked, holding an axe.

"A group of businessmen came just now, and the little princess beat them all away without saying a word."

"So that's what the noise was about." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"Master, you don't care at all?"

"The daughter of the King of Jibei has beaten away the officials of the governor's office, and no one else can interfere with her."

The old servant was stunned, thought for a while, and stomped away.

Xu Chu said loudly: "Please come over, General Chang!"

Chang Yan arrived quickly, with a hint of drunkenness on his face, "Master, are you looking for me?"

"I just remembered something. Tian Jiang was captured by He Rongbu in the city..."

"Tian Jiang was captured?" Chang Yan was shocked.

"Well, Mrs. Feng just brought the news."

"Are we going to rescue people?" Chang Yan was not familiar with Tian Jiang, but he admired him very much. He thought of saving people as soon as he heard that he was arrested.

Xu Chu shook his head, "The matter of rescuing people is not urgent. There is another urgent matter at the moment. After Tian Jiang was arrested, no one stopped the visitors. There may be accidents in the valley. They may not take the main road but the mountain trails."

"I'll arrange for someone to inspect the place right away. No, no, I'll go there myself." Chang Yan thought about it for a moment and found that he was short of manpower, so he could only hope that there wouldn't be too many "visitors."

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