Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 33 Night Visit

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Lou Wen's palm was as fat as an alien reptile, fleshy, but as powerful as a hunting iron clamp. He stretched out to grab his son's wrist, and before applying much force, beads of sweat began to form on Lou Wen's head.

"Liu Youzhong is right. Once you open your mouth, there will be chaos, so you'd better keep your mouth shut and stop talking nonsense, even hinting."

Lou Chu reluctantly said: "Prince Guangling will also return to Beijing, and the crown prince Zhang Shiduan will leave for Jiangdong to welcome his father tomorrow."

Lou Wen slowly relaxed his palms and said calmly: "I have heard that your Majesty has summoned back all the six important ministers of the Lou, Lan, Shen, Xi, Cao, and Huangfu families, as well as the four kings of Guangling, Jibei, Xiangdong, and Yidu. The capital, and the envoys sent are all the legitimate sons and princes of various families."

"Your Majesty must have something in mind. My child is thinking of the Lou family..."

Lou Wen exerted force on his hand again and sneered: "For your own sake, right? You are imprisoned and have no future. You wish the world would be in chaos so you can fish in troubled waters."

The pain in Lou's foundation made his voice tremble slightly, "If there is no Lou family, why should the child fish? Father and brother are like a mountain, but the mountain has no one to rely on. The child understands this simple truth."

Lou Wen laughed and finally let go of his hand, leaving a red mark on his son's wrist, "It's not the time for you to speak."


"There are many things you don't know. The six ministers and four kings followed the late emperor to pacify the five kingdoms and unify the world. How can you still defeat a smart little emperor?" In Lou Wen's eyes, today's emperor will always be a child. "You are still honest. Just watch, I will tell you when you need to speak."

"Yes, father, the child is ignorant. Everything is decided by the father." Lou Chu hesitated for a moment and decided not to tell the truth about the assassin. "Prince Guangling is holding a banquet tonight and invites the child..."

"Go ahead and let Qiao Zhisu take you out of the imperial city. Now is the time when the Lou family needs to make friends the most."

"What else does father have to say?"

Lou Wen thought for a while and said solemnly: "This is not the time."

"Kid, remember this."

"You are too young and have too little experience. You don't understand how complicated the court is. You can't say whether you are today's enemy or tomorrow's friend. You should have done something with me earlier. The more you see, the more you will naturally know more. Be careful."

"Yes, children, be careful."

"Well, go ahead."

Lou Chu went out to find Qiao Zhisu and asked him to send him out of the imperial city.

Qiao Zhisu came back soon and saw the general in a daze. He stepped forward and said with a smile: "Congratulations, general."

"Hey, I'm really worried, what's the joy?"

"Congratulations, General, for having an outstanding son."

"Seventeen? But you are more courageous and can speak a few words. What does it mean to be outstanding?"

"The general is too humble. If the seventeenth son is not outstanding, how can he win the favor of His Majesty and go from commoner to Zishiyuan in a few days? I don't know how many noble sons I envy."

"Haha, it's really rare to hear you say that. My son is a bit special. He... No, that's not what you meant."

Qiao Zhisu smiled and said nothing, refusing to directly comment on the relationship between father and son.

Lou Wen's expression gradually became cold, and he murmured: "Why does Your Majesty only like this son? If you want to spread the word, the third child is enough..."

"Perhaps Your Majesty really appreciates the talent of the Seventeenth Young Master."

"Hey, just based on an article signed by someone else? What's more, he is a prisoner, so what can he do if he is talented?" Lou Wen glanced at Qiao Zhisu, "I understand."

Qiao Zhisu resigned. He was just a staff member. He reminded him when he needed to be reminded and shut up when he needed to shut up.

Lou Wen was sitting alone in the empty meeting hall, quietly wrapped in the night. When he woke up, there was only a very weak light. He couldn't help but shudder and whispered: "Could it be that her The ghost hasn’t rested yet, is it going to cause trouble again?”

When the general woke up in horror, Lou Chu had already arrived at Guiyuan. He was taken to the living room by a servant and presented with a farewell gift prepared by Qiao Zhisu.

Zhang Shiduan was very happy. There were not many guests here tonight. Counting him, there were only nine of them. They were all best friends and could talk to each other about anything.

The banquet was sumptuous and everyone drank happily. After three rounds, Zhang Shiduan stood up and raised his glass, saying loudly: "I have made a request to the emperor. After I come back from Jiangdong, I will participate in the Western Expedition to quell the rebellion."

Everyone applauded, and some even shouted "Supervisor Army" directly. Zhang Shiduan hurriedly added: "I can't be a Supervisor Army, I can be a follower of the Supervisor Army, even if it is an ordinary soldier. A real man should be on the battlefield when he is alive. Once."

Everyone applauded again and expressed that they also wanted to join the army. Zhang Shoutuan bypassed the wine table and came to the table on the floor. "The general is the number one general in this dynasty. I will learn more from him in the future. I have no chance to meet the general now. I’d like to give you a drink first, Mr. Lou, and please give me a kind word to the general.”

Lou Chu stood up and said, "If you can get the prince to accompany the army on the western expedition, the general will be more powerful than a tiger."

"Haha, Mr. Lou praised me too much."

As with all celebratory banquets, behave yourself in the beginning, but when the excitement is high, no one can calm down a group of young people.

Zhang Shoutuan likes to talk about "the world" and captures every guest to express his ambitions: "In less than three years, I will be able to command an army of 100,000, conquer Herong in the north, pacify the barbarians in the south, and restore a peaceful world to you all!"

Lou Chi was a newcomer among this group of people. Apart from Zhang Sheduan, he didn't know anyone very well and couldn't blend in calmly. He pretended to be drunk and fell down just after the second watch.

After a long time, Zhang Sheduan discovered that one of the guests had fallen, and immediately ordered his servant to send Mr. Lou to the guest room to rest.

The guest room is located in a small building near the water. When you open the window, you can see the lake and the moon, but I can't sleep at the base of the building. I open the window and look into the distance, making my mind restless.

A boat seemed to be sailing on the lake. When I looked at it carefully, I saw that it was indeed a small boat, floating slowly. There seemed to be no one on board.

The boat gradually approached, and the faint sound of a woman's laughter could be heard. The windows of the building were hurriedly closed. There were palaces near Guiyuan. Maybe some family members came out to play at night.

A moment later, there was the sound of pebbles hitting outside the window, and the floor was startled. The first thought was that Zhang Sheduan's servant had sent him to the wrong room, so he didn't respond, hoping that no one would be there outside.

After several rings, someone outside called softly: "Is that Young Master Lou Qi up there?"

Lou Chu was surprised again. The person he was looking for was actually him. This time he could no longer pretend to be confused, so he had to push the window open and say, "It's me, and who are..."

The boat's cables were tied to the stone pillars on the shore. Five or six women were crowded on the boat, looking up at the window.

"Prince Duan said he would place you upstairs in this room." One person said with a smile.

It turned out that he had been "betrayed" by Zhang Sheduan. Lou Chu couldn't laugh or cry. Although the moonlight was bright, he still couldn't recognize the faces of the people on the boat.

" you want to see me if you have something to do?"

"I heard that the Queen Mother is arranging a marriage for you. We want to come over and see with our own eyes." A woman said.

The floor owner saw clearly that there were six people in the boat, and there was no maid in the dress. Hearing this, he felt unhappy and said with his hands in his hands: "You are all daughters of a noble family. It is extremely inconvenient to visit late at night. Please go back."

"Hehe, you are still a serious young man. Lou Shiqi, I might as well tell you clearly that the Empress Dowager wants to choose one of the daughters of the kings to marry into the Lou family. We don't want to be those ignorant women who talk about the three obediences and four virtues, and the husband's obedience Husband, no matter who you marry, you must understand it first.”

"Are you drunk?" Lou Chu couldn't smell the alcohol upstairs, but from their voices, it seemed that they were quite drunk.

"You men are allowed to indulge in drinking, but we are not allowed to have a few drinks?"

These princesses were spoiled by the emperor. Lou Chu said, "You must have seen me in the Guangling Palace, right?"

"Oh, I was recognized." A woman said.

"What are you afraid of?" the other woman said, "Lou Qi, not counting the last time we met, we were having fun and didn't look at you carefully."

"Now that I have read it carefully, please go back and don't cause others to gossip."

"Unless Prince Tuan is incompetent, there will definitely be no outsiders around." A woman said with a smile, finding all this very interesting.

Lou Chu was angry and said, "In that case, everyone, please go upstairs to talk."

The women on the boat kept laughing, but no one came ashore.

"We won't go upstairs. We'll feed the fish in the lake with three cents of our face, give you fine wine with three cents of our face, and keep the rest for ourselves. We won't keep you long, just ask a few words and leave."

"Excuse me."

"Can you write poetry? The lake is beautiful tonight and the moon is beautiful, maybe you can recite a few lines?"

"Writing poetry is not my specialty."


Another person asked: "Can you ride a fast horse?"

"I just rode during the day and my body is still sore."

Another woman asked: "Which of the arts are you good at: playing the harp, playing the flute, throwing pots, shooting, double-playing, and hiding the hook?"

"Ashamed, I'm not good at everything."

"It's really boring. Let's go and let the Queen Mother choose another daughter to be his wife."

"Let's go slowly without seeing him off." Just as he was about to close the window, someone else on the boat said, "I heard you wrote a good article."

"It just happens to cater to someone's thoughts. Writing articles is not my specialty. There are countless talented people in the capital. If you ask around, my name will not be among them."

"There's always one thing you're good at, right?"

"Hmm... I studied under Mr. Wenren in the Lu Xue Academy. I have gained a little bit of knowledge in name and reality, but other than that, I have no other talents."

Several women on the boat discussed each other and did not shy away from talking about the building.

"Isn't the Bai Xue Hall a place specially designed to house scoundrels?"

"What is the science of name and reality?"

"This person is boring and has no future. Let's go. Go back and tell the other sisters that you must not be selected by the Queen Mother. If you are selected, you must find a way to evade it."

"Or whoever is more annoying can be recommended to the Empress Dowager..."

"Hehe, this is a solution."

Sixty-seven unmoored and rowed away, the sound gradually faded away.

The floor closed the window, feeling puzzled, thinking that it would be fine not to marry such a princess, and she would not feel any regret at all.

Early the next morning, everyone saw Zhang Sheduan off. Lou had to go back to Zishiyuan and be on standby. He couldn't leave the city, so he came to say goodbye first.

Zhang Shiduan felt refreshed and smiled as soon as he saw the foundation of the building: "Did you sleep well last night?"

"I had a strange dream. I dreamed that someone knocked on the window."

"Haha, Mr. Lou, don't worry, it's just a few cousins ​​who are causing trouble. They grew up in the palace and were favored by the Queen Mother and Her Majesty. After leaving the palace, their father and brother were no longer in the palace to take care of them. They became more and more unruly, but there was no malicious intention. "

Lou Chu put down his hand and said he didn't care. He actually came early because he had something to say, "Even if I'm talking too much, I still have to say one thing: King Guangling had better not return to the capital."

The smile on Zhang Shiduan's face gradually disappeared, "His Majesty said that the general would try his best to prevent my father from returning to the capital, but I didn't expect that you would be the one to intervene. I thought it was just a casual comment yesterday, but it seems that you are serious."

The emperor had guessed almost everything, and Lou Chu sighed, "Then please ask the prince to give a message to Prince Guangling."

"Yeah." Zhang Sheduan was noncommittal.

“The flood is overwhelming, and the Way no longer exists.”

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